April 6, 1983
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 9:00
a.m. on Wednesday, April 6, 1983 in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Administra=
tion Building, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, North Carolina.
The following members were present for the meeting: Chairman Bill Boyd,
Richard Pugh, Richard Petty, Darrell Frye, and Floyd Langley.
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Bill Boyd and invocation was
given by Rev. Earl Roberts.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Richard Petty, the minutes of the
March 7 and March 14 meetings were unanimously approved.
Glenn Grandin, President of the Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce, came
before the board to present a proposal for Randolph County to cover the expense
of six official "Welcome to Randolph" signs to be placed along Highway 311,
Highway 49, Highway 64 East and West, and 220 Bypass North and South. The
projected cost for these signs would be $31,000. Mr. Grandin displayed a
drawing of the design approved by the Chamber of -Commerce committee working on
this project. He explained that the metal signs would stand 32' tall, 18'
wide, and would be attached to a concrete base. He stated that the Chamber of
Commerce is involved because they feel the N.C. Zoo and the business it brings
to the county is good for the county. Each year 12 million vehicles travel the
four highways the signs would be on, which could generate a large payback for
the money spent on the amount of the signs. The Commissioners discussed the
proposal at length, with Floyd Langley and Darrell Frye voicing concern over
the amount of the request. They discussed lighting the signs, which would cost
an additional $2700. If the signs were approved, it would take around 60 days
to get them erected. The signs could be placed on highway right-of-way, since
the Commissioners previously approved them as official welcome signs.
Commissioner Richard Pugh, a member of the Chamber committee that developed the
proposal, commented that the county already has a large investment in the zoo
(through water bonds) and had approved the concept of the signs last year. He
noted that, while this board was not committed to a previous board's decision,
he felt that it was a project that was intended to be completed. Bob Crumley
pointd out that the project would have to be bid out if approved, since the
amount was over the $10,000 minimum for formal bidding. Richard Pugh made the
motion, seconded by Richard Petty, to approve the proposal and consider it as a
budget request for the 83-84 fiscal year and to include the cost of lighting.
The motion carried, with,one dissenting vote by Floyd Langley.
On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners
unanimously approved a resolution supporting General Revenue Sharing. A copy
of this resolution is included by reference.
On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Richard Pugh, the Commissioners
unanimously voted not to accept a resolution supporting House Bill 426, which
had been presented by NCACC.
Katy Vuncannon, Area Director for Mental Health, came before the Board to
request permission to accept $68,959 in state monies for a deinstitutionaliza-
tion program which would shift care from institutions to local resources.
Minutes of April 6, 1983 Commissioners Meeting
Page 2
Mental Health's caseload has expanded to about 45 new clients a month (25-35 in
adult services) and there is a waiting list. This funding would expand adult
services, short-term in-patient services, after -hour emergency services and
crisis management, day treatment, staff and transportation, and increase the
psychological component. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Richard Pugh,
the Commissioners unanimously voted to accept the $68,959 from the State for
this program.
Bill Bizzell of Moore -Gardner presented to the Board two alternative routes
for running water lines to the Goodyear site. Route A would have a total cost
of $240,000 and would only provide one source of water for the Goodyear plant.
Route B would have a total cost of $319,000. Although Route A would not cost
the County as much to install as Route B, it would not have the capacity for
providing any additional water supply for future industry in the Goodyear area.
Route B would have this additional capacity and could possibly save the County
money if, at some later date, another industry located in the same general area
as Goodyear. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Richard Pugh, the
Commissioners unanimously approved the route (Route B) with the projected cost
of $319,000. Mr. Pugh noted that the Commissioners' justification for choosing
this,route-is the cost factor in the future with potential industry.
On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Board of Commis-
sioners at 10:15 a.m. adjourned regular session to hold a public hearing on
industrial revenue bonds for Dixie Container Corporation. After the Board had
heard all persons who requested to be heard, Darrell Frye moved that the public
hearing be closed. The motion was seconded by Richard Pugh and unanimously
carried. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commission-
ers unanimously approved in principle 51,000,000 revenue bonds for the Dixie
Container project. A copy of these proceedings is incorporated by reference.
Bob Crumley gave an update on the Motor Freight Carriers Suit against
various North Carolina counties. In 1982 the suit was handled for the counties
involved- through a joint legal fund. -In 1983, however, these counties must be
represented individually. Mr. Crumley, as County Attorney, requested permis-
sion from the Board to negotiate with counsel for the Motor Freight Carriers.
