060302June 3, 2002
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met on June 3, 2002, at 4:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners Meeting Room, County Office Building, 725 McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Kemp, Frye, Davis, Holmes, and Mason were present. Rev. Marion Smith, retired, gave
the invocation, and everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Addition to the Agenda
Chairman Kemp announced the addition of one agenda item: appoint Phil Koonce to the Aging
Services Planning Committee.
Consent Agenda
On motion of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the consent agenda,
as follows:
• approve regular meeting minutes and closed session minutes for May 6, 2002;
• reappoint Phil Ridge to the County Planning Board;
• appoint Becky Fawcett and Glenn Huhn to the Mental Health Board;
• reappoint Harold Holmes, Sigrid McCain, and Warren Dixon to the County Library Board of
• reappoint Jerry Tillman to the Randolph Community College Board of Trustees;
• Appoint Adrienne Gwynn, Richard Peterson, and Phil Koonce and reappoint Connie Adams, Sandra
Allen, Charlie Casper, Allan Edwards, Janet Henley, Jean Johnson, Duffy Johnson, Laura King,
Addie Luther, John McGlohon, Jack Pugh, Joy Ratliffe, Candie Rudzinski, Ann Suggs, Everett
Thomas, Carolyn Vickrey, Frank Willis to the Aging Services Planning Committee;
• Appoint Robert Newman to the Work First Appeals Committee.
Award Bid for EMS Repeater System
Susana Vang, Purchasing Technician, reported that the Emergency Services Department's repeater
system on Dave's Mountain, used to page ambulances for 911 emergencies, has ceased to function, and
they need to replace it as quickly a possible. Pursuant to G. S. 143-131, the Purchasing Office conducted
an informal bid for a Motorola Quantro Repeater System and received the following bids:
Vendor Total Bid
Commonwealth Radio Services, Inc. (Burlington, NC) $17,080
South Sales Communications, Inc. (Charlotte, NC) No Bid
Wireless Communications, Inc. (Raleigh, NC) No Bid
The bid received from Commonwealth met specifications, and the County has been satisfied in the past
with their products and services.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously awarded the bid for a Motorola
Quantro Repeater System to Commonwealth Radio Services, Inc. at a total cost of $17,080.
Award Contract for Relocation of Agencies to the New Courthouse
David Townsend, III, Public Works Director, stated that prior to the opening of the new
Courthouse on July 1, 2002, we must first relocate all the appropriate agencies. The Public Works
Department took informal bids for this relocation from 3 vendors. The bids include this move and the
move for Phase II, once the 1981 annex building has been renovated. The following bids were received:
Vendor Total Bid
Hall' Transfer (Asheboro, NC) No Bid
Hilldrip Moving and Storage (Burlington, NC) $25,000
City Transfer (High Point, NC) $25,118
Mr. Townsend stated that he had previously worked with Hilldrip Moving & Storage during the
relocation of the District Attorney's and District Court Judges' offices. They were very professional and
efficient in their jobs and he recommends them for the Courthouse move.
On motion of Mason, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to award the bid for the
relocation of the Courthouse agencies to Hilldrip Moving and Storage at a total cost of $25, 000.
Proposed Changes to Environmental Health Fees at the Health Department
Chairman Kemp asked if any Commissioner or anyone at the Health Department had received any
comments from the public about the possibility of raising environmental health fees since it was
publicized after the last Commissioners meeting. No one, including Mr. Kemp, had received any response
from the public. MiMi Cooper, Health Director, and Mike Walker, Environmental Health Supervisor,
answered questions from the Board about the proposed fee changes.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to approve the
environmental health fee schedule as follows, effective July 1, 2002:
New wastewater permits
(includes site evaluation, permit & installation inspection for conventional Type I & II systems)
Type III and IV Systems (includes required future inspections)
additional $100
Type V and VI Systems (includes required future inspections)
additional $500
Wastewater Expansion Permits
(includes site assessment, permit & installation inspection for conventional Type I & II systems)
Type III and IV Systems (includes required future inspections)
additional $100
Type V and VI Systems (includes required future inspection)
additional $500
Inspection for Connection to an Existing System (does not include expansion permits)
Consultative visits (for requests other than above)
Well permits (includes well siting, permit and installation inspection)
Existing Well Inspections
(includes inspection of all wells for property transfer only & related consultative visits)
Water samples (excluding samples required by law to be collected by the Health Department)
(before Coliform bacteria samples can be collected, an existing well inspection must be
performed & the well found to meet required above -ground construction standards)
Aging Services - 2002-2003 Home and Community Care Block Grant (HCCBG) Allocations
Candie Rudzinski, Aging Services Planning Coordinator, reported that the Aging Services Planning
Committee has approved a recommendation for the HCCBG allocations for FY 2002-2003, totaling
$605,059. This amount reflects a 4% decrease that was requested by the State.
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the HCCBG Funding
Plan as indicated on Form DOA -731 requesting a total of $605,059 and agreed to accept EDTAP and
other supplemental funds for Aging Services, should they become available, and to allow the Aging
Services Planning Committee to decide how to allocate these funds.
July Meeting Date Set
On motion of Davis, seconded by Mason, the Board voted unanimously to reschedule the July
meeting date for July 8, 2002, 4: 00 p.m. due to the Independence Day holiday.
Budget Amendment #39 - Merit Increases
On motion of Mason, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #39
to the FY 2001-02 Annual Budget to transfer merit money from Administration to the various departments
using it, as follows:
FUND #39
Building Inspections
City School Building Bond Fund
Computer Services
Cooperative Extension
Emergency Services
Planning & Zoning
Public Health
Register of Deeds
Sheriff & Jail
Social Services
Budget Amendment #40 — State School Bonds
Will Massie, Deputy Finance Officer, told the Board that our current year's budget needs to be
amended to include the total amount of anticipated expenditures to be incurred in this fiscal year for the
county and city schools capital projects. He also stated that these projected were almost completed.
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously to approve Budget
Amendment # 40 as follows:
Restricted Intergovernmental
County School Building Bond Fund
City School Building Bond Fund
Presentation of Proposed FY 2002-2003 Budget
Frank Willis, County Manager, presented his proposed FY 2002-2003 budget message. This
budget was done in a different format this year, reflecting the County's first year of performance
measurement. Mr. Willis encouraged the Board to make suggestions and comments about the new format.
This budget proposes a tax rate of 48¢ per $100 valuation, is based on a total valuation of $8,185,000,000,
and totals $80,841,979. He said that there are three areas that have affected the expenditure side of the
budget: large increases in all areas of insurance, increases due to the opening of the new courthouse for a
full year of operations, and the ever-present increase in the County's share of Medicaid. Additionally, the
budget contains $2,668,896 in reimbursements from the State. Governor Easley's proposed state budget
does not give local governments the reimbursements for FY 2002-03 but instead recommends that the
N.C. General Assembly give counties the option of a half -cent increase in sales taxes that would make up
for the loss of reimbursements. If the County does not receive the reimbursements, and if the General
Assembly allows it, he recommended that the Board approve the half -cent increase in sales taxes to
replace the lost reimbursements. If the General Assembly does not allow the half -cent sales tax, he
recommended that the County take the $2,668,896 as a one-time reduction to our fund balance.
The Board directed County Attorney Alan Pugh to investigate the procedure to adopt the half -cent
sales tax, should it become necessary to do so.
Public Hearing to Rename Springdale Drive to Springdale Lane
Hal Johnson told the Board that there are two Springdale Drives located within the Asheboro
Postal District. One is off of Crestview Church Rd and located completely in the County, and the other is
off of Mountain Rd and shared by the County and City of Asheboro. The City and County are starting the
process to change the name of the road located off of Mountain Road to Springdale Lane. The 911 staff
agrees that the name change will be sufficient to distinguish between the two roads during an emergency.
After approval by the County and City, the City will install the appropriate road sign.
Chairman Kemp opened the public hearing and, hearing no comments, closed it.
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board voted unanimously to rename Springdale
Drive to Springdale Road.
