R ' 1 1 !/ I'. 1Ii'MINUrESNOVEMHER 2, 1987
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00 p.m.
on November 2, 1987 in Courtroom B, Courthouse, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Frye,
Langley, Davidson, Petty and Comer were present. Invocation was given by Rev.
William Ketchie, St. John's Lutheran Church of Asheboro.
Citizen Comments - NC Flag At Courthouse
Bobby Hayes appeared before the Board to thank them for responding to his
request that the NC state flag be flown at the Courthouse. Chairman Frye invited
Mr. Hayes to raise the flag Friday, November 6, at 8:00 a.m.
Approval of Minutes
On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the minutes of the October 5 regular
and special meetings were approved.
Randolph Technical College - Name Change
Merton Branson, President of Randolph Technical College, informed the Board
that House Bill 1006 allows institutions in the Community College system to change
their names to include the word "community" if that institution's Board of Trustees
and the Board of County Commissioners both approve such a name change. He said
that the RTC Board of Trustees have approved naming the school "Randolph Community
College." Mr. Branson requested concurrence from the Board of Commissioners on
this name change, which will be effective January 1, 1988 if the State approves it.
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board adopted a resolution
approving the name "Randolph Community College" to replace the name "Randolph
Technical College." A copy of the resolution is included by reference.
Randolph Technical College - Offer of Property for Sale
Dr. Larry Linker, Vice President of Randolph Technical College, informed the
Board that a tract of land on Highway 311 adjoining Muddy Creek near Archdale
had been donated to RTC by Mr. and Mrs. Bill Aldridge for the purpose of building
a branch campus. RTC is unable to use this tract, however, because of residential
restrictive covenants on the property. Mr. and Mrs. Aldridge have agreed to
exchange this property for another tract located in Creekside Park nearby. RTC,
under G.S. 115C-518, must first offer the property to the Board of Commissioners
for purchase before continuing with the exchange process.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board declined the offer
extended by RTC.for land purchase.
2:30 p.m. Public Hearing - Reenactment of Local Sales Taxes
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board adjourned to a duly advertised
public hearing at 2:30 p.m. for the purpose of considering the reenactment of local
sales taxes.
No one spoke in favor of or in opposition to this issue. The public hearing
was closed.
On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board adopted a resolution reeanact-
ing local sales and use taxes. A copy of the resolution is included by reference.
Commissioners Minutes
November 2, 1987
Page 2
Self -Insurance for Property, General Liability and Auto
Mike Nashleanas of the Fred S. James Company came before the Board to explain
the self-insurance pool that the North Carolina Association of County Commissioners
has established for property, general liability and automobile coverage. The James
Company administers this self-insurance pool, as it does for the Association's
Workers' Compensation self-insurance pool (which Randolph County has been in for
several years). Mr. Nashleanas gave an overview of the new plan, which currently
has 33 NC counties participating in it.
Manager Frank Willis explained that the County's current liability policy
expires November without the option to renew.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Caner, the Board authorized the Manager and
Chairman to make a decision on this matter.
Proclamation - Home Care Week
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board adopted a proclamation
declaring November 29 - December 5 as Home Care Week in Randolph County. A copy
of the proclamation is included by reference.
1988 Holiday Schedule
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board adopted the 1988
holiday schedule for the County, which follows the 1988 State holiday schedule.
A copy is included by reference.
Manager Frank Willis informed the Board that because Easter Monday has been
changed to Good Friday and Martin Luther King, Jr. Day has been added to the
holiday schedule, the County's personnel ordinance must be amended. It currently
outlines specific holidays that are observed by the County, which formerly
included Easter Monday. The proposed amendment will be placed on the December
7, 1987 agenda.
D.O.T. Additons
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved three additions
to the State System of Roads. Copies of resolutions are included by reference.
Sheriff's Department Request for Crime Prevention Grant Application
Major Larry Emerson requested that the Sheriff's Department be allowed to
apply for a federal grant available through the Governor's Crime Commission. The
grant would fund a crime prevention officer position in the department and no
County funds would be required for this position. The grant, which is awarded
one year at a time, can be funded for two years; at that time, if the County
Commissioners choose not to budget and tontine this position, it will be dropped.
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the Sheriff's
Department request to apply for these grant funds.
Health Department Request for Additional Positions
Yvonne Chilcoat, Public Health Nursing Director, presented a request to
establish a Maternity Care Coordinator position to provide services to Medicaid
eligible pregnant women. This position would be occupied by a PHN I at $17,964
or, if a PHN I cannot be recruited, by a social worker at $14,280. The 1987
General Assembly established Medicaid reimbursements for this program. No
County funds would be needed.
