June 6, 1989
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in special session at 7:00
p.m. on June 6, 1989 to review budgets of some of the County departments.
Commissioners Frye, Langley, Davidson, Petty and Comer were present. This
meeting was held in Courtroom D, County Courthouse, Asheboro.
Tag Department
Billy Chilton, Tax Supervisor, discussed additional money requested in
his budget for attorney fees to help with foreclosures, consultant fees for
business property audits and for training, and preparation for the next
Sheriff's Department
Major Larry Emerson discussed additional salary in their budget for the
new jail nurse position and to pay the crime prevention officer, who has been
funded by a federal grant which has expired. He said medical and food
expenses in the jail are up 13% from last year.
Captain John Chilton noted that 3 of the 11 replacement vehicles would be
4 -wheel drive, which can be used in snow and ice.
Social Services Department
Marion Smith, Social Services Director, pointed out that next year's
Medicaid budget will be up from $11 million to $17.3 million. He said that
AFDC, rest home case loads, and foster care have also increased. The proposed
budget includes one new position for Social Services.
Health Department
George Elliott, Health Director, discussed the number of clients served
in the various programs offered at the Health Department, where a total of
130-150 clients are seen every day. He said that they do not have enough
staff to take care of all the clients who come through.
Mr. Elliott said he had met with all the garbage haulers in the county
recently. Of the 9 haulers, none serve the Farmer or Coleridge area. Mr.
Elliott recommended leaving the dumpster sites in Farmer and Coleridge since
the people there do not have private garbage pickup available, but to fence
and man these sites 7 a.m.-7 p.m. Monday -Saturday, and to compact the garbage
at these sites. He also recommended closing the dumpster sites at Seagrove
and Melancton, where private garbage pickup is available and where abuse of
dumpsters has been severe.
J. D. Smith, Sanitarian, gave a detailed report on the costs involved in
closing the two sites and in fencing, manning, and compacting at the other two
sites. Mr. Smith also explained how his department deals with the problem of
roadside dumping.
Mr. Smith and Mr. Elliot discussed the possibility of using tipping fees
at the landfill and the dumpster sites. Chairman Frye asked for a more
Minutes 6/6/89
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detailed report on this subject for the Commissioners' June 19 meeting.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board voted to close the
Seagrove and Melancton dumpsters and to fence and man the Farmer and Coleridge
Administration Department
Frank Willis, County Manager, explained that any item not allocated to a
particular department, such as insurance or telephone expenses, are put into
Administration's budget. He noted that the County is saving money by partici-
pating in the self-insurance pool. He said that we would include public
officials and law enforcement coverage under this pool on July 1, 1989.
Mr. Willis stated that there is nothing significant about the Governing Board
or Legal Department budgets for next year.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board adjourned.