020783BOARD OF C
The Randolph County Board of Comm
on Monday, February 7, 1983, in t
Building, 145 Worth Street, Asheb
7, 1983
ssioners met in regular session at 9:00 a.m.
e Commissioners' Meeting Room, Administration
ro, North Carolina.
The following members were present for the meeting: Bill Boyd, Chairman,
Richard Petty, Darrell Frye, and Floyd Langley.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Boyd.
Invocation was given by Rev. Paul Curtis.
On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Richard Petty, the minutes of the January
3, 1983 meeting were unanimously approved.
Bob Crumley reported that he had been investigating prices for McDowell signs
and that initial prices were over $10,000; therefore, the work must be bid out.
On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners unani-
mously voted to bid out the painting of signs for the McDowell Complex.
Bill Boyd reported that he, Bob C
Lloyd Taylor of Archdale to discu
Archdale Building to the City of
with City Manager'Dalton Fulcher
proposal to lease 1500 square fee
be presented for approval at the
is based on $4.00 per square foot
janitorial services and grounds m
On motion of Bill Boyd, seconded
unanimously voted to offer to lea
A copy of this proposal is includ
umley, and Richard Pugh had met with Mayor
s the possibility of leasing a portion of the
rchdale. During new negotiations last week
nd Mayor Taylor, the County discussed a
in the Archdale Building. The proposal must
ext Archdale City Council meeting. The proposal
rental fee. The City would be given credit for
intenance, as well as for the 4.6% tax reduction.
y Darrell Frye, the Board of Commissioners
e the Archdale Building to the City of Archdale.
d by reference.
Bob Crumley gave an update on the "Indirect Costs for Mental Health" issue. He
stated that he had written Randolph County's four legislators and had received a
response from Harold Brubaker, Frank Redding, and Wanda Hunt; all three indicated
their support for legislation concerning this matter.
Marion Smith, Director of Social Services, addressed the Commissioners to request
temporary assistance in the Food Stamps Program. Mr. Smith noted that work has
and will continue to increase, that Social Services is not in compliance with
federal time standards, and that his staff has continued to work many hours over-
time for several months. Albert Thompson, Regional Director of Social Services,
spoke in support of Mr. Smith's request, noting that a court order for the Food
Stamp Program similar to the Alexander vs. Hill order in the AFDC Program is a
real possibility in the near future. In June, all Social Services departments
must begin monthly reporting. Clients who have a change in income must report
it, and Social Services must document it through the clients' employers. Bob
Crumley noted that there is enough money in the current budget to handle the
County's portion (50%) for salary J or a temporary employee in Food Stamps. On
motion of Floyd Langley, secondedlby Darrell Frye, the Board.of Commissioners
unanimously approved a temporary position in Food Stamps through June 30, 1983.
Randolph County
Board of Commissioners
February 7, 1983
Page 2
Marion Smith requested the Commissior
Operator II for DSS programs. In Jar
ations to the County. Since Social
would take place, the money for this
the line item DHR Eligibility System.
On motion of Richard Petty, seconded
unanimously approved the permanent, f
ers to approve a new position of Data Entry
uary, the state transferred data entry oper-
ervices was previously aware that this transfer
position was placed in the current budget in
(Funding sources are 61% federal, 39% county.)
by Darrell Frye, the Board of -'Commissioners
ul1-time position of Data Entry Operator II.
Chairman Bill Boyd announced that the Board of Commissioners had received proposals
from the engineering firms of Moore, Gardner and Associates and from Minier, Diehl
and Phillips for the water and sewer lines project for Goodyear. The City of
Asheboro will be constructing water and sewer lines,up to the city limits and the
County will construct lines from that point up to the Goodyear plant. Mr. Boyd
noted that Goodyear has agreed to forego the 1 -million gallon storage tank if the
engineers can provide the plant with a 1500 -gallon flow with a residual pressure of
50 pounds. Mr. Jim Hipps, Executive Vice-president of Moore -Gardner, presented
Moore -Gardner's bid proposal, noting that Moore -Gardner has been involved in the
Goodyear project since the initial stages of planning on the proposed site.
