030804March 8, 2004
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 4:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners Meeting Room, County Office Building, 725 McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Kemp, Frye, Davis, Holmes, and Mason were present. Rev. Fran Adams, Mt. Olivet
United Methodist Church, Seagrove, gave the invocation, and everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Recognition of Retiree
Chairman Holmes presented an engraved clock to Judy Chisholm, who is retiring from the
Department of Social Services with 28 years of service.
Consent Agenda
Chairman Holmes announced that 2 items had been added to the Consent Agenda: Item E. Approve
Resolution Appointing Adam Stumb as Review Officer for the City of Trinity and Item F. Set Public
Hearing for Rural Operating Assistance Program Application.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously to approve the Consent Agenda,
as amended.-
approve minutes of the February 2, 9 and 23 meetings;
• reappoint Dick Peterson and Michael Ayers to the Randolph County Equalization & Review Board;
• approve resolution adding Cheyenne Trail and Cherokee Trail to State Road System, as follows:
WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has investigated Cheyenne Trail and Cherokee Trail in the
Indian Hills Subdivision; and
WHEREAS, the subject streets have been found to meet minimum requirements for addition.
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners that
Cheyenne Trail and Cherokee Trail in the Indian Hills Subdivision be added to the Division of Highways'
Secondary Road System.;
appoint Gerald Weideman to Juvenile Crime Prevention Council;
approve resolution appointing Adam Stumb as Review Officer for the City of Trinity, as follows:
WHEREAS, SL. 1997-309 (5875) makes a number of significant changes in the procedures for recording
maps and plats; and
WHEREAS, the main purpose of the law is to transfer the responsibility for reviewing plats to determine
whether they meet recording requirements from the Register of Deeds to a Review Officer; and
WHEREAS, the new G.S. 47-30.2 requires the Board of County Commissioners in each County, by
resolution, to appoint a person to serve as Review Officer to review each plat before it is recorded and certify
that it meets the statutory requirements for recording; and
WHEREAS, it is the desire of the Randolph County Board of Commissioners to insure an expeditious
review of all maps and plats as required by G.S. 47-30.2 before they are presented to the Register of Deeds for
NOW THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, effective February 3, 2003, that Adam Stumb in the City of
Trinity is hereby appointed to perform all responsibilities as required for Review Officer under the appropriate
North Carolina General Statutes.
BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that a copy of this Resolution designating this Review Officer be recorded
in the Randolph County Register ofDeeds Office and indexed in the name of the Review Officer.;
• set a public hearing for 5: 00 p. m. on April 5 for the Rural Operating Assistance Program application.
Yadkin -Pee Dee Lakes Proiect (YPDLP) Annual Report
Bill Medlin, Executive Director of the YPDLP, updated the Board on the Project's activities during
the last year. He highlighted the "Central Park" strategy, the 1000/100 Project, the Small Town Area
Revitalization (STAR Project), the Uwharrie Cycling Center to be located in Misenheimer, the Central
Park Cycling Initiatives, the Pee Dee National Wildlife Refuge, the Uwharrie Adventure Sports Fest, and
the Uwharrie Chautauqua. He said that the YPDLP has provided a vision for sustainable economic
development for our region that protects and preserves the natural resources and cultural heritage. He
thanked the Board for their continued support and recognized Dr. David Jones, Chairman of the YPDLP
Board, who spoke briefly about the Project and also thanked the Board of Commissioners for their
continued support.
Resolution for Staley Fire Department Financing
County Manager Frank Willis told the Board that Staley Fire Department is requesting Commissioner
approval to secure tax-exempt financing for a new tanker truck. The fire department has satisfied all the
requirements, which includes holding a public hearing, for this financing. The Commissioners must now
adopt a resolution approving the tax-exempt financing.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously adopted a resolution approving
financing by Staley Volunteer Fire Department of up to $100, 000 for a tanker truck, as follows:
WHEREAS, Staley Volunteer Fire Department has determined to finance an amount of up to $100, 000 for a
2003 tanker truck; and the United States Internal Revenue Code requires that for such financing to be carried out
on a tax-exempt basis, this Board must first approve the financing; and
WHEREAS, the Fire Department has held a public hearing on the financing after published notice, as
required by the Code; and the Fire Department has reported the proceedings of the hearing to this Board;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners that:
1. The County approves the Fire Department's entering into the financing, as required under the Code for the
financing to be carried out on a tax-exempt basis. The Fire Department's conduct of the required public hearing is
2. Nothing contained or set out herein should be construed as obligating the County in any manner as a
guarantor ofany indebtedness whatsoever.