Commissioners Minutes
November 2, 1987
Page 3
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board voted to allocate a
position for Maternity Care Coordinator.
MiMi Cooper, Health Educator, presented a request for a half-time Health
Educator for health promotion activities in Randolph County. The Adult Health
Section of the Division of Health Services has designated $17,463 to Randolph
for such a program. Of that, $8,234 would be used to fund this half-time
On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board approved a half-time
Health Educator position.
4:00 p.m. Rezoning Public Hearing
Chairman Frye declared a duly advertised public hearing on rezoning requests
to be open.
Hal Johnson, Planning Director, presented the following requests for property
1. Clinton Richardson, Seagrove, requests that 12 acres of land located on the
east side of SR 2902 near the intersection of SR 1002/2902, Richland Township,
be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Residential Mixed/Conditional Use
(Zoning Map 7696). It is the desire of the applicant to develop a mobile
home park. The Planning Board recommended that this request be approved.
2. Roger L. Gregory, Asheboro, requests that 5 acres of land front on the west
side of SR 1107, north of Highway 49, Cedar Grove Township, be rezoned from
Residential Agricultural to Light Industrial/Conditional Use (Zoning Map
7629). It is the desire of the applicant to build a furniture frame shop
for an industrial operation. The Planning Board recommended unanimously
that this request be denied because it would not be consistent with the
rural -agricultural character of the area and the County Land Development
3. Roger Bouldin, Asheboro, requests that one acre of land located on the west
side of SR 2846 between SR 2910 and SR 2848, Richland Township, be rezoned
from Residential Restricted to Highway Commerical/Conditional Use (Zoning
Map 7665). It is the desire of the applicant to build an addition to an
existing building for the purpose of washing diesel trucks. The Planning
Board recommended that this request be approved.
4. Mr. Johnson also gave a report on noise level recommendations relative to
Klaussner Industries' rezoning request discussed at the October Commissioners'
meeting. He said that OSHA had no recommended decibel level for outside,
but that 85 dB is the level on inside industrial noise at which workers need
to be aware of noise hazards. The engineering firm representing Klaussner
has stated that outside noise levels at the property line will be less than
85 dB.
Discussion - Request #1
Clinton Richardson, Rt. 1, Seagrove, developer, stated that his mobile home
park would have a coamnanity water supply and individual septic tanks and that it
would be a well -kept area.
Commissioners Minutes
November 2, 1987
Page 4
Ottway Burton, attorney, 115 worth St., Asheboro, spoke on behalf of Mable
Beu, adjoining property owner. Mrs. Beu opposes a mobile home park in that
location because she fears her property (64 acres) will be affected.
Harris Richardson, Rt. 1, Seagrove, lives across the road. He stated that
12-15 dogs have been coming onto his property from 4 trailers that are already
there and that his sister has had wood stolen from her property and trash dumped
on it.
Bobby Richardson, Rt. 1, Seagrove, who has 100 acres about z mile from the
site in question, spoke in opposition to the request.
Benny Richardson, Rt. 1, Seagrove, said the corner of his property (36 acres)
joins this proerty at the creek and he is opposed to the request.
Clinton Richardson stated that Bobby Richardson's property is .8 mile away
and has a junkyard on it and that Mrs. Bue's property does not join his, but is
across the road. He said that in a telephone conversation with Mrs. Bue she did
not indicate any opposition to his request.
Darrell Spivey, Seagrove, owner of 90 acres there, said he has no objection
to the request and would like to see the area built up so they can get better
Attorney Burton submitted a sworn affadavit from Mable Bue stating her
opposition to this request.
Discussion - Request # 2
Walter Gordon, Rt. t, Box 201, Asheboro (2 miles south of Science Hill Church),
opposed this request, saying he had moved there this year after looking for a nice,
quiet neighborhood.
Wes Moser, 230 E. Salisbury St., Asheboro, attorney representing Mr. & Mrs.
Roger Gregory, submitted a petition signed by neighbors requesting that the
Commissioners approve this request. He asked for those in the audience who had
signed the petition to stand; 15 persons stood. Mr. Moser stated that there
would be a 100' setback from the road instead of the 50' originally shown.
Earl Greene, Rt. 3, Box 82, Asheboro, spoke in support of the request. He
stated that the Lowe family was responsible for that community being there and
their grandchildren shouldn't be deprived of this opportunity because they won't
be hurting anyone else.
