06151981RANDOLPH COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS K MINUTES - June 15, 1981 The Randolph County Board of Commissioners met in special session June 15, 1981 at 9:00 A.M. with the following members present: Richard K. Pugh, Chm., Kenyon Davidson, Thurman Hogan, Bill Boyd and Richard Petty. The meeting was called to order by the Chairman, Richard K. Pugh. The Randolph County School budget was presented by Don Osborne, Chairman, Randolph County School Board. The Asheboro City School budget was presented by Lee Phoenix, Superintendent of Asheboro City Schools. The meeting recessed. A Public Hearing was conducted at 7:00 P.M. on the 1981-82 budget at which time approximately 55 citizens attended . The meeting reconvened following the Public Hearing. Motion was made by Thurman Hogan, seconded by Kenyon Davidson to allow Marion Smith, Social Services Director, to hire an Eligibility Specialist for AFDC (Aid for Dependent Children). This motion was unanimously approved. Motion was made by Thurman Hogan, seconded by Bill Boyd to appoint Maxton McDowell to the Industrial Bond Authority filling the unexpired term of Tom English, who resigned. This term ends April, 1983. This motion was unanimously approved. Motion was made by Richard Petty, seconded by Bill Boyd to set the following special school and fire district taxes, which were unanimously approved: Asheboro City Schools - 18� Guil-Rand Fire District - 10� Level Cross Fire District - 8q, Fairgrove Fire District - 3G Climax Fire District - 10C Julian Fire District - 10G Westside Fire District - 10(,' Eastside Fire District - 6� Ulah Fire District -- 7� Motion was made by Richard Petty, seconded by Richard Pugh to set the Archdale -Trinity School District tax rate at 13C. Davidson voted NO. Pugh, Petty, Hogan and Boyd voted YES. Motion was made by Bill Boyd, seconded by Kenyon Davidson to approve the following budget adjustments w'hic'h were unanimously approved: I BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS MONDAY -JUNE 15, 1981 ACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET ADJUSTMENT NEW BUDGET FIRE MARSHAL 10-530-31 Auto Supplies $ 1,750 (Debit) $ 300 $ 2,050 10-530-12 Printing 200 (Credit) 135 65 10-530-11 Postage 175 (Credit) 165 10 SHERIFF & JAIL 10-510-36 Uniforms $ 7,500 (Debit) $ 422 $ 7,922 10-520-58 Meals & Foods 30,000 (Debit) 3,591 33,591 10-510-74 Capital Outlay -Equip. 16,378 (Credit) 250 16,128 10-510-79 Undercover 4,000 (Credit) 362 3,638 10-510-02 Salaries & Wages 534,098 (Credit) 300 533,798 10-510-12 Printing 2,300 (Credit) 231 2,069 10-520-02 Salaries & Wages 69,372 (Credit) 298 69,074 10-520-13 Utilities 800 (Credit) 74 726 10-520-16 Maint. & Repair -Equip. 1,000 (Credit) 98 902 10-520-34 Medical Expenses 17,400 (Credit) 1,400 16,000 10-520-74 Capital Outlay -Equip. 3,800 (Credit) 1,000 2,800 SOCIAL SERVICES 10-610-19-5 AFDC -FC 7,224 (Debit) 1,500 5,724 10-610-19-3 Boarding Homes -Children 70,400 (Credit) 1,500 68,900 10-610-76 Capital Outlay-Furn. & Equip. 17,000 (Debit) 700 17,700 10-610-74 Captial Outlay -Equipment 7,275 (Credit) 700 6,575 MEDICAL RESCUE & BUILDING INSPECTIONS 10-592-31 Auto Supplies $ 42,500 (Debit) 4,190 $ 46,690 10-592-17 Maint, & Repair -Auto 9,000 (Debit) 1,498 10,498 10-592-16 Maint. & Repair -Equip. 101500 (Debit) 675 11,175 10-59232 Medical Supplies 7,250 (Debit) 600 7,850 10-592-33 Dept. Materials & Supplies 1,500 (Debit) 360 1,860 10-592-21 Rent 4,800 (Credit) 2,000 2,800 10-592-14 Travel 3,500 (Credit) 750 2,750 10-592-54 Liability Insurance 3,000 (Credit) 748 2,252 10-592-74 Capital Outlay 71f10O (Credit) 2,190 68,910 10-540-14 Travel 1,500 (Credit) 360 1,140 10-540-31 Auto Supplies 12,750 (Credit) 1,275 11,475 LANDFILL 10-580-16 Maint. & Repair -Equip. $ 48,000 (Debit) 5,500 $ 53,500 10-580-33 Dept, Materials & Supplies 3,000 (Credit) 2,500 500 10-580-46 Tire Shredder 3,000 (Credit) 3,000 -0- BUDGET ADJUSTMENTS (CONT.) MONDAY -JUNE 15, 1981 ACCOUNT NO. ACCOUNT NAME BUDGET ADJUSTMENT NEW BUDGET PUBLIC BUILDINGS & NON -DEPARTMENTAL 10-500-13-3 Utilities -Water & Sewer $ 5,000 (Debit) 800 $ 5,800 10-500-13-2 Utilities -Power & Lights 61,000 (Debit) 5,000 66,000 10-500-15 Maint. & Repair -Bldg. & Ground 76,200 (Debit) 4,000 80,200 10-660-02 Transportation Coordinator 10,000 (Credit) 1,0.00 9,000 10-660-10 Postage Expense -All Depts. 4,000 (Credit) 700 3,300 10-660-31 Gasoline Expense -All Depts. 