040405April 4, 2005
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 4:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners Meeting Room, County Office Building, 725 McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Holmes, Kemp, Frye, Davis, and Lanier were present. Tim Pheagin, Director, Faith in
Action and End -of -Life Care Programs at Center of Living Home Health and Hospice, gave the
invocation and everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Consent Agenda,
as follows:
• approve regular and closed session minutes ofMarch 1, 2005;
• reappoint Larry Brown and Vernel Gibson to Industrial Bond Authority;
• appoint Suzanne West to Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee;
• approve resolution adding Marathon Drive to State Roads System, as follows:
WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has investigated Marathon Drive in the Grantville Acres
Subdivision; and
WHEREAS, the subject street has been found to meet minimum requirements for addition.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners that
Marathon Drive in the Grantville Acres Subdivision be added to the Division of Highways' Secondary Road
Amend Building Inspections Fee Schedule
Paxton Arthurs, County Building Inspections Director, said that historically, building permit fees have
been user -based fees, which have enabled the Inspections Department to operate without requiring
additional funding. However, last year approximately $30,000 in general funds was needed in order to
meet budget and it is anticipated that even more will be required for the FY05-06 budget. Mr. Arthurs
recommended that the following adjustments be made to the building inspections fee schedule:
• base residential construction estimates on values established by the International Code Council
(ICC). Currently, residential construction in Randolph County is estimated at $55 per square foot
of heated area. This estimate was established around 1986 and has never been updated. The ICC
has developed a table of typical construction values based on the use of the building and the type
of construction used. This table is reviewed periodically and adjusted when necessary. Mr. Arthurs
said that his department currently uses this same table to estimate the value of commercial
projects. Note: This proposal will not change the permit fee rate, which will remain at $3 per
thousand of construction value.
• raise the re -inspection fee from $25 to $50. This fee is not automatic but is only charged if the
inspector feels that the circumstances warrant it. By increasing this fee the County can more
accurately recoup expenses. This would also discourage the practice of using the inspection as a
"punch list" service.
Mr. Arthurs asked the Board to amend the fee schedule to reflect these changes effective May 1, 2005.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to amend the building inspection
fee schedule, effective May 1, 2005, as follows: 1) base residential construction estimates on values
established by the International Code Council and, 2) raise the re -inspection fee to $50.
Presentation and Approval of Proposal to Accept LCID Debris at County Solid Waste Facility
David Townsend, III, County Public Works Director, reminded the Board that during the March 2005
meeting, in which the zoning for a potential 2 -acre Land Clearing and Inert Debris (LCID) facility was to
be considered for permitting, the County Commissioners instructed the Public Works Department to
evaluate our current LCID permit and facility located at the Solid Waste Facility northeast of Asheboro.
As required by the State of North Carolina, the County facility is permitted with an operational plan,
inspected by the State, and ultimately maintained and operated by the County. Approximately two years
ago, the County temporarily suspended operations of the LCID as a "cost-cutting" step to increase the
Public Works Department's efficiency and not require an increase in tipping fees. This decision was the
result of losing a major customer. A staff reduction at the facility was also part of the "cost-cutting" step,
so that now we do not have the staff to operate, inspect, and manage the LCID site. At the time we
suspended operations, the citizens and contractors were already going to the private C&D facility on Gold
Hill Road. With the private facility now raising their rates, the citizens and contractors have requested
that the Public Works Department reopen our LCID facility. A major concern throughout North Carolina
and across the entire country is the combining of LCID material and material that comes from
construction sites, thus contaminating the entire load. Once the material gets mixed together it is required
to be disposed of at the most stringent level of State -approved facilities. Currently Randolph County can
take all construction materials as well as stumps and inert debris in our transfer facility at a rate of $38.00
per ton, which is our normal tipping fee. The private C&D landfill located on Gold Hill Road can take
all other construction material at a rate of $24.00 per ton, with a maximum of $180.00 per load. Note:
No municipal solid waste in accepted at this facility.