On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Board unanimously
authorized Mr. Crumley to negotiate this case for Randolph County.
Bob Crumley presented an administrative reorganization proposal for the
Commissioners' approval. The reorganization would involve creating two new
departments: Property Development (including Building Inspections and Planning
& Zoning) to be headed by Hal Johnson of the Health Department; and Emergency
Services -(including Fire Marshal, EMS, and a new position of administrative
assistant), which would create a new position of Emergency Services Director.
Another change incorporated into the proposal was to give additional responsi-
bilities to Frank Willis, Assistant County Manager and Finance Officer. This
would include centralizing purchasing and all accounting functions within the
Finance Department and placing Computer Services and Property Maintenance under
the jurisdiction of Frank Willis. Howard Wood, Secretary of the Randolph
County Firemen's Association, stated that the County Manager's proposal incor-
porates -the things the association has been seeking. Richard Stockner from
Emergency Medical Services, George Kivett, President of Ash -Rand Rescue, and
Joyce Hoke, Randolph County citizen, spoke in favor of the creation of an
Emergency Services Department. George Elliott, Director of Health, said he is
supportive of the concept and has no opposition, but hopes that if Randolph
County is going to pattern other counties' systems, we will also go with their
salary scale. He agreed that Planning & Zoning should be closer to the County
Manager. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Board of
Commissioners unanimously approved the reorganization proposal, with the under-
Minutes of April 6, 1983 Commissioners Meeting
Page 3
standing that the only area of immediate need is the Emergency Services. Other
changes are to implemented as is feasible and practical.
Marion Smith, Director of Social Services, and Sara Newberry, Chairman of
the Social Services Board, spoke to the Commissioners concerning the Cheese and
Butter program. Mr. Smith stated that with the new guidelines making more
people eligible, and with the addition of cornmeal, rice, and dry milk to the
cheese and butter, it will be an enormous undertaking to distribute the commod-
ities in a timely manner. In the past, Social Services has been serving 1200
units; this number probably will increase to 3000-5000. Bob Crumley read a
letter he had received from the Department of Agriculture in Raleigh asking the
County to name a lead agency for this program. Mr. Smith stated that since
there didn't seem to be any alternative to Social Service's handling this
program, they would agree to being the lead agency. On motion of Richard Pugh,
seconded by Richard Petty, the Commissioners unanimously approved Social Ser-
vices as the lead agency for the distribution on a quarterly basis.
Dr. George Fleetwood, Superintendent of County Schools, and Don Osborne,
Chairman of the Randolph County Board of Education, presented to the Commis-
sioners the findings and recommendations of the High School Curriculum Improve
ment Plan, a two-year self-study which has just been completed by a committee
of teachers and administrators in the Randolph County schools.
Don Heard, County Fire Marshal, brought before the Board maps and boundary
descriptions of three fire districts. On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by
Darrell Frye, the map of the proposed Southwest Randolph Fire District was
unanimously approved. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Richard Petty,
the application of Southwest was unanimously approved. On motion of Richard
Petty, seconded by Darrell Frye, the map of the proposed expansion of the
Climax Fire District was unanimously approved. On motion of Richard Petty,
seconded by Darrel Frye,the application of Climax was unanimously approved. On
motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Richard Pugh, the map of the proposed
,Tabernacle Fire District was unanimously approved. On motion of Richard Petty,
seconded by Richard Pugh, the application of Tabernacle was unanimously
Bob Crumley reported that he had received a letter from 0. W. Strickland,
head of the state solid and hazardous waste management branch of Human Resour-
ces Department in Raleigh. The letter stated that Union Carbide would not be
able to continue storing waste batteries at the county landfill because they
pose an unacceptable potential long-term risk to the public health and environ-
ment. The County has been holding some batteries in a segregated site at the
landfill until this letter came and will continue to hold them until Union
Carbide can complete arrangements to transport them to a permanent disposal
site in South Carolina.
The Commissioners briefly discussed the 1983-84 budget, possible salary
increases, implementation of a new position classification plan, and the possi-
ble addition of a dumpster in the Seagrove area.'
On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners by
resolution set a public hearing date of May 2, at 10:00 a.m., for the naming of
an unpaved road in the Back Creek Township. A copy of this resolution is
included by reference.
