020591RANDOLPH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS February 4, 1991 Minutes The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room, Randolph County Office Building, 707 McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Frye, Davidson, Langley, Petty and Comer were present. Invocation was given by Rev. Jerry Phillips, Evangel Assembly of God, Asheboro, NC. Recognition of Barron Mill's Retirement Chairman Frye recognized Barron Mills, retiring editor of The Randolph Guide, and expressed the Board's appreciation for Mr. Mills' coverage over the years. Approval of Minutes On motion of Petty, seconded by Langley, the Board approved the minutes of the January 7, 1991 meeting. Request for Position - Elections Maria Bliss, Supervisor of Elections, requested an additional permanent full-time position for the Elections office. She said that since she is the only full-time employee in that department, there is no one else who could perform her duties if something happened to her. Mrs. Bliss also stated that workload has increased so that one person cannot handle it alone. She said that increasing numbers of voters and new projects such as permanent street addressing and redrawing precinct lines will continue to increase the workload. She stated that she has sufficient funds in the budget to cover the salary for this additional employee. " Hal Scott, Personnel Director, stated that other comparable counties have at least two employees in this department and that he recommends the addition be approved. On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the addition of an Assistant Supervisor of Elections, Grade 57, effective March 1, 1991. Bid Award - Heating Oil Patty Sykes, Purchasing Agent, reported that on January 24 bids were opened for Number 2 heating oil for the 1991-92 heating season. Bids received were Briles Oil and Gas, Inc. - .788 gallon; Pugh Oil Company - .775 gallon; and Randolph Oil Company - .840 gallon. She recommended that the bid be awarded to the low bidder, Pugh Oil Company. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Petty, the Board awarded the heating oil bid to Pugh Oil Company. Minority Participation in Construction Contracts At 2:30 p.m. the Board held a duly advertised public hearing concerning minority participation in construction contracts. Patty Sykes, Purchasing Agent, advised the Board that for construction contracts over $100,000, the County must make an effort to obtain bids from minority businesses. Ms. Sykes recommended that the County adopt 10% as minority participation goal. 2/4/91 Minutes Page 2 Chairman Frye asked for public comment and no one spoke. The public hearing was closed. On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board adopted a resolution establishing a goal of 10% for minority participation for bids on construction contracts over $100,000. A copy of this resolution is included by reference. On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board adopted the Minority Participation Plan as proposed by Mrs. Sykes. E911 Ordinance On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board adopted the E911 ordinance which was introduced at the January 7, 1991 meeting. A copy of this ordinance is included by reference. E911 Budget Amendment On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved Budget Amendment #22, which establishes the Emergency Telephone System Fund in the amount of $157,260. A copy of this budget amendment is included by reference. Bid Award - Mapping Equipment for E911 Addressing Project Patty Sykes, Purchasing Agent, presented bids received on equipment needed for addressing for E911 implementation, as follows: a) Calcomp Backlit Digitizer with power lift/power tilt base (2) Calcomp, Inc. No Response To Bid Request Engineering Design Systems 7,900 each 15,800 ESRI, Inc. 8,010 each 16,020 JCH and Associates 6,849 each 13,698 b) Calcomp Non -Backlit Digitizer with power lift/power base (1) Calcomp, Inc. Engineering Design Systems ESRI, Inc. JCH and Associates No Response To Bid Request No Bid 5,041 each 5,041 4,802 each 4,802 c) Graphics Terminals compatible with IBM Risc 6000 system and ESRI Software (3) ESRI, Inc. IBM Corporation Pioneer Technologies Tektronix, Inc. 5,036 each 15,108 4,365 each 13,095 4,585 each 13,755 4,745 each 14,235 Mrs. Sykes recommended that bids be awarded to the low bidders, JCH and Associates for the three digitizers and IBM for the graphics terminals, and that the performance bond requirements be waived. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board awarded the bids to the low bidders and waived the performance bond requirement. Cable TV Franchise Ordinance - Douglas Communications 2/4/91 Minutes Page 3 On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board adopted an ordinance granting a franchise to Douglas Communications Southeast. A copy of this ordinance is included by reference. Landfill Update George McArthur, Public Works Director, reported on several issues concerning the landfill. Average daily intake in January was 265 tons, with 488 tons on January 22 being the largest. Revenue received in January from tipping fees was $122,000, which includes dumpster sites. Joe Richardson has agreed to take all white goods, including motors, as well as other metals at no cost. The landfill operations contract with Wright Grading will expire at the end of the year. The Public Works staff are preparing to apply to the state for storm water runoff permits for the landfill. Requests for proposals have gone out to 8 firms on how to best use the recently purchased land at the landfill. Roadside dumping has not increased since tipping fees were initiated. Recycling Update Mr. McArthur introduced Ellen Baily, new recycling coordinator/educator. Ms. Baily reported that as of February 15 there will be recycling drop-off sites at the 3 dumpster locations and that eventually there will be 20 drop-off sites. Fliers are being sent out to businesses, schools and churches to educate the public about the recycling program. Public School Building Capital Fund Frank Willis explained that the Public School Building Capital Fund (ADM Fund) money is allocated between the two school systems at the discretion of the County Commissioners. He presented a chart outlining his proposed allocation method, which distributes tax money by ADM and interest by percent of equity in the fund at the beginning of the month. On motion of Petty, seconded by Langley, the Board voted that the allocation of funds between the Asheboro City Schools and the Randolph County Schools in the Public School Buildings Capital Fund will