Mr. Townsend said that the taking of inert debris, stumps, wood waste, tree scraps, and branches is
relatively easy until these materials become mixed with unacceptable materials. Because of this, all loads
have to be inspected and monitored and the unacceptable material must be removed from the LCID.
Since the Randolph County Solid Waste Facility is open approximately 55 hours per week, it would
require two people as well as several pieces of equipment to operate this facility properly. A bulldozer
would be used to push the materials back, a backhoe to excavate dirt to cover the materials on a regular
basis, and a dump truck to haul the dirt.
Mr. Townsend said that he had contacted various private LCID and C&D facilities around the region,
and the prices range anywhere from $35.00 per load up to as high as $180.00 a load, based on the type of
vehicle. The facilities that have only a per -load fee have not invested in scales and a scale house like
Randolph County. The Public Works Department's preference, if we re -open our LCID, is to charge a
$25.00 per -ton fee. With so much variation as to the size of load, the per -ton charge is the only fair and
equitable solution. If a per -load cost is required, he said that $175.00 would be the required rate due to
the variation of tonnage received. This rate is determined by the proposed $175,716 per year contractual
amount Hilco Transportation would charge for this service divided by the average number of loads
disposed of legally in the County. He said that, given more time, he could get proposals from other
On motion of Lanier, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to delay a decision on this
matter until further study can be done and directed Mr. Townsend to bring the matter before them again
during the budget process in June.
Award Bids for Scattered Site Housing CDBG Proiects
Patty Brown, Assistant to the Public Works Director, said that in 2003, Randolph County received a
grant in the amount of $400,000 for a Scattered Site Housing Community Development Block Grant
project. In this grant, the County stated it would rehabilitate at least eight homes. Since that time the
Public Works Department has been diligently working with the Scattered Site Housing Committee and
Hobbs, Upchurch and Associates in selecting homes for rehabilitation. The seven homes previously
awarded by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners are now complete and five more homes have
been selected by the Scattered Site Housing Committee for approval by the Commissioners. These are the
homes of Margaret Allmond, Avanell Church, Bertha Goss, Margaret Livingston and Dorothy Small.
Bids packages were issued on March 20, 2005 at a pre-bid meeting with the contractors. Bids were
received on March 24, 2005. Three bids were received for each of the homes, as follows:
Glenn King Construction
Clifton Parker Construction
Shane Builders
Allmond, Margaret
$23,493 *
No bid
Church, Avanell
No bid
Goss, Bertha
No bid
Livingston, Margaret
$29,640 *
No bid
Small, Dorothy
$29,5 70 *
No bid
Ms. Brown requested that the Board of Commissioners award five different contracts to Clilfton
Parker Construction, as follows: for the home of Margaret Allmond in the amount of $23,493; for the
home of Avanell Church in the amount of $29,820; the home of Bertha Goss in the amount of $26,945;
for the home of Margaret Livingston in the amount of $29,640; and for the home of Dorothy Small in the
amount of $29,570. Unlike most construction contracts let by the County, these contracts will be a three-
way contract between the County, the contractor and the homeowner. A recapture provision is included
in the grant; therefore, a deed of trust will be held on the property for an eight-year period.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to award 3 separate contracts
to Clifton Parker Construction, as follows: for the home of Margaret Allmond in the amount of $23,493;
for the home of Avanell Church in the amount of $29,820; the home of Bertha Goss in the amount of
$26,945; for the home of Margaret Livingston in the amount of $29,640; and for the home of Dorothy
Small in the amount of $29,5 70.
Reauest for Adiustment of Ambulance Mileage Fee to Medicare Annroved Rate
Neil Allen, Emergency Services Director, said that CIGNA HealthCare, which administers the
Medicare program, has increased the allowable mileage fee for ambulances to $5.90. Currently Randolph
County EMS is charging a mileage fee of $5.50. With the cost of fuel today and the expectations of
continued increase, Mr. Allen recommended that the fee adjustment be approved immediately rather than
waiting for the new budget year. He said that he anticipates that the change will equate to approximately
$2,400 in increased revenues per month.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously to increase the mileage fee rate
to $5.90/loaded mile, effective immediately.
