November 4, 1991 Minutes
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2:00
p.m. on November 4, 1991 in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Office
Building, 707 McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Frye, Davidson, Langley
and Comer were present. Commissioner Petty was absent. Invocation was given by
Rev. William Summey, Calvary Methodist Church, Asheboro.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the minutes
of the October 7 meeting.
of Archi
Less Than $30,000
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board adopted a resolution
approving a blanket exemption for bidding architectural, engineering and
surveying services that are less than $30,000. A copy is included by reference.
Bid Award - Vehicle Tracking System
Patty Sykes, Purchasing Agent, advised the Board that informal bids were
received for a vehicle tracking system, as follows:
Law Enforcement Associates, Inc.
Dynatech Trak/R-2000 $14,900
LEA 6709 -CAN TRAC 360 12,995
Audio Intelligence Devices
AID Bird Dog 360 13,550
National Police Supply NO BID
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board awarded the bid to Law
Enforcement Associates, Inc. for the LEA 6709 -CAN TRAC 360 at $12,995.
Disposal of Computer Equipment
Ms. Sykes reported that the Fire Association donated an Apple IIe personal
computer to the fire marshal's office several years ago. The computer is no
longer usable and the fire marshal has requested that the computer be returned to
the Fire Association. During the time the County had the computer, the following
equipment was added to it:
Modem, 1200 w/accuracy kit $399 asset # 02488
Program, Ramworks II 350 asset # 02834
Accelerator Card, Transwarp 279 asset # 03062
Ms. Sykes stated that the County has no need for the equipment without the
computer and requested that the equipment be donated to the Fire Association.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board voted to donate this
equipment to the Fire Association.
Bid Award - Ambulance Chassis
Ms. Sykes presented informal bids for an ambulance chassis for a budgeted
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Capital Ford Inc., Raleigh $17,091
First Response, Inc. 19,665
Freeman Ford, Inc. 17,283
Southern Ambulance 18,170
Vestal Motor Co. 16,373
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board awarded the bid to the
low bidder, Vestal Motor Company.
Reauest for Additional Positions - Social Services
Marion Smith, Social Services Director, advised the Board that Social
Services has received an an additional allocation of $42,004 with which to
provide child protective services. He said this program has grown significantly
in recent years, with referrals doubling since 1988. He requested two additional
Social Worker III positions, to be funded from this allocation.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board approved Budget
Amendment 1113, which reflects a $24,632 allocation from the state, and approved
two Social Worker III positions, to be funded from January 1, 1992 through June
30, 1992. A copy of Budget Amendment 1113 is included by reference.
for Out -of -State Civil
�s Delivered b,
Chief Deputy Allen McNeill told the Board that the Sheriff's Department
would like to begin charging $50 to deliver out-of-state civil processes. They
are currently charging $5. Fifteen other North Carolina counties are already
charging more than $5 and several other counties are considering an increase.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board adopted a resolution
setting a $50 fee for Sheriff's out-of-state civil processes. A copy is included
by reference.
Public HeariuR - Addressing and Central Permit Ordinances
At 2:30 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing on a
proposed addressing ordinance and central permit ordinance. Both ordinances were
introduced at the October 7 meeting. No one asked to speak. The public hearing
was closed.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board adopted AN ORDINANCE
IN RANDOLPH COUNTY, effective November 4, 1991.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board adopted a CENTRALIZED
PERMITTING ORDINANCE, effective November 4, 1991.
Appointments - Tax Commission
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board made the following
initial staggered terms for the Tax Commission, as applicable under House Bill
653, enacted by the General Assembly on April 10, 1991: Allen Holt, 3 years;
Charles Teague, 2 years; and Danny Sykes, 1 year. The motion made provisions for
compensation for the Tax Commission to be set during the budget process and set
the regular meeting time for 1:30 p.m. on the first Friday of each month.
Resolution Establishing Board of Equalization and Review
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board adopted a resolution
appointing the Tax Commission to act as the Board of Equalization and Review. A
copy is included by reference.
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Disposal of Tax Records
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the destruction
of 10 cubic feet of 1981 tax listing forms.
Public Hearing - Economic Development Block Grant
At 3:00 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public ,hearing
concerning the County's proposed application to the State for an economic
development block grant. The County Manager stated that Hobbs & Upchurchwould
administer the grant and that Black & Veatch would perform engineering services.
Fred Hobbs of Hobbs & Upchurch explained that these grants are awarded to
encourage creation of jobs for low to moderate income individuals. He said that
this public hearing is to solicit comments on filing an application and that a
second public hearing must be held to discuss the particulars of the specific
No one asked to speak and the public hearing was closed. On motion of
Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board set the second public hearing for 2:30 p.m.
on December 2, 1991.
Centel Agreement for 911 Database
Neil Allen, Emergency Services Director, presented a proposed contract with
Centel for the creation of an ongoing database to support 911. The contract is
not for a set dollar amount because the service will be provided subject to
tariffs of Centel on file at the time of system implementation. Mr. Allen said
it is estimated that creation of the database will be $188,000 and that ongoing
monthly charges will be $9,300. The contract requires a $15,000 deposit to
Centel up front.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the contract.
Proposed Watershed Protection Regulations
Hal Johnson, Planning Director, presented an update on the State's proposed
watershed protection regulations. When adopted, these regulations will be
mandatory and will place responsibility for enforcement on local governments.
Mr. Johnson noted that Randolph County should have no problems with these
regulations because we are already protecting our watershed areas through our
zoning ordinance.
