06JunePB RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNTNC BOARD MTNUTES June 22, 1979 The Randolph County Planning Board met June 22, 1979 at 1:00 P.M. in the County- Commissioners' ountyCommissioners' room with the following members present: Don Johnson, Frank Kime,Lorene Walker, Ray Farlow, Elmer Routh, Andrew Lueker, lltl Johnson, Frank Boling and Don Hancock, Chm. Final plat - Clearwood Heights - W. H. Beard, developer - New Market Township, State Rd. 1532 - surveyor, Underwood - April 1979. On preliminary plat, Mr. Beard was to take 40 ft. off lot #12 and add to lot- 4,5,6 E 7 to give 100 ft. frontage and leave 8,9,10 6 11 as 90 ft. lots - prerontcd in March. Planning Board agreed to this because he is on Davidson County water system. Kimes moved to approved the final plan. This was seconded by Walker. Owner still must comply with 25 ft. set back and 15 ft. side line. This was approved with owner complying with above stipulation. There was a rezoning request located on Uwharrie Rd. They want to rezone it to Industrial. This runs into Fairfield Rd. into Guilford County from Randolph County. Most of property is already zoned Industrial and most of neighborhood is fair to poor. On right 500 or 600 ft. from Mendenhall Rd. 25 acres - Claude Younce, Florence Fry. Two industries want to locate in this area. The Planning Board recommended they keep it light industry. Lueker made a nrot.i.onihe County Commissioners rezone to Light Industry. Kimes seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved. There was a rezoning request from Russell Bullock to rezone property on 220 by-pa•: and Flags Spring Church Rd. to Highway Commercial. Routh made the motion, serondod by Farlow to grant this request. Lo/) Joe Williams made a request to rezone property from RA to Light Industrial located on Flint Hill Rd.- part of Carl Hill farm located across from Hillsville Fire Station. Across one corner is a grocery story and across other corner is a restaurant. He wants it rezoned to light industrial and wants to service transfer trucks. He wants to erect a metal building and service big trucks (on Flint Hill Rd. in city limits of Hillsville. This contains 2.3 acres. He lives there also and said he was putting up nice building. Cross zoning between Highway Business and Light Industrial. Farlow made the motion, seconded by-Routh to re-•"ne this property. The mo t is n was unanimously approved. Colonial Country Club property - Road 154E7 (Cucumber Rd. ) - Highway commercialalong road. Micky Body Shop requested rezoning of this property. Motion was made by Lueker, seconded by Kime to request the County Commissioners to call for a Public Hearing for rezoning of this property. Lueker recommended a 100 ft. set hark on front and sides and evergreen barrier. This motion was unanimously approved. Property owners should be notified of the Public Hearing.