080596August 5, 1996
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in regular session at 4:00 p.m. in the
Commissioners Meeting Room, 725 McDowell Road, Asheboro, NC. Commissioners Kemp, Frye, Comer,
Davis and Holmes were present. Invocation was given by Rev. Wilson Harris, First Wesleyan Church of
Asheboro, followed by the Pledge of Allegiance.
Consent Agenda
On motion of Comer, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved the consent agenda as
• Approve minutes of July 8;
• Approve closed session minutes of July 8;
• Reappoint Talmadge Baker, Mike Cox, Bob Ferree, Pete Oldham, Tim Poole, Paul Shepherd and Frank
Willis to the Criminal Justice Partnership Advisory Board.
Request from RCC for Donation of Land
Dr. Larry Linker, President of RCC, requested that the County provide the College with approximately
60 acres of land located at the County landfill for the purpose of developing an emergency services training
center. He pointed out on a map the desired location, stating that this area is flat, is near the road, and has an
easement to Cedar Falls Road and to Deep River. This particular strip of land could not be used for landfill
because of buffer requirements. Dr. Linker stated that Larry Austin will be the architect for this project, but
that he will work in conjunction with another firm out of Charlotte that has experience building this type of
On motion of Frye, seconded by Comer, the Board unanimously voted to convey the requested 60 acres ±
to RCC upon completion of a survey and the drafting of appropriate documents, with the deed to contain a
reverter clause stating that the property will revert to the County if it ceases to be used by RCC.
Award Bid for Renovations to the Black & Veatch Building
Mazie Fleetwood, Area Mental Health Director, announced that the following companies submitted bids
for renovations to the former Black & Veatch building, which was purchased by the County for Mental
Health through the COPS financing:
Brooks General Contractor $529,250
Hodgin Construction Company 508,567
S. E. Trogden and Sons 581,040
Mrs. Fleetwood presented a letter from Larry Austin, architect, recommending that the low bid be accepted.
Total expenses for the project include $508,567 for renovations, $45,517 for architect fees, and $50,000 for
contingencies, for a total of $604,084. She said there is $457,000 available from the COPS fund; a budget
amendment would be needed to provide the remaining $147,084 from Mental Health fund balance.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Comer, the Board unanimously awarded the bid to Hodgin Construction
Company and approved Budget Amendment #6 (ATTACHED), which appropriates $147,084 from Mental
Health fund balance for this project.
Local Law Enforcement Block Grant
Frank Willis, County Manager, reported that the Local Law Enforcement Block Grant Advisory Board
had met and recommended that money from the grant be used to hire part-time bailiffs or to pay overtime
wages to full-time officers for security work at the courthouse. The Board also recommended that the
matching portion of the grant be funded from the Randolph County General Fund.
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the grant application as
recommended, agreed to provide the $2,944 local match from the County's General Fund, and set a public
hearing for 6:00 p.m. on September 3, 1996 on the proposed use of the grant funds.
Resolution Concerning Efforts to Restore and Protect Our Rivers
Chairman Kemp stated that since the General Assembly has already adjourned, there is no need to adopt
the proposed resolution. It is for information only.
Budget Amendment - Encumbrances
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #3
(ATTACHED), which accounts for a total of $4,385,742 in Fund Balance Appropriated for encumbrance
carryovers from the 1995-96 fiscal year for the General Fund, $19,650 for the Public Works Fund, and
$44,709 for the Emergency Telephone System Fund.
Budget Amendment - CBA
On motion of Davis, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #4
(ATTACHED) , which reflects $224,907 in State funds received for our Community Based Alternatives
Budget Amendment - Public Health
On motion of Frye, seconded by Comer, the Board unanimously approved Budget Amendment #5
(ATTACHED), which reflects a $5,000 State grant received for the Health Department's Breast and Cervical
Cancer Control Program.
Community Development Block Grant Application Public Hearing
At 5:00 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to solicit public comment on the
proposed filing of an economic development grant application.
David Townsend, Public Works Director, announced that the County is eligible to apply to the State for
up to $1,000,000 for an economic development block grant; however, the County would be required to
provide a 25% match of local funds for any such project. Additionally, 51% of jobs created through the grant
must be filled by low -to -moderate income individuals. One new job must be created for every $15,000 of
grant funds spent.
Chairman Kemp asked for public comment; hearing none, he closed the public hearing.
Water Resources Advisory Board Ordinance
Hal Johnson, Planning Director, discussed the need to establish a county water resources advisory board
to promote the orderly development and distribution of water resources in the county. This proposal grew
from the work of the Water Task Force, which was part of the recently completed countywide strategic
planning process. They felt we should use the opportunity to plan and address water -related issues rather
than to wait for a crisis situation to develop and then respond to that need. Mr. Johnson introduced a
proposed ordinance to create this advisory board, which would have one representative from each
municipality and three representatives from the county.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board set a public hearing on this proposed ordinance for
5:30 p.m. on September 3.
Rezoning Public Hearing
At 6:30 p.m. the Board adjourned to a duly advertised public hearing to consider rezoning requests. Hal
Johnson, Zoning Administrator, presented the following requests:
1. Jim Weaver, Sophia, is requesting that 1 acre (out of 114) located on the corner of Unity Street and
Wildwood Trail, Trinity Township, be rezoned from RA to HC/CU, to operate a machine shop, with no retail
traffic, in an existing 100 x 100 building. The Planning Board unanimously recommended approval.
