092195Commissioners Special Meeting - September 21, 1995
The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in a special joint session with the city
councils of Archdale, High Point, and Thomasville at 7:00 p.m. on September 21, 1995 at Trinity
Memorial United Methodist Church, 7140 Highway 62, Trinity, NC, to hold a public hearing on the
Interstate 85/Northwest Randolph County Development Assessment. Commissioners Kemp, Frye,
Comer, Davis, and Holmes were present.
The meeting was called to order and moderated by Don Hancock, Mayor of Archdale and
joint chair of the Development Assessment Task Force. Mr. Hancock then determined that High
Point, Randolph County, and Archdale had a quorum present. Thomasville did not have a quorum;
therefore, they must hold another public hearing on this matter at a later date.
Hal Johnson, County Planning Director, gave an overview of how the development
assessment and accompanying annexation agreements came about and reviewed the
recommendations of the multi jurisdictional task force. These recommendations (to the four
jurisdictions involved) included targeting four north/south corridors for industrial development,
requesting that four projects be added to the N.C. Transportation Improvement Program, and
reaching an agreement on financing water and sewer improvements.
Marty Myers, Archdale Planning Director, discussed water and sewer options and proposed
annexation agreements.
Mayor Hancock opened the public hearing.
Carolyn Spence, 7530 Highway 62, Trinity, asked questions pertaining to the Transportation
Improvement Program, which were answered by Mr. Johnson.
Dean Spinks, 5239 Ellen Avenue, Trinity, stated that Trinity area residents should have had
more input into this process and that the Trinity community should not be cut up into different
components without residents' input about their future. He asked the County Commissioners to
keep this in mind and to help protect them.
Darrell Frye, County Commissioner from Trinity, stated that this project was not undertaken
to develop Trinity Township but because Randolph County does not have the infrastructure to take
advantage of the land resources in the area. He said the Task Force looked at how the County and
three municipalities could mutually benefit from a plan for this community. He noted that the
Randolph County Strategic Planning Report presented earlier this week recommended the
development of a water and sewer advisory task force, and that he recommends Dean Spinks to
chair that task force.
Hearing no further requests to speak, Mayor Hancock closed the public hearing.
Becky Smothers, Mayor of High Point, commended staff on their work and presentation. She
said she was glad for all the public discussion, but that there is still a lot of planning and work to do
Cy Brooks, High Point City Council, stated that this plan will help maximize dollars and will
help to get the right decisions made.
David McDade, Archdale City Council, noted that the four local governments working
together on this project is unique and helps to unify them.
Mayor Hancock stated his appreciation for having the opportunity to participate in this plan.
He then adjourned the meeting at 7:50 p.m.