010697January 6, 1997
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 4:00 p.m. in the Commissioners
Meeting Room, County Office Building, '725 McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Kemp, Frye,
Davis, and Holmes were present. Commissioner Mason entered the meeting where so noted in these minutes.
Invocation was given by Rev. Ben Chavis, Youth Pastor, Asheboro Church of God, which was followed by the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda
On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved the consent agenda, as follows:
* approve December 2, 1996 minutes,
* reappoint Charles Teague to the Randolph County Fire Commission;
* reappoint Tom White to the Asheboro Planning & Zoning Board;
* approve resolutions (ATTACHED) adding Graceland Drive and extension of Ridges Mountain Trail to the
State System of Roads.
Request for Local Bill to Grant Zoning 1, Authority over Industrial -type Hoe Operations
Frederick Sharpless, Randolph Citizens for Quality Living, asked the Board to request Randolph County's
state representatives to introduce a local bill I granting the Randolph County Commissioners zoning power over
industrial -type hog operations. He noted that N. C. counties had this authority until 1991, when the statute dealing
with zoning powers was amended, removing that authority, He said that the statute was probably amended
because N.C. was getting into this business to a much greater extent by then.
Commissioner Mason entered at this time and was present for the remainder of the meeting.
County Attorney Alan Pugh stated that the zoning statutes are general for all counties and cannot be amended
by a local bill; any amendment would have to be for all 100 counties. Commissioner Frye said he doesn't think
the N.C. Association of County Commissioners would support amending the zoning statute and that any
amendment to the statute would late to come from the State. Chairman Kemp stated that the Board will continue
to stay abreast of any developments in this issue.
Tourism Development Authority
Hal Johnson, Planning Director, reported on the Strategic Planning Tourism Organizing Committee's
recommendations to create an independent Tourism Development Authority (TDA) and requests that the County
Commissioners seek legislative action to authorize Randolph County to levy a room occupancy and tourism
development tax. The Committee provided a proposed resolution to be forwarded to the General Assembly.
The Board expressed concern over lack of control of the TDA since it will be making decisions about tax
dollars. County Attorney Alan Pugh suggested that the wording of the proposed resolution for the local bill be
changed to say that County Commissioners will appoint all members, with the right to reject nominations from
the municipalities; that all members w II serve for a certain term at the pleasure of the Board; and that the levy
shall be up to "X" percent, perhaps, 4 or 5 percent, rather than requesting the 3 percent recommended.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously adopted the proposed resolution
(ATTACHED) requesting the General Assembly to establish a room occupancy and tourism
development tax, amended to state that members of the TDA will serve at the pleasure of the
Board of County Commissioners, who shall have the right to reject nominations from the
reconunending entities, and that the levy shall be no more than 5 percent.
Audit Report for FY 1996-97
Will Massie of Strands, Skees, Jones Z,. Co., the County's independent auditor, presented
the annual audit report. He stated that the County's finances are well managed and that he
found no major problems during the audit.
NCACC Caucus to Select District Diiector
The Board discussed a vacancy in a district director's seat for NCACC District I 1. A
replacement will be selected on January 10 during a district caucus at the Association's
Legislative Goals Conference. Commissioner Frye stated that it is Randolph County,s turn to
have a representative in this seat. Chairman Kemp stated that he would be willing to serve in
this capacity. He and Commissioner Frye will be present at the caucus.
Update on New Count
Sheriff Litchard Hurley told the Board that in his conversations with citizens around the
county, he has learned that people think the new facility should be named the Randolph
County Jail. A decision must be made soon so that signs can be erected.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Mason. the Board unanimously voted to name the new
detention facility the Randolph County Jail.
David Townsend gave an update on Construction at the new jail, stating that part of it will
be ready for occupancy by mid-January. Bad weather and the addition of several equipment
systems have slowed down the original schedule. State and local scheduling is being done for
all required permits and approvals. Training has begun on-site for some of the new jailers.
Dead Tree Removal at Shaw Building
David Townsend, Public Works Direc:or, told the Board that roots from a large oak tree
coming through the foundation of the Shaw Building is causing moisture to leak into the
Board of Elections. Dead limbs from two other trees threaten to damage the slate roof A
local contractor that was hired to inspect the trees found that tree fungus indicates they are
dying and recommends all trees be removed.
Three quotes were obtained for the cutting of the three trees, the removal of the wood and
stumps, and the cleaning of the site. The quotes were from Grantham Tree, Asheboro Tree
Experts, and Sands Tree Service. The quotes ranged from $2,315 to $2,500, with the low
quote coming from Grantham Tree.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board voted unanimously to have the trees removed.
Commissioner Frye left the meeting at this point and re-entered where so noted.
