June 6, 1983
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session in
Courtroom B, Randolph County Courthouse, at 9:00 a.m. on June 6, 1983.
Commissioners present for the meeting were as follows: Chairman Bill
Boyd, Richard Pugh, Darrell Frye, and Floyd Langley.
Invocation was given by Rev. Paul Curtis.
On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Richard Pugh, the minutes of the
May 2, 1983 meeting were approved.
Ken Leonard of the Chamber of Commerce presented a request from
Nantuckett Hosiery Corporation that the County extend water lines from
the Town of Randleman to a new plant planned by Nantuckett Hosiery.
Bill Bizzell of Moore -Gardner presented a diagram of the proposed plant
and the needed water and sewer lines. The cost for the 1750 feet of 8"
water line would be $21,000; the meter vault and meter would be an
additional $5000. The additional tax revenue from the new plant would
produce a payback period of less than two years. Floyd Langley voiced
a concern that this funding might not be fair to other industries who
have paid for their own water lines and he asked if a study had ever
been done on the actual return of money for this type of funding. Bob
Crumley noted that Guilford County currently has a standing agreement
that a portion of the water charges will go into fund for future water
and sewer line extensions. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by
Darrell Frye, the Commissioners unanimously voted to pay the $26,000
requested by Nantuckett, to be paid from the Contingency Fund. On
motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners
unanimously voted to proceed with a study to come up with a plan and
proposal for extending water and sewer lines in the future, which will
include a statement that the County is to receive some revenues.
Eddie Askew of JRA Industries came before the Board to request a right-
of-way on Enterprise Street through County property to JRA Industries.
On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners
unanimously approved the requested 60 -foot right-of-way, subject to a
map and legal description being drawn.
Bob Crumley read the budget message to the Commissioners and then
presented the County Manager's proposed 1983-84 budget.
On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners
voted to adjourn to a Public Hearing scheduled for 10:00 a.m. Minutes
of this Public Hearing are recorded separately. The hearing involved a
re -zoning request from Mr. Bill Hedrick of Trinity. The Public Hearing
was closed at 10:10. On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Richard
Pugh, the Commissioners unanimously approved Mr. Hedrick's request.
Martha Sheriff of Social Services came before the Board to request
permission for Social Services to participate in the Interim Assistance
Program for SSI recipients. This program provides a means for counties
to receive reimbursement for general assistance paid to approved SSI
applicants. The applicant's check would come to Social Services made
out to Social Services; the agency would take out whatever it had
originally given, then the remainder would go to the recipient. On
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motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners
unanimously approved Social Services' participation in this program.
Bill Ivey, Industrial Bond Attorney, came before the Board to request a
waiver in the wage scale for the Macfield project. One of the guide-
lines from the Department of Commerce for a company to be eligible for
industrial revenue bonds is that they must pay the average manufactur-
ing wage for the county. Since the Department of Commerce disallowed
the overtime earnings in figuring the average hourly rate, Macfield did
not meet the wage requirement. Mr. Ivey explained that the wage waiver
is not an unusual request, but a first in Randolph County. He noted
that other boards of commissioners usually approve wage waivers. On
motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Board of Commis-
sioners unanimously approved the wage waiver. A copy of these proceed-
ings is incorporated by reference.
On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners
unanimously approved the special tax district rates as presented by the
Finance Officer. A copy of these rates is included by reference.
Bob Crumley informed the Board that a group of boy scouts working on an
Eagle Scout project has requested permission to erect a gazebo -type
struture at the Randolph Rest Home. The scouts will provide the mater-
ials. On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Floyd Langley, the
Commissioners unanimously approved the project with the following
conditions: All work is to be done under the general supervision of the
County's Maintenance Department; the scouts will accept all liability;
and they will be informed of the possibility that the gazebo may at
some future time be moved or torn down.,
Bob Crumley presented to the Commissioners a proposed price list for
property maps to be used for individuals, businesses, or cities who
request copies of maps from the Tax Department. The price list was
compiled according to the County's expense for making the maps. On
motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners
unanimously approved the price list.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Richard Pugh, the Commissioners
unanimously approved a retirement extension for Claudia Harwell of the
Tax Department.
