041000April 10, 2000 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 4:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room, County Office Building, 725 McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Kemp, Davis, Holmes, Frye, and Mason were present. Rev. Ben Chavis, County Tax Administrator and Associate Pastor of Sunset Avenue Church of God, gave the invocation, after which everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Consent Agenda Upon a request from Commissioner Holmes, County Attorney Alan Pugh read aloud the resolution concerning desecration of the flag that he had prepared following the Commissioners' March 13 meeting. On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved the consent agenda, as follows: approve minutes of March 13, 2000; reappoint Alice Dawson andRuby Winslow to the Nursing Home/Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee (3 -Year Terms); approve the following resolutions: WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has investigated Idlebrook Trail in the Meadowdale Acres Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the subject street has been found to meet minimum requirements for addition; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners that Idlebrook Trail in the Meadowdale Acres Subdivision be added to the Division of Highways' Secondary Road System. WHEREAS, the Department of Transportation has investigated Holly Grove Drive andHolly Grove Courtin the Holly Grove Subdivision; and WHEREAS, the subject streets have been found to meet minimum requirements for addition. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners thatHolly Grove Drive andHolly Grove Court in the Holly Grove Subdivision be added to the Division of Highways'SecondaryRoad System. appoint Dorothy Grabol and Bill McCaskill to the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council to fill the unexpired terms of Galenda Sandlin and Margaret Phillips (terms expiring July, 2001). Yadkin -Pee Dee Lakes Proiect Update Dr. David Jones, Chairman of the Lakes Project Board, briefly discussed the Project and introduced Ann Liebenstein, new Executive Director. Ms. Liebenstein updated the Board on the agency's work and reported some of the findings of the Central Park Study, which tested sustainable tourism for the area. She said they are working in conjunction with the Tourism Development Authority to identify and promote small tourism businesses. She said they may be asking for more funding from Randolph County because some of their state funding was cut this year and diverted to the flood disaster counties in the eastern part of the state. Proposed Schedule of Values for the 2001 Revaluation; Set Date for Public Hearing Ben Chavis, Tax Administrator, presented the schedules, standards, and rules to be used in the upcoming 2001 reappraisal. He advised the Board that they must hold a public hearing on the proposed schedules, standards, and rules before they can adopt them. On motion of Mason, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously voted to set a special meeting for 6:30 p.m. on April 17, 2000, in order to hold a public hearing on the proposed schedules, standards, and rules for the 2001 reappraisal. Lock Box Method of Collecting Taxes on Motor Vehicles Ben Chavis, Tax Administrator, stated that although vehicle taxes represent only 13% of the revenue collected by the Tax Department, his collection staff spends the majority of their time on vehicle collections. They need more time to concentrate on real property collection. One solution is to hire more staff. Another alternative is to outsource the billing and collection of motor vehicles through a lock box concept. A vendor would process the monthly vehicle records and print and mail the vehicle bills. Mr. Chavis said he has checked with one vendor who contracts this same service for some other N. C. counties. This vendor would charge a one-time cost of $12,000 to set up the process. Annual costs would be about $15,525. Taxpayers would still have the option of bringing their payment directly to the Tax Department. On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously authorized Mr. Chavis to proceed with the lock box method of collecting motor vehicle taxes. Mobile Ruggedized Computers for Sheriff Vehicles Susana Vang, Purchasing Technician, presented a request from the Sheriff's Office for 4 mobile ruggedized computers for Sheriff patrol vehicles. Several computers are on state contract, and the Sheriff's Office has determined that the Motorola Panasonic mobile workstation (DSCF-27EA6GCAM98) is the most optimal mobile ruggedized computer to meet their needs. The Board approved at their October 4, 1999 meeting the use of restricted law enforcement funds to purchase these computers. On motion of Mason, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the purchase of 4 Panasonic mobile ruggedized computers from state contract, at a total cost of $27, 768. Resolution Declaring Property Surplus and Setting Public Auction Date Susana Vang, Purchasing Technician, presented a list of items which are no longer needed or usable by County departments. The Purchasing Office would like to sell these items at public auction on April 29. On motion of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved a resolution (ATTACHED) declaring certain items surplus, setting the public auction for 9:30 a.m. on April 29, 2000, and authorizing the Purchasing Office to add items valued at less than $500 to the surplus list. Resolution Donating Surplus Vehicle to RCC Susana Vang, Purchasing Technician, stated that Randolph Community College has requested that the County donate one of their surplus vehicles to them for their basic law enforcement training program. On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, Randolph County has in its possession a 1994 Chevy Caprice, VIN#I GIBL52PORRI35004, from the Sheriff's Office; and WHEREAS, Randolph County has received a request from the Randolph Community College to have this vehicle donated to them for instructional driving in the Basic Law Enforcement Training (BLET) driving classes; and WHEREAS, Randolph County may, under GS160A-274, transfer property to the Randolph Community College; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners declare that this vehicle is surplus and that it be donated to the Randolph Community College. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that Susana Vang Purchasing Technician, and Jane Leonard, Deputy Finance Officer, are authorized to handle the transfer of this vehicle to the Randolph Community College. Contract for Moving & Height Extension of 911 Radio Tower Jane Leonard, Deputy Finance Officer, reported that the Seagrove Fire Department is planning an addition to their fire station. The addition is planned for the area of the building where the County's communication antenna currently sits. Neil Allen, Emergency Services Director, would like to relocate this antenna to a different site and extend the tower to 120 feet. The following informal bids were received for relocating and extending the tower: G.L.C. Tower Service, $18,496.65; Piedmont Tower, $27,650; and Cornerstone Tower, Inc., $35,300. Hal Johnson, Planning and Zoning Director, advised that Mr. Allen will need to obtain a special use permit to move this tower. On motion of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously awarded this contract to the low bidder, G.L. C. Tower Service, for $18,496 65, contingent upon the receipt of the necessary special use permit. Contract for Public Works Convenience Site Management Services David Townsend, III, Public Works Director, presented bids received for three-year contracts, with a renewable clause for an additional three years, for convenience site management services. He sent proposals to seven firms, but only two bids were submitted. Weiser Security Service of High Point, who has been providing this service at our convenience sites for the last several years, was the low bidder at $198,090.88. Kimber Guard and Patrol of Greensboro bid $226,863. Griffin Staffing Service of Asheboro, Guilford Security Agency of Greensboro, Pinkerton Security Services of Greensboro, T&J Security, Inc. Guard and Patrol Services of Greensboro, and The Wackenhut Corporation of Greensboro did not submit a bid. On motion of Frye, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously awarded the contract to Weiser Security Services, Inc. for $198,090.88 and authorized the County Manager to sign the contract. Contract for Waste Equipment Rental and Hauling Service David Townsend, III, Public Works Director, discussed bids received for three-year contracts, with a renewable clause for an additional three years, for waste equipment rental and hauling services for 18 dumpsters at the convenience sites and recycling centers. Four bids were received (BID TABULATIONS ATTACHED), and Browning Ferris Industries of Troy was the low bidder. On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously awarded the contract to BrowingFerris Industries for $115,914 and authorized the County Manager to sign the contract. Request to Apply for Eight New COPS (Community Oriented Policing Services) Positions Major Allen McNeill, Sheriff's Office, requested permission to apply for eight additional COPS deputy positions though the U. S. Department of Justice's Universal Hiring Program Grant for next fiscal year. This program pays 75% of the COPS officers' salaries for three years. Major McNeill said that four of these positions would be used as domestic violence specialists. On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously authorized the Sheriff's Office to apply for funding for eight COPS deputy positions. Adoption of Ergonomics Compliance Policy Kim Newsom, Personnel Director, presented a proposed ergonomics compliance policy designed to be a proactive plan to reduce the numbers and/or severity of injuries that occur at the workplace from a disregard for, or lack of knowledge of, the ergonomic factors in job design. On motion of Holmes, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously approved this ergonomics compliance policy (ATTACHED). Request from Piedmont Triad Regional Water Authority for Resolution Closing Westview Drive Staff Attorney Aimee Scotton stated that the Piedmont Triad Regional Water Authority has requested that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners act to permanently close Westview Drive. The Authority has purchased all of the property adjoining Westview Drive. NCGS 153A-241, which outlines the procedure for closing a public road or easement, requires the Board of Commissioners to adopt a resolution declaring their intent to close the road and setting a public hearing on the question. On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, the Piedmont Triad Regional Water Authority was formed for the purpose of purchasing land, constructing, and operating a water supply reservoir, known as Randleman Lake; and WHEREAS, the Piedmont Triad Regional Water Authority has purchased all ofthe property adjoining Westview Drive (#P7756452) in Randolph County; and WHEREAS, G.S. 153A-241 authorizes that the County Board of Commissioners may permanently close any public road not under the control of the North Carolina Department of Transportation; and WHEREAS, the Piedmont TriadRegional WaterAuthority Board ofDirectors has requested that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners permanently close Westview Drive (#P7756452); NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners does hereby declare its intent to permanently close Westview Drive (#P7756452) and sets a public hearing on this matter at 4:30 p.m. on May 1, 2000. Request from Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce for Resolution Supporting Acceleration of Construction to Complete 173/74 Through Randolph County Chairman Kemp stated that the Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce has requested that the Board pass a resolution supporting acceleration of construction to complete 173/74 throughout Randolph County. On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously adopted the following resolution: WHEREAS, the final route for Interstate 73/74 has been selected through Randolph County and a section following the route of existing US 220, beginning in southern Randolph County and running approximately 12% miles into northern Montgomery County has already been constructed and dedicated; and WHEREAS, the section of US 220 between existing 73/74 in southern Randolph County to Interstates 85 and 40 in Guilford County is already shown as completed interstate highway on many recentlypublished maps (North Carolina 1999 State Transportation Map, 2000 Rand McNally Road Atlas); and WHEREAS, the completion of the section oflnterstate 73 from the existing section in southern Randolph County to the intersections of Interstate 85 and Interstate 40 in Guilford County is crucial to the economic future of our community; and WHEREAS, the completion of this project will open up a substantial amount of additional acreage in Randolph County for industrial and commercial development; and WHEREAS, the relative investment in completion of this project has potential to return the value to our state and many communities many times over; and WHEREAS, the new Interstate 73 willprovide a much needed link between Randolph County and other central North Carolina communities and the Midwestern United States; and WHEREAS, no sections) of I-73 or I-74 south of Randolph County will come anywhere near meeting its economic potential until this vital link with I-40 and I-85 is completed. NOW, BE IT RESOLVED that the Randolph County Board of Commissioners unanimously encourages the North Carolina General Assembly and the North Carolina Board of Transportation to accelerate all projects required to bring existing US 220 from Interstate 73/74 in Southern Randolph County to the intersections oflnterstates 85 and 40 in Guilford County up to full interstate standards as soon as possible. Rules of Procedure for the Randolph County Board of Commissioners Chairman Kemp discussed draft rules of procedure for the Board that had been prepared by the Clerk and given to them prior to their March meeting. He said that most counties have adopted formal rules of procedure and it would be beneficial for Randolph County to have official rules of procedure. County Attorney Alan Pugh stated that he had reviewed the rules and feels they are a good set of rules. On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously adopted these Rules of Procedure for the Randolph County Board of Commissioners (ATTACHED). Countywide Development Report and Growth Trend Update Hal Johnson, Planning and Zoning Director, said that in 1999 was a record year for new construction in Randolph County, with a total value of $100,3 50,843 in new building permits issued. Permits were issued for 537 site -built homes and 1024 manufactured houses. Since 1995, 2711 permits have been issued for new site - built homes, compared to 5316 permits for manufactured houses. Archdale/Trinity has remained the fastest growing area of the county. Rapid growth occurring in the rural areas of the county has brought about tremendous changes to land use patterns. A review of the growth trend maps indicates that Randolph County is fast growing into sprawl development typical of urban areas. This type of sprawl is normally defined as unlimited, low density residential growth occurring in counties that consume more land and resources than needed for the development. Development sprawl usually begins as a sign of healthy growth; however, if the sprawl is not well managed, it ultimately threatens economic growth by hindering the county's ability to continue providing cost effective services and a high quality of life. Mr. Johnson said there are issues affecting residential sprawl and rural quality of life that should be studied: the need for a growth management plan, major subdivision development design standards, private roads, forest- harvested (clear-cut) property, and heritage and scenic corridor protection. On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously authorized Mr. Johnson and the Planning Board to study these five issues and to bring back specific recommendations to the Commissioners' August meeting. Rezoning Public Hearing At 6:30 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider rezoning requests. Hal Johnson, Planning and Zoning Director, presented the following requests, and Chairman Kemp opened the public hearing for comments on each request and closed it before taking action on each request. 1. RANDALL HILL, Asheboro, North Carolina, is requesting that 39.06 acres located on Sawyersville Road, Cedar Grove Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Residential Exclusive/Conditional Use. The Conditional Use Permit would specifically allow the development of a residential subdivision of approximately 6 lots for site -built homes only. The Planning Board recommended unanimously that this request be denied. The County Commissioners heard request on March 13, 2000 and tabled the request until their April meeting to allow the applicant to meet with the Planning Director and consider revisions to the request that would make the application compatible with the community and County subdivision regulations. Randall Hill explained that he plans a private gravel road; lot sizes are now at least five acres. On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved the request of Randall Hill. 2. KENNETH JOYCE, Kernersville, North Carolina, is requesting that 27.00 acres located on Grantville Lane, Grant Township, be rezoned from Residential Mixed to Residential Mixed/Conditional Use. Parcel ID # 7790266462. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning District would specifically allow an addition of 17 spaces in Scenic Oaks Mobile Home Park. The Planning Board recommended that this request be denied with a 5 to 2 vote. The Planning Board had concerns about an entrance from Foxfire Road and a creek that runs through several of the back lots. Jack Ogburn, attorney for Mr. Joyce, offered as conditions attached to the conditional use permit that there will be no entrance from Foxfire Road; no development west of the creek, with a 50' buffer on both sides of the creek; and no more than eight additional lots. They will have the lots resurveyed. Mr. Ogburn said the existing park has an on-site manager, and he presented photographs to show the character of the park area. Kenneth Joyce, applicant, offered to answer any questions. John Gatlin, Buffalo Ford Road, Asheboro, said his mother lives on Foxfire Road near this development. He presented a petition of opposition and provided copies of Sheriff s records showing the types of complaints received about this development. Fifteen people stood in opposition. John Burrow, 1778 Foxfire Road, voiced concern about the safety of the neighborhood because of the 40+ visits by law enforcement to the park. Mike Whitt, 1382 Grantville Lane, said he had been broken into seven times in the last five years. Bernice Bullard, 3986 Young Road, said his parents, who own the pasture along the south side of the mobile home park, have had problems with the children from the park. More trailers mean more problems. John Maness, 3642 Shady Knoll Drive, said he gets trash blown into his yard from the park as well as animals straying from the park. Lee Roberts, 801 Kildare, said he owns adjacent property that has two ponds on it. There are trails from the park to his ponds, and he has found tricycles thrown in them. Trespassers that he has run off have headed back toward the park. On motion of Holmes, seconded by Mason, the Board, by a three to two vote, with Frye and Kemp opposing, approved the request of Kenneth Joyce, with the conditions that there will be no entrance from Foxfire Road; no development west of the creek, with a 50' buffer on both sides of the creek; and no more than eight additional lots. ROBERT TAYLOR, Thomasville, North Carolina, is requesting that 18.72 acres located on Post Road, Tabernacle Township, be rezoned from Residential Restricted to Residential Exclusive/Conditional Use. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning District would specifically allow the development of 17 additional lots for site built homes only (Phase 2). The Planning Board recommended unanimously that this request be approved. Wayne Taylor, 4691 County Farm Road, spoke in support of the request. On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved the request of Robert Taylor. 4. FREDRICK & KRISTY KINNEY, Randleman, North Carolina, are requesting that 6.90 acres located on Old Cedar Falls Road, Franklinville Township, be rezoned from Residential Restricted to Residential Agricultural/Conditional Use. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning District would specifically allow the placement of a Class B single -wide mobile home for a family member. The Planning Board recommended that this request be approved with a 5 to 2 vote. Fred Kinney, 3744 Old Cedar Falls Road, said his daughter and son-in-law want to put a single -wide on this property so they can save to build or buy a new house later. He offered as a condition of this rezoning that the mobile home will be moved if an immediate family member ceases to live there. On motion ofHolmes, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously approved the request of Fred Kinney, with the condition that the mobile home will be moved from this property if an immediate family member of the current owner ceases to live there. CHARLES VUNCANNON, Asheboro, North Carolina, is requesting that 61.40 acres (out of 290.95 acres) located on Hwy 49 South, Cedar Grove Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Residential Exclusive/Conditional Use. The proposed Conditional Use Zoning District would specifically allow an addition of 25 lots to Farmwood Subdivision for site built homes only. The Planning Board recommended that this request be approved with a 6 to 1 vote. Eddie Beane spoke in opposition of the request. After hearing comments from the applicant, Mr. Beane stated that he does not oppose this request. On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the request of Charles Vuncannon. Budget Amendment - Social Services (Crisis Intervention Program) On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #41 to the Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Annual Budget, to reflect additional state funds received for qualifying residents who are in life-threatening situations related to cooling or heating, as follows: GENERAL FUND - #41' Revenue Increase Restricted Intergovernmental $25,000 Appropriation Increase Social Services $25,000 Budget Amendment - Social Services (Partnership for Children) On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #42 to the Fiscal Year 1999-2000 Annual Budget, to reflect state funds that must be returned to the NC Partnership for Children because of delays in filling local Partnership positions, as follows: GENERAL FUND - #42' Revenue Decrease' Restricted Intergovernmental $16,785 Appropriation Decrease Social Services $16.785 Budget Amendment - 2000 Randolph County Schools Facilities Capital Project Ordinance On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #I to the 2000 Randolph County Schools Facilities Capital Project Ordinance, as follows: 2000 Randolph County Schools Facilities Capital Project Ordinance - #I' Revenue Increase Decrease Proceeds from Sale of Debt $1,267,067 Interest Earned $1,267,067 Budget Amendment - 2000 Asheboro City Schools Facilities Capital Project Ordinance On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #I to the 2000 Asheboro City Schools Facilities Capital Project Ordinance, as follows: 2000 Asheboro City SchoolsFacilities Capital Project Ordinance'- #I Revenue Increase Decrease Proceeds from Sale of Debt $195,829 Interest Earned $195,829 Budget Amendment - 2000 Emergency Services Training Center Capital Project Ordinance On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #I to the 2000 Emergency Services Training Center Capital Project Ordinance, as follows: 2000 Emergency Services Training Center Capital Project Ordinance - #I' Revenue Increase Decrease Proceeds from Sale of Debt $49,538 Interest Earned $49,538 Budget Amendment - Randolph County Courthouse Capital Proiect Ordinance On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #3 to the Randolph County Courthouse Capital Project Ordinance, as follows: Randolph', County Courthouse Project Capital Project Ordinance = #3 Revenue Increase Proceeds from Sale of Debt Interest Earned - Borrowed Funds $624,330 $368,056 Appropriation '» Increase Administrative Cost $992,386 Adiournment The Board adjourned at 8:20 p.m. Phil Kemp, Chairman J. Harold Holmes Robert O. Mason Darrell L. Frye Robert B. Davis Alice D. Dawson, Clerk to the Board