January 19, 1993 Minutes
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in special session at 6:00
p.m. on January 19, 1993. Commissioners Frye, Kemp, Langley, Petty and Comer
were present. Chairman Frye left the meeting at the point indicated in these
Chairman Frye recognized Kelly Thompson, new reporter with the Greensboro
News and Record.
Chairman Frye announced that the agenda item concerning the bid award for
the 911 backup generator has been removed from the agenda.
Second Public Hearing on Economic Development Grant Application
Chairman Frye stated that the purpose of his public hearing is to receive
comments from the public concerning the County's application for up to
$1,000,000 grant for water and sewer extension and water tank for Klaussner
Furniture Industries, who is proposing to construct a warehouse on Highway 49
South just outside Asheboro City limits. He said that the County Commissioners'
actions are subject to the City of Asheboro's decision to rezone the property.
The County's decision is whether to pay for water and sewer extension with
County dollars or with grant funds.
Tony Patnode of Hobbs, Upchurch and Associates, administrator for the grant
application, explained the economic development grant process and the specifics
of the Klaussner proposal.
Chairman Frye invited public comments or questions on the application.
Charles Hardin, 905 Monroe Avenue, Asheboro, stated that he was speaking on
behalf of the neighborhood opposition to Klaussner's locating on the proposed
site. He said that even though Klaussner has agreed to relocate the two
buildings on the site, the proposed plant is still too close to Monroe Avenue.
Mr. Hardin stated that the neighbors are not opposed to water and sewer being
run down Highway 49 and are not opposed to Highway 49's designation as a
commercial corridor. What they oppose is how deep off the highway commercial
development is taking place.
Linda Hunt, 823 Monroe Avenue, Asheboro, stated her concerns over the fact
the two-mile zoning jurisdiction allows the Asheboro City Council to determine
her fate, yet she cannot vote for them.
Judy Owens, 1417 N.C. Highway 49 South, asked if the grant is not approved,
would the County Commissioners have another public hearing to determine how to
pay for water and sewer extension.
Chairman Frye stated that another public hearing would not be required, but
any action concerning this matter would be done in open session and that the
newspapers would probably give advance notice of that agenda item.
Linda Hunt asked how Klaussner meets the terms of the grant application
(creation of 66 jobs) when they plan to employ only 40 at the terminal.
Chairman Frye said that all jobs created by the addition of the terminal
count toward that number, regardless of which Klaussner location they are to be
No one else asked to speak and Chairman Frye closed -the public hearing.
Resolution on Economic Development Grant Application
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Petty, the Board adopted a resolution
authorizing an application to be submitted to the NGC. Department of Economic
and Community Development, contingent on the City of Asheboro's approving the
rezoning request from Klaussner.
Chairman Frye left the meeting at this time and Vice Chairman Kemp presided for
the remainder of the meeting.
Home and Community Care Block Grant
Kim Dawkins -Berry, Director, Area Agency on Aging, discussed the Home and
Community Care Block Grant for Older Adults and the rol-e that AAA plays in the
implementation of programs provided with these block grant funds., She also
reviewed the calendar of events in the Development of the County.Funding Plan.
This plan requires certain decisions to be made by the County Commissioners
during the year, the earliest of which will be in February.
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board adjourned.