be calculated by the Randolph County Finance Officer by allocating taxes by average daily membership and interest according to equity at the beginning of the month. Harold McManus, Finance Officer for Randolph County Schools, presented an amended application from the Randolph County Board of Education for the Public School Building Capital Fund. The amended application requests an additional $281,327 from the State, to be applied to the Southwest Randolph Middle School. On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the amended application of the Randolph County Board of Education. A copy of this amended application is included by reference. Roger Pritchard, Assistant Superintendent for Asheboro City Schools, presented an application from the City of Asheboro Board of Education for the Public School Building Capital Fund. The application requests $809,548 from the State for a teaching theatre for North Asheboro Middle School and a multi-purpose room at Lindley Park Elementary School. On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the application of the City of Asheboro Board of Education. A copy of this application is included by reference. 2/4/91 Minutes Page 4 Economic Development Update Walter Sprouse, President of the Randolph County Economic Development Corporation, reported that the Timken Company has recently announced their decision to locate a $100,000,000 facility in Randolph County and that they plan to double the size of their investment in several years. He said that he has been working with the Town of Staley to obtain a $300,000 Community Development Block Grant and is currently working with 8 industrial prospects. Countywide Development Activity Hal Johnson, Planning Director, reviewed countywide development activity in 1990, including rezoning activity. He also reported on the road sign installation project, which is about 1/3 complete. He briefly discussed 5 development projects in progress: new state watershed protection districts, centralized permitting program, road names for private roads, airport zoning, and junked vehicles. NCACC - Joint District Meeting Chairman Frye stated that any Commissioner wishing to be registered for the NCACC joint district meeting in March should notify the Clerk to the Board. Budget Amendment - Social Services On motion of Davidson, seconded by Petty,, the Board approved Budget Amendment 1123, which increases Social Services' state revenues by $5,074 for CP&L Project Share and $989 for Child Day Care. A copy of this budget amendment is included by reference. Budget Amendment - Public Health On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board approved Budget Amendment 1124, which increases Public Health's state revenues by $8,750 for Maternity Care Coordination. A copy of this budget amendment is included by reference. Budaet Amendment - Sales Tax On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved Budget Amendment 1125, which increases Administration's budget by $24, 345 to reflect additional sales tax revenues. These revenues will be used to pay sales tax on the recently acquired computer equipment. A copy of this budget amendment is included by reference. Rezonine Public Hearin At 4:00 p.m. the Board adjourned to a regularly scheduled public hearing to consider rezoning requests. Hal Johnson presented the following requests: 1. Steve Vestal, Thomasville, is requesting that .61 acre located at SR1627/1629, Trinity Township, be rezoned from RM to LI for industrial development. The Planning Board unanimously recommended approval. 2. Thomas Rose, Asheboro, is requesting that 4 acres on SR 1143, Union Township, be rezoned from RA to HI/CU to operate a sawmill. The Planning Board unanimously recommended approval. Citizen Comments - Request 111 Steve Vestal, applicant, stated that he planned commercial buildings for the site and that there are a septic tank and well on the property. 2/4/91 Minutes Page 5 Citizen Comments - Request #2 No one spoke. Board Action on Requests On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the request of Steve Vestal. On motion of Petty, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the request of Thomas Rose. Request for Additional Position - Sheriff's Department Sheriff Litchard Hurley requested an additional vice -narcotics officer, stating that drug cases had increased from 161 in 1989 to 232 in 1990. He said that this position can be funded from his budget for the remainder of this fiscal year. On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board approved an additional vice -narcotics officer position at Grade 63. Grant Application Request - Sheriff's Department Sheriff Hurley requested permission to apply for a two-year federal grant for $200,000 which would allow Randolph and Chatham Counties jointly to establish a drug task force. Funds would be used to hire personnel, equipment and vehicles. He stated that 25% local match is required for the two-year period. If Randolph provides the entire 25% local match, we would keep all equipment and vehicles at the end of the grant period. Sheriff Hurley said that his department has $20,000 available in the undercover line item to apply toward the matching funds and another $30,000 in seized assets pending disposal in federal court. However, if disposal is not made before the grant funds are needed, Commissioners would have to appropriate funds from other sources. On motion of Davidson, seconded by Petty, the Board approved the grant application. Seagrove-Ulah Metropolitan Water District Request Mike Walker, Chairman of the Seagrove-Ulah Metropolitan Water District, said that Phase I of the water project involves an 8" trunk line from the N.C. Zoo down Hwy 159 to Hwy 220 and then to other areas, passing 128 residences, 36 small businesses, 3 industries, 7 churches, 1 school, and 1 library. Phase I is expected to cost $1.1 million. The District has applied for a $600,000 economic development block grant and $207,000 has been committed from local businesses. He requested that the County contribute $250,000 to this project. A bond referendum is scheduled for November for Phase II of this project. Chairman Frye told Mr. Walker that the Board was not ready to act on this request at this time, but that it will be on the next agenda. Executive Session On motion of Langley, seconded by Petty, the Board voted to go into executive session to discuss an economic development opportunity. The Board reconvened in regular session without taking any action on the executive session. Adjournment 2/4/91 Minutes Page 6 On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board adjourned.