060297June 2, 1997
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 4:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners Meeting Room, 725 McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Kemp, Frye,
Holmes, Davis and Mason were present. Rev. Ellen Harkey, Associate Pastor of Central United Methodist
Church of Asheboro, gave the invocation, then everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance.
Deletions/Additions to the Agenda
Chairman Kemp announced the following changes to the agenda: Delete F. Appoint John Tote to the
Nursing Home/Adult Care Home Community Advisory Board from the Consent Agenda. Mr. Tote is
seriously ill, and it is uncertain as to whether he will be able to serve at this time. Add the following to
New Business: G. Heritage Inventory, H. Appointment to Yadkin/Pee Dee Lakes Project. Add the
following to Budget Amendments: F. Emergency Services, G. Mental Health and County School
Facilities Capital Project Ordinance.
Consent Agenda
On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved the Consent Agenda as
• approve 5-5-97 minutes;
• reappoint Melissa Foust, Kathryn Frazier, and Mike Lee to the Private Industry Council;
• reappoint Ann Shaw, Barbara Hochuli, and Vera Winston to the Mental Health Board;
• appoint Eloise Poe, McDuffy Johnson, Donna Moore, Rosemary Fox, and Gay Markham and reappoint
Peggy Morrison, Charles Tyson, Jack Pugh, Ann Suggs, John McGlohon, Carolyn Vickrey, Marion
Smith, Frank Willis, Lee Phoenix, Bill Millner, Beulah Tote, Joy Ratliffe, Dean Burgess, and Candie
Rudzinski to the Aging Services Planning Committee;
• reappoint Glenn Gilmore, Jr., William Collier, and Glenn Flinchum to the Julian Fire Protection District
Public Hearing - D.O.T. Secondary Road Improvements Program
At 4:10 p.m. the Board adjourned for a joint public hearing with Department of Transportation
(D.O.T.) officials to consider D.O.T.'s 1997-98 Secondary Road Improvements Program.
Jeff Picklesimer, D.O.T. District Engineer, introduced Lex Kelly, Division Maintenance Engineer; Bill
Rosser, Division Engineer, G. R. Kindley, State Board of Transportation member; and Tommy McMannus,
Highway Maintenance Supervisor.
Mr. Kindley explained the three funds available for paving and other improvements.
Mr. Picklesimer presented the proposed Secondary Road Improvements Program for 1997-98, which
includes all roads proposed for paving. Commissioner Frye questioned the description of the portion of SR
1412 (Jerico Road) to be paved. Mr. Picklesimer agreed that the description was worded incorrectly and
should state, "from Bdg #66 0.6 mile north and from SR 1539 + 800 feet south" rather than "from Bdg #66
to SR 1539."
Various unidentified citizens raised the following questions and concerns regarding the program. (Mr.
Picklesimer's responses are in parentheses.)
9 Veterans Loop Road - Boy Scout troops and bingo activities at the Veterans' building on this road create
more traffic than would be expected from just the residences on this road. A traffic counter should be put
out for a week, not just one day. D.O.T. should keep the brush cut back so that it doesn't grow over the
road. (Traffic counter personnel work out of the Raleigh office and the local office has no jurisdiction
over this activity. Mr. McMannus is making notes of comments concerning maintenance of roads.)
• What is the criteria for points? (Points are given for each house, business, industry, school, church,
school bus route, recreational facility, for traffic count, and if a road is a thoroughfare; the point total is
divided by the length of the road.)
• What is the traffic count for SR 1174? (172 per day); for SR 1175? (150 per day)
• SR 1341 needs upgrading; it is narrow and I have been run off the road into a ditch twice by a school
bus. The speed limit is 55 mph, which is too fast for a dirt road. (This road is #30 on the priority list, so
should be paved within the next 2-3 years. We cannot lower the speed limit; if we took down the speed
sign, the speed limit would still be 55.)
