05MayPB it* 4 •0,P • 0* - elip% ••=.; • ; goar's. • .#_...- ••••. , RAMDOLPH COT.:UTY PLWNING BOARD .vt - 1779 Hay 2, 1039 There was a meeting ef the Randolph County Planning Board on Tuesday, May 2, at 7 :00 p.m. , in Courtroom B, Randolph County Courthouse , 145 Worth Street, Asheboro, North Carolina . I . Doyle Stout , Chman, called the Randolph County Planning Board meeting order at 7 : 00 p.m. 2. Ha.I. Johnson, Plnnain. 7)irector , called roll of the Board members : :Doyle Stout, Chairman, present ; Lynden Craven, Vice Chairman, oresent; Charles Adams, oresent ; Cluy_Tmrov."._absent ; Bill Dorsett . present; Awefldei Littie, ?resent; Jim Routh, oresent ; Maxton tleDowell , Alternate (substituting for regular memb Guy Troy) , present; 42te5Zr).4t.P.L.L.11b .frn_;-, • 3 . Charles Adams mads the motion, seconded by Aweilda L'i.ttle , to approJe both the Board of Adjustment Minutes and the ':Manning Board Minutes from the meeting of April 19r1;9 . Motion passed. 4 . LIPPDIYU;QN3 , A: WOODFIELD ACnriZ, Map 1 & 3 (Final Plats) ; SR 2113/SR 2106 ; Providence Township; 37 lots . Herman K. MeDowell & W. Reid Kearns -• Property Owners. Hal Johnson explai.ned to the Board that the deed restrtions (for these maps) require that a ..ste ..)13.ilt residence be built on these lots with a minimum of 1,400 sq. ft. McDowell & J:earno were not present at the • hearing. Jii Routh mo::lo ':_he motion, seconded by Char le Adams, te these two fina3 plats. The motion r),,:..ose : unanimously. 0: =LIAM A. .1',LIR7D1FINAL SUBDIVISION, Phase TT (Industrial Pa-,7k) ; SR 1595 ; Trinity Town- . ship; 21 loo :- Filliam Aalridq:e - Property Owner . Allridge was not present at the hearing. Hal Johnson eplained that the County Commis- sioners rezoned property from Residential Agricultural to Light Industrial and approved the pre:.iminzry plat (of this park) in • September , Lynden Craven made the motion, seconded by Aweilda Little, to approve this final plat (industrial. ?ark.) . The motion passed. 5 . REOUES,TS=F02._iUa7;TUS.L_PEILMIT : Randolph County Board of Education, Asheboro, North Carolina, requested a Special Use Permit May 2, 19e9 ?age 1 J.r;),_..,7 ..C': ee-7oe .oc:ii:ot.i o:"1 S ,. -. 1171/ : T' . onepr .. :{•:...e...ep,. Zon_..ne _:-o 07549 ZOnihq D...:..t.. ...int Pob Trogde - , r. :_ .. tant Superintendent of Schools, ee. .. )re ent and explained to the ?3oat•c7 that _. :te eee Farmer School would be a K e. l thru •5 :�•_-'.':_. .. TroTrogdon: ..ty. Jogdon stated that expected r. \V/ eno._ '�.me: t :`ell be 475 students with capable expansion ei :.io to 500 Students. Trogdon (stated that :tmp .e parking area is planned to eervice thee f.azi?_lty of 60 ,000 sq. ft . The projected c: ::>;` of this project is 3 . 5 million . Trogdon stated thmt there is approximately 900 :°t . of roe::".. frontage to Hwy 49 and approxi- mately 140a ft. of frontage an SR 1171 . Trogdon explained that the school entrance :could be _o ate.1 en SR 1171 approximately 900 f t. from Hwe 49 . . . Bill Dorsc:: : made the motion, seconded by Charles A.C::.:'.i , to approve this Special Use Permit. The motion passed unanimously. ez Bob Tyndall. , Cjeh Point, North Carolina, requested a Special Use Permit for a Rural Family Occ:::7at'•.on to Sale Used Aetomobiles near his reeidenc'e on ap'3ro::imately 13 acres • :_orated at :he end of Ellen Street, Trinity Townr3hap, Venine Nap 46790, Zonin5 District R-A. Bob Tyn_da . t wee p:;_esent at the hearing and explained to the Poard that he did not wish to eale cars tc the public but rather to dealers. Tyndall stated that in order to receive his dealers license Lie would need this permit to sale used oars. Tyndall stated that he would he using the e::ieting building -to fix and/or- clean up ue,ed care and take the cars to a sale or to dez:;. r:sh .e to sell . Tyndall stated that the exir•:ing building has been used for a garage or b:>dy repair service for the last 15 leears . Hal Johnson askee