c080502Closed Session I — August 5, 2002, 5:00 p.m.
At 5:00 p.m. the Board adjourned to closed session to discuss matters relating to the
location of expansion of business in the area, pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(4).
Commissioners Kemp, Frye, Holmes, Mason and Davis were present, as well as County
Manager Frank Willis; Cheryl Ivey, Deputy Clerk; Alice Dawson, Clerk; Alan Pugh, County
Attorney; David Townsend, III, Public Works Director; Mike Walker, Seagrove Mayor; and
Bonnie Renfro from Randolph County Economic Development Corporation.
Bonnie Renfro told the Board that the EDC Executive Committee had voted to pay the
next EDC debt service payment on the Randleman Business Park loan in the amount of
$34,571.96 and will not need to ask the County for assistance with this payment.
Ms. Renfro said that Ford Motor Company has selected the Mebane site and that NT
Techno had told her that the Liberty site was no longer being considered because NT Techno
will not participate in a CDBG. She has contacted them with another proposal where Liberty
would pay for one-half of the infrastructure cost if the company would agree to immediately be
annexed into Liberty's town limits. She has not had a response from them yet.
Ms. Renfro updated the Board on the Yankee Commodity Foods (Luck's) project and
said that the July 23 meeting with DENR went well and they are awaiting DENR response on the
permit issue. The cost estimate on the lagoon expense is $1,000,000. Possible funding sources on
this project follow:
CDBG: $600,000
Local match: $200,000
Governor's Competitive Fund: $100,000
Golden Leaf Foundation grant: $ ?
At 5:40, on motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board voted unanimously to return to
regular session.
Phil Kemp, Chairman
J. Harold Holmes
Darrell L. Frye
Robert O. Mason
Robert B. Davis Cheryl A. Ivey, Deputy Clerk to the Board