June 18, 1990
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in special session at 3:00
p.m. on June 18, 1990 to hear budget presentations from Asheboro City Schools,
Randolph County Schools, and Mental Health, with the public hearing on the budget
being scheduled for 7:00 p.m. Commissioners Frye, Langley, Davidson, Petty and
Comer were present.
Asheboro City Schools
Marylin Fowler, Chairman of the Asheboro Board of Education, spoke in
support of a one -cent increase in the Asheboro City Schools supplemental tax.
She said that if approved the increase would be used totally for teacher salary
Dr. Bob Gordon, Superintendent of Asheboro City Schools, reviewed their
proposed budget and answered questions from the Board.
Randolph County Schools
Grady Lawson, Chairman of the Randolph County Board of Education, spoke
briefly in appreciation of the support shown by the Board of Commissioners.
Dr. George Fleetwood, Superintendent of Randolph County Schools, reviewed
their proposed budget and answered questions from the Board.
Mental Healtb
Louise Galloway, Mental Health Director, told Commissioners that their two
areas of concern are salaries and space. She said that her agency has a $5,000
option, expiring August 17, on three parcels of land contiguous to the current
Mental Health facility. They would like to build an office building on this
property to consolidate five facilities that are being rented for $52,800
annually. The land cost is $153,900.
Ms. Galloway also discussed problems with the building housing the Mental
Health Center. There is water damage resulting from cracks in the exterior. The
first estimate received for total repair is $22,906.
Lee Croce, Maintenance Supervisor, described the problem and proposed
solution for repair. He said he would be receiving at least three other informal
bids on the building during the coming week. He added that repair must be soon
to prevent further damage.
This item was placed on the June 25 agenda for Board action.
Dr. Johnny Parker and Beulah Tote, Mental Health Board members, spoke in
support of the request for funds to purchase land.
The Board recessed at 5:45 p.m.
1990-91 Budget Public Hearing
At 7:00 p.m. the Board reconvened for a duly advertised public hearing on
the 1990-91 budget. Chairman Frye declared the public hearing to be is session.
Helga Jehle, President of the Humane Society of Randolph County, spoke in
support of the dog pound attendant position requested by the Health Director.
She said the Humane Society has received over 2000 calls in the last year, most
of which concern stray animals. She stated that many people tell her they aren't
able to talk with anyone at the pound because no one is there full time. Also,
they don't like to take animals to the pound because, with the limited manned
hours, they don't feel there is any chance of adoption.
David Hamilton with the Humane Society also spoke in support of this
Alice Bogle, Randolph Citizens Environmental Taskforce, spoke in support of
a County recycling program, including drop-off sites, use of recycled products,
and education of the public.
Chairman Frye closed the public hearing.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board adjourned.