C110298Closed Session - November 2, 1998
At 5:35 p.m. the Board went into closed session to discuss matters relating to the location or
expansion of business in the area served by the Board, pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(4).
Commissioners Frye, Kemp, Holmes, Davis and mason were present. Also present were Frank Willis,
County Manager; Alice Dawson, Clerk to the Board; Alan Pugh, County Attorney; Aimee Scotton,
Staff Attorney; David Townsend, III, Public Works Director; Bonnie Renfro, Economic Development
Corporation; Rick Hardin, Randleman City Manager; Hiram Marziano, Marziano & Minier Engineers
Ms. Renfro provided an update on the Ramtex project. She said they have narrowed their
choice to sites in Randolph and Stanley Counties. Stanley County has offered several incentives to
Ramtex to locate there. The best site in Randolph is in Randleman, but that site would require
extension of water and sewer lines and an upgrade of collection lines to accommodate the anticipated
flow ($900,000 - $1,000,000).
Mr. Hardin said Randleman would have to upgrade their wastewater treatment plant to
accommodate the additional 250,000 gpd ($800,000) and that they would have to purchase water
from Asheboro.
Mr. Marziano explained the engineering aspects of the project.
Ms. Renfro said this project would qualify for a community development block grant, which
has a cap of $750,000 and requires some local match. She asked for guidance on what the County
would commit to for this project.
The Board agreed they would consider $450,000: $250,000 CDBG match and $200,000
assistance spread out over a period of years.
Closed session ended at 6:30 p.m. and the Board returned to regular session.
Darrell L. Frye, Chairman Phil Kemp
J. Harold Holmes
Robert O. Mason
Robert B. Davis
Alice D. Dawson, Clerk to the Board