110501November 5, 2001
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 4:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners Meeting Room, County Office Building, 725 McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Kemp, Davis, Holmes, Frye, and Mason were present. Rev. Wayne Eller gave the
invocation, and everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Additions to the Agenda
Chairman Kemp announced the addition of two items to new business: L. Resolution in Support
of Southeast High Speed Rail Corridor and M. Resolution in Support of Release of Funds to PTCOG.
Consent Agenda
On motion of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the consent agenda as
➢ Approve Regular and Closed Session Minutes from October 1, 2001
➢ Reappoint Steve Holland and Ted Hollingsworth as Extraterritorial Members and Appoint Rodney
Moody and Betty Hilliard as Extraterritorial Alternate Members on the Randleman Planning &
Zoning Board (Terms Expire 12104); Change Status of Cathy Hayes from Alternate to Regular
Extraterritorial Member to Replace Tommy McDonald, Who Resigned (Term Expires 12102)
➢ Reappoint Danny Sykes to the Tax Commission (Term Expires 12104)
➢ Reappoint Tommy Williams, Jim McIntosh, and Harold Holmes and Appoint John Ogburn
(Replacing David Leonard) to the Randolph County Water Resources Advisory Board (Terms
Expire 12104)
➢ Appoint Donovan Davis (Replacing Shirley Needham) and Lewis Schirloff (Replacing Ronnie
Thompson) to the PTCOG Emergency Services Advisory Council (Open-ended Terms)
➢ Appoint Joyia Clayton (replacing Peggy Morrison), Laura King (Replacing Donna Moore),
Connie Adams (Replacing Caroline Nichols), and Blair Barton -Percival (Replacing Julie Prince -
Bell) to the Aging Services Planning Committee (Terms Expire 6102)
➢ Appoint Rev. J Harold Williams to the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (Replacing Rev.
Charles Tyson - Faith Community Slot) (Term Expires 7102)
➢ Approve the following D. O. T. resolution:
WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has investigated Woods Stream Lane, Mountain Lane,
Wildflower Court and Deerberry Court in the Woodridge Subdivision: and
WHEREAS, the subject streets have been found to meet minimum requirements for addition;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners that Woods
Stream Lane, Mountain Lane, Wildflower Court, and Deerberry Court in the Woodridge Subdivision be
added to the Division of Highways' Secondary Road System.
Bid Award for Latent Station (for Fingerprint Identification System)
Susana Vang, Purchasing Technician, stated that the Sheriff s Office needs a remote latent station
to coexist with their current LiveScan AFIS (Automated Fingerprint Identification System). The latent
station must interface with the existing equipment as well as connect to North Carolina's central AFIS at
the State Bureau of Investigation. Printrak International is a sole source because they are the only
provider who can interface to the central AFIS. Pursuant to G.S. 143-129(e), the Board of
Commissioners may approve the sole source purchase based on compatibility of the equipment. The
Sheriffs Office plans to use $120,000 of restricted law enforcement funds approved at the September
2001 Commissioners' meeting to purchase the latent station.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved the purchase of the
latent station from Printrak International for $120, 000.
Adoption of New Purchasing Policy; Rescinding of Resolution Exempting Architectural,
Engineering, and Surveying Proiects Under $30,000 from State Procurement Procedures
Susana Vang, Purchasing Technician, reviewed proposed changes to the County's Purchasing
Policy and explained that some areas have more stringent thresholds than that required by state statutes.
The proposed policy incorporates the resolution dealing with exempting architectural, engineering, and
surveying projects under $30,000 from state procurement procedures; therefore, the freestanding
resolution would no longer be needed if this new purchasing policy were adopted.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously adopted the new purchasing
policy (ATTACHED) and rescinded the Resolution Exempting Architectural, Engineering, and Surveying
Projects Under $30, 000 from State Procurement Procedures.
