031389RANDOLLPH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES March 13, 1989 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2 p.m. on March 13, 1989, in Courtroom B, Courthouse, Asheboro, NC. Invocation was given by Marion Smith, Director of Social Services. On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the minutes of the February 6 meeting were approved. Proclamation of Appreciation for Ray Farlow Chairman Frye presented a proclamation of appreciation and a plaque to Ray Farlow for his thirteen years of service on the County Planning Board. A copy of the proclamation is included by reference. Proposed Precinct Boundary Changes Jim Wright, Chairman of the Board of Elections, advised the Board that the Census Bureau in 1990 will gather data by precincts instead of by townships or some other way. Where the lines don't lie on physical (rivers, roads, etc.) or township lines, we are being asked to do so. The Board of Elections has studied the entire county and have moved some lines, combined some precincts and added some. they will hold two public hearings on the proposed changes before sending the new maps to the Census Bureau. Mr. Wright noted that the proposed changes would create a savings of at least $5,000 annually. He added that people affected by the changes would be notified of their new precinct. These changes will not be effective until 1991. Request to Establish Medicaid Eligibility Specialist at Mental Health Louise Galloway, Director of Mental Health, told the Board that Mental Health is looking at ways to increase local funding because of the impact that will have on the upcoming Pioneer Project. One way to increase local _funds, she said, is to collect Medicaid from those patients who are eligible for it, but who have not been applying through Social Services. She stated that if they had an eligibility specialist housed at the Mental Health Center, they could begin to collect ad- ditional funds through Medicaid. Ms. Galloway explained that the State requires that this position be a Social Services position and that Marion Smith and the DSS Board and the Mental Health Board have all approved this concept, pending Commissioner approval. No County funds will be required to add this position. On motion of Comer, seconded by Langley, the Board approved allocating the position of Income Maintenance Case Worker I (Grade 61), to be hired at Step 1, for a six-month trial basis. This position is to be reviewed in six months to determine if it is generating sufficient additional funds to merit continuing it. A copy of Budget Amendment #18 is included by reference. Request to Reclassify Mental Health Nurses Sara Baker, County Personnel Officer, informed the Board that the Mental Health Director has requested that Mental Health Nurses be upgraded two grades to assist them in recruitment and retention. Ms. Baker.noted that such action would be equal to what Commissioners did for Public Health Nurses at their February meeting. On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the reclassi- fication of Mental Health Nurses two grades higher, to be effective March 1, 1989. Commissioners Minutes March 13, 1989 Page 2 County Schools` Request for Resolution on Continuing Contract for Southwestern Randolph Middle School Construction Bob Trogdon, Assistant Superintendent of County Schools, advised the Board that construction plans for the new Southwestern Randolph Middle School are underway. In order to occupy the school in the fall of 1990, they need to bid the project immediately. G.S. 115C-441 allows school boards to enter into multi-year contracts for capital expenditures without all funding in hand if the board of county commissioners by resolution makes a commitment to appropriate sufficient funds in the ensuing fiscal years to cover contract expenditures. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Petty, the Board approved a resolution making such a commitment. A copy is included by reference (Contract #03-89-01). Contaminated Well at Coleridge School Bob Trogdon reported that the Health Department had discovered contamination in the well that serves Coleridge School. He said the school is now using water from a 6,000 -gallon tanker for drinking and cooking. Health Department officials have informed the Board of Education that this well can never be used again for drinking and cooking purposes. They must either tap onto the nearest municipal supply or drill a new well offsite and pipe the water to the school. Dr. George Fleetwood, Superintendent, praised the work and cooperative spirit of the Health Department employees who responded to this emergency. Tax Department Request to Reclassify Appraiser Position Billy Chilton, Tax Supervisor, discussed the loss of two appraisers recently to another county because of salary. He also talked about the need for well- trained appraisers