Update on Historic Courthouse and Request for Special Meeting
Richard Wells, Public Library Director, told the Board that museum consultant Bill Moore is ready to
present his findings on the feasibility of a historical museum and Dean Spinks will present his
architectural study of the renovation costs. He asked the Board to allow 2 hours for these presentations.
Set Special Meeting Date
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously to set 4: 00 p. m., Monday, April
11, for a special called meeting in order to hear presentations from Handy Sanitary District and the
consultants regarding the historic courthouse and to award the contract for new financial and human
resources software.
Public Hearing and Application Approval — Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) Grant
At 5:00 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing concerning the FY 2005-06
ROAP grant application. Russ Keeney, Transportation Director, Randolph County Area Transit System,
told the Board that this grant consolidates the Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program,
the Work First Transitional/Employment Transportation Assistance Program and the Rural General Public
Program into a single package. The $175,088 requested is based on formulas approved by the General
Chairman Holmes opened the public hearing. No one was present to speak. Chairman Holmes closed
the public hearing.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to approve the FY 2005-06
ROAP grant application and Appendix A Certified Statement, as follows:
WHEREAS, Article 2B of Chapter 136 of the North Carolina General Statutes and the Governor of North
Carolina have designated the North Carolina Department of Transportation as the agency responsible for
administering all federal and/or state programs related to public transportation, and grants the department
authority to do all things required in applicable federal and/or state legislation to properly administer the public
transportation programs within the State ofNorth Carolina;
WHEREAS, G.S. 136-44.27 established the Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program;
WHEREAS, funds will be used for transportation related expenditures as specified in the FY 2005-2006
Rural Operating Assistance Program (ROAP) application;
WHEREAS, information regarding use of the funds will be provided at such time and in such a manner as
the department may require;
WHEREAS, ROAP funds will be used to provide eligible services during the period July 1, 2005 through
June 30, 2006;
WHEREAS, any interest earned on ROAP funds will be expended for eligible program uses as specified in
the ROAP application; and
WHEREAS, the County will include ROAP funds received and expended in its annual independent audit on
the schedule of federal and state financial assistance. Funds passed through to other agencies will be identified as
This is to certify that the undersigned is duly elected, qualified and acting chairperson of the Board of County
Commissioners of the County of Randolph, North Carolina, and that the following statements are true and
Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance Program
1. The funds received from G. S. 136-44.27 will be used to provide additional transportation services for the
elderly and disabled, exceeding the quantity of trips provided prior to receipt of the funds.
2. The funds will not be used to supplant or replace existing federal, state or local funds designated to provide
elderly and disabled transportation services in the county.
3. The funds received will be used in a manner consistent with the local Transportation Development Plan (TDP)
or Community Transportation Services Plan (CTSP) and application approved by the North Carolina
Department of Transportation and the Board of Commissioners.
Work First TransitionabEmployment Transportation Assistance Program
1. The purpose of these transportation funds is to support transitional transportation needs of Work First
participants after eligibility for cash assistance has concluded and/other specified general public employment
transportation needs. The funds may be transferred to the Elderly and Disabled Transportation Assistance
Program or the Rural General Public Program if not needed for Work First transportation.
2. The funds are limited to use by the designated local entity(s) specified in the ROAP application, or any
revisions or amendments thereto.
Rural General Public Program
1. The funds will be used in a manner consistent with the Rural General Public Transportation Project
2. The funds will not be used for human service agency trips.
Approve FY 04-05 Audit Contract
Will Massie, Deputy Finance Officer, said that the County has been notified that Maxton C.
McDowell, CPA, will be unable to conduct this year's audit. Accordingly, we requested proposals from
six CPA firms that currently audit counties in our area. We received proposals from two firms. Both
firms are qualified to perform the County's audit and we received recommendations from their current
governmental clients. Their fee proposals are acceptable for the level of work required and comparable
with similar governmental audits:
2004-2005 (contract)
2005-2006 (estimated)
2006-2007 (estimated)
Cherry Bekaert &
$ 48,500
$ 49,600
$ 51,700
McGladrey & Pullen
$ 48,000
$ 50,300
$ 52,600
Mr. Massie recommended the firm of Cherry Bekaert & Holland to perform the County's 2004-05 audit.