Approval of Contract with Cornerstone Psychological Services
Jane Leonard, Deputy Finance Officer, reported that the Day Reporting Center would like to enter
into a contract with Cornerstone Psychological Services, P.A. of Greensboro to provide substance abuse
treatment to juvenile program participants. Cornerstone will provide an on-site substance abuse therapist
for four hours per day, three days per week, at a rate of $55 per hour. They were unable to find any local
professionals to perform this service.
On motion of Mason, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved this contract with
Cornerstone and authorized the County Manager to sign the contract.
Request for Two Positions and Budget Amendment for Smart Start Grant in Cooperative
Jane Leonard, Deputy Finance Officer, explained that the Cooperative Extension Department has
received a grant for $71,700 from the Randolph County Partnership for Children to provide a community-
based parent education program. Two new positions will be needed to carry out this program: a full-time
human services coordinator (grade 67) will be the director of the program, and a part-time (30 hours per
week) office assistant (grade 58) will provide clerical support. Ms. Leonard stated that these new
positions would exist only so long as grant funds continued to be received.
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously allocated the two positions as
requested and approved the following budget amendment:
Contract Award for Furniture for the New Courthouse
David Townsend, III, Public Works Director and Project Manager for new courthouse
construction, explained that a part of our contract with Moser Mayer Phoenix Associates (MMPA),
architect for the new courthouse, was to inventory all existing furniture in the current courthouse
complex, evaluate which pieces of that furniture could be used in the new courthouse, and develop a list
of furniture we would need to buy for the new facility. It has been determined that we can continue to use
about 30% of the existing furniture. The original budget for new furniture was $600,000.
Barbara Briccotto of MMPA stated that they had developed a bid package and advertised the
project in the Asheboro and Greensboro papers. The package stated that the project might, at the owner's
discretion, be awarded to one or two bidders. The split bid, if utilized, would be systems furnishings and
all other. Very few of the bidders submitted a complete bid; they bid on portions of furniture. The bids
received were as follows:
Total Bid
Tax (6%)
Alfred Williams & Co.
Business Interiors Group
No Bid
No Bid
Carswell Business Systems
with 1% discount for entire
Overall Low Bid
Elliot Office Equipment Co.
Bid not complete. Carswell still low if
comparing just items bid.
Institutional Interiors
No bid on systems furnishings. Carswell
still low if comparing just items bid.
Interior Systems, Inc.
MacThrift Office Furniture
Bid not complete. Carswell still low if
comparing just items bid.
Office Interiors Group
Ms. Briccotto noted that since these bids were received, sales tax has changed to 6 '/2 %.
Frye made a motion, seconded by Davis, to approve the contract with Carswell for $445,351.50.
The Board discussed these bids at length and questioned whether local furniture manufacturers had had
the opportunity to bid on this project. Frye and Davis withdrew their motion and second.
Ms. Briccotto assured the Board that local companies had had the opportunity to bid on portions of
this project. She said the bid on this project included soliciting bids from manufacturers to supply the
furniture, receiving all furniture at a warehouse site, delivering it to the courthouse, and assembling and
installing it. Mr. Townsend added that about 88% of the chairs, benches, and stools will come from
Randolph County companies.
The Board asked if Carswell had gotten a quote from Miller (local manufacturer of desks). Ms.
Briccotto said she did not have that information with her but that she could find out. The Board asked
Aimee Scotton, Randolph County Staff Attorney, if they could ask Carswell to get an alternate price from
Miller. Ms. Scotton stated that where Carswell got their desks is not a factor. We can negotiate with the
low bidder only if their bid exceeds our original budget. If Carswell negotiated a price from Miller and
that total is higher than the next lowest bidder, we could be challenged in court on such an action.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board voted four to one, with Commissioner Holmes
opposing, to award the contract to Carswell for $445,351.50.