At 10:00 a.m. Chairman Boyd recessed
hearing regarding a tax assessment r
Drive. Mr. Boyd asked if any involv
speak. Mr. Gano H. Hall asked if an
to make payments over a period of ti
be made over a three-year period, wi
else spoke. On motion of Richard Pe
Commissioners unanimously voted to a
the regular meeting for a scheduled public
11 on State Road 2280, also known as Farley
d citizens were present who would like to
provisions had been made for the tax payers
e. Bob Crumley explained that payments could
h an interest rate of 8% per annum. No one
ty, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Board of
cept the assessment roll for SR 2208.
Chairman Boyd reconvened the regular session at 10:05 a.m. Mr. Evan Minier of
Minier, Diehl and Phillips presented the bid proposal his company had submitted to
the Commissioners for the Goodyear project. On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded
by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners unanimously voted to appoint Moore=Gardner as
the County's engineering firm for the Goodyear project.
The Commissioners discussed the factlthat it would be cheaper for the County and
the City of Asheboro if they combined their contract for engineering services.
(Moore -Gardner is the engineering firm for the City, also:) On motion of Richard
Petty, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Board of Commissioners unanimously voted to
add the County's water and sewer lines to those of the City of Asheboro.
Bob Crumley reported that since Goodyear is planning to work three shifts, they.
feel street lights will be needed onlPineview Street up to the Goodyear plant and
that they should be provided by the County. The City of Asheboro is willing to
request Carolina Power & Light to do an engineering study for the street lights.
The City has a contract with Carolina Power & Light and can buy electricity cheaper
than.;the,%County. The County can reimburse the City for the electricity used. On
motion of Richard Petty, seconded byDarrell Frye, the Board of Commissioners
unanimously voted to provide street lights on Pineview Street up to the Goodyear
Randolph County
Board of Commissioners
February 7, 1983
Page 3
On motion of Richard Petty, seconded 1
unanimously voted at 10:30 a.m. to go
Chairman Boyd reconvened the regular
Commissioner wished to make a motion 1
the.personnel matter. No one spoke ai
as had been ruled by the County Manag(
Katie Vuncannon, Area Director for Me
the proposed site for a moderate leve
stated that the state had given her a
Girls Haven, off Highway 42. Ms. Vun
program has been mandated by a,.federa
previously approved a day treatment p
children. The group home is planned
Staff will work in 3 eight-hour shift
introduced. to the Board Dr. Doug Jack
Winslow, State Coordinator for the Wi
More than 20 residents of Grant Towns
to oppose the purchase of the home in
the Commissioners with a petition whi
area residents. Gail Hammer, Marvin
voiced their concerns and opposition
officials answered several questions
group during this time. Upon motion
Board of Commissionrs unanimously vot
for the Willie M. moderate level grou
)y Da-r-r-e-1--1—Fr-ye, the Board of Commissioners
into executive session for a personnel matter.
>ession at 11:30ra.m. He then asked if any
:o dissaprove the County Manager's decision on
id Mr. Boyd noted that the decision would stand
tal Health, came before the Board to present
group home for "Willie M." children. She
proval to purchase a house formerly known as
annon reminded the Board that the Willie M.
court ruling and that the Commissioners had
ogram at Caveness School for Willie M.
o serve no more than six Willie M. children.
with 3 persons on each shift. Ms:.Vuncannon
on, Project Director for.Willie M, and Laura
lie M. programs.
ip and the Grantville Community were present
their community. Mr. Roy Garner, Jr. presented
h he stated was signed by over 200 Grantville
ox, Zim Hinshaw, and other unidentified citizens
o the home for about 12 hours. Mental Health
aised by the Commissioners and by the citizens'
f Floyd Langley, seconded by Darrell Frye, the
d to disapprove the proposed Girls Haven site
Chairman Bill Boyd adjourned the meeting for lunch at 1:05 p.m. and reconvened the
meeting at 2:00 p.m.