before the Tax Department begins work on the next revaluation. He stated that in order to keep the quality of appraisers we need, the positions need to be reclassified and salaries increased. Department funds are available (because of staff vacancies) to accomplish these changes. On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the following changes in the Classification Plan, effective March 16, 1988: Deletion Addition Tax Appraiser I 63 67 Tax Appraiser II 65 69 Tax Appraiser III 67 71 Assistant Tax Supervisor (Personal Property) 68 Personal Property Appraiser I 66 Personal Property Appraiser II 68 Personal Property Appraiser III 70 Health Department Request to Reclassify Physician Extenders George Elliott, Health Director, came before the Board to request that the Physician Extender I and II positions be reclassified two grades upward. He said that one of his two positions has been vacant since August, 1987, and that there has not been one single applicant since then despite repeated recruitment efforts. He stated that he fears losing the one and only Physician Extender that he now has unless salary is increased. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved upgrading Physician Extender I from Grade 71 to Grade 73, and Physician Extender II from Grade 73 to Grade 75, effective March 1, 1989, and approved using $1098 from Contingency to fund the increased salary for the remainder of this budget year. A copy of Budget Amendment #19 is included by reference. Commissioners Minutes March 13, 1989 - Page 3 Duster Program George Elliott informed. the Board that he does not plan to include the dumpster program in his next budget. He stated that it will take an additional $12,000 (unbudgeted) to cover costs of operating this year's dumpster program. Expansion of Fire Districts to Five Miles Neil Allen, Emergency Services Director, reported that the Randolph County Fire Commission had reviewed the request by thirteen of the fire departments to expand their tax districts to five miles and that the Commission has recommended a countywide fire tax so everyone would be taxed equally. Mr. Allen said he had talked with the County Attorney and with Jerry Grimes in Raleigh about special legislation once the County determines what it wants to do. Local bills must be introduced by this Thursday. Chairman Frye instructed the County Manager and County Attorney to work with Neil Allen to draft a local bill to allow fire districts to expand up to the distance allowed for fire insurance rating reduction, if they request such an expansion. Rezoning Public Hearing At 4:00 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to hear rezoning requests. Hal Johnson, Zoning Administrator, presented the following requests: 1. Delayed from Commissioners' February 6, 1989 Meeting: Rebecca Ruth Morris, Franklinville, is requesting that 12 acres on the northwest corner of the intersection of SR 2138/SR 2128, Franklinville Township, be rezoned from RR to HC/CU (Zoning Map 7774) to construct a 30' x 60' convenience store. The Planning Board recommended denial. 2. Delayed from Commissioners' February 6, 1989 Meeting: Jack Oldham, Trinity, is requesting that 32 acres at the dead end of SR 1760, Trinity Township, be rezoned from RA to LI/CU (Zoning Map 7705) to use an existing building to fabricate foam rubber. The Planning Board recommended approval. 3. Robert Anthony Wood, Climax, is requesting that 91 acres on SR 2111 at the Providence Church Road intersection, Providence Township, be rezoned from RA to RR (Zoning Map 7787) to develop a residential site -built subdivision of 12 lots. The Planning Board recommended approval. 4. Robert Wayne Taylor, Thomasville, is requesting that 55 acres located on SR 1552, Tabernacle Township, be rezoned from RA to RR (Zoning Map 6794) to develop a residential site -built subdivision of 46 lots. The Planning Board recommended approval. 5. Donald Garner, Asheboro, is requesting that 32 acres on Business 220, 2 mile south of Highway 159, Cedar Grove Township, be rezoned from RA to RA/CU (Zoning Map 7657) to use an existing building for the operation of a garage and car repair service. The Planning Board recommended approval with the following conditions: (1) A solid wood fence be used to shield the area from adjoining property; (2) No junked vehicles be stored on the property. 6. Bronna Merritt, Greensboro, is requesting that 52 acres off Highway 42 on the east side of SR 2893, Coleridge Township, be rezoned from AR to RM/CU (Zoning Map 8628) to develop a 3 -space mobile home park. The Planning Board recom- mended approval. Commissioners Minutes March 13, 1989 Page 4 7. Coy Eugene LaPrade, High Point, is requesting that li acres on the northeast corner of SR 1615/SR 1616, Trinity Township, be rezoned from RA to LI/CU (Zoning Map 6798) to construct a warehouse building for storage of upholstery materials and supplies. The Planning Board recommended approval. 