Resolution Supporting a Turn Lane at Metals USA
Bonnie Renfro, Randolph County Economic Development Corporation, advised the Board that she
had been working with the Department of Transportation and Norfolk -Southern Railroad to get a turn lane
installed on Highway 311 in front of Metals USA. She asked that the Board adopt a resolution of support
for this project, which she will submit to the Department of Transportation.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the following
WHEREAS, the installation of a turn lane to be located on US 311 will support the creation of a substantial
number of quality jobs in the county, an increase in the taxable property base, and an increase in the population of
the county; and
WHEREAS, the addition of a turn lane will significantly improve safety conditions for the traveling public
on this primary highway artery and the more than 180 passenger vehicles and trucks accessing the site on a daily
basis; and
WHEREAS, this turn lane project will support the expansion of an existing manufacturing company for
Metals USA, a project resulting in the creation of more than 45 new jobs and $8, 000, 000 in new investment for the
State ofNorth Carolina and Randolph County;
WHEREAS, this turn lane project will support the retention of the existing manufacturing facility for
Metals USA and a truck terminal for Greenlines Transportation, companies that provide 113 jobs and have
invested more than $19, 000, 000 in the State ofNorth Carolina and Randolph County;
hereby request the installation of a turn lane to be located on US 311 in Randolph County, North Carolina, to
support economic development and quality job creation for the citizens of the State ofNorth Carolina.
GFOA Certificate for FY 1999-2000
Will Massie, Deputy Finance Officer, announced that Randolph County's comprehensive annual
financial report has qualified for a Certificate of Achievement for Excellence in Financial Reporting, for
the 12th consecutive year, by the Government Finance Officers Association of the United States and
Canada. The Certificate of Achievement is the highest form of recognition in the area of governmental
accounting and financial reporting, and its attainment represents a significant accomplishment by a
government and its management.
The Board congratulated Mr. Massie, County Manager Frank Willis, and all the Finance Office
staff on this accomplishment.
Appointment of Department Head for the Soil & Water Conservation District Department
Frank Willis, County Manager, stated that the Soil & Water Conservation District became a
County department in 1990 in order to comply with the Local Government Budget and Fiscal Control
Act. In 1995 it was determined that, for organizational purposes, someone should be designated to
perform the duties of a department head. The County Commissioners, based on the Soil & Water Board's
recommendation, appointed Barton Roberson, District Conservationist and a federal employee, to assume
those duties. The department now has three County employees, and the Soil & Water Board recommends
appointing Jennifer Parks to the role of department head. She has been employed there since 1996 and is
knowledgeable of County policies and procedures. The Soil & Water Board, as the policy-making body,
will continue to oversee and supervise all operations, including policy and planning.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously named Jennifer Parks as
department head for the Soil & Water Conservation District Department.
Transportation Improvement Program (TIP) Priority List Update
Hal Johnson, Planning Director, stated that the NC Department of Transportation is conducting
meetings around the state to give metropolitan and rural planning organizations, local governments, and
citizens a chance to present their priorities on projects for the 2004-2010 State TIP. Randolph County
participates in the High Point Urban Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), which has met and
developed a priority needs list of 18 projects. Mr. Johnson explained the organizational chart of the High
Point MPO and their 18 prioritized projects. He said Randolph County also participates in the
development of a unified prioritized request just for Randolph County, which is done through the
Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce's Transportation Committee. He reviewed the projects on
this list.
Resolution Supporting the Greensboro to High Point Southeast High Speed Rail Corridor
Hal Johnson, Planning Director, reported that North Carolina and Virginia have joined together to
study the environmental impacts of implementing high sped rail service between Washington, DC and
Charlotte, NC. The first phase is focusing on analyzing a variety of route alternatives and on obtaining
public input. There are three proposed corridors, all connecting to Raleigh. However, one of the
proposed corridors would bypass the Triad and pass through portions of Moore and Montgomery
Counties. The other two corridors would pass through Greensboro but have alternative routes through
Winston-Salem or High Point. Mr. Johnson noted that the High Point Urban Metropolitan Planning
Organization supports the Greensboro to High Point route and explained why.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously approved the following
WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation and the Virginia Department of
Transportation are conducting engineering and environmental studies to extend high speed rail service from the
Northeast Corridor south from Washington, D. C., to Charlotte, NC via Richmond, VA, and Raleigh, NC; and
WHEREAS, the federally designated Southeast High Speed Rail corridor will serve long-distance business
and leisure travelers between the two states and the Northeast; and
WHEREAS, public hearings are being held to solicit input on Corridor alternatives; and
WHEREAS, the Draft Environmental Statement gives high marks to the routes that use the existing North
Carolina Railroad and Norfolk -Southern Rails through the City ofHigh Point; and
WHEREAS, the Greensboro to High Point Corridor would have a direct economic development benefit to
Randolph County by contributing to the expansion of the local and regional economy through increase in visitor
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners unanimously
encourages the North Carolina Department of Transportation Rail Division to adopt the Greensboro to High Point
Corridor for the Southeast High Speed Rail Service.
