040797April 7, 1997 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 4:00 p.m. in the Commissioners Meeting Room, 725 McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Kemp, Frye, Holmes, and Mason were present. Commissioner Davis was absent. Rev. James Ward, Summitt Avenue Pentecostal Holiness Church, gave the invocation, and everyone recited the Pledge of Allegiance. Addition to Agenda Chairman Kemp announced the addition of Item K Proclamation for County Government Week to the consent agenda. Introduction of Staff Attorney Hal Scott, Jr., Personnel Director, introduced Aimee Scotton, the County's first staff attorney. Ms. Scotton is from Staley, NC and is a recent graduate of Washington and Lee University. He also introduced Beth Young, paralegal, who has transferred from the Tax Department to the Legal Department to work with Ms. Scotton. Approval of Consent Agenda On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the consent agenda, as follows: • approve minutes of March 10, 1997 meeting; • approve and unseal closed session minutes of March 10, 1997 meeting; • reappoint Bob Wright and Archie Priest to the Industrial Bond Authority; • reappoint Alice Dawson, Joanne Moffitt, and Ruby Winslow to the Nursing Home/Adult Care Home Community Advisory Committee; • appoint Dr. Glenn Dawson, Jr. (consumer) and Shirley Needham (provider) to the Region G EMS Advisory Council • adopt a proclamation (ATTACHED) for Countywide Youth Week; • adopt a proclamation (ATTACHED) for Volunteer Week; • adopt a proclamation (ATTACHED) for County Government Week. Yadkin/Pee Dee Lakes Proiect Update Alex Cousins, Director of the Yadkin/Pee Dee Lakes Project, updated the Board on his organization's work. They are currently working on getting the scenic byways designated and connected in their seven - county region. They are also initiating a business development plan for a tourism -based economy. Mr. Cousins presented a video, "From This Earth," which focuses on the area's natural resources and the Project's conservation efforts. He stated that each of the seven member counties is being asked to contribute $3,500 to the Project in the next budget year. Smart Start Planning Grant MMi Cooper, Health Director and Smart Start research team member, advised the Board that the team recently received a memo from David Walker of the Smart Start Program asking our county to consider applying for planning funds for Smart Start. Ms. Cooper said that while Smart Start is not a function of county government, the support of the County Commissioners is important to the success of the program. She said the team won't apply for these funds without Commissioners' support. Alan Pugh, County Attorney, stated that the Governor has raised several million dollars from corporations to supplement State funding for this program. The State has also implemented measures to better ensure financial control of these funds at the local level. Janice Scarborough, Director of Regional Consolidated Services and Smart Start research team member, informed the Commissioners that a local board will need to be set up to do the planning and that a non-profit corporation (as required under section 501(c)(3)of the Internal Revenue Code) must be formed in order to receive Smart Start funds. On motion of Holmes, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously agreed to support the Smart Start Program and the submission of an application for planning funds due to the North Carolina Partnership for Children by May 1, 1997 Contract for Demolition and Fill-in for Northeast Corner of Courthouse Property David Townsend, Public Works Director, reported that the County is ready to clean up the recently purchased property on the northeast corner of the Courthouse block. Mr. Townsend stated that he has obtained two quotes from local firms to do the following: demolish and remove all structures, cut existing trees, pipe the open ditch with 150 linear feet of 54" pipe, and provide 75 loads of fill material to be placed and compacted to level the site. Quotes received were from Mapco for $32,610 and Morton Construction Company for $45,000. On motion of Holmes, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously awarded the contract to Mapco for $32,610. Contract with Tax Management Associates Ben Chavis, County Assessor/Tax Collector, told the Board that he does not have enough staff to perform audits to verify the accuracy of business taxpayers' listings of personal property for ad valorem taxation. He proposed to contract with Tax Management Associates (TMA) to provide this service on a contingency fee basis. If the company discovers unlisted property, they keep 30% of the amount taxed on the discovered property, and the County receives 70%. If the company does not discover any additional property to be listed for a particular business, they receive no pay for that audit. These audits would be done over a three-year period. Mr. Chavis said that TMA is a firm that works solely with local and state government. He introduced Mr. Roger Ellis of TMA, who would work on this project. Mr. Ellis has many years of local and state government tax experience. On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the contract with TMA under the terms set out by Mr. Chavis. Community Service Work Program Update Dare