• Vonn York Road keeps going down in priority; in `91 we were promised it would be paved, but it was
only widened. Our attorney advised us that an oral agreement is binding for 3 years, and we would like
for you to reevaluate our road. Your list does not show that we have a school bus coming down our
road. Shady Grove Road was #68 and we were #70; now they are #16 and we are #107. (We will
correct our list for the bus route, but that will not add enough points to get your road paved. Your road
has 6 homes counted, not 9, because 3 are vacant; 5 homes are "off -system" homes, but you get the traffic
points for those 5.)
• Is SR 2472 a thoroughfare? (Yes.)
• Loflin Hill Road - What is the traffic count? (126 per day) My property comes to the middle of the road;
who owns it? (D.O.T. has no recorded rights-of-way for this road.)
• When Fairview Farm Road is paved, will the road be moved? (It's possible; the survey will show where
the right-of-way and center line will be.)
• What gives one road priority over another? (Number of points.)
• What number is SR 2454 (Old Brower Mill Road)? It has extra traffic 2 nights a week going into the
chicken houses on the road. (I cannot find this road on the priority list. I will find it and call you later.)
• I have lived on SR 1160 (Jason Hoover Road) for 40 years. It is narrow and very dusty and has lots of
through traffic. I would like to see it paved. (It is #40.)
Chairman Kemp closed the public hearing.
On motion of Kemp, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously adopted a resolution (ATTACHED)
approving all projects as proposed, with the amended description for Jerico Road given by Mr. Picklesimer
earlier in this meeting.
Law Enforcement Officers Separation Allowance Pension Trust Fund; Budget Amendment
Tom Morris, Accounting Supervisor, explained that the County is required by the State to provide
qualified law enforcement officers with a separation allowance benefit, which they may receive until they
reach the age of 62. Our most recent actuarial valuation estimated our total liability for this separation
allowance to be $167,650 for the next 24 years. The Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB)
has issued Statement No. 25, which requires that governmental units that operate a benefit pension plan
account for the plan in a pension trust fund. This means that Randolph County must take money from our
unappropriated fund balance and designate it specifically to pay present and future officers' separation
allowance retirement benefits.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the establishment of an
"Officer's Separation Allowance Pension Trust Fund" in compliance with GASB Statement No. 25, and
approved Budget Amendment # 30 to the FY 1996-97 Annual Budget Ordinance, as follows:
Fund Balance Appropriated
Law Enf. Officer's Sep. Allowance
Solid Waste Management Plan
David Townsend, Public Works Director, stated that state law requires all local governing boards to
adopt a 10 -year solid waste plan. Municipalities and counties can adopt separate plans or work together to
develop one plan. The Randolph County Solid Waste Advisory Committee developed one comprehensive
plan for the County and all 8 municipalities. Seven of the municipalities have adopted resolutions
supporting this plan, and the 8th one will approve it later today.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously adopted a resolution (ATTACHED)
supporting the Randolph County Comprehensive Solid Waste Management Plan.
Natural Heritage Inventory
Mary Joan Pugh, N. C. Zoological Park, discussed the possibility of having a natural heritage inventory
done of Randolph County. She said the Piedmont Land Conservancy, which has done 4 of these
inventories, could do this inventory for about $35,000. She added that the State would pay half and the
N.C. Zoo is willing to pay $5000. She requested that the County, over a 2 -year period, contribute $12,500
to this project.
Kathleen Treanor, Executive Director of Piedmont Land Conservancy, explained the purpose ofthese
inventories, what the resulting documents are, and how they are used by various individuals and agencies
within the county.
The Board agreed to consider this request during budget deliberations.