Their proposal includes bringing in an experienced governmental audit partner, manager, and other
trained personnel to conduct the audit. Certain staff of the Asheboro office will complete the audit team.
Their total fee proposal for the three years is slightly lower than McGladrey's total.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to award the contract for the
audit of the fiscal year ended June 30, 2005 to Cherry Bekaert & Holland, and authorized the Chairman
to sign the contract.
Adopt Capital Proiect Ordinance for Teachey School Expansion Proiect
Will Massie reminded the Board that they had approved the addition of Teachey Elementary to the
County's proposed financing plan at their March 2005 meeting. Transactions relating to this renovation
project will be occurring soon. The County's General Fund will advance funds as needed until the
permanent financing is available. As a result, a capital project ordinance to account for the financing
proceeds and costs related to this project should be adopted. The project is expected to be completed in
the fall of 2007.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to adopt the following capital
project ordinance:
BE IT ORDAINED by the Board of the Randolph County Commissioners that, pursuant to section 13.2 of
Chapter 159 of the General Statutes ofNorth Carolina, the following capital project ordinance is hereby adopted:
Section 1. In order to reduce student overcrowding, the renovation of Teachey Elementary School by the
Asheboro City Board of Education is hereby authorized as a capital project with revenues and
expenditures projected for the duration of the project.
Section 2. The officers of the Randolph County Board of Commissioners and the officers of the Asheboro City
Board of Education are hereby authorized to proceed with the capital project in accordance with all
General Statutes of North Carolina and within terms of the contracts approved by the Randolph
County Board of Commissioners and the Asheboro City Board of Education.
Section 3. The following amounts are anticipated to be available to complete this capital project:
Proceeds from Debt Financing $ 4,200,000
Section 4. The following amounts are appropriated for expenditures for the capital project:
Professional Fees - Architect $ 260,000
Professional Fees Site Design / Construction 290,000
Site Development Costs 30,000
Construction 3,620,00
TOTAL: $ 4,200,000
Section 5. The Finance Officer is hereby directed to maintain within the Capital Project Fund sufficient specific
detailed accounting records to satisfy the requirements of General Statutes ofNorth Carolina.
Section 6. Funds may be advanced from the General Fund for the purpose of making payments as due.
Reimbursement requests should be made to the financial institution in an orderly and timely manner.
Section 7. This Capital Project Ordinance shall be entered in the minutes of the Board of the Randolph County
Commissioners and after adoption copies of this Ordinance shall be filed with the finance officer, the
budget officer, and the clerk to the board.
Section 8. This Capital Project Ordinance is adopted on April 4, 2005 and shall continue in effect until the
project is completed.
Amend Travel Policy to Increase Mileage Reimbursement Rate
Will Massie said that it has become obvious in recent months that the cost of gasoline will remain
high for some time. As a result, the IRS has adjusted its standard mileage reimbursement rate to 40.5¢ per
mile. Randolph County has not adjusted its reimbursement rate since July 2003, when it was raised from
32 to 36 cents. Nearly all units of government surveyed use the IRS rate to reimburse employees for
business use of their personal vehicle. Accordingly, Mr. Massie requested that Section III A. of the Travel
Policy be amended to read: "For travel by privately owned vehicles, forty and one half cents (40.5¢) per
mile will be reimbursed," effective April 1, 2005.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously to amend Section IIIA. of the
Travel Policy to read: "For travel by privately owned vehicles, forty and one half cents (40.5¢) per mile
will be reimbursed, " effective April 1, 2005.
