050889RANDOLPH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS MINUTES May 8, 1989 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in special session at 5 p.m. on May 8, 1989, in the Stedman Building on McDowell Road. Commissioners Frye, Langley, Davidson, Petty and Comer were present. The purpose of this meeting was to tour the building in order to determine which areas of the building various departments would be located in when the County takes possession of the building. The Board toured the building and discussed the allocation of space for Administration and Board of Education upstairs. On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board voted to approve the staff proposal for allocation of space for Administration and Board of Education. On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board voted to approve the facilities plan as presented by Commissioner Langley at their May 1, 1989 meeting. (See May 1, 1989 minutes for details of these recommendations.) Chairman Frye informed the Board that a Sara Lee official had told him the County may move into the building now even though Sara Lee will continue to pay rent and lease payments through June as agreed. They would rather have the building occupied than to stand vacant. The meeting was recessed at 6 p.m. At 7 p.m. the meeting reconvened in Courtroom A of the County Courthouse for the purpose of holding a public hearing on the naming of roads in Randolph County. Chairman Frye declared the public hearing to be in session. Hal Johnson, Planning Director, read a list of changes in road names which came about from suggestions made after the entire list of road names appeared in the newspaper a couple of weeks ago. The following requests were made from citizens in the attendance: NAME SR # PROPOSED NAME Kelly Lee 2824 Brower's Chapel Road Rt. 4, Asheboro 2826 Lee Valley Road Louise Hussey 2446 Jesse Hackett Road James Sides 2824 Brower's Chapel Road Rt. 4, Asheboro 2826 Pine Hill Road Lee McQueen 2511 McQueen Road Rt. 3, Ramseur Helen Headon 2460 Brooksdale Road Rt. 2, Staley 2461 Olivers Chapel Church Road 2462 Margarets Chapel Church Road Conunissioners Minutes May 8, 1989 Page 2 NAME Kristie DeSota Alvin Brooks Camilla White Earl York Ernest.Hollifield Penny Robbins Ed Julian Jean Powers Bennett Winnie McLeod Donald York Rt. 6, Asheboro Lewis Thomas SR # PROPOSED NAME 2138 Mack Lineberry Road 2820 Crestview Church Road 2109 Hunting Lodge Road 2442 anything but Ramseur -Julian Road because it does not begin at Ramseur or end at Julian 1946 Hollifi.eld Corner 1147 Virgil Hill Road 2113 Barker Farm Road 2876 Mt. Zion Church Road 1331 Ridges Mountain Road 2609 Iron Mountain Road 2605 Pugh Ballfield Road Spur 159 Thomas Zoo Road (Entrance to the Zoo) Otis Bowers 2125 Bowers Road Rt. 2, Randleman Pat Lewallen 1688 Hammond Road Rt. 2, Sophia Christina Walker 1160 Billy Walker Road Rt. 5, Asheboro Mary Lou Hayes 2890 Polly Field Road Dorothy Lambeth 1319 Ben Lambeth Road R. E. Scott 2873 River Road Rt. 1, Ramseur Leon Brady, representing Bennett Fire Department, submitted a listing of proposed road names to the Board. Thelma Frazier 2904 Bachelor Creek Road Seagrove Thelma Adams 1936 Walker Mill Road Randleman Commissioners Minutes May 8, 1989 Page 3 NAME Wade Myers Rt.3, Thomasville James Latham Rt. 3, Randleman M.A. Teague Larue Whitaker Rt. 1, Climax Wesley Hopkins Rt. 3, Denton Betty Routh Lila Thompson Ed Pugh Hilda Smith Rt. 1, Asheboro Troy Chilton Rt. 1, Asheboro Tommy Cox Rt. 1, Ramseur Gail Vick Rt. 4, Asheboro Worth Burrow Rt. 6, Asheboro Jim Ingold Leo Layne Sonny Davis Neal Kiser Rt. 3, Denton Street Morgan Rt. 6, Asheboro Max Hinshaw Rt. 1, Climax SR # PROPOSED NAME 1400 Old Post Office Road 2148 Phillips Road or Talmadge Road 2475 J.C. Teague Road 2406 Randolph Church Road 1181 New Hope Road 1103 Fire Department Road 2144 Wicker Lovell Road 1203 Prayer Tower Road 2141 Little Valley Road 2911 Air Park Road 2611 Grantville Lane 2655 Tommy Cox Road 2835 Ross Harris Road 2681 Sharron Drive or Friendly Road 2835 Tiger Trail 2626 Lee Lane Road 1944 Branson Davis Road 1102 Foggy Top Road 2191 Old Rock Crusher Road 2113 Fred Lineberry Road 2445 Bill Kime Road 2111 Ward Road 2513 Underwood Road 2141 Hall Road Commissioners Minutes May 8, 1989 Page 4 NAME SR # PROPOSED NAME Bill Smith 1540 Jess Smith Road Rt. 2, Sophia Clifton Foust 2436 Wall Wood Road Rt. 2, Staley 2459 Mt. Pleasant -Sandy Creek Church Road Chairman Frye declared the public hearing to be closed. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board adjourned.