August 1,1983
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on
August 1, 1983 at 2:00 p.m. in Courtroom B, Randolph County Courthouse, Ashe-
boro, NC. Present were Vice Chairman Darrell Frye, Richard Pugh, and Floyd
Langley. Absent were Chairman Bill Boyd and Richard Petty.
Vice Chairman Darrell Frye conducted the meeting in the absence of Chair-
man Boyd. Invocation was given by Rev. Phillip Craig of the Episcopal Church
of the Good Shephard.
On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners
unanimously approved the minutes of the July 11, 1983 meeting.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Richard Pugh, the Commissioners
set their next meeting for Tuesday, September 6, at 2:00 p.m. because of the
Labor Day holiday falling on their regularly scheduled meeting date.
Bob Crumley informed the Commissioners that the State has downgraded
nutritionists, reclassifying them as Nutritionist I, Grade 62; Nutritionist
Trainee, Grade 61; and Nutritionist III, Grade 67. The County has raised our
nutritionists' step levels in order to keep their salaries the same. On motion
of Richard Pugh, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners unanimously
accepted this reclassification.
Bill Ivey, attorney for the Industrial Bond Authority, came before the
Board to request an Industrial Bond wage waiver for Dixie Container, Inc. Mr.
Bob Lett, Vice President for Dixie Container, and Mr. Bob Quick, attorney for
Dixie Container, also spoke on behalf of the wage waiver for Dixie Container.
A copy of these proceedings is incorporated by reference. On motion of Floyd
Langley, seconded by Richard Pugh, the Commissioners unanimously approved the
wage waiver.
The Commissioners discussed House Bill 426 (Sales Tax) and how it could
affect Randolph County. Bob Crumley explained a tax analysis (copy incorpora-
ted by reference) which he had prepared differentiating between the "Point of
Sale" and the "Benefit Per Capita" methods of distribution. No action was
taken on this matter.
On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners at
2:30 voted unanimously to go into A scheduled public hearing on the naming of
two roads. Minutes for this hearing are recorded separately.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Richard Pugh, the Commissioners
unaimously voted to name State Road 2676 "CLIFFWOOD DRIVE" and to name State
Neil Allen, Director of Emergency Services, presented a study of convales-
cent calls made during the last two months by Randolph County Medical Rescue.
Almost 20% of the total calls were for non -emergency transport. Currently the
County is using $47,000+ high-tech mobile intensive care vehicles with highly
specialized personnel for transporting non -emergency cases. Mr. Allen outlined
the County's options for correcting this situation: Purchase and staff a
non -emergency (van style) ambulance, or contract with an individual to provide
convalescent ambulance services. Mr. Allen mentioned that Jim Cross of Greens-
boro has approached Randolph County regarding such a contract. The Board
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Page 2
Minutes, August 1, 1983
Board of Commissioners
Bob Crumley informed the Commissioners that no additional CRT's can be
added to our computer system. The Board gave its permission for the County
Manager to review computer needs and to prepare a proposal for possible compu-
ter upgrades. Mr. Crumley also pointed out that a small personal computer in
his office would be helpful for budget planning, financial analysis, and other
related projects. The estimated cost is $5,000. No action was taken on this
Larry Austin, architect for the Willie M group home, presented general
construction bids received for the group home. R.L. Casey, Inc. of Greensboro
was the low bidder at $111,294. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Floyd
Langley, the Commissioners unanimously accepted the low bid of R.L. Casey for
the general construction contract.
Bob Crumley presented overlays showing county development patterns, based
on building permits issued by the County. The charts showed dollar amounts
over a period of time and per township. A copy of these charts is included by
Bob Crumley informed the Board that the Senior Adult Association has not
been making timely payments to the Randolph County Transportation Co-ordinator
for transportation services provided to the Senior Adults Association. Mr.
Crumley explained that Piedmont Triad Council of Governments (PTCOG) provides
the funds to the Senior Adult Association to pay for these services, and he
provided the Commissioners with a statement from PTCOG showing dates they
(PTCOG) received transportation funds requests from the Senior Adults
Association and the dates PTCOG mailed checks to Sr. Adults Association. This
statement, together with the Transportation Co-ordinator's statement, indicated
that the Senior Adult Association has not been promptly passing the funds along
to the Transportation Co-ordinator. On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by
Floyd Langley, the Commissioners instructed the County Manager to send a letter
to the Senior Adults Association directing them to pay their bills according to
their contract or risk suspension of services. Payments are to be brought into
compliance by September 1, 1983.
On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners
unanimously set a public hearing for 2:30 p.m. on September 6, 1983 for the
purpose of renaming Single Tree Lane.
Bob Crumley noted that in 1982, Randolph County's Forestry Office was last
in an overall rating of our ten -county region; in 1983, Randolph County moved
to first place. This improvement, according to Mr. Crumley, is due in large
part to Steve Pearce, our new forester.
Bob Crumley informed the Board that nurses statewide have been reclassi-
fied downward. In our Home Health Program, we have lost three nurses in the
last month because of this reclassification. The State is taking another look
at this reclassification and will decide within the next month whether to
uphold that decision or to rescind it.
Mr. Crumley related that he had prepared a memorandum of agreement between
Randolph County, the City of Asheboro, and JRA Industries relative to the
dedication of a right-of-way for a public street on the west side of the
McDowell Governmental Complex owned by Randolph County. On motion of Richard
Pugh, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners voted to request the City of
Asheboro to maintain the road once it is completed.
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Minutes, August 1, 1983
Board of Commissioners
Bob Crumley noted that the County has received the appropriate approvals
for water and sewer lines to the Goodyear plant.
Bob Crumley announced that the State has approved a site at the County
landfill for use in the disposal of waste batteries generated by Union Carbide.
Mr. Crumley explained that Union Carbide would purchase this five -acre site if
they elect to dispose of the batteries at the landfill.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Richard Pugh, the Commissioners
unanimously appointed Francis White of Trinity to a two-year term on the Jury
Frank Willis presented a budget amendment for the 1983-84 budget. He
explained that this was for purchase orders and contracts submitted from last
fiscal year, but not paid. They must be paid from the new budget. On motion
of Richard Pugh, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners accepted this
budget amendment. A copy is included by reference.
On motion of Floyd Langley, seconded by Richard Pugh, the meeting was
unanimously adjourned.
August 1, 1983
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met at 2:30 p.m. on August 1,
1983, for a scheduled public hearing. Present for the hearing were
Darrell Frye, Richard Pugh, and Floyd Langley. Absent were Chairman
Bill Boyd. and Richard Petty.
Commissioner Frye announced the purpose of the public hearing was to
hear comments concerning the naming of Cliffwood Drive (State Road 2676)
and Green Valley Road (State Road 2601). He then asked if anyone were
present who wished to speak concerning this matter. No one spoke.
On motion of Richard Pugh, seconded by Floyd Langley, the Commissioners
unanimously closed the public hearing.