3. The County is not obligated nor legally or equitably responsible for the payment of or the security of any
debt incurred by the Fire Department, nor does the County pledge any of its full faith and credit nor does it in any
manner make this resolution to induce any party to lend monies or otherwise finance the Fire Department.
Transfer of Previously Donated Truck to BFI
Will Massie, Deputy Finance Officer, said that in 1997 when the County entered into the original
contract with BFI for the operations of the County solid waste transfer station, BFI also donated to the
County a truck that was to be used to move solid waste containers around the property. Included in the
contract was a stipulation that if and when the County no longer needed this truck it would be returned to
BFI. Since the truck is no longer needed, the Board should approve the return of the truck back to BFI.
On motion of Mason, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the transfer of a 1986
Mack Truck to BFI, Inc., the original owner.
Ratification of Flu Vaccine Purchase
MiMi Cooper, Health Director, told the Board that in the past, she has waited until late March or April
to order flu vaccine from the State Contract. While this price has historically been the lowest price
available ($67.70/vial last year), timely delivery has been a considerable problem. Since the County
serves the high-risk population with influenza immunization services it is critically important that we
receive our vaccine in early to mid-October and get it administered by the middle of December. For the
past four years we have received only part of our State Contract order in staggered deliveries beginning in
mid- to late November with the final delivery sometime in December. In order to alleviate this problem,
on approval of the County Manager, 250 vials (2500 doses) of influenza vaccine for next year's flu season
were ordered on February 6, 2004 from Physician Sales and Service (PSS) at a cost of $70.00/vial (total
cost $17,500). Four additional vaccine vendors were contacted for informal quotes but only Aventis chose
to bid; their bid was $83.20, which exceeds the PSS price by $13.20/vial. According to the County's
purchasing policy, the County Manager has the authority to approve purchases up to a limit of $15,000
and the County Commissioners must approve purchases over $15,000. Ms. Cooper requested that the
Board ratify (confirm an action after it has occurred instead of before it occurs due to time constraints) the
County Manager's approval of the purchase of 250 vials of influenza vaccine from Physician Sales and
Service, the lowest responsible bidder, at a total cost of $17,500.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Mason, the Board voted unanimously to ratify the County
Manager's approval of the purchase of 250 vials of influenza vaccine from Physician Sales and Service at
a total cost of $17,500.
Approval of Letter of Intent to Accept Funding for Health Department Position
MiMi Cooper said that the County has been offered funding from the Division of Medical Assistance
(DMA) to hire a Health Check Coordinator for Randolph County. The purpose of this position is to reach
out to low-income families with children who are eligible for medical assistance through Health
Check/Health Choice to insure that these children receive comprehensive health care. These funds will be
used to fill an existing, vacant position. The funding is forthcoming, pending County Board of
Commissioner approval. DMA has requested that the Board approve a letter of intent to accept funding
for this position.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved a letter of intent to accept
funding from the Division of Medical Assistance for a health check coordinator in the Health Department
for FY2004-05.
Criminal Justice Partnership Program Application (CJPC); Contractual Agreement with
Montgomery County
Pam Hill, Day Reporting Center Director, asked the Board for their approval of the grant application
and budget for submission to the State for continuation of implementation funding for FY 2004-05. She
also asked that the Board approve the contractual agreement with Montgomery County for the purpose of
providing substance abuse treatment and educational services, transportation services, employability/job
search classes, and case management for pre-trial participants referred by the Adult Probation Officers
and the Court. She noted that the new contract contains 2 new requirements: 1) Montgomery County
agrees to provide telephone lines, fax line, copier lease and office space at no cost the Randolph County
and 2) Montgomery County agrees to maintain the Electronic House Arrest program, including any
incurred expenses.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Mason, the Board voted unanimously to approve the application
and budget, as presented, for the Criminal Justice Partnership Program for FY 2004-05.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously to approve the CJPC
contractual agreement between Randolph County and Montgomery County, as presented.