5,000 (Credit) 2,500 2,500 10-660-11 Non Dept. -Telephone 88,000 (Credit) 5,600 82,400 PUBLIC HEALTH 10-590-87-6 Family Planning -Supplies $ 12,379 (Debit) 2,109 $ 14,488 10-348-08 Family Planning -COG 46,714 (Credit) 2,109 48,823 10-590-90-6 MCH Supplies 1,703 (Debit) 907 2,610 10-348-05 MCH 76,160 (Credit) 907 77,067 10-590-74 Capital Outlay 2,305 (Debit) 4,400 6,705 10-590-11 Postage 5,412 (Debit) 1,000 6,412 10-590-33 Dept Materials & Supplies 4,200 (Debit) 600 4,800 10-590-04 Professional Serv.-Medical 12,000 (Credit) 3,000 9,000 10-590-21 Rent -Sanitarian Building 2,700 (Credit) 1,000 1,700 10-590-86 Rabies Control Program 3,000 (Credit) 600 2,400 10-590-81 Pharmacist Services 3,836 (Credit) 1,400 2,436 10-590-89-1 Home Health -Salaries 40,080 (Debit) 5,000 45,080 377,691 10-590-02 Salaries & Wages -Regular 382,691 (Credit) 5,000 10-590-89-2 Home Health -FICA 2,562 (Debit) 300 2,862 2,719 10-590-89-4 Home Health -Retirement 3,019 (Credit) 300 The meeting was adjourned until June 22, 1981 at 3:00 P.M. for a Special Meeting. ���BAaaa aHHHHAEI I�.�1�'DOLYII COU'LN"rY Bom, Ole` com: ssioNh'.I2S 145 WORTH STREET — ASHEBORO, N. C. 27203 REVENUE SHARING BUDGET HEARING MINUTES June 15, 1981-7:00 P.M. As required by law, the Randolph County Board of Commissioners conducted a Public Hearing on the proposed budget for 1981-82. The Public Hearing was held Monday, June 15, 1981 at 7:00 P.M. in the Commissioners' Meeting Room, Randolph County Administrative Building, Asheboro, N.C. Citizens attending the Hearing had the right to provide written and oral comments and ask questions re- garding the entire budget and the relationship of Federal Revenue Sharing Funds to the entire budget. The Public Hearing was conducted by Richard K. Pugh, Chairman of the. Randolph County Board of Commissioners, with the following Commissioners present: Thurman Hogan, Bill Boyd, Richard Petty, and Kenyon Davidson. Total attendance for the Public Hearing was approximately 55 people. Bud Hedrick and Arlie Culp of the Soil and Water Conservation District, appealed to the Commissioners for additional funds to hire a full time secretary. Mike Spann, from the the Council on Vocational Education for City and County Schools, made a plea for additional buildings and supplies for the Vocational Education program. Charles Edwards, President NCAE, asked that the schools receive more funds for current expense, especially for the music program. Mike McNeely, Band Director at Southwestern Randolph High School, expressed concern about the band program being cut becuase it is all local funding. He felt that if cuts were made, the band program would be the victim. He stated that the reason why he wanted to come to Randolph County was because of its excellent reputation for music. John Lawrence, Superintendent of Randolph County Schools, pointed out that the Board of Education. did not intend for the public to get the idea that the music program was being cut by the Randolph County Board of Commissioners. He said that 70 first-year teachers, 10 locally paid music teachers, and some teacher's aids were notified by the Board of Education that their contracts may not be renewed until the budget was firmly established. (2) Don Osborne, Chairman of the Randolph County Board of Education, responded to a question from Commissioner Hogan concerning roof repairs. Mr. Osborne said that roof replacement is top priority in the Capital Outlay budget. Replacement of the furnace at Seagrove is also a top priority item. Bob Howard, from Trinity, explained that the Trinity area is losing an assistant Band Director,that was paid with CETA funds because of Federal Government budget reductions. He asked for more money from local funds to replace the lost CETA funds. He also stated that he supports an increase of one cent in the Archdale -Trinity Special School Tax District. John Smith, Randolph County Schools plumber, spoke on the condition of the furnace at Seagrove School. Discussion between Bob Howard, the County Commissioners, John Lawrence, Darrell Frye, and Charles Edwards took place concerning the process to be followed to get the assistant Band Director position at Trinity put into the budget for fiscal year 81-82. Mary Tate Blake, Randolph County Board of Education, explained that position of the school board in notifying teachers that they may not be employed for next school year. She made a special appeal to get funds needed for the increased utility bills. She also thanked the Commissioners for funding of new construction in the past. Linda Petty, Committe on Supplemental Tax, pointed out the importance of upkeep on buildings in the County School system. Darrell Frye pointed out the need for seats in the theatre at Trinity High School. The Public Bearing was adjourned at 8:27 P.M.. 2awJ� Annie Shaw, Clerk to the Board of Commissioners, Randolph County