Richard Siler, District Engineer for Department of Transportation
(D.O.T), presented D.O.T.'s Secondary Roads Improvement Program to the
Commissioners. Mr. Siler noted that there had been a change in the
priority listing as a result of a discrepancy pointed out by a citizen
at the May meeting. The change resulted in the road in #1 position
being moved to #4 position. A letter was submitted by a citizen on
behalf of Brenda Maness, who had researched portions of the priority
list and who had, according to her calculations, discovered some dis-
crepancies. Her figures showed that her road should be in the top five
instead of being #9. The difference in her figures and those of D.O.T.
came from the method of counting off-road houses into the point system.
On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners
unanimously agreed to request a written explanation from D.O.T. on
their policy for counting off-road houses in the point system for
unpaved roads before taking any action.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Darrell Frye; the Commissioners
unanimously passed a resolution approving the sale of surplus property
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accumulated by the Sheriff's Department. The goods will be sold at
public auction on June 25, 1983 at 10:00 a.m. in the Courthouse parking
lot. A copy of this resolution is included by reference.
On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners
unanimously passed a resolution in appreciation for Florence Roper on
her retirement. A copy of this resolution is included by reference.
Fire Marshal Don Heard presented a request from Franklinville to change
the designation of rural areas of the Franklinville Fire District to
the Franklinville Fire Protection Association Fire District. The name
change will allow the corporate limits of Franklinville to qualify, for
municipal fire rates. On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Floyd
Langley, the Commissioners unanimously approved the request for a
letter of assurance to be sent to Insurance Services Office stating
that the Commissioners approve the change.
Fire Marshal Don Heard informed the Commissioners that Randleman has in
the past had -its own frequencies as well as the County's frequency.
They now desire to convert totally to the County's frequency and are
requesting that Randolph County Emergency Medical Services dispatch the
Randleman Fire Department. This change would involve the purchase of
conversion equipment, which Randleman would pay for. There would be no
cost to the County. On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Richard
Pugh, the Commissioners unanimously approved the request.
The Commissioners made the following board appointments:
Henry Darr to the Randolph County Planning Board (motion by
Darrell Frye, second by Richard Pugh)
Eddie Allen to RTC Board of Trustees (motion by Floyd Lang-
ley, second by Richard Pugh)
Helen Caviness to the Social Services Board (motion by
Darrell Frye, second by Floyd Langley)
Susan Kanipe, John F. Kime, and Lou Wilson to the Mental
Health Board (motion by Richard Pugh, second by Darrell Frye)
On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Board of
Commissioners unanimously reappointed Billy Chilton as Tax Supervisor
for a two-year term. Richard Pugh stated that it was a pleasure to be
able to reappoint Mr. Chilton and noted the great improvements in the
Tax Department since Mr. Chilton's original appointment.
Bob Crumley noted that Irvin Newberry is resigning from the Industrial
Bond Authority; his company is relocating him. Also, D.K. McLaughlin
is resigning from the Mental Health Board for personal and professional
reasons. The Board of Commissioners commended them for their service
and applauded the work they have done on these boards.
On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners
unanimously approved the low bid from Burgess & Maness for the 4 -year
dumpster contract. The contract price is @ $58,169.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners
unanimously aproved a 4 -year contract with Wayne Wright Grading Company
for the county landfill. The first year Wright will be paid $371,358;
by the fourth year Wright will be paid $442,354.
On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners
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agreed to renew the cleaning contract with Greene's Janitorial Service
for a sum of $1975 per month.
On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners
unanimously voted to rehire David Griffith & Associates to perform this
year's indirect cost study on the County's expense when involved in
federal programs. The study will cost $8500, which is $1500 lower than
last year's cost.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners
unanimously approved an audit contract with Strand, Skees, Jones &
Company (same company as last year, but the name has changed due to a
merger) for the amount of $19,187.