Roger Greene, neighbor, spoke in support of the request.
Chairman Frye commented that the County Zoning Ordinance allows for hardship
cases. The Gregorys are being forced out of their current location because they
have discovered they are in violation of a subdivision restriction.
Discussion - Request # 3
No one spoke for or against this request.
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November 2, 1987
Page 5
Discussion - Request # 4
Shirley Fleming, Rt. 7, Asheboro, nearby property owner to Klaussner's
proposed construction, stated that she had been researching noise level information
since the October meeting. In Alexandria, Virginia, a noise level code provides
the following dB levels from the property line: residential, 55; commercial, 60;
industrial, 70. She said that in Maryland, the following levels are allowed as
measured from the property line: 7 a.m. - 10 p.m., 65 dB; 10 p.m. - 7 a.m., 55 dB.
She said that Klaussner doesn't have an EPA permit from the state and that office
has no record of an application.
Sandra Shuler, Rt. 7, Box 243, Asheboro, nearby property owner, stated that
her research indicates that 85 dB is equivalent to being 3/4 mile from a touchdown
at a major airport. Her source stated that a noise sustained on a 24-hour basis,
as the proposed construction will create, should not exceed 70 dB and that any
given decibel level increases 10 points at night.
Rodney Miller, project manager representing Klaussner, stated that they are
not required to get an EPA permit because gas engines are exempt from those
Action Taken on Rezoning Requests
On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the request of
Clinton Richardson.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the request of
Roger Gregory, with the stipulation that only 3 acres be rezoned and that there
be a 100' setback from the road for placement of the shop.
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the request of
Roger Bouldin.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board set a decibel level
maximum of. 65 at the property line for Klaussner's rezoning request. They
directed the project engineer to send documentation to Hal Johnson, Planning
Director, detailing a plan on how they plan to achieve this lowering of noise
Social Services Department Request for Additional Positions
Marion Smith, Social Services Director, detailed four new programs mandated
by the state legislature: AFDC pregnancies, AFDC Medicaid for those 19-21; AFDC
for children under 2, and the Unemployed Parent Program. Because of these new
programs and increasing paperwork, DSS will need an additional eligibility
specialist and clerk -typist. If they don't get these positions, they will be in
violation of Alexander vs. Hill and the staff turnover will become more critical.
The state has allocated $9,400 (to match federal funds) to fund the eligibility
specialist position. Because of lapsed salaries in the department, the clerk -
typist can also be funded without any additional funds from the County.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved both positions.
DTPA Rural Service Delivery Area
Manager Frank Willis explained that every two years we have to tell the state
what service delivery area we want to be in for JTPA services.
On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board voted to remain in the rural
service delivery area.
Commissioners Minutes
November 2, 1987
Page 6
Randleman Lake Water Critical Area
Hal Johnson advised the Board that he had met with Lindsay Cox and Ginger
Booker of PTCOG and two engineers to go over a map (1" = 500') to be used in
determining water critical ares for the proposed Randleman Lake. They also
discussed and decided at that meeting that a public hearing would be needed to
adopt this map as part of the zoning ordinance. Mr. Johnson said that the
Water Authority is considering the purchase of more than 200' around the shore
line and the possibility of adding recreation areas. Chairman Frye stated that
it is not the desire of the Randolph County Board of Commissioners to support
extensive recreation areas.
Appointments - JTPA
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the appointment
of John Brooks of the Employment Security Commission to the Private Industry
Council for JTPA.
Budget Amendments
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the following
budget amendments: (Copy of budget amendments included by reference.)
Community -Based Alternatives - to receive $128,727 from the State.
Piedmont Triad Regional Water Authority - to take $15,321 from Contingency
appropriation to pay the Water Authority.
Social Services - to receive $2902 from the State for Crisis Intervention
and to receive $8500 from the State for an eligibility specialist in four
new mandated programs.
Public Health - to decrease by $1901 the Maternal Health program to reflect
a reduction of allocation from the State and to receive $13,593 from the
State for Medicaid case management. It is estimated that Medicaid fees
will produce the $13,593 in revenues.
Proclamation - Trinity High Schol
On motion of Comer, seconded by Petty, the Board adopted a proclamation in
honor of the Trinity High School women's volleyball and basketball teams' state
championships. A copy of the proclamation is included by reference.
Executive Session - Acquisition of Real Property
On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board adjourned to executive
session for the purpose of discussing the possible purchase of real property.
The Board returned to regular session from executive session and adjourned
without taking any action.