Declare Surplus Property in Sheriffs Department
Chief Deputy Allen McNeill asked the Board to declare the following property surplus: two 1984
Chevrolet pickups, a 1967 2'/z ton truck, a 1966 2'/z ton truck, a 1985 Plymouth station wagon, a 1964 2'/2
ton tractor, 1985 Chevrolet ambulance, a 20 -ft. flat bed trailer, a Tag -along open top trailer, a Tag -along
covered trailer, and a 24 -volt search light. He said that all of these items are surplus military equipment
that had been given to Randolph County from Law Enforcement Support services. He also asked
permission to either give these items to other government agencies or to sell them.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to approve that the above eleven
items be declared surplus and authorized the Sheriff's Department to either give the items away to other
governmental agencies or the sell them.
Presentation of Minority Business Outreach Plan
Jane Leonard, Deputy Finance Officer, told the Board that since 1989, public agencies subject to G.S.
143-128 have been required to implement a program for promoting the use of minority business
enterprises in major building construction projects. In February 1991, the Randolph County Board of
Commissioners approved and adopted a resolution that set a 10% minority outreach goal for Randolph
County's good faith effort to use minority businesses for formal construction projects. A Minority
Business Participation Plan was also approved. In January 2002, the provisions in G.S. 143-128 were
replaced with a new statute, G.S. 143-128.2, which contains precise and stringent requirements for good
faith efforts. In addition, a more generalized requirement of good faith efforts now applies to contracts for
construction or repair work in the informal bidding range (between $5,000 and $300,000) and in the
selection of architects, engineers, surveyors, and construction management at risk service providers under
G.S. 143-64.31. The new law restates the existing requirement that local governments adopt verifiable
percentage goals and make good faith efforts. The new law creates specific requirements for both owners
and bidders to satisfy the "good faith efforts" obligations and defines the specific steps a public entity
must take before awarding a contract. They include developing and implementing a minority business
outreach plan, attending prebid conferences, and providing notice to minority businesses at least ten days
prior to the bid opening. The Secretary of the State Department of Administration has developed a point
system to determine whether a sufficient effort has been made. The statute does not require that the
percentage goal actually be met, but in cases where it is not met, the bidder must document that sufficient
good faith efforts were made. It is also important to note that the requirements to solicit and document
minority participation apply only to building construction contracts and not to those involving other types
of construction, such as street and utility projects. They also do not apply to purchase contracts. Randolph
County's current resolution that adopted a 10% outreach goal is outdated and refers to excerpts from the
old G.S. 143.128 that were replaced. The current participation plan is also outdated and does not comply
fully with the new law. Ms. Leonard presented a proposed resolution, which keeps the outreach goal at
10%, the State minimum. Before adoption, the new resolution will require a public hearing on the goal
that is being set. After the public hearing, the 1991 resolution can be abolished, the new resolution can be
adopted and then the new Minority Business Outreach Plan can be approved. The requirements of G.S.
143-128.2 as included in the new Randolph County Minority Business Outreach Plan are not detailed in
the resolution. That way, the plan can be updated as required without changing the resolution.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to set a public hearing for 4:30
p.m. on April 5 regarding the Minority Business goal.
Award Audit Contract
Will Massie, Deputy Finance Officer, reminded the Board that 2 years ago the County awarded the
audit services contract to Maxton McDowell, CPA under a three-year proposal. They have proposed an
audit fee for the 2003-04 fiscal year of $29,000, which is a 24% decrease over last year's fee of $38, 200.
This decrease is because Randolph County Mental Health will no longer be included in the County's
annual audit since they joined Sandhills Center. Mr. Massie recommended that the Commissioners
approve the contract with Maxton McDowell, CPA for the audit of the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004.
This will be the final year of the 3 -year contract.
On motion of Mason, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to approve the contract with
Maxton C. McDowell, CPA, for the audit of the fiscal year ended June 30, 2004 for a total cost of
Resolution Approving a Second Refunding of the 2000 Certificates of Participation
Frank Willis said that the County is now eligible to refinance the term bonds that were not eligible in
the refunding held in February 2004. In order to accomplish this a new resolution must be approved.
