08AugustPB .';\410 .,No�l�� COUI\TIV OF RANDOLPH G •ice;t�� 145 W^RTf-) STRTE'T' 40A" -t+. AsI!E:TORO, NORT19 CAROLINA 77203 919-629-2131 RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING BOARD MINUTES AUGUST 23 , 1979 1 : 00 P .M. The Randolph County Planning Board met on Thursday , August 23 , 1979 at 1 : 00 p .m. in the Board of Commissioners Meeting Room , County Courthouse , Asheboro , NC . The following members were present : Don H-ancock, Chairman Lorene Walker Andrew Lueker Ray Farlow Elmer Routh Hal Johnson, Administrative Officer Frank Boling , County Manager 1. At the request of the County Commissioners , the Board reviewed the previously approved re-zoning request of Jerry S . Gallimore . (May 24, 1979 Planning Board Meeting) . Gallimore ' s request Tins that 8 1/3 acres be re-zoned from Residential to Light Industrial . Mr. Lueker made the motion , seconded by Mr . Farlow, that Mr Gallimore ' s request be approved provided Mr . Gallimore leaves an appropriate buffer zone between adjacent properties . The motion was unanimously approved. 2 . At the request of the County Commissioners , the Board reviewed the previously approved re-zoning request of Carl Mickey concern- ing 67 . 82 acres of property in the Trinity Township being re-zoned from Residential to Light Industrial . The County Commissioners asked the Planning Board to review the 100 foot set-back require- ments . Mr. Kent Lopp , who was present and representing Carl Mickey, said that the 100 foot set-back requirement would take considerable property . Mr . Hancock explained to Mr. Lopp that the reason for the Board ' s 100 foot set-back requirement was rn protect the other property owners . Hal Johnson advised the R"nrd that in a letter from Carl Mickey dated June 16 , 1979 , Mr . Miclhev stated his willingness to put a 100 foot buffer line on the zot1th and east sides of the property. Mr . Johnson then read the definition of a "Buffer Zone" from the Randolph County Zoning Ordinance . Hr . Hancock advised Mr . Johnson that it was the intent of the Planning Board to require a 100 foot building set-back line on the south and east sides of the re-zoned property . The 100 foot set_-hack nr^a could be used for parking but no building could he erected in the. 100 foot set-back area . In addition to the 100 foot set-back area on the south and east property sides , a 10 foot "Buffer Zone" , as defined by the Zoning Ordinance , will be required around all of the property. - L - Mr. Hancock asked Hal Johnson to clarify the Planning Board ' s position to the County Commissioners . 3 . Andrew Lueker made the motion , seconded by Elmer Routh , to deny the request of George Elliott to re-zone 10 . 52 acres in Grant Township (Zoo area) from Residential to Highway Business . The motion was unanimously approved. Mr . Elliott desired to expand the use of his property as an Antique and Gift Shop . The Board advised that Mr . Elliott ' s current use of the property for the sale of Antiques would be considered as falling under the "Grandfather Clause" under terms of the County Zoning Ordinance , because of the length of time previous to the adoption of the ordinance Mr . Elliott and his family have engaged in this business . 4. Final Plat for Stones Throw Subdivision, John W. Albertson , Archdale Auction Inc . , Owner The Board took notice of a note on the Plat which reads : "the sight easement is the property of the individual lot owner , but no construction nor planting will occur without permission from the N. C. State Highway Department . " Mr . Farlow said the developer was using this to get his required lot size. Frank Boling stated that he had been notified by the state that the site right of way and streets were approved . Boling recommended to the Planning Board that the Subdivision be approved. ..� Motion was made by Mr . Routh, seconded by Mr. Lueker to approve the Final Plat . The motion was unanimously approved . 5 . It was recognized by the Board that Andrew Lueker has agreed to serve on the steering committee for the Resource Conservation and Development Board. 6 . Being no further business the meeting was adjourned by Chairman Hancock . ATTEST