Approve Contract for Sales Tax Reallocation
Will Massie said that periodically, county governments need to review the sales tax refunds claimed
by local government and non-profit organizations to ensure that these reimbursements from the NC
Department of Revenue are charged to the proper county. A sales tax reallocation is identifying the actual
county that received the county tax on the original sale of merchandise. This involves reviewing the actual
invoices and refund claims of these organizations. The last sales tax audit was completed in 2003 by Tax
Reduction Specialists. At that time, the County filed refunds for $47,275, which was shared among the
various municipalities in the same allocation as a normal tax distribution. The County has requested a
proposal from Robert S. Segal, CPA about doing another sales tax reallocation audit. The fee for this
service would be from 25% to 35% of any refunds Randolph County receives from the Department of
Revenue, depending on the type of organization examined. This contingent fee is standard for the type of
work involved. Such an audit will take less than a year to complete. The County paid the entire fee for
the 2003 audit. This time, we have asked municipalities to share in the cost since they will benefit from
the additional sales tax distribution. We request approval of the contract with Robert S. Segal, CPA PA.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously to approve a contract with
Robert S. Segal, CPA PA, for a sales tax reallocation audit and authorized the County Manager to
execute the contract.
Budget Amendment—Closeout of Courthouse Capital Project Fund
Will Massie said that the Randolph County Courthouse Capital Project was created in February 1999,
with the grand opening in June of 2002. Since that time, there has been related work such as demolition
of the old jail and renovation of the 1981 annex. Now that final costs have been incurred, the remaining
balances can revert back to the General Fund. As of March 31, 2005, there is approximately $478,000 of
funds remaining. While most of the funds can reduce the County's appropriated fund balance, we request
$30,000 be added to the Maintenance Department's budget to cover future courthouse landscaping and
$8,500 in Public Works for groundwater analysis costs.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to approve General Fund
BudgetAmendment #37 and Courthouse Capital Project Ordinance Amendment #7, as follows:
2004-2005 Budget Ordinance General Fund Amendment #37
Transfer from Courthouse Project
Appropriated Fund Balance
Public Works
$ 8,500
2004-2005 Courthouse Capital Project Ordinance General Fund -Amendment #7
Sales Tax Reimbursements
Professional Fees
Construction and Renovation
Transfer to General Fund
Budget Amendment—Health Department
Mr. Massie said that since the Board approved increasing the mileage reimbursement rate a budget
amendment is needed to cover the additional impact this will have on the Health Department budget,
especially Environmental Health services. Fortunately, the fees from septic tank inspections are currently
exceeding the revenues budgeted. At year-end, we expect the additional revenues to be much more than
the $6,000 needed for additional travel costs. All other departments should be able to absorb the
additional cost of travel reimbursements.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board voted unanimously to approve Budget
Amendment #38, as follows:
2004-2005 Budget Ordinance General Fund Amendment #38
Revenues '>
Permits and Fees
$ 6,000
Public Health
$ 6,000
Closed Session—Economic Development
On motion of Frye, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously at 5:25 p.m. to go into closed
session to discuss matters relating to the location of expansion of business in the area, pursuant to NCGS
143-318.1 ] (a) (4).
At 5:55 p.m., the Board returned to regular session.
The Board recessed at 5:55 p.m. and then returned to regular session at 6:30 p.m.
Rezoning Public Hearing
Old Business:
1. Hal Johnson, Planning & Zoning Director reminded the Board that at their March 2005 rezoning
public hearing the Board had tabled the following request from Kevin Hill in order to give the applicant
an opportunity to alter his request in consideration of the concerns of neighbors and the desires of the
Board to reduce the site plan from 7 lots to no more than 6 lots and to include a landscaping plan and a
requirement that none of the homes be older than 5 years:
KEVIN HILL, Seagrove, North Carolina, is requesting that 8.23 acres located on Ridge Road,
Richland Township, be rezoned from RA to CVOR-CU. Tax ID#'s 7675382848, 7675395001, and
7675383556. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning District would specifically allow the development of
a 7 -lot residential subdivision for doublewide mobile homes, site -built homes, or modular homes. The
Planning Board considered this request at public meeting on February 8, 2005, and recommended
unanimously that this request be approved.
