October 7, 1991 Minutes
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 2 p.m.
on October 7, 1991 in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Office Building, 707'
McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Frye, Davidson, Langley and Comer
were present. Commissioner Petty was absent. Invocation was given by Rev.
Hoover Lee of the Randolph Baptist Association.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the m nutes of'
the September 3, 1991 meeting.
Montgomery County Economic Development Corporation - Air Cargo Facility Position
Hal Walker, Director of Montgomery County EDC, presented information on his
agency's recruitment of a proposed $750 million air cargo facility to be located
somewhere in North Carolina. He said that Montgomery County is seeking support
for their efforts from several surrounding counties, since they would like to
submit an application to the State that represents -a coordinated regional plan.
Lenue James, Vice President of Montgomery County EDC, apologized for
incorrect information in area newspapers stating that Randolph County had -.
endorsed the Montgomery County site. -
..On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board voted to establish a
group to work with the Randolph County EDC in assessing implications of the air
cargo facility for Randolph County before taking an official position on this
issue. This group will be composed of one representative from each of the five
commissioner districts.
Soil Survey Update
Perry Wyatt, soil scientist,•reported that 55% of the county has been mapped
forisoil types. He said that the project will not be completed until late 1994
or early 1995 because they have lost one soil scientist and cannot get a
replacement because of state budget cuts.
Request for New Position - Tax Department
Billy Chilton, Tax Assessor/Collector, requested an additional appraiser
position because of additional workload related to the 1993 revaluation. He said
the position would be needed through 1992 and that he has funds in the current
budget to pay forthis position for a few months. -
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board -approved -either an
Appraiser I grade 67 or 69 (based on applicant's qualifications) or Appraiser II
position (grade 69) for',the Tax Department, with no funds allocated for it at
this time.
Proclamation - Red Ribbon Week
Louise Galloway, Mental Health Director, presented information on Red Ribbon
which is part of a national campaign to support drug-free communities.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the'Board adopted- a proclamation
declaring October 19-27 as Red Ribbon Week in Randolph County.- A copy is
included by reference.
page 2
Approval of Influenza Immunization'Fees z
MiMi Cooper, Health Director, asked for Commissioner approval of a $2 flu
vaccine fee for immunizations which will be offered to the high risk population
in Randolph County. The Board of Health has already approved this fee. Ms.
Cooper also asked for,.a decision on whether to offer the,vaccine to County
employees and whether to charge them. ,
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the $2 flu
vaccine fee, to be charged to everyone who receives -it.
Fire Association Request to Fund Hepatitis B Vaccinations
Robert Dyer, President of the Randolph County Fire Association, informed .the
Board that OSHA is requiring that anyone who comes into contact with body fluids
receive the Hepatitis.B vaccination. Volunteer fire departments have.identified .
about 360 firemen who fall into this category. If the Health Department provides
this vaccine at cost,"$89.16,per shot, the total cost will be $32,008.44. Mr.
Dyer requested that the County fund these vaccinations.
On motion of Langley,.seco nded by Comer, the Board.voted not to fund this .:.
Solid Waste Update. ,.
George McArthur, Public Works Director, advised the Board that he will,be...-�
working with municipalities to determine how to reduce waste coming into the
landfill. He announced that mulch will,go on,sale at the landfill October 161at
$4 per cubic yard.and that open house will be held at the recycling center on
October 31. He also stated that he had received requests from residents around
that last land purchased at the landfill requesting that the County post the land
and put up gates to prevent the trespassing and late night parties that have been
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, -the Board approved having
recently purchased land at,the landfill posted.to allow no hunting on it, and put
up gates at the road.
Soil & Water Conservation District Memorandum of Understanding
Arlie Culp of the District Board of Supervisors reported that the North
Carolina Local Employees Government Retirement System cannot consider Soil &
Water Conservation District employees to be County employees without evidence of
some formal agreement by which this change was accomplished. He said the
District Board of Supervisors had approved a Memorandum of Understanding which
would serve as this agreement. It needs the approval of the County Commissioners
and the USDA State Conservationist.
On motion of Comer; seconded by Langley, the Board approved. the Memorandum
of Understanding. A copy is included by reference.
