040582MINUTES RANDOLPH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMIISSIONERS MEETING April 5, 1982 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session on April 5, 1982, at 9:00 A. M. at 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, North Carolina. The following members were present: Richard K. Pugh, Chairman, Thurman Hogan, Richard Petty, Kenyon Davidson and Bill Boyd. The meeting was called to order by Chairman Richard K. Pugh. A motion was made by Thurman Hogan, seconded by Bill Boyd to approve the minutes of the March 1, 1982 Regular Meeting and the March 22, 1982 Special Meeting. This motion was unanimously approved. On motion of Kenyon Davidson, seconded by Bill Boyd, it was unanimously approved that the following proclamations be adopted: "Clean Up Litter Weeks" - April 19 - 24 and September 13 - 17 "National Volunteer Week in Randolph County" - April 18 - 24 "Emergency Medical Services Week" - April 25 - May 1 These proclamations are included by reference. \ on motion of Thurman Hogan, seconded by Bill Boyd, the Resolution appointing Nancy Tucker to a three-year term and Ken Hicks and Jay Kirk Goochan to a one- year term to the Randclpb County Nursing and Rest Home Advisory Committee was unanimously approved. This Resolution is included by reference. on motion of Bill Boyd, seconded by Thurman Hogan, Alice Ward, Barbara Lewallen and J. B. Johns were unanimously approved to serve as the Board of Directors of Randolph County Health Development Authority, Inc. On motion of Thurman Hogan, seconded by Kenyon Davidson, the Resolution for the addition of streets in Montclair Park Subdivision was unanimously approved. This Resolution is included by reference. Randy Billings and Alice Smith, representatives from the COG office made a recommendation to the Board concerning the development of Piedmont Triad Development Authority. Mr. Billings stated that we need to appoint one person to the Membership Committee and submit four names for the Board of Directors and two of the four persons would be selected to serve on the Board of Directors. On motion of Thurman Hogan, seconded by Bill Boyd, it was unanimously approved that Richard Pugh would serve on the Membership Committee of Piedmont Triad Development Authority and the four names would be selected and approved at the May 3 Board of Commissioners Meting. Bob Crumley addressed the Board of Commissioners with updated reports on several items. He reported that the proceeds from the auction sale totaled $1,086.00; that Randolph County has paid its share of the defense fund in both freight suits; that the sound problem in Courtroom C had been remedied; that substantial progress has been made in the telephone system and training programs had been conducted with department heads; that the Personnel Classifications would be submitted by Thursday, April 8 and N. C. Department of Administration would begin work on our classifications and pay plans; and the reorganization of the County Manager and Finance offices was working out very well. 0 Minutes Randolph Cowty Board of Commissioners Meeting Page 2 On motion of Thurman Hogan, seconded by Bill Boyd, it was unanimously approved that the Board of Commissioners would meet on June 1, 1982 instead of June 7, 1982. A motion by Thurman Hogan, seconded by Richard Pugh for Randolph County to contri- bute $25,000 to the Chamber of Commerce for Industrial Development was approved. A substituted motion by Kenyon Davidson to contribute $15,000 to the Chamber of Commerce for Industrial Development died for lack of a second. The contract between the City of Asheboro and the County of Randolph on Tax Collections was resubmitted to the Board of Commissioners wherein the City asked the County to reduce the fee from 1�% to 1;% of collections and for a more de- tailed bond requirement on the tax collector at the expense of the City. On motion of Thurman Hogan, seconded by Richard Petty, it was unanimously approved that the County would accept the contract on the above terms. The Board of Commissioners discuss the NACo Annual Conference to be held in Baltimore, Maryland from July 10 to July 14. The Commissioners that will be attending need to confirm this to the County Manager's office as soon as possible. On motion of Thurman Hogan, seconded by Bill Boyd, it was unanimously approved that a petition signed by 2/3 percent of resident freeholders would have to be presented to the Board of Commissioners in order for a road to be named or renamed. A Resolution presented to the Board of Commissioners requesting that a community be named (Cedar Hill) was calendared for the next meeting in order for anyone opposing the naming of this community to have a chance to be heard. Two bids were presented to the Board of Commissioners by Bob Chumley for the needed repairs to the county parking lot. On motion of Bill Boyd, seconded by Kenyon Davidson, it was unanimously approved that the bid from Moody & Sons Paving be accepted. On motion of Richard Petty, seconded by Thurman Hogan, the Resolution establishing Randleman Rural Fire District was unanimously approved. This Resolution is included by reference. A Resolution for the Exclusion of Property from Silver Valley Fire District was presented to the Board for approval. On motion of Thurman Hogan, seconded by Richard Petty, the Resolution was unanimously approved. This Resolution is included by reference. , on motion of Thurman Hogan, seconded by Richard Petty, the Retirement Extension for Claudia Harwell was unanimously approved. This Extension is included by reference.' On motion of Thurman Hogan, seconded by Richard Petty, the Budget Adjustment reports presented by Frank Willis was unan"usly approved. These reports are included by reference. In Mr. Willis' reports, he presented the amount to be appropriated for the eight (8) fire districts in Randolph County; the Community Based Alternatives Fund to be reduced by $2,300 for families that offer their homes for court offenders (only two families are participating in this program); and that Randolph County would receive $10,014 for the Crisis Intervention Fund and two stipulations had to be met in order to qualify for this fund: (1) there has to be a proven crisis; and (2) the money can be used for more than just fuel. Minutes Randolph County. Board of Commissioners Meeting Page 3 on motion of Bill Boyd, seconded by Richard Petty, it was unanimously approved that an Executive Session be called to discuss tax revaluation, the Archdale building and a personnel matter. It was stressed that no action would be taken during the Executive Session. After approximately thirty minutes, the regular meeting reconvened. At 11:00 A.M., a Public Hearing was conducted to consider the Rezoning Request of Barry Lawrence that approximately 5.085 acres located on State Road 1534, Trinity Township, Tax Map P-124, Zoning Map 1-2, owned by Barry Lawrence, High Point, North Carolina, be rezoned from Residential to Highway Ccmnercial Conditional Use and that a Conditional Use Permit be issued for a warehouse with an inside office. Hal Johnson advised the Board that the Planning Board had reviewed and recommended that the Conmi.ssioners approve the request on March 3, 1982. No citizens spoke in opposition to the request. The Public Heering was adjourned at 11:10 A.M. on motion of Bill Boyd, seconded by Thurman Hogan, the above Rezoning Request was unanimously approved. George Elliott addressed the Commissioners concerning a dumpster site in the Tabernacle area. On motion of Thurman Hogan, seconded by Richard Petty, the proposal for a dumpster site in the Tabernacle area was unanimously approved. Mr. Elliott also reported to the Board that approximately 4.5 acres of land had been designed as a separate location for battery waste from Union Carbide and that a proposal would be submitted to Union Carbide to utilize this separate location for battery waste only and to maintain frequent checks on the location. Mr. Bill Banker from Union. Carbide answered questions from the Board concerning this matter.. There were no objections from the Board for this proposal. There being no further business, the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Richard K. Pugh.