Proclamation - Home Care Week
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved a proclamation
declaring December 1-7, 1991 as Home Care Week in Randolph County. A copy is
included by reference.
Executive Session - Personnel Matter
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, at 3:40 p.m. the Board voted to go
into executive session to consider a personnel matter. At 3:55 p.m. they
returned to regular session.
Appointment of Library Director
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved Richard Wells
as the new Library Director, effective November 5, 1991, at an annual salary of
Purchase of Land at Landfill
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board approved the purchase
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of 10.004 acres of land adjoining the landfill, for the sum of $1800 an acre,
from Crystal McCracken Webber.
Public Hearing - Rezoning
At 4:00 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to
consider rezoning requests. Hal Johnson, Zoning Administrator, presented the
following requests:
1. Georgia Menius, Asheboro, is requesting 3 acres at Hwy 220/Hwy 159, Cedar
Grove Township, be rezoned from RA to HC for commercial development. This
request was postponed from the October 7 meeting. The Planning Board recommended
4/1 that the request be approved.
2. Joseph Richardson, Randleman, is requesting 27.32 on SR 2261, Franklinville
Township, be rezoned from RA to RA/CU to operate an outdoor recycling storage
area with a commercial demolition landfill. The Planning Board unanimously
recommended denial as inconsistent with the land use plan.
3. Benny Bowers, Thomasville, is requesting 73 acres on SR 1401, Tabernacle
Township, be rezoned from RA to RR to develop a 35 -lot site -built subdivision.
The Planning Board recommended 5/2 that the request be approved.
4. Don Lanier, Asheboro, is requesting 57 acres at SR 1118/SR 1109, Union
Township, be rezoned from RA to RM to develop a manufactured housing subdivision
of 21 lots. The Planning Board recommended 6/1 to deny the request as
inconsistent with the land use plan.
5. Lester Davis, Sophia, is requesting 29.42 acres on SR 1929, New Market
Township, be rezoned from RA to RR to develop a restricted residential
subdivision of 17 lots. The Planning Board unanimously recommended approval.
6. David Fogleman, Randleman, is requesting 1.3 acres on SR 2116, Providence
Township, be rezoned RR/RA to RA/CU to use an existing business to sell socks.
The Planning Board unanimously recommended approval.
Comments - Request til
Joyce Davis, realtor for the applicant, said this property is not desirable
as a residential lot and that everything else in the area is zoned for business.
Walter Overton, Route 4, Box 352, Asheboro, opposed this request and
presented a petition from neighbors.
Comments - Request lit
Joe Richardson, Route 2, Box 760, Randleman, said he needed to store white
goods on the property in order to prepare them for market. He said he wanted to
open a demolition landfill for construction materials from contractors.
Don Heard, Route 2, Box 740, Randleman, expressed concerns about
contamination of the soil and potential danger to neighboring wells.
Don Ward, neighbor, stated that the neighbors are opposed to this request.
Comments - Request #3
Benny Bowers, applicant, described the proposed development and deed
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Alvin Myers, Route 3, Trinity, opposed the request and stated that when this
request first came to the Planning Board last year he had presented a petition
with 86 signatures opposing it.
Ed Leach, Route 3, Trinity, opposed the development and questioned the
effect on the Little Uwharrie River.
Wade Myers, Rt. 3, Trinity, expressed. concerns about contamination to the
river and to Lake Reese..
Curtis Jester, neighbor, asked the Board to consider what the neighbors have
said about this request because they will have to live with the decision.
Comments - Request #4
Don Lanier, Route 3, Asheboro, said that the request is for an area where
there is already mixed residential development.
Jerry Callicutt, P.O. Box 224, Samora, N.C., who also owns property in the
area of the proposed development, spoke against mobile home developments. Six in
the audience stood in support of Mr. Callicutt's comments. He also stated that
he had a petition with 109 signatures opposing the request.
Benny Kilby, Route 5, Asheboro, opposed therequestand expressed concerns
about overcrowding the school.
Betty Zorne, 100 Westbury, Asheboro, voiced concerns for the wildlife and
the unpaved road leading to the proposed development.
Harold Strider, adjoining property owner, stated that since other mobile
homes had come into the neighborhood, vandalism and breaking and enterings had
increased significantly.
Comments - Request #5
No one spoke.
Comments - Request #6
No one spoke.
Commissioner Action on Requests
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the request
of Georgia Menius.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board denied the request of
Joseph Richardson.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board postponed a decision
onthe request of Benny Bowers.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board denied the request of Don
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the request of
Lester Davis.
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On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the request
of David Fogleman.
D.O.T. Additions
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board approved resolutions
adding Eton Avenue Extension and Country Meadows Lane to the State System of
Appointment - Seagrove-Ulah Metropolitan Water District
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board reappointed Margaret
Hayes to a three-year term on on Seagrove-Ulah Metropolitan Water District Board.
Appointment - Nursing/Domiciliary Home Advipory Committee
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board reappointed Tom Meacham
to the Nursing/Domiciliary Home Advisory Committee.
Budget Amendment - Elderly S Handicapped Transportation Grant
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board approved Budget
Amendment 1114, which reflects $27,650 in state funding for the Elderly and
Handicapped Transportation Assistance Program Grant. A copy is included by
Budget Amendment - 911 Database
ON motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board approved Budget
Amendment 1115, which decreases revenues by $21,707, allots $15,000 for data base
construction, and decreases renovation to center by $36,707. A copy is included
by reference.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board adjourned.