Resolution Supporting the Release of Funds to Piedmont Triad Council of Governments
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the following
WHEREAS, Lead Regional Organizations have established productive voluntary working relationships
with municipalities and counties across North Carolina; and
WHEREAS, the 2001 General Assembly recognized this relationship through the appropriation of
$935, 000 for each year of the biennium to help Lead Regional Organizations assist local governments with grant
applications, economic development, community development, and to support local industrial development
activities and other activities as deemed appropriate by local governments; and
WHEREAS, these funds are not intended to be used for payment of member dues or assessments to a Lead
Regional Organization or to supplant funds appropriated by the member governments; and
WHEREAS, in the event that a request is not made by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners for
release of these funds to the Lead Regional Organization, the available funds will revert to the State's general fund;
WHEREAS, in Region G, funds in the amount of $55, 000 will be used to carry out the 2001-2002 Program
of Work;
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners requests the
release of its share of these funds, $7,941.88, to the Piedmont Triad Council of Governments at the earliest possible
time in accordance with the provisions ofstate law.
Budget Amendment — Library
Richard Wells, Library Director, announced that the Randolph Public Library is one of 14 libraries
in the state that has been awarded Library Services and Technology Act funding. Randolph's grant of
$13,261, which requires a local match of $1,475, will be used to create a resource center of online and
print information for the Hispanic community.
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the following budget
Revenue Increase'
Restricted Intergovernmental $13,261
Appropriation Increase>
Public Library $13,261
Change Order and Budget Amendment — Courthouse Project
David Townsend, III, Public Works Director and Courthouse Project Director, reported that,
subsequent to Crutchfield Plumbing and Heating's walking off the Courthouse project, our architect has
had to perform a lot of extra work beyond their original contract. A change order and budget amendment
will be required to cover the cost of Moser Mayer Phoenix's billing for these extra services rendered. Mr.
Townsend said there are sufficient funds in the contingency account to cover these costs.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the requested change
order of $55, 000 for additional professional services rendered by Moser Mayer Phoenix Associates and
approved the following budget amendment:
Appropriadon Increase
Professional Fees $55,000
Project Construction and Renovation
Growth Management Plan and Zoning Amendments
Hal Johnson, Planning Director, reviewed the proposed growth management plan and related
zoning amendments. He gave detailed explanations of the residential overlay districts proposed to be
used when dealing with major subdivisions and answered the Board's questions on buffering and impact
analysis cost.
The Board took no action on this item but asked that it be placed on the December agenda for
further consideration.
Commissioner Mason left the meeting at this point and did not return.
Rezoning Public Hearing
At 6:30 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider rezoning
requests. Hal Johnson, Planning and Zoning Administrator, presented the following requests and
Chairman Kemp opened the public hearing for comments on each request and closed it before taking
action on each request.
1. KEN MCDOWELL, Ramseur, is requesting that 31.90 acres located on Tall Pine Street, Cedar Grove
Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Residential Mixed/Conditional Use. The
proposed Conditional Use Zoning would specifically allow the development of a 26 -lot subdivision for
singlewide mobile homes, doublewide mobile homes, modular homes and/or site -built homes. The
Planning Board recommended that this request be denied by a 6 to 1 vote. Mr. Johnson noted that their
only concern is that the only access is from one congested road and at a curve
Ken McDowell, applicant, stated that the Department of Transportation had told him this road
will handle the traffic and that only 3 accidents had been reported for this portion of the road over the last
10 years.
