February 1, 1993 Minutes
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00
p.m. on February 1, 1993, County Office Building, 707 McDowell Road, Asheboro,
NC. Commissioners Frye, Kemp, Langley, Petty and Comer were present.
Invocation was given by Rev. Charlie Miller of West Asheboro Baptist Church,
which was followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Agenda Changes
Chairman Frye announced that agenda item "G" (Library Trust Fund) had been
removed and that agenda item "0" (Executive Session) had been added.
Minutes Approved
On motion of Petty, seconded by Kemp, the Board approved the minutes of the
January 4 and January 19 meetings..
JTPA Report
Janice Scarborough of Regional Consolidated Services reported on the
various JTPA (Job Training Partnership Act) programs her agency receives funding
for. Her agency works with youth and older adult programs in Randolph,
Alamance, and Orange Counties.
Home and Community Care Block Grant For Aging Services
Candie Rudzinski, Director of Randolph County Senior Adults Association and
County Aging Coordinator, explained the changing roles of counties relative to
the Home and Community -Care Block Grant for Aging Services. She noted that the
County Commissioners must make several decisions regarding these funds and she
presented her recommendations for decisions which must be made prior to February
15, 1993.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Petty, the Board voted to approve these
recommendations, which include the following:
1) The County will participate in a two-year regional food bid through the
Area Agency on Aging (AAA), a division of the Piedmont Triad Council of
Governments (PTCOG).
2) The County will exercise "Option A" whereby all money comes through the
3) The County will request that the PTCOG write checks directly to the
service providers.
4) The County appoints the PTCOG (AAA) as lead agency for block grant
5) The County will reinstate the County Aging Committee, make adjustments
to meet the new standards for membership (add service providers, delete those
with conflict of interest, etc.) and name it the Aging Services Planning
Solid Waste Management Program/Tipping Fees
George McArthur, Director of Public Works, discussed waste reduction
strategy, landfill site management strategy, proposed construction and financing
schedule for a new lined landfill required by 1998, and tipping fee projections
and options for 1993-2001 to finance the new landfill and pay for 30 years of
post -closure care at the existing landfill.
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Phil Prete of Hazen and Sawyer, landfill engineering consultants, presented
a chart of options for tipping fee rate increases.
The Board requested a calculation of rate increases based on a 1993-94 rate
of $24 per ton and indicated that they will make a decision at the March
Mary Joan Pugh, Chairman of the Randolph County Sol=id Waste Committee,
stated that the Committee and the Chambers of Commerce are working with small
businesses, focusing on recycling of wood and cardboard.
911 Update
Neil Allen, Emergency Services Director, advised the Board that testing of
the 911 system will begin February 15 and that it will be ready to go on-line in
mid-March. All dispatchers will be moved to the new Communications Center
within a week; most equipment is already in place.
Lease of 911 Telephones
Mr. Allen. requested permission to lease Liberty consoles from Centel for
the 911 Communications Center. He said that technology .in this area will
accelerate in the next few years and the County would rather not be tied to
current models so that we could be in a position to purchase more advanced
equipment later.
On motion of Langley, seconded.by Petty, the Board approved a 48 -month
equipment rental contract with Centel for 911 telephones.
Resolution Concerning 911 Communications Center Personnel
Hal Scott, Personnel Director, requested approval of a resolution
concerning personnel working in the new 911 Communications Center. The
resolution includes a provision for a 6 -month probationary period for all these
employees, deletes certain existing job classifications and adds new ones, and
shifts 5 positions from the Sheriff's Department and 4 from the City of Asheboro
to the Emergency Services Department.
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board adopted this resolution
Rezoning Public Hearing
At 4:00 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to
consider rezoning requests. ..Hal.Johnson,.-Zoning Administrator, presented the
following request:
Phillip Craven, Asheboro, is requesting that 175.87 acres on SR 1114, Union
Township, be rezoned from RA to RR to develop 59 lots for site -built or
double -wide manufactured homes with permanent foundations. The Planning Board
recommended denial by a 4 to 3 vote.
Walter Luther, 5071 Pisgah Covered Bridge Road, asked those opposing this
request to stand and approximately 35 people stood. Mr. Luther stated that the
applicant had purchased 701 acres, with an option to buy 500 more, and voiced
his concerns that all this acreage could be similarly developed. He also voiced
concern for septic tank problems, traffic problems on a road with a one-way
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bridge, and the devaluation of property values.
Pat Myers, 3999 Pisgah Church Road, had concerns for water pollution, fire
and law enforcement protection, and overcrowding of schools.
William Thomas, 1460 Howard Auman Road, had concerns for the water table
and overcrowding of schools.
Larry Cones, adjoining property owner, said he is afraid the water will
become contaminated from all the septic tanks and said there is already runoff
because the trees have been stripped from the land.
Gary Brady, 4352 Highway 134, said properties will be devalued.
Howard Redding, attorney for the applicant, said unless there is something
unique about this subdivision request to warrant denial, it would be unfair to
deny this request. He said there will be restrictive covenants.to prevent
unsightly homes and that development will be phased in. He said that with an
investment of $12,000 for a lot, any builder would spend a minimum of $50,000
for his new home, an investment which the builder would want to protect.
Walter Luther stated that Phillip Craven has mobile home subdivisions
already with deed restrictions but that he does not enforce them.
An unidentified speaker stated that Seagrove School is currently 105% full.