On motion of Mason, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved a Resolution Approving An
Installment Financing Authorized by Section 160A-20 of the N. C. General Statutes and Authorizing the
Execution and Delivery of Documents in Connection Therewith, as follows:
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County duly conducted a public hearing on February 9, 2004
regarding an installment financing to accomplish the refinancing referred to below;
WHEREAS, the County and Randolph County Public Facilities Corporation (the "Corporation') previously
entered into an Installment Financing Agreement dated as of March 1, 2000 (as amended, the `Installment
Financing Agreement') for the purposes specified therein;
WHEREAS, the Corporation and First Union National Bank, now known as Wachovia Bank, National
Association, as trustee (the "Trustee') entered into a Trust Agreement dated as ofMarch 1, 2000 (as amended, the
"Trust Agreement') pursuant to which the Corporation executed and delivered its Certificates of Participation
(2000 Randolph County -Public Facilities Project) (the "2000 Certificates');
WHEREAS, the County previously conveyed certain property in connection with the 2000 Certificates pursuant
to the Deed of Trust dated as ofMarch 1, 2000 (as amended, the "Deed of Trust') to a deed of trust trustee for the
benefit of the Corporation;
WHEREAS, in order to generate economic savings, the County wants to refinance its obligations with respect
to a portion of the 2000 Certificates by having the Corporation execute and deliver Additional Certificates (as
defined in the Trust Agreement);
WHEREAS, there have been available at this meeting drafts of the forms of the following:
(1) A Second Amendment to Installment Financing Agreement to be dated as ofMarch 1, 2004 (the "Second
Amendment to Installment Financing Agreement' ), between the County and the Corporation;
(2) A Second Supplemental Trust Agreement to be dated as ofMarch 1, 2004 (the "Second Supplemental Trust
Agreement') between the Corporation and the Trustee;
(3) An Escrow Deposit Agreement to be dated as of March 1, 2004 (the "Escrow Agreement') among the
County, the Corporation and Wachovia Bank, National Association, as escrow agent (the "Escrow
Agent' );
(4) A Modification of Deed of Trust (the "Deed of Trust Modification') among the County, the Corporation
and the deed of trust trustee;
(S) A Preliminary Official Statement (the "Preliminary Official Statement') relating to Refunding Certificates
of Participation, Series 2004A evidencing proportionate undivided interests in revenues to be received by
the Corporation under the Installment Financing Agreement (the "2004A Certificates');
(6) A Contract of Purchase (the "Purchase Contract') between Wachovia Bank, National Association (the
"Underwriter') and the Corporation, with the form of the Letter of Representation (the "Letter of
Representation') from the County to the Underwriter.
WHEREAS, the Board of Commissioners of the County wants to ratify and approve the Second Amendment to
Installment Financing Agreement and related documents and the sale of the 2004A Certificates and to ratify
and authorize other actions in connection therewith; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Board of Commissioners of the County as follows:
1. Each of the Second Amendment to the Installment Financing Agreement, the Escrow Agreement, the Deed
of Trust Modification and the Letter of Representation, in the form submitted to this meeting, is hereby
approved, and the Chairman of the Board, the County Manager and Finance Officer and the Clerk to the
Board are each hereby authorized and directed to execute and deliver each of those documents, on behalf
of the County, with such changes, insertions or omissions as each may approve, the execution thereof by
any of them to constitute conclusive evidence of such approval.
2. Each of the Second Supplemental Trust Agreement and the Purchase Contract, in the form submitted to this
meeting, is hereby ratified and approved in substantially such form, with such changes, insertions or
omissions as appropriate.
3. Each of the Preliminary Official Statement and the final Official Statement in the form of the Preliminary
Official Statement submitted to this meeting, is hereby ratified and approved, in substantially such form,
with such changes, insertions and omissions as appropriate, and the use thereof in connection with the
public offering and sale of the 2004A Certificates is hereby ratified and authorized. The Chairman of the
Board and the County Manager and Finance Officer are each hereby authorized and directed to execute
and deliver on behalf of the County, the final Official Statement in substantially such form, with such
changes, insertions and omissions as each may approve, the execution thereof by any of them to constitute
conclusive evidence of such approval.
4. The Chairman of the Board, the County Manager and Finance Officer, the Clerk to the Board and the
County Attorney are each hereby authorized to take any and all such further action and to execute and
deliver such other documents as may be necessary or advisable to carry out the intent of this Resolution
and to effect the installment financing pursuant to the documentation therefor. Without limiting the
generality of the foregoing, the County Manager and Finance Officer is authorized to approve all details of
the financing, including without limitation, the amount advanced under the Second Amendment to
Installment Financing Agreement with respect to the 2004A Certificates, the annual principal payments
under the Installment Financing Agreement, the term of the Installment Financing Agreement, the discount
below or premium above the principal amount of the 2004A Certificates at which the 2004A Certificates
are sold to the Underwriter, if any, and the insurer of the financing and the details related thereto.