Jerry King spoke on behalf of the applicant and said that he would not put mobile homes older than 5
years on these sites.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board voted 4-1, with Lanier opposing, to deny the request
of Kevin Hill.
2. Hal Johnson reminded the Board that at their January 2005 rezoning public hearing the Board
postponed a decision on the following request until the April 4, 2005 Commissioners meeting and
directed Mr. Johnson to report at this April meeting whether Mr. Brown had complied with all conditions:
ROGER D. & CHRISTINA B. BROWN. The County Planning Department, as required by County
Ordinance, is requesting that the Board of County Commissioners rezone 1 acre (out of 14.45 acres)
located at 1150 Pleasant Ridge Road, Columbia Township, from Highway Commercial/Conditional Use
to Residential Agricultural. Tax ID# 8701147489. This proceeding is requested due to continued
violation of the Conditional Use Permit and would rezone the property to its previous zoning
classification. Roger D. & Christina B. Brown - Property Owners.
Mr. Johnson stated that Mr. Brown had complied with almost all conditions.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously to delay a decision on the Roger
Brown violation case until the Board's May 2nd meeting and told Mr. Brown that he must be in full
compliance at that time or the Board would rezone his property back to its original classification:
Residential Agricultural.
New Business: At 6:35 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider
rezoning requests. Hal Johnson, Planning & Zoning Director, presented the following requests, and
Chairman Holmes opened the public hearing for comments on each request and closed it before taking
action on the requests.
1. JOHN GATLIN, Asheboro, North Carolina, is requesting that 1.22 acres located at 4098 US Hwy 64
West, Back Creek Township, be rezoned from Highway Commercial/Conditional Use to Light
Industrial/Conditional Use. Parcel ID# 7731065688. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning District
would allow the existing 60' x 100' building to be used to manufacture small latex products for medical
supplies. The Planning Board considered this request at public meeting on March 8, 2005, and
recommended unanimously that this request be approved.
John Gatlin, realtor, said that he was representing Gary and Patricia Martin. He said that the original
owner died and the family has decided to sell the property. Mr. Gatlin said that this business would
produce latex products made of all natural material—no hazardous materials would be involved. He said
it was a "dip and cure" process that would produce no loud noises or bad odors and that Mr. Martin would
make the deliveries himself, thereby eliminating the need for large trucks on the property. He said that
there would be fewer than 10 employees.
Gary Martin, 1391 McDaniel Drive, Asheboro, distributed samples of his product and pictures of
equipment to the Board. He said that the days of operation would be Monday through Friday.
On motion of Lanier, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of John
2. TERRY SWAIM, Climax, North Carolina, is requesting that 3.00 acres located at 3702 New Salem
Road, Providence Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Rural Business
Overlay/Conditional Use. Polecat Creek Watershed. Tax ID# 7797044348 and 7797133759. The
proposed Conditional Use Zoning District would permit the expansion of a HVAC and electrical
contracting business as per site plan. The Planning Board considered this request at public meeting on
March 8, 2005, and recommended unanimously that this request be approved.
Terry Swaim, 3702 New Salem Dr., Asheboro, said that he started this business in 1973 prior to
county zoning. He said currently everything is stored in 10 different buildings and he wants to be able to
store everything in 1 location. Mr. Swaim said that there would be no change in the number of employees.
Jon Megarian, attorney representing David Moon, spoke in opposition to the request. He said that
Mr. Swaim's business is a non -conforming use that has been allowed to continue because the business
existed before county zoning. But Mr. Megarian argued that, according to the County zoning ordinance, a
non -conforming use cannot be expanded or enlarged. Mr. Megarian distributed aerial photographs of the
property that showed all the old trailers and what appeared to be many old air conditioners and parts
dumped near the rear of the property.
Mr. Swaim spoke again and said that since that photo was taken all but 6 air conditioners had been
removed from the property. He said that Mr. Moon was opposing this request because he wants Bethel
Church Road paved and Mr. Swaim is preventing this from happening. If Bethel Church Road is paved
Bethel Church will lose many of its parking spaces. Mr. Swaim attends and holds a position of authority
at Bethel Church and will not consent to the paving of the road. Mr. Moon told Mr. Swaim that if Mr.
