January 4, 1993 Minutes
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00
p.m. on January 4, 1993. Commissioners Frye, Kemp, Langley, Petty and Comer
were present. Invocation was given by Rev. Charles Robbins, Greystone Baptist
Church, Asheboro. Pledge of Allegiance followed.
Approval of Minutes
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the minutes of
the December 7, 1992 meeting.
Audit Report
Marie Martin of Strand, Skees, Jones & Company presented the County's audit
report for year ended June 30, 1992. She stated that this was a good audit,
that the County is investing its money well, and that the County has an
excellent fund balance for emergencies.
Report on voting Equipment
Steve Schmidley, Board of Elections member, reported that their board was
extremely pleased with the optical scan voting system tested during the November
3 election in 3 precincts. He said it was very quick and accurate and that
voters voted a more complete ballot with the new equipment than with the old
machines. He stated that disadvantages to this system are expense for printing
the paper ballots and the weight and bulk of the ballots for transporting them
to the precincts. Their board felt that disadvantages of the current system
(breakdowns, maintenance and repair, replacement parts, etc.) outweigh
disadvantages of the tested system.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Petty, the Board voted to allow the Board of
Elections to proceed with getting bids and more information from vendors on the
optical scan voting system.
Bid Award - Cab Chassis
Patty Sykes, Purchasing Agent, presented bids received or a Ford F350
cab/chassis with an ambulance prep package, as follows:
Capital Ford $16,038.95
Freeman Ford, Inc. 16,20.4.45
Montgomery Motors, Inc. 16,775.00
Vestal Motor, Inc. 17,135.00
Fred deFriess-, EMS Op.erations,Officer, reviewed the bids and has recommended
that the bid be awarded to Freeman Ford even though their bid is $165 higher
than that of Capital Ford of Raleigh. It has been his experience that most
vehicles have to go back to the dealer for warranty work or recalls at least two
or three times. If this holds true, then the small difference in initial cost
would be recovered in labor, gasoline and travel savings. Instead of having to
pay a crew overtime to travel to Raleigh, the ambulance could be taken to
Freeman Ford in Liberty by an on -duty crew.
,On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board awarded the bid to
Freeman Ford.
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Bid Award - Tire Shredding and Disposal
Ms. Sykes reported quotes received for the shredding and transporting of
scrap tires at the landfill:
U.S. Tire Recycling $67.50 per ton
Recycled Products Management 58.00 per ton
Browning-Ferris Industries 52.00 per ton
Browning-Ferris has had this contract for the past year and the Public Works
Department is pleased with their performance.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Langley, the Board awarded the bid to
Browning-Ferris and authorized the County Manager to sign any contracts on their
Bid Award - Blue Lights and Sirens
Ms. Sykes reported informal quotes received for eleven bar lights and
sirens to equip new patrol cars:
R & R/Hub Stinnette
Bar Lights $727 ea. $ 7,997
Sirens 190 ea. 2,090
$ 10,087
Southern Public Safety
Bar Lights $839.77 ea. $ 9,237.47
Sirens 160.00 ea. 1,760.00_
$ 10,997.47
Arrington Ammunition NO BID
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board awarded the bid to the low
bidder, R & R/Hub-Stinnette.
First Public Hearing on Economic Development Grant
The Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing a:t--2:30.p.m'. to consider an
economic development grant. Tony Patnode of Hobbs, Upchurch & Associates,
administrator for the grant -application, stated that this first public hearing
is for the purpose of receiving -public comments on whether the County should
apply for a grant. A second public hearing will be scheduled later to receive
comments on the specific proposal.
Chairman Frye invited comment and no one spoke.- He closed -the -hearing..
Proposal for Tire Chip Project
George McArthur, Public Works Director, advised the :Board that he would
like to apply for a $72,000 state grant, through N.C. Department of Environment,
Health and Natural Resources, to conduct a two-year study with N.C. State
University, on the use of tire chips instead of gravel in septic tank drain
On motion of Petty, seconded by Kemp, the Board authorized Mr. McArthur to
apply for this grant and to negotiate contracts with other agencies involved.
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Request for Partial Funding for Cooperative Extension Position
Harvey Fouts, County Extension Director, requested funding for 1/6 of the
salary and benefits for a three -county commercial horticulture extension agent
position. Guilford, Alamance, and Randolph would each pay 1/6 and N.C. State
University would pay 50%. The three months' salary needed for this budget year
($1492.93) is available in the Extension budget but would need to be funded.in
future budgets ($5,971.72 next year). Each county would send in to the
University its portion of the salary and the employee would be a state employee.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Petty, the Board approved 1/6 funding of
this position through the N.C. State University payroll system.
