C080700Closed Session Minutes - August 7, 2000
At 5:40 p.m. the Board adjourned to closed session to discuss matters relating to the location or
expansion of business in the area served by the Board, pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(4). Commissioners
Kemp, Frye, Davis, Holmes, and Mason were present. Also present were County Manager, Frank Willis; Clerk
to the Board, Alice Dawson; County Attorney, Alan Pugh; and Aimee Scotton, Staff Attorney.
Bonnie Renfro, President of Randolph County Economic Development Corporation, updated the Board
on six projects currently proposed or underway.
1. Tiepet is considering a $40 million expansion to triple their current capacity to 300 million pounds per
annum. They are seeking assistance with rail spur, site preparation, fire protection, and wastewater. New jobs:
2. Thomas Built Buses is considering several sites in Randolph County for a new facility ($7 million) and
machinery and equipment ($8 million). New jobs: 168; 250 within 3 years.
3. SouthCorr is seeking a site to triple capacity ($15 million project). They will seek rail spur assistance. New
jobs: 60.
4. Petty Enterprises is considering a $16.5 million project for their race team operation and manufacturing,
museum and marketing facility, and expansion. They are not seeking assistance from the County. New jobs:
5. Faris is considering a $25 million project for manufacture of cable product; on fast track and prefer existing
building; anticipate request for assistance if project proceeds. New jobs: 300.
6. Times Fiber is considering a $9 million project that would create 100 jobs.
Ms. Renfro advised the Board that some or all of these companies may, at a later date, be requesting
financial incentives from the County for their projects.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously voted at 6:18 p.m. to end closed
session and return to regular session.
Phil Kemp, Chairman
J. Harold Holmes
Robert O. Mason
Darrell L. Frye
Robert B. Davis
Alice D. Dawson, Clerk to the Board