Mr. Jack Moore, Executive News Director for Channel 8 TV, came before the Board to
discuss the :-use•2of-cameras in the courtroom and to request approval from the Board
to begin preliminary plans for setting up the news media's booth in the courtroom.
Mr -.-.Moore stated that, according to the Supreme Court ruling, a three-member
committee (one each from television, radio and newspaper) is to be appointed to
work through the Commissioners, the Senior Resident Superior Court Judge, and the
Clerk of Court to establish procedures for setting up. cameras in the courtroom. On
motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Board of Commissioners voted
unanimously to give tentative permission for the media to set up cameras in the
courtrooms (Courtrooms A and C), dependent upon the feasibility of carrying out the
Upon motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Board of Commissioners
unanimously appointed Lee Ashburn to a five-year term.on the Ashboro Planning Board.
Finance Officer Frank Willis presented a budget amendment for accepting $1075 from
Carolina Power and Light for a fuel assistance program. The money will be channeled
through Social Services. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Darrell Frye, the
Commissioners unanimously approved this budget amendment. A copy of this budget
amendment is included by reference.
Randolph County
B;gard of Commissioners
February 7, 1983
Page 4
Frank Willis presented to the Commissioners four bids received for a van to be
purchased by Mental Health. He noted that two companies did not include a bid
bond with their bid; therefore, by law, those two bids could not be considered
or accepted. Mr. Willis also commented that since Mental Health had previously
contacted some companies asking for informal bids; these two companies may not
have realized the bid request they received from the Finance Office was for formal
bidding.. Freeman Ford was the lowest acceptable bidder. Mr. Willis commented
that the Commissioners could accept the low bid or throw out all bids and go
through the process again. He also recommended that the performance bond require-
ment be waived. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Board
of Commissioners unanimously voted to award the bid to Freeman Ford and to waive
theperformance bond requirement.
Bob Crumley reported that certain municipalities in Randolph County are currently
using the SheriffDepartment's radio frequencies who have never received formal
approval to do so from the FCC. On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Floyd
Langley, the Board of. Commissioners unanimously voted to allow the towns of Liberty,
Ramseur, Seagrove, Archdale, Randleman, and Asheboro to use Randolph County Sheriff
Department's radio frequencies and directed the County Manager to seek permission
from FCC for those towns to do so.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Records Retention and
Disposition Schedule for the County Administrative, Finance, Legal, and Personnel
Offices was unanimously approved. A copy of this schedule is included by reference.
George Elliott, Health Director, came before the Board to discuss the county landfill.
He noted that the next designated area to be used in the landfill has two springs in
it; therefore, a dike and sedimentation basin are planned for that area. Wayne
Wright, who currently has the landfill contract, has agreed to build the dike and
basin. If Mr. Wright receives a contract for the next two years, there will be no
charge for the building of the dike. If he does not receive the contract, he will
bill the County for $1.00 per cubic yard for all of the dirt removed, not to exceed
11,000 cubic yards, minus a percentage of the dike that will have been used by June
30, 1983. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Richard Petty, the Board of
Commissioners unanimously approved George Elliott's proposal that Wayne Wright build
a dike and sedimentation basin in the next phase of the landfill.
George Elliott related information to the Board that the State has recommended that
Randolph County not accept any battery waste in the general landfill area. The
County and Union Carbide had been working on a potential 5 -acre permanent storage
site for batteries, but the State correspondence has questioned this possibility,
also. Mr. Elliott noted that Union Carbide would share in the cost for developing
a special area for the battery disposal. County Manager Bob Crumley suggested that
prior to use of a permanent -storage site, that the County obtain a letter from
Union Carbide accepting joint liability in the case of a required clean-up. Bill
Banker, representative from Union Carbide, stated that Union Carbide has always been
a good corporate citizen and is.willing to work with the Commissioners to establish
a suitable arrangement for safely disposing of the battery waste. The Randolph
County Commissioners, on -motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Richard Petty, directed
that no batteries be accepted into the new general landfill area being constructed
by the dike and sedimentation basin. The motion also directed the County Manager
and Mr. Elliott to work with Union Carbide in finding a temporary storage site for
the battery waste until the permanent 5 -acre storage site can be accepted, approved,
and constructed.