Ed Gavin, County Attorney, stated that the Courts have ruled that school
population increase resulting from the granting of a rezoning request cannot in
itself control rezoning.
Board Action on Phillip Craven Request
Commissioner Kemp made a motion to approve this request and Chairman Frye
seconded it. Chairman Frye then asked for a -poll vote, which resulted in the
following vote: Kemp - Yes; Langley - Nol; Frye - Yes; Petty - No; Comer - No
The rezoning request was denied 3 to 2.
Chairman Frye stated the the County'Is Zoning Ordinance does not address the
density issue in subdivisions. He asked Hal Johnson and,hi:s staff to study how
the ordinance could address this issue and to come back to the Board with
Resolution Establishing the Randolph County Fitness Council
Joy Hart, Health Educator in the Health Department, asked the Board to
adopt a resolution establishing the Randolph County Fitness Council and naming
the following as the initial members: Dr. Jeff Merrill and Rhonda. Hollady
(co -chairpersons), Ken Holland, Deborah Trogdon, Cindy Clodfelter, Annette Cain,
Tina Vanoy, Glenn Dawson, Mary Lisk, Kim Leach, and Joy Hart.
On motion of Petty, seconded by Langley, the Board adopted this resolution
Request for Social Worker Position
Marion Smith, Director of Social Services, requested a new Social Worker
III position for the Permanency Planning Unit. He said that the court system is
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increasing the frequency of review of cases, visits with parents and children,
and time spent in preparation for court. He said the State recommends a
caseload of no more than 24 children per worker, and we are averaging 32. Mr.
Smith said that the department has seen a dramatic decrease in penalty payments
and that the salary for the new position could be covered from the penalties
line item.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Petty, the Board approved this position,
effective March 1.
Resolution — Mental Health Surplus Property
On motion of Petty, seconded by Langley, the Board adopted a resolution
(ATTACHED) declaring Mental Health's old computer hardware equipment as.surplus
and authorizing Rick Moll, Deputy Finance Officer, to dispose of the property by
private negotiation and sale.
Budget Amendment — Mental Health
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved Budget
Amendment #26 (ATTACHED), which reflects an additional $735,578 in State funds
to Mental Health and $46,100 appropriated -from Mental Health's Fund Balance.
Mazie Fleetwood, Mental Health Director, explained that the Fund Balance
appropriation will serve as matching funds for a $200,OOO.capital funding grant.
The $153,900 which the County Commissioners provided for the purchase of,3 lots
adjacent to Mental Health in 1990 serves as the remaining portion of the local
Budget Amendment — Legal
On motion of Petty, seconded by Langley, the -Board approved Budget
Amendment #25 (ATTACHED), which moves $5,000 from Contingency to Legal.
Bid Award — Heating Oil
Patty Sykes, Purchasing Agent, stated that bids were received for No. 2
heating oil -as follows, with quotes based on the contractor's terminal price on
the date of their bid:'
Pugh Oil Company .6175
Briles-,0il Company NO RESPONSE
Randolph Oil Company NO RESPONSE
On motion of Petty, seconded by Langley, the Board awarded the bid to Pugh
Oil Company. Commissioner Kemp abstained from voting because of a conflict of
Resolution Rejecting Offer to Purchase County—Owned Property
Ms. Sykes advised the Board that the County has in its possession property
from foreclosure, located in the Rushwood Park Subdivision. and consisting of 1
acre. An offer of $1,500 for purchase has been received from Rex Durrett. The
appraised value by the Tax Department is $16,760. Ms. Sykes stated that, based
on the current value of the land, this probably would not be considered a
.reasonable offer. She said that in 1986, Claude Hoglan offered $1,400 for this
same property and the County Commissioners rejected that offer.
On. motion of Kemp, seconded by Petty, the Board adopted a resolution
(ATTACHED) rejecting the offer of Rex Durrett.
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Easement to Centel
Alice Dawson, Assistant to the County Manager, explained that in order for
Centel to give the County the cheapest rate for Centrex service, which is based
on mileage from the closest Centel station, Centel had to place a remote station
near the County Office Building and McDowell Center. They have placed a station
on County property on a 30' x 30' cement pad behind the parking lot at the
County Office Building. Centel is requesting an easement for this station and
will have their attorneys prepare the necessary documents.
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved an easement to
Centel for this station and authorized the County Manager to sign the easement
documents, contingent upon approval by the County Attorney as to the form and
content of these documents.
Update on New Telephone System
Alice Dawson advised the Board that the new telephone system is projected
to be operational on March 1, 1993. Training and publicity will be taking place
during February. Each department will have a published number and there will no
longer be a switchboard. Callers to the old numbers will be connected to an
information. center, where operators will give callers new numbers to call
directly. Callers can call directly to any individual in the system.
Date Change for March Meeting
The Board agreed to hold their regular March meeting on March 8 instead of
March 1 because Chairman Frye will be at the NACo Legislative Conference in
Washington, D.C. February 26 -March 2.
Dog Control Problems
Frank Willis, County Manager, reported that staff members who have been
studying the issue of dog control in the county feel that the best approach is
not to pursue a countywide leash law. They are in the process of gathering
information and pursuing various alternatives toaleash law. They will be able to
make a more specific report by the March or April meeting.
Executive Session - Legal Matter and Purchase of Property
On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board voted to go into
executive session to discuss a legal matter and the possible contract for
purchase of property.
The Board returned to open session and took no action regarding the
executive session. They then adjourned the regular meeting.