Execution of the Second Amendment to Installment Financing Agreement by the Chairman of the Board or
the County Manager and Finance Officer shall conclusively evidence approval of all such details of the
5. All actions of the County effectuating the proposed financing are hereby approved, ratified and authorized
pursuant to and in accordance with the transactions contemplated by the documents referred to above.
6. This Resolution shall become effective immediately upon its adoption.
Amendment of 2004 Holiday Schedule and Adoption of 2005 Holiday Schedule
Cheryl Ivey, Deputy Clerk to the Board, told the Board that recently, the State of North Carolina
adopted its holiday schedule for 2005. January 1, 2005 falls on a Saturday but will be observed by the
State on Friday, December 31, 2004. Since the County generally follows the same holiday schedule as
the State, the County needs to amend our 2004 holiday schedule to include December 31, 2004 as the
New Year's Day holiday for 2005. Also the 2005 holiday schedule needs to be adopted.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously to amend the 2004 County
holiday schedule to include December 31, 2004 as the designated holiday for New Year's Day of 2005
and also adopted the 2005 holiday schedule, as follows:
County *
Saud Waste Facility"
New Year's Day
12/31/04 (Fri.)
12/31, 2004 (Fri.) open
1/1 (Sat.) closed
12/31/04 (Fri.)
M.L.King Jr. 's Bday
1/17 (Mon.)
1/17 (Mon.) open
1/17 (Mon.)
3/25 (Fri.)
3/25 (Fri.) open
3/26 (Sat.) closed
3/25 & 3/26
(Fri. & Sat.)
Memorial Day
5/30 (Mon.)
5/30 (Mon.) closed
5/30 (Mon.)
Independence Day
7/4 (Mon.)
7/4 (Mon.) closed
7/4 (Mon.)
Labor Day
9/5 (Mon.)
9/5 (Mon.) closed
(Sat. & Mon.)
Fall Festival
(Asheboro Library only)
10/1 (Sat.)
Veterans' Day
11/11 (Fri.)
11/11 (Fri.) open
11/11 (Fri.)
11/24 & 25
(Thur. & Fri.)
11/24 (Thur.) closed, 11/25 (Fri.) open,
11/26 (Sat.) open
11/24, 11/25, 11/26
(Thur., Fri., Sat.)
12/23, 12/26
(Fri., Mon.)
12/23 (Fri.) close @ noon
12/24 (Sat.) closed,
12126 (Mon.) open
12/23, 12/24, 12/26
(Fri., Sat., Mon.)
Budget Amendment—Aging Services
Candie Rudzinski, RCSAA Director, told the Board that in January the Randolph County Aging
Services Planning Committee met and approved the distribution of additional Home and Community Care
Block Grant funds totaling $4,824. The distribution of these funds by agency is listed on Form DOA -731.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to approve Budget Amendment
#42 to reflect this $4,824 and to approve Form DOA -731, as revised.
Appropriadon Increase
Other Human Services Appropriations $ 4,173
Social Services $ 651
Revenues Increase
Restricted Intergovernmental $4,824
Budget Amendment – Social Services (Smart Start)
Jane Leonard said that the Department of Social Services has received a funding authorization for an
additional $88,708 for the Smart Start Day Care Program.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to approve Budget Amendment
#43, as follows:
Social Services
Restricted Intergovernmental
Budget Amendment – Public Health
Jane Leonard said that the Health Department has received notification of additional funding from the
State Immunization Program in the amount of $2,259 to purchase a commercial refrigerator for vaccine
storage and a temperature alarm system and from the State Environmental Health Program in the amount
of $12,704 to enhance environmental health activities, provide training for staff and to purchase program
On motion of Mason, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously to approve Budget
Amendment #44, as follows:
Public Health
Restricted Intergovernmental
Budget Amendment – 2004 Refunding Certificates of Participation
Will Massie said that on February 26, 2004, the County finalized the sale of $20,155,000 in
certificates of participation to refinance certain existing debt, which will save the County $570,000 in
interest costs. This existing debt was a portion of installment purchase obligations issued in 2000 for
school construction, a community college facility and the new courthouse. The new debt proceeds will be
invested in U.S. guaranteed securities and held by Wachovia Bank as trustee until June 1, 2009, when
$18,170,000 in outstanding 2000 certificates will be retired. A budget amendment is needed to record the
issuance of the 2004 refunding debt and costs associated with the refunding.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Kemp, the Board voted unanimously to approve Budget Amendment
#45, as follows:
Other Financing Uses Payment to Escrow Agent
Debt Service
$ 336,125
Other Financing Sources Proceeds from 2004 COPS
Closed Session
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously to go into closed session to
discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of business in the area served by the Board,
pursuant to NCGS 143-318.1 ] (a) (4).