Swaim would consent to the paving, Mr. Moon would not oppose this request. Mr. Swaim said that he
would remove the old trailers when the new buildings were complete and he could get everything moved.
On motion of Lanier, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of Terry
Swaim with the condition that Mr. Swaim would remove the old trailers from the property within 6
months after the certificate of occupancy is issued on the new buildings.
3. CEDAR RUN ASSOCIATES, Greensboro, North Carolina, is requesting that 25.84 acres located off
Business Hwy 220 North (in Cedar Run Subdivision at the end of Maple Run Drive), Level Cross
Township, be rezoned from RA to CVOE-CU. Tax ID# 7767237424. Randleman Lake Watershed. The
proposed Conditional Use Zoning District would specifically allow the development of a 6 -lot addition to
Cedar Run Subdivision for site -built homes only. The Planning Board considered this request at public
meeting on March 8, 2005, and recommended unanimously that this request be approved.
Chris Walrowd, 4503 Wild Oak Lane, Greensboro, said that this would be Phase 3 of this
subdivision and that the 2 other phases had gone well. He said that most of the homes would be in the
3,000 - 4,200 sq. ft. range and would sell for $250,000 - $300,000. Mr. Walrowd said that before the lots
were sold, the developer would drill wells to make sure there was adequate water.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of Cedar
Run Associates.
4. DONALD STRIDER, Asheboro, North Carolina, is requesting that the Conditional Use Zoning
Permit issued on 34.17 acres located on Danny Bell Road, Cedar Grove Township, be amended to
increase the number of building lots within the site -built subdivision from 17 lots to 34 lots. Tax 1D#
7649014902 and 7649013466. The amendment would include the proposed road be upgraded from a
privately maintained road to a state -maintained road. The applicant has also requested the required
minimum house size be increased from 1,300 sq. ft. to 1,400 heated sq. ft. The Planning Board considered
this request at public meeting on March 8, 2005, and recommended unanimously that this request be
Toby Strider, 1698 Hopewell Friends Road, Asheboro, said that the smallest home that had been
built so far in this subdivision was 1,400 sq. ft. He said that he has been working with Seagrove Mayor
Mike Walker about getting (Seagrove-Ulah Metropolitan Water District) water extended to this
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of
Donald Strider.
5. JIM COX, Charlotte, North Carolina, is requesting that 44.18 acres located on Pinewood Forest
Drive, Cedar Grove Township, be rezoned from RA to CVOE-CU. Tax 1D# 7668024285. The proposed
Conditional Use Zoning District would specifically allow the development of a 7 -lot residential
subdivision for site -built homes only with the following conditions:
**minimum house size of 2,800 heated sq. ft.
**timbering or clear -cutting of lots is prohibited (with the exception of house site or landscaping of
**subdivision name shall be consistent with existing community
The Planning Board considered this request at public meeting on March 8, 2005, and recommended
unanimously that this request be approved.
Jim Cox, 10406 Balmoral Circle, Charlotte, spoke in support of the request.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of Jim
6. BSR, LLC, Asheboro, North Carolina, is requesting that 11.60 acres located on Danny Bell Road,
Cedar Grove Township, be rezoned from RA to CVOE-CU. Tax lD# 7649532537. The proposed
Conditional Use Zoning District would specifically allow the development of a 7 -lot residential
subdivision for conventional modular or site -built homes with a minimum house size of 1,400 heated sq.
ft. The Planning Board considered this request at public meeting on March 8, 2005, and recommended
that this request be approved by a vote of 6 to I.
Jerry King, surveyor, spoke in support of the request.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Lanier, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of BSR,
There being no further business, the meeting adjourned at 7:55 p.m.
J. Harold Holmes, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Phil Kemp
Arnold Lanier
Robert B. Davis
Cheryl A. Ivey, Deputy Clerk to the Board