06JunePB ,.caw► ri►°'fir Ple e, ;az caffer2F- RANDOLPH 30:i.•!'2Y i'L PNING BOARD - 1779 Juno 6r 1933 There was a meeting of the Randolph County Planning Board on Tuesday, June a, 1009 , at 7 :00 p.m. , in Courtroom B, Randolph County Courthouse,, :1.5 Worth Street, Asheboro, North Carolina . 1. Vice Chairman Lvn±ten Craven called the Randolph County. Plannin oa_r meeting to order at 725 p.m. 2. FIal Johnson, P1.anlii.ncs Ji_ector, called ::1: ::: the Board members: Lynden Craven, Vice Chairman, present; Charles Adams, present; Guy Troy, present; Bill Dorsett, present; Aweilda Little, present; Jim Routh, present; Maxton McDowell, Alternate (substituting for regular member Doyle Stout) , present; P.x•] je 3. Maxton McDowell mase the motion, seconded by Charles Adams, to approved the Minutes from the Planning Board meeting of May 2, 1989. Motion passed. 4. f al:LUL 214;5 A: PROVIDENCE V:r.Lri\aE, Section 2, Maps 1, 2, 3, 4) ; SR 2230 ; Providence Township; Zoning District -li!; 54 lots. County Land Sales - Developers . 13: COUNTRY COVES, Section 2; SR 1941; New Market Township; Zoning District - RA; 4 Lots. R. S . Davis - Developer . Mal Johnson, Planning Director, stated to the Board that the roads for both of these subdivisions have • been approved by the State DOT and that there had been no change maze :Ln these subdivisions from the preliminary plat. Jim Routh made the notion to approve the final plats for both _?r:ovidence Village, Section 2 and Country Coves Section 2. Guy Troy seconded this motion and the motion passed unanimously. • S . LiprT,IAL u E pcRu: `" A: Richard {un:s (requestor) - Tom Crutchfield, Realtor (agent) , Liberty, North Carolina, is requesting .a Special Use Permit to construct a single family residence with attached garage and office to operate a used/wholesale car business on approximately G acres located on the southeast corner of SR 1006/SR 2504, Liberty Township, Zoning District R-A. Tom Crutchfield was present at the hearing and showed the Board a sketch of property with a proposed layout of the residence, garage, and office. Crutchfield explained that the garage would be behind the house and no more than 2 or 3 cars would be at the house at a time. `./ Crutchfield told the Board that the nearest June 6, 1989 Page 1 : : i::enceC ).cJ : (tte1: 1/4 mile from thr ot . t'uy Troy az; ::d Crutchfield if the cars would e kept in the rage and if the cars would be coerable. Cretchfield stated that the cars • would probaely be inside and operable. Crutchfiele edded that Kunz did not plan to have a car lot, that his ?lens were the buy cars and taeen them back to New Jersey to sell . Thomas Moore (seller of this land) stated that he felt the property was ideally located for business or industrial purposes because if it fronting on a major road between Greensboro and Liberty. Moore stated that he felt that this area would one day be a commercial area. Terry Clapp, adjoining property owner, pre- • sented the T)oard with a petition expressing opposition to this request (5 signatures) . Joyce Martz , adjoining property owner (across Sr• 1006) , etated Chat she objected to the zoning chanrj.ng for this property. Marts added that she has a 8200,000+ piece of property directly across from this land and • her home is not 1/4 mile from this property it is only 300-400 feet . Hal Johnson eeplained to Martz that this request is not foe a zoning change, it is for a Special tree Permit which is designed for small rural businesses or occupations. Lynden Craven asked for a show Of hands of persons present in opposition to this request . 29 people were present. Richard Marts, adjoining property owner , stated that this property is 9 miles from Forest Oaks 7341bdivision (Guilford County) and in that 9 miles there are 3 gas stations, 1 restaurant , and / nursery. Marts expressed his concerne of maximum number of cars that would be allowed on the Property, junk • material sterage, and the policing of the property to see he remains in compliance. Hartz added that this road is a main entrance to the Town of Liberty and he did not feel it would enhanee the character of this area. Marvin Lineberry, adjoining land owner , stated that he lived a few hundred feet from this property and that there are 6 houses that are very close to this prooerty. Lineberry added that he die:] not believe this property was suitable for eeptic tanks. T-homas Moore addressed the Board again and stated that the County had professional to evaluate land and that the suitability of the soil (septic tanks) should be part of this issue. Nadeen KanoLzs, adjoining land owner ; stated her concerns of what this type of development would do to the adjoining property values . Guy Troy made the motion to deny this request because it would not be in keeping with the character of the community. Charles Adams • seconded this request and the request was June 5, 1989 Page 2 :naa.; an:al.. m:....a- .i'. a. '� 72Hii?c;s2SniT �e.T_. =.cam ==a_ ca 3�'ins� i3.: aalter $: Ruby ,_ill, High Point, Borth Carolina in reajue :ing that approximately 3. 1/3 acres located off Highway 317. on SR 1747 ; New Market T'ownuh ..c, be rezoned from Resi- dential Ag~ cultural to Light Industrial . Zoning Nap a7727. It is the desire of the applicant to use the property for industrial purposes . Hal Johnson told the Board that this area on the Land Development Plan was projected for Commercial development. Walter Hill was present at the hearing and explained to the Board that his is a resident of Glenola and is in the paper business. Hill stated that he has been in this business for 25 years and wishes to build a paper packaging plant . Charles Adams asked Hill if he would be grinding paper and Hill answered no. Hill stated that the make paper products for packaging material . Hill stated that one of his customer•. is P : P Chair in High Point. There was no one present in opposition to this request. Charles Adams made the motion to recommend that this request be approved as consistent with the Land Development Plan.