On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Richard Pugh, the Commissioners
unanimously approved a Land Records Management Grant request for
$40,000 that the Tax Department plans to submit to N.C. Department of
Bob Crumley related to the Board that Blue Cross/Blue Shield has in-
formed the County that if we keep our current coverage and policy our
monthly rates will increase 80.21%. The reason for this increase is
that last year our group lost $69,907 in claims, with one large claim
of $33,977.24 related to an illness of a recurring nature. The County
also has the option of becoming self-insured through a plan called
"Administrative Services Only" with BC/BS. With this option, the
premiums will go up 49.13%. -Commissioner Frye suggested the County
shop around with other insurance companies'. Finance Officer Frank
Willis explained that since our current policy expires in one month,
and since the notice on rate increases had just arrived from BC/BS,
that the County does not have time to look at other alternatives for
next year. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, the
Commissioners unanimously voted to switch to the self-insurance plan
with BC/BS for the 1983-84 fiscal year, but to look at other
alternatives during the coming year for the 1984-85 budget.
Tax Supervisor Billy Chilton presented his report of unpaid 1982 real
and personal, taxes and declared that he had made every diligent effort
to collect these taxes. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell
Frye, the Board of Commissioners unanimously accepted this report and
declared the uncollected taxes listed by Mr. Chilton to be insolvent,
to be credited to him upon his July 1, 1983 settlement.
Bob Crumley informed the Commissioners that in response to boards of
commissioners statewide submitting resolutions calling for reduction in
paperwork in social services departments, the state is appointing a
task force to look into the possible use of one standard form.
Bob Crumley notified the Board that for Social Services to qualify for
one of their grants, they must have 'a travel policy that has been
adopted by the Board of Commissioners. Mr. Crumley presented a travel
policy which he had drawn up last year. On motion of Floyd Langley,
seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners unanimously approved this
Bob Crumley brought to the Commissioners' attention a letter from NACo
concerning the one-time special service fee Randolph County paid earli-
er this year.
Minutes June 6,
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On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners
unanimously voted to adopt Courtroom B as their regular meeting place,
but to withhold any changes in the room until they have met there
several times.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners
set the Public Hearing on the budget for 9:00 a.m., June 20, 1983 in
Courtroom B.
On motion of Darrell Frye, seconded by Richard Pugh, the Commissioners
set their regular July meeting for Monday, July 11, at 9:00 a.m., since
the first Monday in July is a County holiday.
Frank Willis, Finance Officer, presented budget amendment requests from
Mental Health -and for the General Fund. On motion of Floyd Langley,
seconded by Richard Pugh, the Commissioners unanimously approved these
amendments. Copies are included by reference.
Chairman Bill Boyd informed the Board that John Cooper, who is studying
the Randleman Dam project for Congressman Ike Andrews, has requested an
up—to—date statement from the Board on their position concerning the
dam. Richard Pugh stated that it is a very expensive Iproject and the
cost of raw water is excessive. Floyd Langley said his main concern is
the cost of piping water and the loss of prime farmland and valuation.
Darrell Frye agreed the cost is too excessive and it would be a great
reduction of our tax base. Bill Boyd pointed out that Lindsay Cox of
PTCOG had found that a smaller project on Deep River closer to or in
Guilford County is feasible. Richard Pugh said he thought the Corps of
Engineers had caused the project to spiral to such an excessive cost.
On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Darrell Frye, the Commissioners
unanimously agreed to adopt a resolution restating their opposition to
the Randleman Dam in its present form because of to cost of the water
itself and because of the amount of prime farmland involved.
Darrell Frye related to the Board that he had received complaints from
citizens concerning noise. A deputy he talked to said it is one of the
biggest problem areas, sometimes requiring 3 or 4 responses. They need
something concrete for noise control. Bob Crumley informed the Commis—
sioners that he had checked with several surrounding counties, but none
have a noise ordinance. The City of Greensboro had a very detailed
noise ordinance that has withstood two court cases. The Commissioners
took no action on a noise ordinance at this time.
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned.