c050602Closed Session — May 6, 2002, 6:15 p.m.
At 6:15 p.m. the Board adjourned to closed session to discuss matters relating to the location
of expansion of business in the area, pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(4). Commissioners Kemp,
Frye, Holmes, Mason and Davis were present, as well as County Manager Frank Willis; Cheryl
Ivey, Deputy Clerk; Alan Pugh, County Attorney; Aimee Scotton, Staff Attorney; and Bonnie
Renfro from Randolph County Economic Development Corporation.
Ms. Renfro gave an update on expansion plans for Thomas Built Bus Company. The site
options are still Gaffney, S.C., and the Fairfield Road plant in Archdale and High Point. Ms. Renfro
said that all incentive projections remain the same except that $300,00 is needed from the County
instead of the previously requested $259,200 in new tax revenues (3 years worth) over a period of
3-5 years. The Board agreed to this change.
Ms. Renfro told the Board about Project Heartland. Global Location Strategies of Corvus
International has been selected to perfrom a site location study for a NYSE-listed corporation. The
currently confidential project is classified as heavy distribution and will be constructed in up to two
distinct phases over a period of 2-5 years. Project investment will be $12 million for Phase I and
$25 million at full build -out. There is the potential for up to 300 new jobs at the completion of
Phase II. Our proposed site is Liberty Business ParkFulk, Smith property. The corporation is
requesting assistance with infrastructure. A preliminary request figure from Randolph County is
$250,000 in local match for a CDBG grant.
Next, Ms. Renfro said that Asheboro has been short listed (1 of 10 in the nation) as the
potential site for a major in -bound call center project. A well known telecommunications company
has pre -qualified 10 U.S. locations based on demographic research as potential sites for a large call
center. Potential investment is $17.5 million and 500 new jobs in Phase I (12 months) and 1,000
jobs in Phase II (2-3 years). Wage estimates are $9.50 for hire rate, $10.50 - $11.00 average wage
for customer service representatives, for an inclusive wage range of $10.00 - $18.50 with full
benefit package. The center would be 20% bilingual for in -bound customer support. The client
would construct a new facility with high amenities. A preliminary request figure from Randolph
County would be 3 years of new tax revenues at $252,000 (100%) or $200,000 (80%).
At 6:40 p.m., on motion of Holmes, seconded by Mason, the Board voted unanimously to
resume open session.
Phil Kemp, Chairman
J. Harold Holmes
Robert O. Mason
Darrell L. Frye, Vice Chairman
Robert B. Davis
Cheryl A. Ivey, Deputy Clerk to the Board