The Board returned to regular session at 6:15 p.m and recessed until 6:30 p.m.
Rezoning Public Hearing
At 6:30 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider rezoning requests.
Hal Johnson, Planning and Zoning Administrator, presented the following requests, and Chairman
Holmes opened the public hearing for comments on each request and closed it before taking action on
each request.
1. GARY DOBBINS, Ramseur, North Carolina, is requesting that 2.42 acres (out of 80.96 acres)
located at 935 Ramseur Julian Road, Columbia Township, be rezoned from Residential Restricted to
Residential Agricultural/Conditional Use. The Conditional Use Zoning District would specifically allow
the placement of a singlewide mobile home for a family member. The Planning Board considered this
request at a public meeting on February 3, 2004, and recommended unanimously that this request be
Gary Dobbins, applicant, spoke in favor of the request. He said that his grandchild plans to live in the
mobile home.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Mason, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of Gary
2. LARRY RICHARDSON, Sophia, North Carolina, is requesting that 24.75 acres located on Waynick
Meadow Road, Concord Township, be zoned to allow a restricted rural lot subdivision overlay. The
Conditional Use Zoning District would specifically allow a 6 -lot residential subdivision for doublewide
mobile homes, site -built homes or modular homes with a minimum house size of 1,300 sq. ft. The
Planning Board considered this request at a public meeting on February 3, 2004, and recommended
unanimously that this request be approved.
Jerry King, surveyor, spoke in support of the request. He said that the proposed average lot size is 4.2
acres and well and septic tanks will be used. They are aware that a 100 ft. setback is required for the wells
due the adjoining Montanard property.
Larry Richardson, applicant, stated that he owns the road that goes to the Montanards' property, but
that they have an easement across it. He said they might buy a couple of his lots so that they can upgrade
the road. He also noted that there are a lot of doublewides in the area.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of Larry
3. S. P. CLODFELTER, Trinity, North Carolina, is requesting that 8.81 acres (out of 85.13 acres)
located on Peace Road, Trinity Township, be zoned to allow a conventional exclusive residential
subdivision overlay. The Conditional Use Zoning District would specifically allow a 4 -lot residential
subdivision for site -built homes only with a minimum house size of 1,200 sq. ft. The Planning Board
considered this request at a public meeting on February 3, 2004, and recommended unanimously that this
request be approved.
No one spoke.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Mason, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of S. P.
4. BRAD ELLIS, Franklinville, North Carolina, is requesting that 28.22 acres located on Millboro Road
(just past Mack Lineberry Road), Franklinville Township, be zoned to allow an exclusive rural lot
subdivision overlay. The Conditional Use Zoning District would specifically allow a 4 -lot residential
subdivision for site -built and modular homes. The property owner is Betty Ellis. The Planning Board
considered this request at a public meeting on February 3, 2004, and recommended unanimously that this
request be approved.
Brad Ellis, applicant, stated that this land will be subdivided for different family members to build
homes on. It is currently his mother's farm.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of Brad
5. BSR, LLC, Asheboro, North Carolina, is requesting that 13.30 acres located at the intersection of
Hwy 134/Burney Road, Union Township, be zoned to allow an exclusive rural lot subdivision overlay.
The Conditional Use Zoning District would specifically allow a 7 -lot residential subdivision for site -built
or modular homes with a minimum house size of 1,300 sq. ft. The Planning Board considered this request
at a public meeting on February 3, 2004, and recommended unanimously that this request be approved.
Jerry King, surveyor, spoke in support of this request. He said the corner lot could have the
driveway entrance from either road and would be built based on traffic and safety.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of BSR,
At 6:55 p.m., the Board adjourned.
J. Harold Holmes, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Phil Kemp
Robert O. Mason
Robert B. Davis
Cheryl A. Ivey, Deputy Clerk to the Board