Bob Crumley announced that several of the county departments recently
received safety awards from the North Carolina Department of Labor. Because of
the County's low workmen's compensation claim rate last year, the County re-
ceived a refund check of $3592.38 from its insurance premium. Mr. Crumley also noted
Minutes of April 6, 1,983 Commissioners Meeting
f Page 4
that Jane Williams has been appointed Safety Coordinator.
On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Richard Petty, the Commissioners
unanimously approved a request from the Health Department for the reclassifica-
tion of the position held by Judy Simmons from a Clerk -Typist III, Grade 54,
Step 2, to a Clerical Supervisor IV, Grade 57, Step 2. There is sufficient
,money within the current operating budget to absorb this change.
On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Richard Pugh, the Commissioners
unanimously approved a Department of Transportation request to add Pineview
(Drive in the Pineview Estates Subdivision to the State System of Roads. A copy
jof this resolution is included by reference.
I On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners
(unanimously approved a request from the Health Department to provide Hospice
,with temporary office space, until such time as the County needs that space.
On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by
sioners unanimously approved the following
Youth Week, April 10-16
Volunteer Week, April 17-23
Nurses Week, May 1-7
Mental Retardation Awareness
Darrell Frye, the Board of Commis -
Week, April 6-13
On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Richard Petty, the Commissioners
unanimously approved a resolution honoring Walter Guin on his retirement this
month. Copies of these proclamations and this resolution are included by
On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners
unanimously approved the following board appointments:
Nursing Home: Evelyn Holland, Elmer Warner, Jay Goodman
(reappointments for a 3 -year term)
Industrial Bond: Maxton McDowell and -Kathryn Phillips
(reappointments for a 6 -year term)
7 H. W. Curl, Jr. (new appointment, -6 -year term)
4 Julian Fire Protection District Commission (jointly appointed by
Guilford and Randolph Commissioners for a 2=year term):
Glenn Gilmore, Jr., William Collier, and Pearl
Shepard (reappointments)
Climax Fire Protection -District Commission (jointly appointed by
Guilford and Randolph Commissioners for a 2=year term)
Frank Fields, Daniel Brown, and George Gregson
Randleman Board of Adjustment: Darrel Dennis (appointment to
fill unexpired seat of C. D. Williams)
In his Manager's Update, Bob Crumley mentioned a bill in the Legislature
which would allow Mental Health Centers to hold real estate instead of turning
over title to the counties. He also informed the Commissioners of a Legisla-
tive Briefing in Raleigh on April 28 and of an Agriculture Extension breakfast
at 7:30 a.m. on May 2. He related that the County has made application for
159,642 for a Juvenile Justice grant.
Bob Crumley stated that he had just received some information from George
Elliott concerning some $3,000,000 in new monies for North Carolina resulting
from the Jobs Act Bill. The new -funds are to be used to increase the WIC
program and are to be spent by September 30, 1983. For Randolph County, this
would mean serving 37% of the at -risk population instead of the present 22%.
)On motion of Flovd Lanale_v. seconded by Richard Ppti-v. i -hp CnmminAinnerR
Minutes of April 6, 1983 Commissioners Meeting
Page 5
unanimously approved a proposal by George Elliott to increase a nutritionis
from half-time to full-time and to hire a clerk.
Frank Willis, Finance Officer, presented three budget amendments: C
motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners unanimouE
ly voted to allow the Juvenile Justice Delinquency Prevention (JJDP) funds t
be spent as recommended by the Juvenile Task Force. On motion- of Floy
Langley, seconded by Richard Petty, the Commissioners unanimously approved tr
acceptance of $1,340 from Carolina Power and Light, to be channeled throug
Social Services. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, tr
Commissioners unanimously approved the appropriation of $5,160 from the Contin
gency Fund to cover travel costs for Administration and the Governing Board.
copy of these budget amendments are included by reference.
Chairman Bill Boyd reported that Randolph Rest Home is delinquent in it
account with the County and that some action might need to be taken at the nex
meeting, depending on the status of the account at that time.
Bob Crumley brought to the Board's attention a new report from tr
Sheriff's Department, noting that this report will be turned in each month t
the County Manager, along with other departmental monthly reports.
On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Board unanimous]
moved to adjourn.