2. Reid Kearns, Asheboro, is requesting that 2.3 acres on US Hwy 64 West, Tabernacle Township, be
rezoned from RA to HC for commercial use. The Planning Board unanimously recommended approval.
3. Donald and Susan Spell, Archdale, are requesting that 1.57 acres on Marlboro Church Road, New Market
Township, be rezoned from RA to HC/CU to operate a sewing business in a 30 x 50 building (to be
constructed). The Planning Board unanimously recommended denial.
4. Lee and Vance Roberts, Asheboro, are requesting that 228.58 acres on Iron Mountain Road, Franklinville
Township, be rezoned from RA to RR to develop a 119 -lot subdivision. The Planning Board recommended
approval by a vote of 3 to 1. Mr. Johnson noted that this request has changed since it went before the
Planning Board and would now have only two houses fronting the west side of Iron Mountain Road. Mr.
Johnson stated that the proposal ws designed to have lot access off the new roads to be constructed, and a
25 -foot buffer area around the subdivision would limit any noticeable visual impact from Iron Mountain
5. Randy Summit, Thomasville, is requesting that 87.5 acres on Tree Hollow Road, Trinity Township, be
rezoned from RA to RR to develop a 70 -lot subdivision. The Planning Board unanimously recommended
approval. Mr. Johnson stated that Mr. Summit has promised that there will not be any access from Tree
Hollow Road into the development.
Comments - Request #1
Rod Lowry, 7102 Colonial Club Drive, Thomasville, opposed this request, stating that he fears allowing
this business there would open the door for more businesses in the area.
Comments - Request #2
Reid Kearns stated that he plans to erect a billboard on this property.
Dottie Griggs, General Manager of Hampton Inn, said that they plan to add more rooms and an indoor
swimming pool and that they would like to advertise their presence through billboards from the east, west,
north and south.
Comments - Request #3
Betty Akines, 4213 Baker Farm Road, Sophia, said her parents are adjoining property owners and that
they all want the community to remain residential.
Janice Davis, 3186 Marlboro Church Road, Sophia, opposed a business in the area and expressed
concern that the shape of the lot would not allow for adequate buffer.
Comments - Request #4
Lee Roberts, applicant, distributed a revised plat showing only 2 lots being accessed from the west side
of Iron Mountain Road. He stated that they are willing to change the name of the proposed development
since it is similar in name to the adjacent development. He also said they will leave a buffer along Iron
Mountain Road.
Glenn Simpson, private soil scientist from Trinity, stated that he was hired by the applicants to analyze
the soils in the proposed development. He said he found the soil to be uniform in nature and suitable for
Ben Ramsay, state -certified appraiser hired by the applicants, stated that if the subdivision is built
according to specifications, it would be consistent with the highest and best use of the property, should have
no negative impact on adjacent properties, and may even have a positive effect.
Donald Routh, area resident, opposed this request, stating that there are 4 developments in that area
already and that he is concerned that additional development will affect well water supplies. He said 7 wells
just east of there went dry in the past year, that just north of there someone had to dig 3 wells before getting a
suitable one, and that 6 neighbors across the road have had septic tank problems. Mr. Routh advised the
Board that if they approve this request, he and others will hire an attorney and sue the County. He said he
has a petition with 167 signatures opposing this request.
Don Puckett, 2343 Woodbridge Drive, discussed concerns over additional traffic a new development
would bring. He also said a realtor told him the houses in the proposed development would affect the value
of homes in his development.
Dora Atlas, 319 Iron Mountain Road, said she was speaking on behalf of the elderly in the neighborhood
and that a new development would undermine their sense of security.
John Wright, 2342 Woodbridge Drive, expressed concern about the small size of houses that would be
allowed in the proposed development.
Comments - Request #5
Randy Summit, applicant, said this request is the second phase of a development already started. He
noted that the development will have city water.
Board Action on Requests
On motion of Frye, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously denied the request of Jim Weaver.
On motion of Davis, seconded by Frye, the Board unanimously approved the request of Reid Kearns.
On motion of Comer, seconded by Holmes, the Board unanimously denied the request of Donald and
Susan Spell.
Frye made a motion, seconded by Davis, to refer the request of Lee and Vance Roberts to the Planning
Board to reconsider with increased minimum square footage. The Board discussed this request at length,
including the issue of minimum square footage. During this discussion, Lee and Vance Roberts requested
that their request for rezoning to Residential Restricted be amended to Residential Restricted --Conditional
Use and to show a minimum of 1250 square feet instead of 1100 square feet of heated space for each home.
After discussion, Frye voted for his original motion, with Kemp, Holmes, Davis and Comer opposing.
On motion of Holmes, seconded by Comer, the Board approved the request of Lee and Vance Roberts,
as amended to Conditional Use, requiring houses to have a minimum of 1250 square feet of heated space.
Frye voted against this motion.
On motion of Frye, seconded by Davis, the Board unanimously approved the request of Randy Summit.
The Board adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
Phil Kemp, Chairman
Martha Comer
Robert Davis
Darrell L. Frye
Harold Holmes
Alice D. Dawson, Clerk to the Board