8. Salem Leasing Corporation, Winston-Salem, is requesting that 10 acres located on the east side of 2205 near the intersection of 220/SR 2845, Richland Township, be rezoned from RA to LI/CU (Zoning Map 7666) to construct a building to operate a tractor -truck garage. The Planning Board recommended approval with the following conditions: (1) The area proposed for truck repair and maintenance be completely fenced for safety purposes; (2) A 50' natural (undisturbed) green belt buffer zone be maintained between the business and property currently being used for residential purposes. 9. Edwin Lineberry, Liberty, is requesting that 3 acres located off Highway 49N on SR 2484 (old Caveness School property), Columbia Township, be rezoned from RR to LI/CU (Zoning Map 8702) to use the property for industrial purposes. The Planning Board recommended denial because of strong opposition of area residents and the fact that the Town of Ramseur's wastewater and sewage treat- ment plant is under a state -imposed moratorium. Comments - Request #1 Rebecca. Ruth Morris said that the curve in the road near the proposed site is not dangerous. Gladys Brown, Route 1, Franklinville, spoke against the request. Ed Julian, neighbor and spokesman, said that a petition with 34 signatures opposing the request had been presented to the Planning Board. Twelve in the audience stood in support of Mr. Julian. Janice Julian, Route 1, Franklinville, spoke in opposition. Comments - Request #2 Jack Oldham, applicant, stated that he would like to add on to the building for storage. Greg Hines, Route 2, Franklinville, expressed his concern over increased traffic because the children play in the street. William Moss, Route 2, Franklinville, said he moved to this area to get away from factories and to a quiet residential neighborhood. Pat Moss voiced her concern that the business would continue to grow and would generate even more traffic. Comments - Request #3 Allen Bullard, agent for the applicant, stated that the smallest lot would be 5 acres, and the largest, 20, with only 12 lots included in the entire 91 acres. He said that deed restrictions would prohibit more than one house per five acres and would prohibit any buyer from giving someone else access through their property. Commissioners Minutes March 13, 1989 Page 5 Emma Pegram, Greensboro, stated that her cousin, before selling this property to the new owner, had promised her a right-of-way through the property. Ms. Pegram said that the new owner would not give her access. She asked the Board not to rezone this property until she obtains a right-of-way through it. Comments - Request #4 Don Hancock, agent for the applicant, stated that the proposed subdivision would require a 1400 square -foot minimum on houses and that it would be a nice subdivision. Comments - Request #5 Donald Garner, applicant, stated that he understands the restrictions recommended by the Planning Board. Comments - Request #6 No one spoke for or against this request. Comments - Request #7 Coy LaPra.de, applicant, stated that his request is compatible with the area and that he has received no opposition from the neighbors. Comments - Request #8 Jay King, representative for Salem Leasing, stated that the proposed garage is for the purpose of servicing Salem Leasing trucks from this area. Joe Farlow, Route 1, Staley, adjoining property owner, asked Commissioners to follow the Planning Board's recommendations. Comments - Request #9 Edwin Lineberry, applicant, explained that his business had begun in 1976 with three employees and had continued to grow. They now have eleven employees. He said the business has low water and sewage use and that oil is recycled. Ed Perry, Route 2, Liberty, stated that he lives nextdoor to Mr. Lineberry's existing business location and that he has never had a problem of any kind with them. He said that he hates to see them leave. J.M. Womack, spokesman for the Friendship AME Church near Caveness and for the Caveness School Committee, spoke in opposition to the request. He cited safety, decreased value in homes, increased noise, increased traffic, and pollution as factors in the groups' opposition. Junior Brown, nearby property owner, stated his concerns about the safety of the neighborhhod children who play in the school ballfield. Earl Glover, Highway 49N, said that the proposed industry is a potential health hazard and would create too much noise. He said that there are three churches within 300 feet of the site that would be affected. He stated that the very purpose of the land use plan is to retain residential neighborhoods where they already exist. Mr. Glover said that a petition with 140 names in opposition was presented to the Planning Board. Twenty-five in the audience stood in support of Mr. Glover's comments. Hazel