July 10, 1989
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at
2 p.m. on July 10, 1989 in Courtroom B, County Courthouse, Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Frye, Langley, Davidson, Petty and Comer were present.
Invocation was given by Rev. Ben Hurley of Spring Garden Friends Meeting
in Greensboro.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the
minutes of the June 5, 6, 12, 14, 19, 20 and 21 meetings.
New Agricultural Extension Agent
Harvey Fouts, Agricultural Extension Director, presented for the
Board's approval Barry Foushee, recommended by the State to fill the
position of agricultural extension agent for livestock in Randolph and
Chatham Counties, effective August 1.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board accepted the
nomination of Barry Foushee as livestock extension agent.
Requested Revisions in Classification Plan for Mental Health Positions
Sara Baker, Personnel Officer, told the Board that Mental Health has
requested the following changes in the County's Classification Plan:
Medical Records Assistant IV Grade 59
Personnel Assistant IV 59
Lead Workshop Trades Instructor 58
Accounting Specialist II 69
Health Care Assistant II 54
Patient Relations Representative IV 59
Youth Program Assistant I 59
Youth Program Assistant II 61
Youth Program Assistant III 63
Youth Home Manager 66
Cottage Parent I Grade 54
Cottage Parent II 56
Educational Developmental Technician 60
Rehabilitation Therapist 62
Medical Records Manager 1 64
Creative/Expressive Art Therapist
From Grade 66 to Grade
Specialist II
Specialist III
Program Coordinator
Program Supervisor
Program Director
Program Director II
Cottage Parent I Grade 54
Cottage Parent II 56
Educational Developmental Technician 60
Rehabilitation Therapist 62
Medical Records Manager 1 64
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Educational Program Coordinator
Educational Program Unit Supervisor
On motion of Petty, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the
changes in the Classification Plan as requested above.
Friendship Cable TV Franchise Public Hearing
At 2:30 p.m. Chairman Frye declared a public hearing to be in session
to consider a cable TV franchise request from Friendship Cable of NC.
Steve Bolick of Friendship told the Board that the proposed area is now
being strand mapped and that an office for the system will probably be in
No one spoke for or against this request and the public hearing was
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved a
fifteen -year franchise to Friendship Cable of NC to operate in areas of
Randolph County as outlined in Attachment A of the franchise ordinance.
This action constituted the second of two required votes on a franchise.
A copy of the franchise ordinance is included by reference.
Annual Settlement Report
Billy Chilton, Tax Collector, presented the annual settlement report
for the year ending June 30, 1989.
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board accepted the settle-
ment report, a copy of which is included by reference.
Charge to Collect Taxes
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board charged Mr.
Chilton as Tax Collector to collect the taxes for the 1989-90 fiscal year.
A copy of the charge is included by reference.
Resolution to Accept Offer for Foreclosed Property
Patty Sykes, Purchasing Agent, advised the Board that she had
received no upset bids within the required 10 -day period after advertising
that the County proposes to accept an offer of $500 for a parcel of
foreclosed property in Randleman Township.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board approved a
resolution accepting the offer for foreclosed property and designating the
County Manager to execute the deed upon receipt of the purchase price. A
copy of the resolution is included by reference.
September Meeting Date
The Board agreed to hold their regular September meeting on Tuesday,
September 5, because of the first Monday being Labor Day.
Set Public Hearing for Thoroughfare Plan
The Board set 3:45 p.m. on August 7, 1989 as the time and date to
hold a public hearing on the High Point, Jamestown, Archdale, Davidson and
Randolph County Urbanized Area Thoroughfare Plan.
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Appointment - Jury Commission
On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the
reappointment of Annie Shaw to a two-year term on the Jury Commission.
Appointments - Nursing/Domiciliary Home Advisory Committee
On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the
reappointment of Cindy Hilliard and Susan Behr to a three-year term on the
Nursing/Domiciliary Home Advisory Committee and approved an initial
one-year appointment of Bertie Nelson to this committee.
Request to Appoint Animal Cruelty Investigator
Cheryl Routh, animal cruelty investigator for the Humane Society of
Randolph County, asked the Board to officially appoint her to this
position, as allowed by NCGS 19A-45.
Louise Puckett, Guilford County animal cruelty investigator, spoke in
support of an official appointment by the Board.
Dr. Jean Meade, veterinarian, also spoke on behalf of the request.
The Board and County Attorney had several concerns relative to this
request, especially any liability the County might incur as a result of
officially appointing an animal cruelty investigator. This item was
tabled until the August 7 meeting so that the County Attorney can research
questions posed by the Board.
Rezoning Public Hearing
At 4:00 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing
to consider rezoning requests. Hal Johnson, Zoning Administrator,
presented the following requests:
1. Walter and Ruby Hill, High Point, are requesting that 3 1/3 acres
off Highway 311 on SR 1747, New Market Township, be rezoned from
RA to LI, to be used for industrial purposes. The Planning Board
recommended unanimously to approve this request.
