r:E' 17, 1988
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in special session at 7:00 p.m.
on October 17, 1988 in Courtroom B, Courthouse, Asheboro. Commissioners Frye,
Langley, Davidson and Comer were present. Commissioner Petty was absent. The
purpose of the meeting was to discuss the following: installment/lease purchase
financing, school facilities standards, participation in a regional solid waste
analysis study and Franklinville Fire District expansion.
Installment/Lease Purchase Financing
Jim Stuart of Moore and Van Allen (Law Firm in Raleigh), as the County's bond
counsel,. explained the difference between installment purchase and lease purchase
and recommended that Randolph County use the installment purchase method of financing
the Stedman property. He suggested that the $750,000 cash donation of Sara Lee be
used to purchase the 25.5 acres in South Pointe outright so that the installment
purchase will apply only to the Stedman building and the 3.75 acres that go with it.
Doug Carter of First Union National Bank, as the County's investment banker,
discussed the N.C. Association of County Cornriiissioners' lease/purchase pool now
being formed. First Union was chosen by NCACC to assist with this pool. Mr. Carter
explained that the role of the investment banker is to act as financial advisor on
the structuring of the financing and to act as placement agent to help the County
obtain the best interest rate. He noted that First Union is paid a fee by the
County but that they do not receive any fee or commission from the purchaser of the
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board voted to acquire the
Stedman property using a purchase money installment contract transaction pursuant
to N.C.G.S. 160A-20.
On motion of Comer, seconded by Davidson, the Board authorized the County Manager
to file an application, pursuant to N.C.G.S. 159-149, for Local Govermauent Commission
approval of the installment purchase contract with the Secretary of the Local'Gov'rn-
ment Commission.
Franklinville Fire District Expansion
Neil Allen, Emergency Services Director, reviewed the normal procedure the
County goes through when a volunteer fire department wishes to increase the area of
their taxed district. The County draws up the boundary lines and prepares the
wording of the petition. If the petition is signed by at least 2/3 of the resident
freeholders in the affected area, the County Commissioners hold a public hearing
and approve or disapprove the expansion. Franklinville Fire District has submitted
a petition with signatures of 69% of the total residents in the affected area.
However, there is a disagreement over where the boundaries should be. Julian and
Staley Fire Districts both feel that the boundary lines should be changed to
accoiiniodate some expansion for Julian and Staley to reflect a change in state law
which states that a fire tax district may extend 5 miles (instead of the previous 4)
from the fire station. Residents in this extra mile would also receive a reduction
in insurance premium.
Ronald Williams, Staley Fire Chief, stated that when the taxed district changed
from 4 to 5 miles in 1985, his department had asked the County .fire marshal to change
their boundaries. He said the fire marshal told him that the Randolph County Fire
Commission wanted to do the whole county at one time, after the entire county had
been mapped. Then, he said, nothing ever happened after that time. Mr. Williams
said he felt the Fire Commission should decide all boundaries, including the ones
being petitioned at this time.
Commissioners Minutes
October 17, 1988
Page 2
Luther Coble, Julian Fire Chief, reiterated what Mr. Williams stated, and said
that Julian has been waiting to hear from the fire marshal on boundary changes. He
noted that the Julian Fire District Board of Directors had recently written to the
Board of Commissioners concerning this matter.
Neil Allen read some correspondence between the Julian Fire Department and the
fire marshal in May of 1985, relative to the 5 -mile area. The fire marshal stated
in his letter that the Fire Commission would establish a plan for enlarging all
fire departments in the county who wished to expand from 4 miles to 5 miles.
James Parrish, Franklinville Fire Chief, discussed Franklinville Fire District's
willingness to build a substation in response to the request of many citizens who
would still not be included in any fire district that extended 5 miles out from their
current stations. The proposed substation would cover these residents who otherwise
would not be covered, but to make the substation financially feasible, Mr. Parrish
said, Franklinville Fire District would need to extend the full 5 miles in all
directions to add on enough tax base. He said that land had been donated and cleared
for the substation and that residents in the proposed area have raised about $12,000
and have pledged some free construction work on the substation.
Chairman Frye read a portion of the 1975 resolution which established the
Randolph County Fire Commission. The resolution stated that fire departments shall
mutually agree on areas of basic fire protection and that the Fire Commission shall
settle disputes. Mr. Frye said that the Commissioners would reseat members on the
Fire Commission at their November 7 meeting; then the Fire Commission will address
boundaries for all departments and substations. The Fire Commission will report
its findings to the Board of Commissioners.
School Facilities Standards
'1'tie board discussed the state's proposed school facilities standards, noting
that some of the standards seem excessive. Chairman Frye said he plans to attend
a public hearing on this matter in Raleigh on November 21. He suggested the Board
send a written response to the state and also that they support the position letters
sent by both boards of education here.
County Schools Superintendent George Fleetwood discussed some of the concerns
the County Schools have with the proposed standards.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board authorized the chairman
and county manager to draft a letter to the state on behalf of the Board.
Participation in Regional Solid Waste Analysis Study
County Manager Frank Willis told the Board that managers in the PTCOG region
had discussed pursuing the solid waste issue on a regional basis for over a year.
The group cannot proceed any further until they can have an analysis done on the
region's waste stream. Such an analysis would have to be made locally, anyway,
before we could expand our landfill. If the County participates in the regional
analysis, our portion of the cost would be $4,893. Health Director George Elliott
has stated that the study could be paid for from a miscellaneous line item in the
landfill budget.
adopted a resolution
On motion of Comer, seconded by Davidson, the Board ./ to participate in
the regional solid waste analysis study and to allocate $4,893 from the miscellaneous
line item of the landfill budget. A copy of the resolution is included by reference.
On motion of Davidson. seconded by C'nmPr_ the RnarA a,a;,,,,, --A