110397November 3, 1997
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 4:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners Meeting Room, County Office Building, 725 McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC.
Commissioners Kemp, Frye, Davis, Holmes, and Mason were present. Cindy Ruhl, Director of Christian
Education at First Presbyterian Church, gave the invocation, after which everyone recited the Pledge of
Additions to Agenda
Chairman Kemp announced the following additions to the consent agenda: H. Appoint Al Morton
As Alternate Member to County Planning Board for 3 -yr term; I. Approve $5 Charge for Pneumonia
Vaccine to Recoup Costs; and J. Adopt Proclamation Honoring Craig Kirkman.
Consent Agenda
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the consent agenda, as
• approve minutes of October 6 and October 20;
• reappoint Allen Holt to the Tax Commission;
• reappoint Lisa Hardin to the Community Child Protection Team/Child Fatality Review Team;
• reappoint Rick Hardin and Mac Whatley to the Water Resources Advisory Board;
• adopt resolution (ATTACHED) adding Beech Circle, Jill Drive and Tallwood Drive in Kymvood
Subdivision to State System of Roads;
• appoint Dr. Charles West to fill the unexpired term of Dr. Thomas Whyte on the Board ofHealth (term
expires 12198);
• adopt proclamation (ATTACHED) declaring December 15 "Bill of Rights" Day;
• appoint AZ Morton as alternate member to County Planning Board for a 3 -year term;
• approve $5 charge for pneumonia vaccinations at Health Department to recoup costs;
• adopt proclamation (ATTACHED) honoring Craig Kirkman, 1997 World Skeet Shooting Champion.
Order for Rate Adiustment by Time Warner Cable
David Harris, Piedmont Triad Council of Governments (PTCOG), stated that he manages the cable
administration program for counties and cities in the PTCOG's region. Services include franchise ordinance
negotiations, rewriting of ordinances, and verification that cable companies are in compliance with the 1996
Cable Act and other FCC regulations. Mr. Harris said that Time Warner Cable has requested a rate
adjustment, effective January 1, 1998, which they are allowed to do annually to recover increased costs. As
the franchising authority, the County Commissioners may regulate basic cable rates, installation and
equipment charges. Mr. Harris stated that he had examined the numbers provided by Time Warner and
found them to be accurate; therefore, he recommended approving their requested rate adjustments for basic
service: a 6¢ increase in the Asheboro system and a 14¢ decrease in the Archdale system.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously adopted an order (ATTACHED)
approving the basic programming rates requested by Time Warner Cable.
Piedmont Triad Partnership Update
Darrell Frye, Piedmont Triad Partnership (PTP) Chairman, gave a progress report on the PTP,
stating that its purpose is to market, advertise, and promote the Piedmont to the world.
Kenny Moore, PTP Executive Director, provided information on their membership and budget.
Plat Review Officers for Asheboro, Archdale, and High Point
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously adopted a resolution (ATTACHED)
de signa ting p la t review officers for maps and plats for of the cities ofAsheboro, Archdale, and High Point.
Work First Planning Committee
On motion of Frye, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously appointed the following persons to
this committee: Social Services Board - Rev. Scott Wagoner; Mental Health Board - Dr. Ann Suggs,
Barbara Ewings; Board of Health - Dr. William Walker; Asheboro City Schools - Kay Houston; Randolph
County Schools - Dr. Cindy Schroder; Randolph Community College - Dr. Allan Edwards; Business
Community - David Crabbe, George Gusler, Sandra Martin, Fred Meredith; County Commissioners -
Harold Holmes; Community-Based Organizations - Russell Keeney, Jr., Jerry Hill, Elaine Haigler, Rev.
Russ Ward, Rev. Nathan King, Rev. James Curry, Barbara Mroczkowski, Ruth Jones.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously authorized the Chairman to appoint
additional persons to this committee at a later date, if deemed appropriate.
Award Food Stamp Contract
Tom Morris, Accounting Supervisor, presented bids received for providing the County a food stamp
issuance contract, as follows: Assured Issuance, Inc. - 95.5¢ per issuance including postage; Cost
Containment, Inc. - 99¢ per issuance including postage. Based on an estimated 21,296 issuances per year,
the annual cost for Assured Issuance would be $20,338 and Cost Containment would be $21,083.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously awarded the food stamp issuance
contract to Assured Issuance, Inc. for 95.5¢ per issuance.
Set Dates for Special Meetings
The Board set a joint meeting with the Water Resources Advisory Board for 4:30 p.m. onNovember 10
and set a public hearing on proposed zoning ordinance amendments for 7:00 p.m. on December 8.
Officer to Handle Closing-Out Sales
Aimee Scotton, Staff Attorney, advised the Board that before anyone can advertise and conduct a
closing-out sale in any incorporated area of the county, he must obtain a license to do so from the officer
designated by the County Commissioners. She said the Institute of Government has recommended that
someone in the Tax Department be our designated officer. Ben Chavis, Tax Administrator, has agreed to
serve in this capacity.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously appointed a committee made up of
Commissioners Davis, Mason, and Holmes to study this issue. They also instructed the County Attorney to
bring the general statutes governing closing-out sales to the attention of the legislative committee that
makes recommendations on the repeal of archaic laws.
Alcoholic Beverage Control Commission Request for Designation of Local Official
Aimee Scotton, Staff Attorney, informed the Board that the State ABC Commission has requested that
Randolph County designate an official to make recommendations concerning the suitability of a person or
location for an ABC permit.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously appointed a committee made up of
Commissioners Davis, Mason, and Holmes to study this issue.
Budget Amendment - COPS
Tom Morris, Accounting Supervisor, stated that the State has approved an ADM application to pay a
portion of COPS debt service this year. The amount requested, $2,271,868, is the balance of ADM funds
available at June 30, 1997 for Randolph County Schools.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment # 23 to
the 1997-98 Annual Budget, as follows:
Restricted Intergovernmental
Miscellaneous Revenues
Restricted Intergovernmental
Budget Amendment - Health
On motion of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment
#24 to the FY 1997-98 Annual Budget to reflect additional funds received from the State for the Health
Department's Breast and Cervical Cancer Program, as follows:
Public Health
Restricted Intergovernmental
Zoning Public Hearing
At 6:30 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider rezoning requests.
Hal Johnson, Planning and Zoning Director, presented the following request:
Bracky Rogers, Mount Airy, is requesting that 155.19 acres located on Thayer Road and Covered
Bridge Road, Tabernacle Township, be rezoned from RA to RR/CU for an 18 -lot subdivision. The
Planning Board unanimously recommended approval of this request.
Chairman Kemp asked for public comment; hearing none, he closed the public hearing.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Mason, the Board unanimously approved Mr. Rogers' request.
The meeting adjourned at 6:40 p.m.
Phil Kemp, Chairman
J. Harold Holmes
Robert O. Mason
Darrell L. Frye
Robert B. Davis
Alice D. Dawson, Clerk to the Board