Tyndall how many cars would be stored on the property, he was answered no • more thee 7 or 3. Johnson also asked if this narrow private road allowed two cars to pass ; Tyndall aneweeed Vires. Johnson asked how many residences are located on this road and Tyndall stated approximately 3. ',ynden Craven asked Tyndall what type of car repairs would be done on the property and was answered leinor. repairs (for the cars Tyndall plans to who i_ee 7 e) . Claude Craven, Route 9, Thomasville (adjoining property owner) , expressed his concerns of this property (located so far off the main road) be::cn, z'3 a junkyard. Craven was told that if the Special Use was issued for a used car sales . .r: i ness a junkyard would not be allowed. Dean Spink. r adjoining property owner, stated that he has lived at this location since 1975 and was 1 of 4 property owners that paved the road. Soinks stated that the road is 16 ' (of pavement) 1^e0 ' back and 10 ' wide 1500 ' back . 3.oinks stated that a 6 ' culvert is located in the road for the creek that cross ' . Spinks • • stated that .at times the water flows over the May ^ 1 J^9-_-____ Page 2 read. eeee seees... that any increasa _'tn traffic weee:3 c:uee safety y hr. esrds wi _:1::. :':1'?r7:':i1'latn.. y Ifl homes located on this single land roe:':. 3;.inl:s stated that the previous owner t. 5C:.':: the building for an antique car. hobby ... pe : ... (net full time operation _- persena:. Spinks showed the Boaed icteree ef the problem single land road. edde _La: at the present time opera-- t_.on (o:" a business) in going on . • `'7 e.'_._da i.,:. y.t:ir. Board member , expressed her oncern:` of the b::oadne:: s of the permit, since e. re::>tx i ;i.nn of only wholesale operations could n:.;t .:+3 34:..:e;a. Charles Ad=.,. , Board member, expressed hie concern of storage yards eventually becoming junkyards . ewe_'.da Little made the motion to deny this request __;,:: -. Special Use Permit_ because of cone eL n::: of cr eaa t: ng a safety hazard on this single :lane a:- v.ate drive. Charles Adams secondee:, is5.s; r.st:.on and the motion passed unanimously. C: Janet ''o:'.'..i.f'iO'.d. Asheboro, North Caroline,,, requested a se:._ a:t Use Permit for a Rural. Family Occ ?1~jai::.•on to use an existing building to snake/sale curtains and accessories, near her res: id .iise on approximately 31 acres located on f3 1408, Tabernacle Township, Zoning :hap :;7712 , Zoning District 1:-A. Janet l o_Lli ield was present at the hearing and told tee Boar:1 she wished to make and seal country cu..t ains and accessories from this existing bui. id:tng. Boli if .eld stated that she would like to have an advertising sign at the : road. There was no one present in opposition to this request . Hal Johnsen explained that this would 1.ae considered e rural family occupat:ion. • Bill Dorsett made the notion, econded by :'axton ,c1?•: ,s , to approve this rec-uest for Special T.7 . Pe,:•mit . The motion passed Hanan imo;;c: - ., qq7eon_. Tsi-r�_ar--F."aeea_er .Pse; Joe Glenn Talbert, Thomasville, North Caro- • lina, is requesting that approximately 2 1/2 acres locate:3 on Old I-f35 at the Guilford • County lins. Trinity Township, be rezoned from G,ight Zn ;7,si:ria'./Conditiona Use • to Light Industrial. zoning Map ft759 . It is the desire of the applicant to use the property for industrial ou.rnoses. !lel Johnsen explained to the Board that Talbert ' s property is located in an all industrial area . Johnson stated that the eortion of the property located in Guilford County was zoned Industrial and because of croblerns of the lending institution (financing I'albryrt ' r; business) the zoning of. the property ( in both Guilford and Randolph) neeas to be eonr3istent. • 31enn Trlbei• _ was present at the hearing and May 2, 1^E:9 ---•- •------....__------- --•--- -- Page 3 __ .e,et _::i.!. '_;iii: oeneerne e"_ =h _e. .. e :t..