King, Ramseur, stated that Mr. Lineberry is not the owner of the school until the Board of Education accepts his bid and that Commissioners should not consider his request until he is in fact the owner. Commissioners Minutes March 13, 1989 Page 6 The Board discussed the site's close location to Highway 64/49 and its related intersection in Ramseur, which would provide convenient highway -access for the industry and be consistent with the land use plan. The public hearing was closed. Board Action on Rezoning Requests On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board denied the request of Rebecca Ruth Morris. Commissioner Petty made the motion to approve the request of Jack Oldham. This motion died for lack of a second. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board denied the request of Jack Oldham. On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the request of Robert Anthony Wood. On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the request of Robert Wayne Taylor. On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the request of Donald Garner with the Planning Board's recommended restrictions. On motion of Petty, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the request of Bronna Merritt. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board approved the request of Coy Eugene LaPrade. On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the request of Salem Leasing Corporation with the Planning Board's recommended restrictions. On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the request of Edwin Lineberry, with the stipulation that the Randolph County Board of Education approves his bid for Caveness School. If Mr. Lineberry is not awarded the bid, the zoning for Caveness School .remains Residential Restricted. Proclamation for Soil and Water Stewardship Week On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved a proclamation declaring April 30 -May 7, 1989 as Soil and Water Stewardship Week. A copy of the proclamation is included by reference. Resolution Supporting State Funding for Randleman Lake On motion of Davidson, seconded by Petty, the Board approved a resolution supporting $7.5 million in state funding for the Randleman Lake, but not sup- porting the $150,000 for a recreational plan. A copy of the resolution is included by reference. Audit Contract On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board awarded the contract to do the County's audit for the year ending June 30, 1989 and authorized Frank Willis to sign the contract. A copy of this contract (Contract #03-89-02) is included by reference. D.O.T. Request for Abandonment of Road Serving Caveness School The Board discussed whether the future use of Caveness School has any impact on the abandonment of this road and decided to delay action until their Commissioners Minutes March 13, 1989 Page 7 Criminal Justice Advisory CoIImittee ]Meeting The Board set 7:00 p.m. on March 20 as the next meeting date for the Criminal Justice Advisory Committee. Legislative Briefing Darrell Frye instructed the Clerk to register him for the Legislative Briefing in Raleigh on April 13. Appointment - Franklinville Planning Board 5 -year On motion of Langley, seconded by Coiner, the Board approved the/appointment of Mike Richardson as an outside member of the Franklinville Planning Board. Appointment - Archdale Planning Board On motion of Davidson, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the appointment of Peggy Fulp and the reappointment of Vernel Gibson and Dewey Coggins as outside members of the Archdale Planning Board. These are 3 -year terms. Appointment - Liberty Planning Board On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the appointment of Allen Marshall to a 2 -year term as outside member on the Liberty Planning Board. Chairman Frye declared a recess at 6:00 p.m. and the meeting reconvened at 7:00 p.m. Appointment of Agricultural Extension Director Dr. Clyde Chesney, District Extension Director, informed the Board that Extension personnel at the state level have reviewed the applications for Agricultural Extension. Director in Randolph County and that they are recommending Harvey Fouts for the position. He said that Mr. Fouts, who has been an agent with Randolph County since 1980, is a veteran extension agent with the management and leadership skills necessary to prepare the Randolph extension program for the 21st century. On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the appointment of Harvey Fouts as Randolph County Agricultural Extension Director. Executive Session On motion of Comer, seconded by session to receive a facilities study tractural arrangements. Petty, the Board voted to go into executive and to discuss land purchases and con - At 9:30 p.m. the Board adjourned from executive session without taking any action and adjourned from the regular meeting.