Randolph County
Board of Commissioners,
February 7, 1983
Page '5
Billy Chilton, Tax Supervisor, informed the Board of,.Com?nissioner"s.that R;.G.:'Rowland
Appraisals of Salisbury may be ready to start county property revaluation as early
as March. The appraisers, who will eventually visit every parcel of.property in
the county, will be given special identification cards so property owners will know
who they are. The revaluation will cost around $235,000, which is less than the
cost of the last revaluation in the mid -1970's. This lower cost is possible because
the Tax Department has agreed to do the entering of the information into its computer
Billy Chilton presented to the Commissioners some examples of the aerial photography
completed by Moore -Gardner for the Tax Department's mapping project. The aerial
photographs show actual acreage and may differ from acreage shown on some deeds. In
those cases, landowners will be notified of the discrepancy and the deed error will
be explained.
Billy Chilton presented to the Commissioners a new pre -listing system and form which
his department has developed. Under the proposed system, all the property the tax-
payer listed in the previous year will show up on the form the next year. If no
property has changed, all the taxpayer does is sign the form and return it. If there
has been a.change, the taxpayer marks through the old information and inserts the new.
One special feature on the new form is that the value of every item listed in the
previous year will be given on the new form. Mr. Chilton added that the new form and
system must be approved by the state before it can be put into effect. On motion of
Richard. Petty, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Board'of Commissioners unanimously
approved the form.
Bob Crumley reported that.the Randolph Arts Guild has asked to be approved as the
lead agency for the North Carolina arts grants received in Randolph County. Currently
all grants are channeled through the state because there has been no agency locally
to handle them. On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Richard Petty, the Board of
Commissioners unanimously approved the Randolph Arts Guild as the lead agency for
the dissemination of the North Carolina Grassroots Arts Program.
Bob Crumley reported on various work and repairs needed for the Courthouse area and
stated that he had receieved bids on all the work to be done. He noted that all
work would be paid for from Court Facility Fees, funds generated through the courts.
On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Richard Petty, the Commissioners unanimously
approved the low bid of $4,150 from Interiors -Exteriors for the resurfacing of the
main Courthouse floor.
Mr. Crumley advised the Board that a break in the steam line going to the basement
of the Administration Building would cost $4,000 to repair. A new system for heating
and air conditioning could be installed for a little more. On motion of Darrell
Frye, seconded by Richard Petty, the Board of Commissioners unanimously approved a
bid of $5,635 from Jordan Sheet Metal and Plumbing to install a Carrier heating and
air conditioning unit in the basement of the Administration Building.
On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners unanimously
voted to accept the low bid of $6,800 from Woodell Painting and Drywall Company for
the painting of the interior of the Courthouse.
Randolph County
Board of�:Commissioners
February 7, 1983
Page 6
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Richard Petty, the Board of Commissioners
voted unanimously to accept a bid of $5,747 from Elliott Office Equipment for
furniture for Courtroom C, Clerk of Court Conference Room, and for chairs in the
Bill Boyd related to the Board that Bill Poindexter of Farmers Home Administration
has asked for space in the Courthouse to set up an office. FHA currently has an
office in the Federal Building, but the space is inadequate. Mr. Boyd noted that
the two rooms in the basement of the Courthouse which were.previously used for
Computer Services are now empty. On motion of Bill Boyd, seconded by Richard Petty,
the Board of Commissioners unanimously voted to allow FHA to use the old Computer
Services area in the Courthouse basement.
Bob Crumley brought to the Commissioners' attention the first issue of the County
newsletter, which was put together by Alice Dawson, secretary to the County Manager.
Mr. Crumley stated that he had received many complimentary remarks from staff and
employees about the newsletter.
On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Floyd Langley, the meeting was adjourned.