€.ta._-..i. ._ o. _.ie :.):_ )ert:y. _ f'n:ien Craven the motion to recommend to t.rra Commieeeonore that this request be a2proved a:.. .:C7n.:i.. ,..one_ with the Land Develop- . mant evelo7- n=rit lee . .._t 7_ ..:.er. Adam : eaconded this motion- and the ::.oc:`.cin. is:.nred unanimously. S. Neal Creeen, Aeheboro, '_forth Carolina, is r e 1u 'stir g thet epereximately 94 acres Located :n the we.:t: .: id:' of_ SR 2691 just past the is e secl::ioe o .3r 2479, Columbia Township, be razened free neeidential Agricultural to Residential Ise:> : •:!oted. Zoning tiap 48703 . It is the de:: .re of the aopl i.ant develop a _ er. identia.:. :. -e built or Clas:.. A double-wide manufacture :).a:)ni:es on permanent foundations)) subdivision of 20 lots. (Paul. ,.. Luna Elbersori - Property e ) an'!. Craven eae =):'__.,ant at the hearing and e:-:pla :.neer that the Lots would primarily be 5e acres and .:_;e c as ::;: residence to Sandy Creek would be ao ::o_:i;nateiy 200-300 ' . Toer:•e was ne one p:- esent in opposition to thie r eque';t. - Jim Routh ::t i i the motion to recommend that this recrua _. : be approved as consistent with the Land Dove.'_ ':=nunt Plan. Aweilda Little eaconded ti . .:; J.7o:-.i.on and the motion passed unani:noui:.l,T. CC. Toe ThoI ae . .!' eheoo'::O, forth Carolina, i ret ueeting that ppreximately 14 acres located on SR :1.311 (b-_sda Caraway Creek) , Concord Township, be reeonoctl from Residential Agricul tural to '_'.e: Tden:_is.:. Mixed. Zoning Map x7720 . It is the den_ :e of the applicant to develop a residential_ (rite built o. manufactured housing) ,suD :_ vf.nice of 8 Jots . Joe Thomas '•.ae preeent at the hearing and stated that: the .State Road in front of these lots is in he process of being paved by the State. Thoeee n fated that this area was mixed • iii th both m::,i.._e homes and hou ees. • Jimmy _":alb?,, eljeinng property owner, asked i the lots 'T t.. ' . be oeld or i they would be rental lot , the was answered that the lot:i eu l_; be n:, . .`abe stated that he would have no o poli . ti :+n ee a :rubdivis:_on, but would to :.t mobile ome a is l: . Bill 70'= `:e.::: €t?:'.e the motion to recommend that • this xeCueet e aproved as Yong,:Le1:ent with the Land 7e'•:e:Lcp.meet Plan. Jim Routh seconded this motion and the motion passed unanimously. Charles La l:r'v Denton, North Carolina, in requesting :eat approximately 1 1/2 acres located on t'_ : 1314 approximately 3/4 mile from SR 1311, Cencord Township, be rezoned from t eoidenti aa. _1 r:_. su'itural to Light Industrial/ Conditional Use. Zoning Map #5790 . It is the desire of tee applicant to construct a build- ing (approximately 50 ' x 100 ' ) to operate a ltery furniture l3-:-74.:r ''ebusiness . Charles Lackey was present at the meeting and explained t' at. the business was located in a L/ • rental buil '.ring ii the area. Lackey stated I*4ay 2, 1999 Page 4 rIlaa ha :i;1'_ t.. con:3'truc.: ._ metal .Ju .." "YJ end only �a:le5..: '-:ag will be in the building (no Coil::ti'C::'. .. . .. .__^s'ieo) . The :e ao ne one eeeeent in opposition to h s e-;.i due st . _. l , ..,ynden Cra.vea made the motion to recommend �./ :hat this re: uu. t. be approve since this type of bueineee soul:::: have very little impact on this area . Charles Adams seconded this motion and the mati. e n pa= ned unanimously. '•-airy Smitc.t. Asheboro, North Carolina, is :requesting that approximately 2 1/2 acres located on the east side of SR 7.163 approxi- alately 1 mile off of Hwy. 49, Cedar Grove '='own;hip, he rezoned from Residential Agricul- tfura to .