Closed Session — Economic Development
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board voted at 5:45 p.m. to go into closed session to
discuss matters relating to the location or expansion of business in the area served by this governing
body, pursuant to NCGS 143.318-11(a)(4). They returned to regular session at 6:25 p.m.
The Board announced that Thomas Built Bus Company had decided to stay in High Point and that
the Board was considering a contribution of $500,000 to the company over a period of 4 years. A joint
public hearing with the City of Archdale will be scheduled concerning this economic development project
during the week of June 17.
Rezoning Public Hearing
At 6:45 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider rezoning
requests. Hal Johnson, Planning Director, presented the following requests and Chairman Kemp opened
the public hearing for comments on each request and closed it before voting on each request.
1. WILLIAM SMITH, Liberty, North Carolina, is requesting that 4.00 acres (out of 9.09 acres) located at
3472 Old 421 Road, Liberty Township, Rocky River Watershed, be rezoned from RA to HC/CU. The
proposed Conditional Use Zoning District would specifically allow an auto repair and auto body shop in
an existing 50' x 70' building and a proposed 50' x 70' building to be constructed on site. The Planning
Board recommended unanimously that this request be approved as consistent with the Growth
Management Plan.
Bill Smith, 3565 Old 421 Road, Liberty, spoke in support of his request.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the request of William
2. SCOTT CRUTHIS, Thomasville, North Carolina, is requesting that 14.64 acres located on corner of
Mamie May Road/Mack Lineberry Road, Polecat Creek Watershed, Providence Township, be rezoned
from RA to RLOR-CU. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning District would specifically allow a 3 -lot
subdivision for Class A double -wide mobile homes. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that
this request be approved as consistent with the Growth Management Plan.
(The applicant was not present at this meeting.)
Jerry King, 154 B. South Fayetteville St., spoke in support of the request stating that there is room
for all 3 sites to enter onto Mack Lineberry Rd. and that there is only 1 old mobile home that has to be
removed. He also said that there is a good set of restrictions for this proposed subdivision.
Ralph Groce, 4508 Mack Lineberry Rd., said that he owns a $300,000 house diagonally across
from the proposed subdivision and that other homes in the area are in the $200,000 range. This mobile
home subdivision will drastically devalue their properties. He asked that the developer increase the
minimum square footage requirement.
Odell Routh, 2852 Benny Lineberry Rd., Climax, stated that neither the Mattie Coble Estates nor
the Barbara Trogdon Subdivision on the planning map is a subdivision as indicated. He is in the water
hauling business and, just recently, had to haul water to a nearby chicken house because the well went
dry. He said that the water table is rapidly going down in this area and that the Board should be looking at
the future of Randolph County's water situation. Eventually, citizens are going to demand County water.
Chairman Kemp asked Hal Johnson what the applicant could do with the land as it is. Mr. Johnson
said that he could farm it or put one home on it.
Commissioner Frye asked the applicant's father if his son would consider putting larger houses on
it. Mr. Cruthis stated that he did not know.
A show of hands indicated that there were 3 people in attendance who opposed this request.
Since the applicant was not present, the Board, on motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, voted
unanimously to delay the decision on this request for one month to give the applicant the chance to revise
his request if he so chooses.
3. SAMUEL HUNT, Asheboro, North Carolina, is requesting that 11.98 acres (out of 12.29 acres)
located on corner of Stutts Road/Back Creek Church Road, Cedar Grove Township, be rezoned from RA
to CVOE-CU. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning District would specifically allow a 12 -lot
subdivision for site -built homes only. The Planning Board recommended by a 3 to 2 vote that this request
be denied due to density. Mr. Johnson stated that the Planning Board also had concerns about the site's
topography—the land flows into a steep gully requiring storm water management and erosion control.
Plus, the 1,200 sq. ft. minimum requested by the applicant is not consistent with surrounding homes.
There are also many stumps that have been buried on the property that would have to be identified and
noted on the survey. Buffers would also need to be put in place around most of the perimeter of the site.
