060501June 5, 2001
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in special budget session at
6:00 p.m. in the Administration Conference Room, Randolph County Office Building, 725
McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Kemp, Holmes, Frye, Mason, and Davis
were present.
Emergency Services
Neil Allen, Emergency Services Director, discussed his capital outlay requests for
two new ambulances. He explained that the laundry and linen line item has decreased
because of a new contract with High Point Regional Hospital. In addition, the hospital
will donate linen they can no longer use, but which is still serviceable.
Chairman Kemp asked Mr. Allen which ambulance base could be closed if the
County ever has to cut services. Mr. Allen stated that the Liberty base is the least busy
and the least centrally located. Salaries alone to man the base would be over $150,000.
He said that this base has always been housed in Liberty's fire station free of charge.
Liberty is building a new fire station and their manager has approached Mr. Allen about
providing space for the ambulance base there and charging the County rent. Mr. Allen
noted that Liberty originally agreed to provide space for an ambulance base if the County
would agree to place one there.
Mr. Allen reported that EMS calls were up 15% last fiscal year; transports, 4%.
He said they do actual transports on only 54% of their calls. The reason this percentage is
so low is that there are multiple calls from motorists with cell phones who report the same
automobile accident.
Mr. Allen explained that one fire inspector position has been eliminated in the new
budget because the County is no longer doing fire inspections for Liberty, Randleman,
Seagrove, and Franklinville. He also explained items that were cut from his budget.
The Board reviewed fire department tax rate requests. Only two departments are
requesting a rate lower than this year's. All others remain the same.
Public Works
David Townsend, III, Public Works Director, informed the Board that Asheboro is
building its own transfer station, which will result in the loss of 18-20% of the tonnage
received at the County's transfer station. Therefore, revenues from tipping fees will be
down in the new budget. We have also lost about 40% of the wood waste we were
receiving because of a private wood waste dealer. However, since the cost for grinding
will go down, reduced costs will offset reduced revenues.
The Board discussed the need for paving the road at the landfill, and Mr.
Townsend stated that it would cost $50,000-$60,000 to pave. They also discussed the
problem of junked and abandoned mobile homes. Mr. Townsend said breaking down
mobile homes is very costly because it is so labor intensive. They are not allowed at the
The Board noted that recycling costs are estimated at $150,376, while revenues
are expected to be only $45,500. Mr. Townsend said he is having to supplement this
program by appropriating fund balance.
Mr. Townsend reported that construction on the new courthouse should be
completed by the end of the year or shortly thereafter. Refurbishing of the old courthouse
is about 70% completed.
Social Services
Martha Sheriff, Social Services Director, reported that the County's portion of
Medicaid and Special Assistance to Adults is up $1,566,720 in the new budget. These are
federally mandated, open-ended programs which the County has no control over. There
are approximately 13,000 Randolph County clients currently receiving Medicaid. Foster
care costs have also increased, not because the number of foster children has increased,
but because the cost of care has gone up. Institutional care for foster children who are
difficult to place in homes is very expensive. Other than these items, the Social Services
budget is about the same as this year's.
Ms. Sheriff also provided information on the adoption and Smart Start programs.
She said their agency will contract with Goodwill in Greensboro to administer the Wheels
to Work program in the coming year. Staffing turnover in Child Protective Services has
greatly diminished since the after-hours Child Protective Services workers have been
Governing Body, Legal, Administration, Debt Service
Frank Willis, County Manager, stated that Administration's budget is up because
of increases in workers compensation, property, and liability insurance costs.
The meeting adjourned at 8:45 p.m.
Phil Kemp, Chairman
J. Harold Holmes
Darrell L. Frye
Robert B. Davis
Robert O. Mason Alice D. Dawson, Clerk to the