- .;twat: Commercial. Zoning Map 17539 . It is the desire of the applicant to use the pro: erty for commercial operations. narry Smith was present at the hearing and stated that he planned to restore/build cars and tractor ecuiprnent (garage) . Smith stated that he had egun to fill-in this property at the frons: (where he plans to locate the business) . ' Hal JohnsoI' aeked :Smith if he was aware that he may have problems (with this fill-in area) because any structure would have to be built on solid r reun:i. Smith stated that he was aware of t.f i.e regulation. Smith adder: teat: he would not have a junkyard. Smith also added that the only business in this area (other than his plans) was the Asheboro Airport. Greg Hudson, Route 4, Asheboro, was present to epeak in opposition to this request. Hudson asked Smith if he planned to have cars dis- played (for ;,ale) at the road front, Smith answered yea . Hudson asked Smith if he was planning t::3 obtain a dealers license, Smith answered yeas. T•ludr.on presented the Board with a petit:i.o.n of 18 signatures of residents in the area (living oe owning property from Hwy. 49 to the read that turns back to the Airport) fully ag:ain•a-: this type of rezoning. Harold :sanders, Washington, D.C. , (adjoining property reeler) stated that when he sold the property to Smith (2 or 3 years ago) the County did ;1 :?i_ have a complete County zoning plan. Sanders e: plained to Smith that he planned for this area to remain restricted • residential. Sanders explained that all the Properties :1e has sold (in this area) have been used for site built residences. Sanders stated that the character has been established and this Highway Commercial request would have • high impact on this area and would be very i.;ncompat ibl.E= with this area . June Lawson ]?:i.eld, expressed her opposition to this request (an adjoining property owner) . Maxton McDowell made the motion to recommend to the Coml:;issioners that this request be denied because this type of change would have s:• drastic ef:Tect on the character of the area. F,weilda :,itt .e seconded this motion, and the • motion Passed unanimously. tray 2, 193',' Page 5 1? eery Herlee, ie3eseloro, Le7eeth Carolina, is equeet'_ne tdeb eppeoximately 1/2 acres (out of a 4 acs brect) located on the southwest corner of '7'e 132e/7wy. 64 , Back Creek Town- . ehip, be reeened from Residential Restricted to Highway Cemnereial/Conditional Use. Zoning Map V/721. It 1:: the desire of the applicant to use an exieting building of (30 ' x 40 ' ) to operate an aetoe.otive garage. Gary Harlan was ?resent at the hearing and explained that be finished construction of the building in February of this year . Harlan stated that he planned to operate the business from 8 at. - 5 pm, six days a week . Harlan stated that not over 4 cars would be located at the bueinese and no junked vehicles would be stored on the property. Harlan added that he would not be in the Pusiness of selling . cars . Hal Johnson ..tked Harlan about a fence being erected on tee property line (between the business and the next residence) . Harlan stated that the preacher put the fence up (resident of the next house) . Charles Byrdo Route 2, Aeheboro (member of ' • Sawversvii: e Wesevan Church) , read a letter from the Church eepressine there opposition to this regueet. Bved stated that the building is 15 ' fro.. the parsonage, 100 ' from the cemetery, and 250 ' from the ehurch. Byrd stated that there were 3 churche within several hundred yards of the property. Byrd showed pictures of the area to the Board. Rodney Raven , eon of the pastor of Sawyers- . ville Church, stated that the drive was shared • by the Hnrlan ' s and the pastor . Raven added that hie family has been bothered by noise at late hours ( E-cora the business) and batteries, etc. located on the drive. There were approximately 7 persons present in OpPOSitiOn to thio request. Bill Doreett made the motion to recommend that this regent be denied because to rezone the property to :i_ejneely Commercial/Conditional Use would be dividing a Residential Restricted area by a bueieees . Charles Adams seconded the motion and the motion passed. 7 . The Plannine, Board meeting adjourned at 8: 29 p.m. RANDOLPH COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA .110Y No -e) • ve . Planning Director •,,str, • ., /779 Date Clerk/Secretary May 2, 1939 Page 6