Since the Planning Board meeting, the applicant has presented a revised site plan, and the minimum house
size requirement is now 1,350 sq. ft. and acreage was added at the back of the site for a total of 17.45
Samuel Hunt, 771 Cable Creek Rd., applicant, stated that he had increased the average lot size on
his proposed plan to .454 acre, moved one of the lots off of Stutts Rd., and eliminated the lot where the
stumps are buried. He said he has included a good and strict set of restrictive covenants and that the road
into the subdivision would be state -maintained. He stated that he has lived in this community for years
and cares about the community and that he would never build a house where there was no water.
Jerry King, surveyor, stated that when the road is built into the subdivision, there will be an
erosion control plan done since it will be built to D.O.T. standards.
Faye Phillips, 3531 Stutts Rd., has lived in this community for 13 years. Sammy Hunt has lived
there for many as well and operates a business. He is a good person and she would rather a good neighbor
purchase and develop this property than an outsider.
Walter Lambeth, 3537 Stutts Rd., has lived in the community since October of 1979 and spoke
in support of the request. He said Mr. Hunt builds a fine house and cuts no corners.
Approximately 40 people raised their hands in support for the request.
Doug Walker, 2819 Stutts Rd., spoke in opposition to the request. He said that the average home
size on Stutts and Back Creek Roads, excluding Wilbur Hughes' house, which is extremely large, is 1,750
sq. ft., and the average lot size is 6.64 acres. Putting this kind of subdivision here will set the standard for
future development. This kind of subdivision consisting of the small houses on small lots is not
consistent with the surrounding rural nature of the community.
Harold Baxter, 2956 Stutts Rd., adjoining property owner, spoke in opposition to the request and
stated that he has heard that this thing was a "done deal" from the very beginning. He is concerned about
the water supply and stated that 12 houses is too many on this small piece of property. If approved, he
asked for a buffer to the west and north of his property.
Todd Walker, 2911 Stutts Rd., said that he and his family moved from a similar subdivision as
the one proposed to this more rural setting to get away from noise and crime. He is also concerned with
the water supply since he just recently had to drill a new well.
Harold Gowdy, 3038 Stutts Rd., said that he shares the same concerns already mentioned and that
this request should be evaluated on its own merits, and not based on personal friendships. He requested
that there be buffers on the creek if the request is approved. He reminded the Board that there would be no
County infrastructure for many years to come to adequately support subdivisions such as this.
Nancy Staley, 291 Back Creek Church Rd., asked that the Board think seriously about all the
concerns mentioned because if the request is approved, it would set a precedent for future development in
the area. Also, she stated that the issue is the subdivision, not Sammy Hunt.
Approximately 40 people were in attendance that opposed this request.
Commissioner Frye asked Hal Johnson if anyone from this community had raised any questions
about this area being in a secondary growth area during the preparation of the new Growth Management
Plan. Mr. Johnson said that no one had made any comments.
Sammy Hunt offered to raise the minimum square footage on the house size to 1400 sq. ft. as a
condition of the request.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board voted unanimously to send this request back to
the Planning Board and then back to this Board in 2 months in the hope that the applicant and the
community members could negotiate a workable solution.
4. KEVIN HILL, Seagrove, North Carolina, is requesting that 4.21 acres located on Jones Road,
Tabernacle Township, be rezoned from RA to CVOM-CU. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning
District would specifically allow the development of a 4 -lot subdivision for Class -B single -wide mobile
homes. The Planning Board recommended that this request be approved with the condition of permanent
underpinning. The motion passed with a vote of 5 to 1 as consistent with the Growth Management Plan.
Jerry King, surveyor, spoke in support of the request and said that Davidson Water is available. He
also stated that there is a good set of restrictive covenants.
Commissioner Frye asked if the mobile homes would be rented. Mr. Hill said he was not sure.
Commissioner Frye then asked if he would agree to an owner -occupied only condition to his request. Mr.
Hill said that he would like to make this part of the conditions of the request.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Mason, the Board voted unanimously to approve the request of
Kevin Hill.
There being no further business, the Board adjourned.
Phil Kemp, Chairman
J. Harold Holmes
Robert O. Mason
Darrell L. Frye, Vice Chairman
Robert B. Davis
Cheryl A. Ivey, Clerk to the Board