Oldham, Community Service Work Program Director, explained that this program is an alternative punishment program that assigns offenders to work for non-profit and government organizations. In the first quarter of 1997, 258 offenders worked 7,750 hours; 50 of these offenders worked 1,755 hours for various County agencies. At minimum wage, the value of these hours is $8,336.25. Courthouse Advisory Committee and Architect Selection Process Frank Willis, County Manager, recommended that the Board appoint a Courthouse Advisory Committee to provide input to the design team regarding functional, operational, and safety issues for the proposed construction and renovation at the Courthouse. The following people have agreed to serve, if appointed: Russell Walker, Jr. (Superior Court Judge), Bill Neely (District Court Judges/Magistrates), Lynda Skeen (Clerk of Court), Garland Yates (District Attorney), Allen McNeill (Sheriffs Department), Sandy Key (Juvenile Services), Steve Bulla (Adult Parole/Probation), David Townsend (County Administration), Fred Kearns, Jr. (Citizen -at -Large), Alan Pugh (County Attorney). Mr. Willis suggested that the Board appoint a Commissioner to serve on this committee. Mr. Willis also recommended that the Board appoint an Ad Hoc Committee to prepare and advertise for architectural services, receive and evaluate proposals, and put together a "short list" of the highest scoring firms, who would make a presentation to the County Commissioners in June or July for their consideration. The following have agreed to serve on the Ad Hoc Committee: Frank Willis (County Manager); Bill Neely (District Court Judge); David Townsend, Bill McDaniel, and Lee Groce (County Facilities Management Team Members); and Alan Pugh (County Attorney). On motion of Holmes, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously appointed Phil Kemp to serve on the Courthouse Advisory Committee. On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously appointed members to the Courthouse Advisory Committee and the Ad Hoc Committee as recommended. Printing of Randolph County Brochure Frank Willis, County Manager, reminded the Board that for the past two years, the County has paid for the Randolph County brochure put out by the Asheboro/Randolph Chamber of Commerce. The Chamber's current supply is almost depleted, and they can get 5,000 brochures reprinted for $1356.88. Mr. Willis stated that he has sufficient funds in the Administration Department's budget to cover the cost of this reprint. On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously agreed to pay the cost of $1356.88 to reprint 5000 brochures. Randolph Community College's Application to Begin Its Own College Transfer Program Frank Willis, County Manager, informed the Board that RCC will submit an application to the NC State Board of Community Colleges to offer its own College Transfer Program in the fall of 1997. As part of that application, RCC requests the support of the County Commissioners. The College has offered the College Transfer Program through a contractual agreement with UNC -Greensboro for 27 years. RCC has established the necessary budget, facilities, and other needed resources to supports its own program. On motion of Mason, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously voted to endorse and encourage Randolph Community College's application to the State Board of Community Colleges to begin its own College Transfer Program in the fall of 1997. Request for Special Work Session to Review Proposed Zoning and Growth Management Ordinance Recommendations Hal Johnson, Planning and Zoning Director, stated that the County Planning Board has decided to hold additional work sessions before bringing recommendations for ordinance amendments to the County Commissioners. He reviewed the various concerns that the Planning Board is working on. Budget Amendment - Social Services Frank Willis, County Manager, stated that Carolina Power & Light Project Share is a DSS program for qualified Randolph County residents in life-threatening situations related to cooling or heating and that the second and third CP&L funding authorizations for this fiscal year have been received, totaling $11,772. On motion of Holmes, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #28 to the FY 1996-97 Annual Budget Ordinance, as follows: REVENUES INCREASE DECREASE Restricted Intergovernmental $11,772 APPROPRIATIONS INCREASE DECREASE Social Services $11,772 Rezoning Public Hearing The Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing at 6:30 p.m. to consider rezoning requests. Hal Johnson, Zoning Administrator, presented the following request: Samuel Hunt, Asheboro, is requesting that 5.83 acres off Cable Creek Road, Cedar Grove Township, be rezoned from RA to LI/CU. It is the desire of the applicant to rezone the remainder of his property consistent with the salvage yard operations. The Planning Board unanimously recommended approval. No one spoke concerning this request. Mr. Hunt was present to answer questions. On motion of Frye, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously approved the request of Samuel Hunt. Adiournment The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. Phil Kemp, Chairman J. Harold Holmes Robert O. Mason Darrell L. Frye Robert B. Davis Alice D. Dawson, Clerk to the Board