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The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in special session
at 7 p.m. on June 14, 1989 in Courtroom B, County Courthouse, Asheboro.
Commissioners Frye, Langley, Davidson, Petty and Comer were present.
The purpose of this meeting was to hear budget requests from the City
and County Schools.
Randolph County Scbools
Grady Lawson, Chairman of the Randolph County Board of Education,
and Dr. George Fleetwood, Superintendent, highlighted the priorities,
new items, and changes in their budget. They said that mobile
classrooms is one of their most critical needs.
Asbeboro City Scbools
Mac Ramsay, Chairman of the Asheboro City Board of Education, and
Dr. Bob Gordon, Superintendent, highlighted priorities, new items, and
changes in their budget. One unanticipated capital outlay expense is a,
replacement roof for the gym at Asheboro High. Also they must add a new
position for special education.
Adj oumment
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board adjourned.