Junior Gilmore, 139 Painter Road, said this development would cause too much traffic and that it
is too dangerous with just one way out.
Robert Martin, 222 Tall Pine Street, described occasions when cars have lost control and ended
up in his yard. He said there is too much traffic now and there should be a second way out.
Jackie Cranford, 363 Tall Pine Street, talked about traffic hazards, litter, and the congestion of
92 lots already there.
Joe Loflin, 259 Tall Pine Street, said there have been over 100 vehicle accidents in the curve
where his house is. Three buses travel this road and have to use the whole road in the curve. Vehicles
end up in his yard, some clipping his mailbox or the tree in his yard. He asked that a traffic count be done
where Painter comes out on Highway 220.
Wendall Morris Whatley, 133 Painter Road, said there have been several accidents along Tall
Pine Street and that his main concern is safety. He said he had driven a fire truck down that street the
night before and had met five cars.
Approximately 25 people stood in opposition to this request.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously voted to postpone action on this
request until their December 3, 2001 meeting to give Ken McDowell the opportunity to pursue another
access to this property.
2. CARL LAMBETH, Trinity, is requesting that 10.04 acres located on Fuller Mill Road, Tabernacle
Township, Lake Reese Watershed, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Residential
Exclusive/Conditional Use. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning would specifically allow the
development of a 4 -lot subdivision for site -built homes only. The Planning Board recommended
unanimously that this request be approved.
Jerry King, 1366 Cagle Loop Road, Seagrove, surveyor, stated that water is available from
Davidson Water Company and that the four lots are for the applicant, his family, and his pastor.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the request of Carl
3. ARMOND CORPORATION, Seagrove, is requesting that 115.05 acres located on Sawyersville Road,
Cedar Grove Township, be rezoned to amend the current Residential Exclusive/Conditional Use Zoning.
The proposed zoning amendment would allow the following changes: decrease the number of lots from
66 to 43 lots, increase the number of accesses along Sawyersville Road from 4 private driveways to 8, and
decrease the road entrances from 2 to 1. The Planning Board recommended that this request be approved
with the following conditions:
* * The two lots fronting on both roads must access the new road.
** All lots with off-site septic systems should be platted, deeded and approved by the Health
The motion failed with a vote of 3 to 4. Therefore, the recommendation was to deny the request.
Mr. Johnson explained that this request was approved before area residents and the developer met
and came up with a plan to make the recommended changes. He said 14 of the lots are questionable for
perking. The large lots in the rear would be used for off-site septic systems and repair areas. The
Planning Board had concerns about maintenance of these systems in the future.
Jerry King, 366 Cagle Loop Road, Seagrove, surveyor, explained that septic systems for lots that
don't perk would be located on lot 28 at the rear. Each portion of lot 28 containing a septic system would
be deeded to the corresponding lot it held the system for.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the request of Armond
Corporation, with the conditions that the two lots fronting on both roads must access the new road and all
lots with off-site septic systems must have those systems platted, deeded, and approved by the Health
4. BILLY WHITAKER, Climax, is requesting that 4.50 acres (out of 12.98 acres) located at 6763 NC
Hwy 22 North, Providence Township, Polecat Creek Watershed, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural
to Highway Commercial/Conditional Use. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning would specifically
allow a used -car sales lot and sales and repair of heavy equipment (additional restrictions may apply).
The Planning Board recommended unanimously that this request be approved.
Bill Whitaker, applicant, spoke in support of this request.
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the request of Billy
The meeting adjourned at 8:00 p.m.
Phil Kemp, Chairman
J. Harold Holmes
Robert O. Mason
Darrell L. Frye
Robert B. Davis
Alice D. Dawson, Clerk to the Board