2. Roy Hill, Sophia, is requesting that 2 acres on SR 1936 off High-
way 311, New Market Township, be rezoned from RA to HC/CU. He
wants to use an existing building and .construct an automotive
storage and engine testing building. The property owner is
Marguerite Burton Hill. The Planning Board recommended
unanimously that the request be approved with the condition that
the new structure be used for automotive storage only.
Comments - Request #1
Walter Hill, applicant, stated that he is engaged in the packaging
business for furniture companies; he employs 5 people and may expand to
Comments - Request #2
Roy Hill, applicant, stated that he has been using the existing
building since 1980 to work on cars and that he wants to add another
building to house his cars and trucks. He said he would use only the
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existing building to work on cars.
Ronald Self, adjoining property owner, presented a petition with 64
names opposing this request. He stated that he has chicken houses within
100 feet of where the new building would be and that he is concerned about
the noise. He said that water from the Hill property runs onto his
property and that Mr. Hill's dog is mean and chases him. He said that
because of these problems, he was unsure what to expect from Mr. Hill if
he expands his business.
Raymond Wall, Route 3, Box 137, Sophia, stated that the neighbors
want to keep their quiet neighborhood and that he doesn't know what kind
of noise to expect from the expansion or when the noise might occur.
County Attorney Ed Gavin advised the Board that because the property
is not in Roy Hill's name, but in that of his mother, and because there is
nothing in the application to show that Roy H111 is the authorized agent
acting on behalf of his mother in this rezoning request, the Board cannot
act on this request one way or another.
Chairman Frye said that the Board would hear remaining comments so
that citizens would not have to return to another public hearing.
Lynn Small, Route 3, Box 606, Sophia, said that the area is
residential (40 residences within 21 mile) and that it should remain so.
She said the development of the Randleman Lake in their area would create
more pressures and that Highway Commercial should not be mixed in with
Margaret Hall, neighbor, stated her concerns about problems with Mr.
Hill's dogs and additional noise from the rezoning.
R.S. Davis, Sophia, said that Mr. Hill has not displayed a
willingness to cooperate with his neighbors and that is why they fear any
expansion of his business. He said there two deaths this summer and
several serious injuries from automobile accidents near the entrance to
Mr. Hill's house and that it is not a safe place for a business. He
stated that New Market School will be constructing a building within 500
feet from the Hill property. He also said that Mr. Hill has been in
prison and needs to prove himself to his community and that it is not
right to rezone this residential neighborhood. He noted that Mr. Hill had
failed to get a building permit or a zoning permit before beginning
construction on the new building.
Roy Hill discussed his involvement in the "Just Say No" drug program
and said that his prison sentence should be left out of things now. He
assured the Board that all aspects of his operation would be confined to
the existing building.
Pat Self, neighbor, asked if Mr. Hill could expand his business under
the grandfather clause.
Sue Dawson, Route 3, Box 134, Sophia, said that businesses should be
in the city, not in residential areas.
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Ruth Waugh, Route 3, Sophia, said that Mr. Hill's dog had attacked
and injured her dog twice, which cost her about $90 each time. She said
that Mr. Hill had reimbursed her the first time, but not the second time.
Mr. Hill questioned what dogs had to do with the rezoning request and
Chairman Frye stated that the neighbors were saying that the dog problem
is an example of his attitude.
The public hearing was closed.
Action on Rezoning Requests
On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the
request of Walter and Ruby Hill.
The Roy Hill request was tabled until the August 7 meeting.
RCC Appreciation
Willie Plummer, Board of Trustees Chairman for RCC, came before the
Board to express his appreciation to the Board of Commissioners for all
they have done for the county and the schools.
County Schools Bond Referendum Request
Dr. George Fleetwood, Superintendent of Randolph County Schools,
presented a resolution adopted by the Randolph County Board of Education
asking for a $24 million school bond referendum this fall.
City Schools Bond Referendum Request
Dr. Bob Gordon, Superintendent of Asheboro City Schools, presented
a request from the Asheboro Board of Education for a $7.8 million bond
referendum this fall.
Chairman Frye stated that the County Manager would have a pre-
conference with the Local Government Commission the week of July 24
concerning a bond referendum.
Carter Goble Report on Architectural Programming for the New Jail
Tricia Marshall and Don McCrary gave a preliminary report on the
Architectural Programming for the proposed new jail. They have revised
the program to accommodate 216 beds (with a possible expansion to 256
beds) as opposed to their earlier proposal for 144 beds. This change came
about by increasing cell size from 70 square feet to 85 square feet, but
double bunking them. The core for support services can now accommodate
300 inmates instead of 250. The total cost has changed from $8,657,000 to
Major Larry Emerson gave the Board an update on current revisions to
the state's jail standards, including cell size. Major Emerson serves on
the committee which will recommend to the Social Services Commission what
the new standards should be. Then the governor must approve them. Major
Emerson said the committee should have its recommendations ready within
the next several months.
The preliminary report was discussed at length and the Board had
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several concerns. It was determined that Carter Goble should return to
the August 7 meeting to present their final report.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board adjourned.