Addressing Ordinance
Hal Johnson, Planning Director, introduced a proposed addressing ordinance
for public and private roads in Randolph County in conjunction with the 911
telephone system. Mr. Johnson stated that the post offices in Randolph County
have agreed to use,as,mailing addresses the road'names and street numbers that
will be assigned, to citizens by the County.
The Board set 2:30 p.m, on November 4, 1991, as the time and date for a
public hearing on the proposed addressing ordinance and central permit ordinance.
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Rezoning Public Hearing
The Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing at 4:00 p.m. to
consider rezoning requests. Hal Johnson, Zoning Administrator, presented the
following requests:
1. Phil Henley, Asheboro, is requesting 30 acres on SR 2611, Franklinville
Township, be rezoned from RA to RM to develop a manufactured housing subdivision
of 37 lots. The Planning Board unanimously recommended denial of this request.
2. Russell Hoffman, High Point, is requesting 25 acres on SR 1636, Tabernacle
Township, be rezoned from RA to RR to develop a 16 -lot subdivision. The Planning
Board unanimously recommended approval of this request.
3. Sophia Investments, Inc., is requesting 54 acres on SR 1929, New Market
Township, be rezoned from RA to RR to develop a 29 -lot subdivision. The Planning
Board unanimously recommended approval of this request.
4. Jack Rayle, Pleasant Garden, is requesting 116 acres on SR 2104, Providence
Township, be rezoned from RA to RR to develop a 70 -lot subdivision. The Planning
Board unanimously recommended approval of this request.
5. C :E Pallet Company, Inc., Asheboro, is requesting 3 acres on Hwy 220,
Richland Township, be rezoned from RA to LI/CU to construct a 30' x 40' building
with parking area to operate a truck terminal. The Planning Board unanimously
recommended approval of this request.
6. Georgia Menius, Asheboro, is requesting 3 acres at the Hwy 220/Hwy 159
intersection, Cedar Grove Township, be rezoned from RA to HC for commercial
development. The Planning Board recommended by a 4-1 vote to approve this
7. Design Master Display Corporation, High Point, is requesting 18} acres on SR
1619, Trinity Township, be rezoned from RA to LI for industrial development. The
Planning Board unanimously recommended approval of this request.
Comments on Request #1
Jon Megerian, Asheboro attorney for the applicant, spoke in support of this
Belinda Willett, Route 6, Box 361, Asheboro, stated that neighbors want the
zoning left as is and want. site -built homes only. Approximately twelve people in
the audience raised their hands in support of Ms. Willett's comments.
Jamie Byrum, Route 6, Box 366, Asheboro, said there have been septic tank
problems in this area.
Betty Wicker, Route 6, Box 234, Asheboro, said she doesn't want trailers in
the area.
Dean Willett, Route 6, Box 361, Asheboro, said he doesn't want trailers in
the area.
Lee Roberts stated that those speaking against mobile homes have a
superiority attitude.
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Comments - Request 112
No one spoke.
Comments - Request #3
No one spoke.
Comments - Request #4
Jim Wilson, attorney, offered to answer questions concerning this request.
Comments - Request 115
Beauford Greene, agent for the applicant, stated that Mr. Comer, adjoining
property owner, had earlier indicated that he would buy a strip of this land for
a buffer but that he has now decided not to do so.
Ervin Comer, adjoining property owner, opposed this request because of the
noise factor.
Comments - Request 116
Walter Overton, Route 4, Box 352, Asheboro, opposed this request, stating
that he wants to keep the area residential.
Dale Menius opposed this request because of traffic and.topography problems.
Comments - Request 117
Jerry Hardy, agent, stated that this request is consistent with the existing
The public hearing was closed.
Commissioner Action on Requests
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board denied the request of
Phil Henley. Commissioner Comer abstained from voting on this request because
she is an adjoining property owner.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the request
of Russell Hoffman.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the request of
Sophia Investments, Inc.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the request
of Jack Rayle.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the request of
C & E Pallet Company, Inc. with the restriction that a 30' buffer zone be
maintained from Hwy 220 to Mr. Comer's property line.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board delayed action on the
request of Georgia Menius until November, pending more information on the planned
use for the site.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved the request
of Design Master Display Corporation.