Pay Plan Adiustments
Hal Scott, Jr., Personnel Director, presented two 1997-98 pay plan models for the Board's
consideration. Both plans increase the amount budgeted for salaries by 3 1/4%. Mr. Scott said that he had
determined the competitiveness of current salaries by conducting a comprehensive salary survey with
counties in the Piedmont Triad Partnership, other contiguous counties, Randolph County municipalities,
local government agencies, and private industry. Salary Plan A reclassifies 80 classes July 1, anywhere from
2.5% to 12.5%, on the basis of labor market competitiveness. All other positions receive a 2.5% increase
on their review date. Salary Plan B distributes the 3 1/4% increase to each employee uniformly.
Rezoning Public Hearing
At 7:15 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider rezoning requests.
Hal Johnson, Planning Director, presented the following requests:
1. Joseph Hackett, Jr., Pleasant Garden, is requesting that 14.68 acres on Racine Road, Providence
Township, be rezoned from RA to RR/CU to develop a 12 -lot subdivision for site -built homes only. The
Planning Board unanimously recommended approval.
2. Jimmy Aikens, Trinity, is requesting that 1.57 acres at the corner of Hwy 62/01d Turnpike Road, Trinity
Township, be rezoned from RA to LI for industrial development. The Planning Board unanimously
recommended approval with the following conditions: 1) maintaining a 25' buffer along the rear of the
property; and 2) a landscaping plan (to be worked on with the Planning Director) to be completed within
one year. Mr. Johnson presented a letter from the Trinity Incorporation Steering Committee, in which they
requested that the County place a moratorium on rezoning in the proposed incorporation area until after the
July 8 referendum on incorporation.
3. McDowell Family Limited Partnership, Asheboro, is requesting that 87.9 acres on Low Bridge Road,
Columbia Township, be rezoned from RA to RM/CU to develop a 32 -lot subdivision of site -built, modular,
and manufactured homes. The Planning Board unanimously recommended approval.
4. Todd Daniels, Trinity, is requesting that 5.64 acres on Loflin Hill Road, Tabernacle Township, be
rezoned from RA to RM/CU to develop a 4 -space mobile home park. The Planning Board unanimously
recommended approval.
5. Gene Pittman, Thomasville, is requesting that 21.1 acres at the end of Harris Road, Tabernacle
Township, be rezoned from RA to RM/CU to subdivide the property into 8 lots for site -built, modular, or
manufactured homes. The Planning Board recommended denial by a vote of 3 to 2.
6. Gene Pittman, Thomasville, is requesting that 53.55 acres on Fuller Mill Road, Tabernacle Township, be
rezoned from RR to RA/CU to develop a planned unit development for 5 rental houses to be moved to the
site. The Planning Board unanimously recommended denial.
Comments - Request #1
Joseph Hackett, Jr., applicant, said houses will have a minimum of 1400 square feet.
Comments - Request #2
Carolyn Aikens spoke on behalf of Factory Direct Furniture, stating that their hours of operation will
be 8-5 weekdays and that they are willing to put up the requested buffer.
Comments - Request #3
Ken McDowell, applicant, stated that the road will be paved and that the average lot is 3 acres. He
requested that a conditional use of owner -occupied dwellings be added to this request.
Comments - Request #4
Tedd Daniels, brother of the applicant, said that underpinning will be required within 90 days.
Comments - Reauest #5
Jon Megerian, attorney for the applicant, stated that Mr. Pittman could have 7 lots on this property
without a zoning permit. The only difference with the rezoning request is that the back lot of 14 acres is
being divided into 2 lots; therefore, this request has no effect on the neighborhood.
Henry Shavitz, certified real estate appraiser for the applicant, stated that 85% of the neighborhood is
mobile homes and modular homes and that the proposed rezoning will not affect the complexion of the
Bobby Wood said that he has purchased a mobile home and is looking for a lot to put it on. He said
he would like to buy one of these lots.
Margaret Wall, area resident, opposed this request, stating that this property looks like a junkyard and
that she has problems with people from existing trailers in the area.
David Burrow, area resident, also opposed this request for the same reasons as Mrs. Wall, but said
site -built or modular homes would be OK.
