11NovemberBOA >/ 1 /f„,ir i s _ X. , A MINUTES ; ., y RANDOLPH COUNTY ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT 7w November 12, 1996 There was a meeting held at 6 : 30 p.m. , on Tuesday, November 12 , 1996, of the Randolph County Zoning Board of Adjustment in the Commissioners ' Meeting Room, Randolph County Office Building, 725 McDowell Road, Asheboro, North Carolina. 1 . Chairperson Aweilda Williams, called to Order the Randolph County Planning Board meeting at 6 : 30 p.m. 2 . Hal Johnson, Planning Director, called roll of the members: Aweilda Williams, Chairperson, present; Maxton McDowell, Vice Chairman, present; Lynden Craven, present; Bill Dorsett, present; Jim Routh present; Charles Adams, absent; and Phil Brower, absent. 3. Maxton McDowell made the motion, seconded by Lynden Craven, to approve the Minutes of the County Zoning Board of Adjustment meeting held on October 8 , 1996. The motion passed. 4 . Swearing in of the Witnesses: "Do you swear or affirm that the information you are about to `4... give is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, so help you God. " 2 citizens took this Oath. 5. REQUESTS FOR A VARIANCE: A: TIM COLLINS, Greensboro, North Carolina, is requesting a variance to divide 2 acres (out of 8 . 6 acres) on a private road in lieu of the required 5 acres minimum lot size for a parcel with private road frontage. Location: Two Ponds Drive (off US Hwy 220 Bus N) , Level Cross Township, Zoning Map #7767, Zoning District RA. Collins explained that he purchased the property with the intentions to build his home and allow his parents to build next to him. Collins said that he wants to be able to deed 2 acres out to his parents and he would keep the remaining 6 . 6 acres for his residence. Collins said that there are currently 3 lots on this private road less than 2 acres in size. Collins said he has agreed with the other property owners on this road to keep up the road maintenance. Collins parents were present for the meeting. There was no one present in opposition to this request. Craven said that he wanted to commend Collins for wanting his parents to live next to him. Craven said he felt this was one of the best variance requests that have come before this Board. Craven made the motion, seconded by McDowell, to approve this request for a Variance. The motion passed unanimously. B: BRIAN BOWMAN, Trinity, North Carolina, is requesting a setback variance to allow a 25 ft. setback in lieu of the required 35 ft. setback from the state road right-of-way. Location: at end of Forest Manor Drive, Forest Manor Subdivision lot 21 , . 62 acre, Trinity Township, Zoning Map #6797 , Zoning District RR. Bowman was present and explained the hardships to his lot he has purchased. Bowman said that the road was built out of the right-of-way easement intended for the road (surveying error) and due to a large low-wet area on the property the septic tank must be placed in a particular area. These reasons will require the home to be closer to the road than zoning regulations allow. Bowman said the home would be more in line with the houses on adjoining lots if the variance is granted. There was no one present in opposition to this request. McDowell said that he felt Bowman had proven a hardship to his property and for this reason he made the motion, seconded by Craven, to approve this request for a variance . The motion passed unanimously. 6 . Lynden Craven made the motion, seconded by McDowell, to formally approve the Order of the Board of Adjustment as mailed to Attorney Tom Terrell in the Appeal for Interpretation of the Zoning Ordinance. The motion passed unanimously. 7 . The meeting adjourned. There were 5 citizens present for this meeting. NORTH CAROLINA RANDOLPH COUNTY Planning Dire tor 4) Date Cl: k/Secretary 1779 .