Central Permit Ordinance
page 5
Hal Johnson introduced a central permit ordinance and requested permission
to begin the central permit operations on a trial basis on October 14. The
purpose of this ordinance is to streamline the regulatory permit process and make
the system more convenient and accessible to the public.
911 Fund & Ordinance
Frank Willis explained that the County spent $194,927.89 on the 911 project
during the 90-91 fiscal year, in which work on the project had started but
revenue was not received. The Emergency Telephone System Fund borrowed that
amount from the General Fund, creating a deficit fund balance on June 30, 1991.
N.C. General Statute 159-13 requires that the full amount of a deficit in a fund
be appropriated. Mr. Willis stated that two budget amendments need to be made to
eliminate this deficit and that the 911 ordinance should be amended to arrange
for the loan to be repaid to the General Fund on or before November 30, 1995.
On motion of Langley,
Amendment #8 (to the Gener
balance as contribution to
Langley, seconded by David
Emergency Telephone System
General Fund and repayment
is included by reference.
seconded by Davidson, the Board approved Budget
sl Fund), which appropriates $194,928 from the fund
the Emergency Telephone System Fund. On motion of
;on, the Board approved Budget Amendment #9 (to the
Fund), which increases by $194,928 contribution from
of interfund loans. A copy of these budget amendments
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Comer, the Board amended "An Ordinance
For Randolph County With Respect To Imposing A Monthly 911 Charge" by adding a
new section (c)(4) under Section 4, which reads:
"The sum of $194,927.89 shall be paid to the Randolph County General Fund on
or before November 30, 1995, as repayment of interfund loans made during fiscal
year 1990-91."
Ambulance Fee Increases
Fred deFriess, EMS Operations Officer, presented a request to increase
ambulance fees, based in part on recommendations from a professional consultant
hired by the N.C. EMS Administrators Association in 1989. Our base fee (advanced
life support) is $100, but actual cost is $252 per patient transported, with a
current collection rate of 72%. Mr. deFriess proposed the following fee
structure: base fee, $170 (now $100); return trip, $100 (now $25); out -of -county
mileage (per mile), $3.00 (now $1.50); waiting time after 15 minutes, no charge
(now $8.00); oxygen, $15.00 (now no charge).
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board approved the following
ambulance fees, effective November 1, 1991: base fee, $150; out -of -county
mileage, $2 per mile; return trip, $75; oxygen, $15; waiting time, no charge.
1992 Holiday Schedule
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board adopted the following
1991 holiday schedule:
New Year's Day - January 1
Martin Luther King Day - January 20
Good Friday - April 17
Memorial Day - May 25
Independence Day - July 3
Labor Day - September 7
Veteran's Day - November 11
Thanksgiving - November 26 & 27
Christmas - December 24 & 25
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D.O.T. Additions
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board approved resolutions
adding Wheatmore Court, Hoover Hill Court, Ponderosa Place, and Viewmont Drive
Extension to the State System of Roads. Copies are included by reference.
Appointment - RCC Board of Trustees
On motion of Langley, seconded by Comer, the Board appointed Dr. Roscoe
Andrew Sykes to the Randolph Community College Board of Trustees, as a
replacement for the late T. A. Johnson.
Appointment - Randleman Planning & Zoning Board
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board appointed Norman
Curtis and reappointed Mildred McDonald, James Banner, and Donnie Presnell as
outside members on the Randleman Planning and Zoning Board.
Budget Amendments - Health
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved Budget
Amendment 1110 to reflect a grant of $5,530 from the March of Dimes Birth Defects
Foundation, which will be used for maternity clinic transportation. A copy is
included by reference.
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved Budget
Amendment 1111, which reflects an additional $750 from the state for the food and
lodging program. A copy is+included by reference.
Budget Amendment - Social Services
On motion of Langley, seconded by Davidson, the Board approved Budget
Amendment 1112, which reflects a one-time Child Protective,Services-Crime Control
allocation of $550 from the state to Social Services. A copy is included by
Resolution - Funds for PTCOG
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board adopted a resolution
authorizing the state to release $48,015 in economic development funds to PTCOG.
A copy is included by reference.
Executive Session - Acquisition of Land at Landfill
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board voted to go into
executive session to consider the purchase of additional land at the landfill.
At 6:15 p.m. the Board reconvened regular session.
On motion of Davidson, seconded by Langley, the Board adjourned.