Comments - Request #6
Jon Megerian, attorney for the applicant, said Mr. Pittman would be agreeable to having a time limit
placed on renovations to houses moved onto the site.
Gene Pittman explained that the houses he has already moved were purchased through sealed bids
from the Department of Transportation from their 311 Bypass project. Bids had to be made on a particular
day, and the houses moved within a certain time limit. He said he had to move his second house onto the
site at a time when he still had a lot of work to do on the first one, so that is why the second one sat there
for so long with a poor appearance.
Carin Hiott, Fuller Mill Road, stated that rental properties usually mean less care. She said Mr.
Pittman was disrespectful to the opponents to this request at the Planning Board meeting by laughing and
making derogatory comments during their presentations. She said he did no work on the second house until
the Planning Board recommended denying the request last month.
Alan Gaddis, adjoining property owner, said that he is familiar with problems with rental properties.
He said there is no guarantee of how Mr. Pittman will manage these properties since he lives 18 miles away.
Jesse Hall, Ashton Drive, opposed this request and asked that if the Board approves the request, to
place time restrictions of renovating the houses after they are moved onto the site.
Pat Cardin, Ashton Drive, said her development is restricted residential because that is what neighbors
at the time asked for to protect the neighborhood. She said Mr. Pittman has proven how long it takes him
to fix one house and that he has no character.
Board Action on Requests
On motion of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the request of Joseph
Hackett, Jr.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the request of Jimmy
Aikens, with the conditions that a 25' buffer be maintained along the rear of the property and that a
landscaping plan (to be worked on with the Planning Director) be completed within one year.
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously approved the request of McDowell
Family Limited Partnership, with the condition that homes be owner -occupied dwellings.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the request of Todd Daniels.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously denied the Harris Road request of Gene
On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously denied the Fuller Mill Road request of
Gene Pittman.
Budget Amendment - Health
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #31 to
the FY 1996-97 Annual Budget, as follows:
Public Health
Miscellaneous Revenues
Budget Amendment - Fire Departments
On motion of Davis, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #32
(ATTACHED) to the FY 1996-97 Annual Budget, which reflects additional fire tax revenues received and
remitted for all 19 fire districts in the county.
Budget Amendment - Merit Increases
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #33 to
the FY 1996-97 Annual Budget, as follows:
Computer Services
Register of Deeds
Emergency Services
Planning & Zoning
Social Services
Cooperative Extension
Budget Amendment - County Schools State Bond Funds
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment
#34 to the FY 1996-97 Annual Budget, as follows:
Restricted Intergovernmental
County School Building Bond Fund
Budget Amendment - City Schools State Bond Funds
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment
#35 to the FY 1996-97 Annual Budget, as follows:
Restricted Intergovernmental
City School Building Bond Fund
Budget Amendment - Emergency Services
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment
#36 to the FY 1996-97 Annual Budget, as follows:
Restricted Intergovernmental
Emergency Services
Budget Amendment - Mental Health & County School Facilities Capital Proiect
On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #3
to the 1995 Mental Health and County School Facilities Capital Project Ordinance, as follows:
Interest Earned
COPS Debt Service - Principal
Appointment to Yadkin/Pee Dee Lakes Proiect
On motion of Frye, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously appointed Mac Whatley to replace
Phil Kemp on the Yadkin/Pee Dee Lakes Project Board of Directors. Randolph County has three
representatives on this board. Other current members are David Jones, NC Zoo Director, and Hal
Johnson, County Planning Director.
1997-98 Budget Message
Frank Willis, County Manager, presented his proposed budget message. This budget calls for a
46.5¢ tax rate for the 5th consecutive year, with an estimated tax base value of $5,200,000,000.
The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m.
Phil Kemp, Chairman
Darrell L. Frye
J. Harold Holmes
Robert O. Mason
Robert B. Davis
Alice D. Dawson, Clerk to the Board