Resolution - Motor Vehicle Appeals
Billy Chilton, Tax Assessor, stated that a new motor vehicle law makes
provisions to appoint an appeals board for motor vehicle values and that he
recommends designating the Tax Commission to act in this capacity.
On motion of Petty, seconded by Langley, the Board adopted a resolution
(ATTACHED) appointing the Tax Commission to hear and decide appeals
concerning motor vehicle values.
Executive Session - Location/Expansion of Industry
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Petty, the Board voted to go into executive
session at 3:35 p.m. to consider the location/expansion of industry. At 4:00
p.m. they suspended executive session and returned to regular session in order
to conduct a public hearing.
Rezoning Public Hearing
At 4:00 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to
consider rezoning requests. Hal Johnson, Zoning Administrator, presented the
following request:
Jimmy Hodge, Trinity, is requesting that 48.36 acres on Hwy 311, New Market
Township, be rezoned from RA to HC for commercial development. The Planning
Board unanimously recommended approval.
Paul Barnes, realtor, stated that Mr. Hodge has a good business reputation
and that he will take care of the environment and the community. He said that a
20,000 square -foot building will be placed perpendicular to the highway on an
eight -acre section of the tract.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the request of
Jimmy Hodge.
Budget Amendment -'Asheboro City Schools Bond Fund
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Langley, the Board approved Budget Amendment
#2 (ATTACHED), which reflects $350,593 in interest earnings and $16,890 in
administrative funds transferred to the Asheboro High School Project.
Appointment - County Planning Board
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board reappointed Charles Adams
to a three-year term on the Planning Board.
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Appointment - Liberty Planning Board
On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board appointed David "Sonny"
Bullard to a three-year term on the Liberty Planning Board.
Appointments - County Fire Commission
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board reappointed Jack Lail and
Charles Teague to three-year terms on the Fire Commission.
Resolution - I-73
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Petty, the Board adopted a resolution
(ATTACHED) endorsing the proposed corridor for Interstate 73 through North
D.O.T. Additions
On motion of, Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board adopted resolutions
(ATTACHED) approving the addition of Liberty's Run Drive, William A. Henley
Place, and Red Cross Court to the State System of Roads.
Budget Amendment - Health
On motion of Kemp, seconded by,Comer, the Board approved Budget Amendment
#23 (ATTACHED), which reflects additional funding from the State for increased
caseload in WIC ($13,535), Food and Lodging Program ($3,367), and Immunization
Action Plan ($8,138). The motion also increased the half --time medical office.
assistant position in WIC to full time.
Budget Amendment - Piedmont Triad Partnership
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Petty, the Board approved Budget Amendment
#24 (ATTACHED), which appropriates $3,123 from Fund Balance for a prior pledge
to Piedmont Triad Partnership.
Economic Development Update
Walter Sprouse, President of Randolph County Economic Development
Corporation, highlighted activities and projects they have been involved in
during the past year, including the first Economic Development Summit, the
Piedmont Triad Partnership, the Randolph County Partnership, the I -Y3 proposal,
the Northwest Randolph Economic Development project,and the development of
brochures. He said that in 1993 he will be working on upgrading sites to show
industries locating or expanding here.
NACo Legislative Goals Conference
Chairman Frye said he will attend and anyone else wanting to go should
notify the Clerk as soon as possible.
Animal Control
Chairman Frye stated that staff has been working on problems citizens have
had with dogs and that they will have a report at the February meeting.. -
Second Public Hearing on Economic Development Grant Application
The Board agreed to hold the second public hearing on this application at
6:00 p.m. on January 18, 1993. (Later in the meeting this date was changed.)
Executive Session - Location/Expansion of Industry _
At 4:55 p.m. the Board returned to executive session suspended earlier and
returned to regular session at 5:15 p.m.
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Change in Date for Public Hearing/Special Meeting
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Petty, the Board voted to change the date
to January 19, 6:00 p.m., for the second public hearing on an economic
development grant application. (Earlier in the meeting, the date had been set
for January 18.)
Chairman Frye announced that the County will apply for up to $1,000,000 to
cover the cost of water and sewer, including an elevated water tank, for the
Klaussner plant expansion and new terminal proposed for Highway 49 South,
subject to their receiving a rezoning permit from the City of Asheboro. Future
tap -ons to these lines will be available to interested persons or businesses.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Comer, the Board adjourned.