06JunePB MINUTES RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING BOARD June 4, 1991 There was a meeting of the Randolph County Planning Board on Tuesday, June 4, 1991 , at 7 :00 p.m. , in the Commis- sioners Meeting Room, in the County Office Building, 707 McDowell Road, Asheboro, North Carolina . 1 . Chairman Lynden Craven called to Order the Randolph County Planning Board meeting at 7 :00 p.m. 2 . Hal Johnson, Planning Director , called roll of the Board members: Lynden Craven, Chairman, present; •Bill Dorsett, Vice Chairman, present; Charles Adams, present; Aweilda Williams, present; Jim Routh, -present; Phil Brower , present; Dov..e Stouts_ absent. ; Maxton McDowell, Alternate, present; and Arlie_Culp2._A1teED4te.. ab_Sent . 3 . Charles Adams made the motion, seconded by Maxton McDowell , to approve the Minutes of the May 7 , 1991 , Planning Board meeting. 4 . BEZONING_REOUEST5 : A: PHILLIP L. RYAN, JR. , Ramseur , North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 1/2 acre located on southwest corner of SR 2652/SR 2651 , Coleridge Township, be rezoned from Residential Restricted to Residential Agricul- tural/Conditional Use. Zoning Map #8618. It is the desire of the applicant to operate a motorcycle repair and sales from an existing building . Phillip Ryan was present at the hearing and told the Board that he lives on the property and plans to operate a small repair business, Monday - Saturday from 8 am - 5 pm, from an existing business . Ryan stated there would be no outside storage and no employees other than himself. The secretary to the Administrative Board of Cocord Methodist Church (adjoining property owner) presented the Board with a Letter expressing their concerns of this property being rezoned. THERE WERE 10. PEOPLE PRESEBT fl 02PQ5IT.ION IQ THIS BEQUEST . Rev. Gary Farrell , Concord Methodist Church, stated that Ryan was a very considerate and good neighbor and has always been good to watch out for the church. Farrell stated that he just felt the noise from the business would disturb church services held during the week . Aweilda Williams stated that she hesitated to make a recommendation to the Commissioners because Ryan has apparently been a good neighbor in the Community. Williams made the motion to recommend to the Commissioners that June 4, 1991 Page 1 this request be DENIED as not being compatible to the area. Williams added that this Board has consistently tried to protect the churchs in the County. Bill Dorsett seconded this motion and the motion passed unanimously. B: MCDOWELL, KEARNS, & CRAVEN , Asheboro, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 80 acres located at the intersection fo SR 2843/SR 1002, Richland Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Residential Mixed. Zoning Map #7675. It is the desire of the appicant to develop a residential sub- division of 90 lots. Ken McDowell was present at the meeting and stated that this subdivision would be a maximum of 90 lots allowing single wide, double wide, and site built development. McDowell presented the Board with a set of preliminary restrictions and stated that most of the lots would not be visible from the highway. McDowell showed the Board pictures • of the area and of the site in question. AL JOHNSON , resident of SR 2843, stated that he did not feel this type of development would benefit the Community and that he lived in this area for the peace and quiet and 90 more homes would certainly change the area. LARRY KING , property owner of SR 2843, listed his concerns: *density level would be grossly incompatible to the area, *some mobile home parks become eyesores, *traffic hazards (access planned would allow for poor site distance on road) *run-off problems created by high density of sewage waste could cause problems to Fork Creek, *area has poor police protection, *area has trash dumping problem due to the removal of the dumpster from Seagrove. ELDORA ROBBINS , Adjoining Property Owner, stated her opposition to a mobile home park . Robbins added that studies have shown discipline problems (in children) begin in high density areas. Robbins described other subdivisions these men have developed as being poorly kept up. PAM JOYNER , owner of a farm in the community, requested more time to organize the Community opposition. NIEDA SANFORD stated that her family had • owned land in this area for many generations . She stated that she drove from Florida to attend the meeting so she could express her opposition to this large development. Mrs. Sanford stated that she did not feel there was sufficient time allowed prior to notice of the Planning Board meeting to organize all the opposition from the Seagrove area. Hal Johnson, Planning Director, explained that the Planning Board meeting was the first of 2 Public Hearings designed to obtain citizen input and comments. Recommendation from the Planning Board are forwarded to the County Commissioners who conduct another Public Hearing before making the final decision. June 4, 1991 Page 2 This second Public Meeting is held 3-4 weeks after the Planning Board in order to allow sufficient time for citizen input and site visitations by Commissioners. DONALD KING BULLA , resident of SR 2843 , expressed the following concerns : *traffic, safety problems ..., *littering problems *wildlife (for hunters) and police protection problems *enforcement of private deed restrictions . There were 2 Seagrove School Bus Drivers present expressing concerns of traffic hazard problems . GREG YOW , Adjoining Property Owner, expressed concerns of run-off. EDNA KING , Adjoining Property Owner , expressed her opposition to this many trailers in this area . Phil Brower made the motion to recommend to the Commissioners that this request b be DENIED, because the density level requested would not be compatible to the area. Bill Dorsett seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 5 . The meeting adjourned at 8: 27 p.m. NORTH CAROLINA RANDOLPH COUNTY Planning Director 7 / Date Cler /Secretary June 4, 1991 Page 3