c110705IClosed Session I – November 7, 2005 At 5:25 p.m. the Board adjourned to closed session to discuss matters relating to the location of expansion of business in the area, pursuant to NCGS 143-318.1l(a)(4). Commissioners Holmes, Kemp, Frye, Lanier, and Davis were present, as well as County Manager Frank Willis; Alice Dawson, Clerk to the Board; Cheryl Ivey, Deputy Clerk; Alan Pugh, County Attorney; Aimee Scotton, Associate County Attorney; David Townsend, III, Public Works Director; and Bonnie Renfro from Randolph County Economic Development Corporation. Bonnie Renfro and David Townsend said that The Assurance Group (TAG) project has been revised to include an expansion at the company's existing location in addition to the originally discussed addition at a location near their existing facility. TAG's planned investment is $1 million in new facility construction (two 20,000 sq. ft. facilities in 2 phases) and $1 million in electronic and Internet technology equipment. Five hundred new jobs are projected. The company is requesting assistance with sewer access (2 sewer lines) and roadway improvements estimated at $1,485,000. Ms. Renfro said the company's current plans are to apply for 2 state grants—Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) and NC Rural Center Grant—to fund the majority of the sewer construction. Grant funds would also be used to improve roadway access to the new building as required by NCDOT. TAG would agree to invest no less than $1 million in the project and to document 50 new jobs for the Rural Center Grant and 188 new jobs for the CDBG. The project involves 4 local governments: Randolph County, City of Trinity, Davidson County and the City of Thomasville. The City of Thomasville will provide the sewer treatment capacity and the City of Trinity will likely maintain the lines. Mr. Townsend said that due to the complexity of the project, an outside consultant firm would need to be hired to administer the grants. The Board directed Ms. Renfro to approach the City of Trinity for a portion of the local match ($80,000). A summary of the overall project financing follows: Expenses Revenues Sewer Extensions Project $ 1,185,000 CDBG $ 750,000 Roadway Access Improvements $ 250,000 Rural Center Grant $ 500,000 Grant Administration $ 50,000 NCDOT $ 75,000 Total: $ 1,485,000 Randolph County $ 80,000 Developer $ 80,000 Total: $ 1,485,000 On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously at 5:55 p.m. to adjourn from closed session and resume regular session. J. Harold Holmes, Chairman Phil Kemp Darrell L. Frye Robert B. Davis Arnold Lanier Cheryl A. Ivey, Deputy Clerk Approved: December 5, 2005 Unsealed: February 6, 2006