Wood Grinding Contract
Mr. Townsend said that the Public Works Department received bids for wood grinding at the landfill,
The Request for Proposal required unit price bids on the following three items: (1) a price (per ton) to
grind all
of the County's wood waste into mulch; (2) a price (per ton) to windrow this material into individual piles on
site; and (3) a price (per ton) to windrow this material into individual piles on lower site. The bid tabulation
Carolina Timber, Fuquay-VarinaNC NO BID
Earthways, Gamer, NC $ 10.35 $.00 $2.15 $72,125
Hensons, Inc. $16.25 $.50 $3.00 $113,100
Tryon, NC
Mapco, Inc. Asheboro, NC 1 14.00 $.17 $2.49 $96,438
Waste Industries West, Graham, NC NO BID
WRICO Equipment Co, Greensboro NO BID
Yates Construction, Stokesdate, NC $12.50 $.30 $1.30 $83,060
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously awarded the wood grinding contract to the
low bidder, Earthways, at $12.50 ton.
Commissioner Frye re-entered the meeting at this point.
Amendments to Classification Plan Regarding Mental Health Positions
Hat Scott, Jr., Personnel Director, explained that because of reclassification or new positions approved for use
in the Randolph County Mental Health Department, the following additions to the Randolph County
Classification Plan need to be approved:
Medical Records Manager III ................................. 70 ............................... Reclassification
Quality Assurance Specialist 1 ................................ 68 ............. (One) new position: Will hire at grade
Quality Assurance Specialist H ............................... 70 ............. dependent on applicant's qualifications
Quality Assurance Specialist III .............................. 72
Computer Systems Administrator III ...................... 70 ............................... Reclassification
Spanish Interpreter ................................................. 60 ............................... New Position
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the amendments to the Randolph
County Classification Plan as presented.
Change March Meeting Date
The Board agreed to change the March regular meeting date to March 10 because ofthe Legislative
Conference in Washington, D.C. to be held 2/28/97 to 3/4/97, which several of the commissioners
will attend.
Appointment to Social Services Board
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the appointment of Rev.
Scott Wagoner to the Social Services Board to Jill the unexpired term of Libby Dunsmore, who
resigned 9/96, This term will expire 6/98.
Rezoning Public Hearing
At 6:30 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider rezoning requests.
Hal Johnson, Zoning Administrator, presented the following request:
Charles Glass, Sr., Asheboro, is requesting that 34.77 acres on Green Farm Road, Back Creek
Township, be rezoned from RA to RR to develop a 7 -lot subdivision, The Planning Board
unanimously recommended approval.
Citizen Comments on Request
Charles Glass stated that houses will have a minimum of 1500 square feet. He said he is not
planning to pave the road going into the development.
Diane Coffey, adjoining property owner, asked if she will still have an easement into her property
once the new road is built, The County Attorney assured her that she will still have access to her
Chairman Kemp closed the public hearing.
Board Action on Request
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the request of Charles
Public Hearing - Amendment to Zoning Ordinance Allowing Civil Penalties
The Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider an amendment to the zoning
ordinance. Hal Johnson and Alan Pugh, County Attorney, presented a proposed amendment to the
County's zoning ordinance which would provide civil penalties for violations of the ordinance in
addition to the currently authorized misdemeanor criminal penalties. The amendment would also
increase the penalty from $50 to $500 per day of continued violation. A&. Pugh stated that civil
penalties give the County more flexibility in enforcing the ordinance.
Chairman Kemp asked for public comment on the proposed amendment, and no one spoke.
Chairman Kemp closed the public hearing.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved amending Article XIII,
Section 7 of the Randolph County Zoning Ordinance by changing the fine from $50 per day to $500
per day and by adding a subsection B outlining civil penalties (ATTACHED).
Appointment to the Board of Health
On motion of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously appointed Bill Johnson to the
open community member position on the Randolph County Board of Health.
Court Facilities
Commissioner Holmes asked about the status of plans for renovation and expansion of court
facilities and related buildings at the Courthouse, He also noted that the outside of the Courthouse is
in need of painting,
Chairman Kemp stated that one of the houses on the Allen property (property adjacent to the
Courthouse that was purchased by the County in 1995) has asbestos siding, and it is taking some time
to work out proper disposal of the asbestos. After the asbestos has been removed, the houses will be
demolished and the debris hauled off
County Manager Frank Willis said that he is working with Glenn Ware of Grier Fripp Architects to
come up with a master plan for the Courthouse area, He asked each Commissioner to read the court
facilities study recently completed by the North Carolina Administrative Offices of the Court and
provided to the Board in today's agenda packet, Mr. Willis said he will be ready to report on this issue
in a month or two.
Budget Amendment - Library
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #17
(ATTACHED), which reflects an additional $23,313 in State Aid to Public Libraries that has been
allocated to the Randolph County Public Library.
Budget Amendment - Social Se
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment
#18 (ATTACHED), which reflects a funding, authorization for Social Services in the amount of
$7,504 for their Carolina Power & Light Project Share program.
Budget Amendment - Mental Health
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #19
(ATTACHED), which reflects an additional $553,338 in State revenues for Mental Health.
The meeting adjourned at 7:15 p.m.
Phil Kemp, Chairman Darrell L. Frye
Harold Holmes Robert Davis
Robert Mason Alice D. Dawson, Clerk to the Board