- Guy Troy seconded this motion and the motion passed unanimously. B: Roy Hill, Sophia, Ltiorth Carolina, is request- ing that ap -ro:_imately 2 acres located on SR 1936 (off Highway 311) , New Market Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Highway Commercial/Conditional Use. Zoning Map #7745. It is the desire of the applicant to use an existing building (140 ' x 40 ' ) and construct an automotive storage and engine testing facility (100 ' x 50 ' ) . (Appropriate • buffer zones will be maintained.) Property Owner - Marguerite Burton Mill . Roy Hill was present at the hearing and stated that he has lived in Sophia since 1975 and has been involved in racing since 1962. Hill stated that he participates in drag and oval track racing. Hill explained that the exist-- • i ng building has been used to test engines and his business since 1978. Hill stated that he has a tractor _nailer truck , a straight truck, and approximately 6 race cars, and that this new building would be used to house these vehicles, body part storage, and motor part storage. Hill stated that the new building would not be used for engine testing. Hill added that he has built a horse Shoe driveway- for safer access to the property. Lynden Craven asked for a show of hands of persons present in opposition to this request. There were 19 persons present. Paul Self, Route 3, Sophia, presented the Board with a petition with 64 signatures in opposition of this request. Self stated that he owns two poultry houses within 100 ft . of June 5, 1989 Page 3 :.170 i-oca:cion of the new building. Self toll the Poar,.i t.2=:2.'- _ie was concerned of what impact his business. Self added _'�i:a +.do':1.I c� ,Z :�:rC.: 2ihis �. that there :1s a school nearby also. r-;ill Dorsett, eoe:rd member , asked Hill if he. eas planning to expand the number of vehicles he tests . H:i.11 answered no, and added that the new bui..d;-ng would be used only for storage and not testing engines . Lynn Small, adjoining property owner , stated that within 1/2 mile of this property on SR 1936 was 21 houses and 2 balifields, and that on SR 1944 there are approximately 10 houses . 'mail stated that he was aware that his business is grandfathered-in the new Zoning Ordinance, but he was under the impression (after attenaing the Zoning hearing in 1987 in Randleman) that under the Zoning Regulations expansion of existing businesses in residen- tial areas should not be encouraged or allowed by the County. Small added that he felt like the intent of Zoning was to protect adjoining properties. Raymond Wall, Route 2, Sophia, stated that he was not against :Ur . Hill, but he considered this a quiet community and would like to see • the zoning remain the same. Guy Troy, Board member, stated that the two main concerns, he felt, of the adjoining property owners were (1) changing the zoning of the. property and (2) the engine testing. Troy stated that the testing of engines (in the existing facility) could not be regulated because the business was grandfathered. Lynn Small added that he felt if this property : was rezoned, in this residential community, this would open the door for addition proper- ties in this area to be rezoned Commercial. Bill Doruett, Board member, stated that it was the right of any County citizen to request their property be rezoned, but that each case is based on individual merit. Pat Self, adjoining property owner, stated that Hili _eurchased two additional acres to build this building that is now under con- struction. Aweilda Little stated that she felt like granting this rezoning would be a situation of cleaning u-? the property (because the cars, trucks, etc . would be in a building out of view) . Bill Dorsett made the motion to recommend that the request be approved by the Commissioners with the Condition to construct a 100 ' x 50 ' building for automotive storage only. Maxton McDowell seconded this motion and the motion passed unanimously. 7 . =T,ECTZOa_O_' 02PLCER,E _ Hal Johnson, Planning Director , explained that the Chairman and Vice Chairman would serve the term from July 1989 - June 1990 . Ha.l Johnson stated that currently serving as Chairman is • Doyle Stout, and Vice Chairman Lynden Craven. June S, 1...-)D9 -. - - Page 4 Cuv Tro7 .... t':!d that lass year there was a comment of rotating the office around from year to year . Pi ea - P'i 11 Dorsett stated that there was no doubt that Doyle ;3-tout has done a good job as Chairman, but that he felt that by passing the Li office to 5:'.fl�eren�_ members would give each \./ member e::per once and would show equal repre- sentation from ail areas of the County. Guy Troy made the motion to nominate Charles Adams as Charman for the 1989-90 term. Bill Dorsett seconded this motion and Charles Adams was unanimously voted Chairman. Maxton McDowell made the motion to nominate Aweilda Little as Vice Chairman for the 1989- 90 term. Charles Adams seconded this motion and Aweilda Little was unanimously voted Vice Chairman. U. The Planning Board meeting adjourned at 8:58 p.m. RANDOLPH COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA ' ./- /'"Z"-<1• "- Planning D.irectc;- // �, '7 19'97 [�2r�C�- Dat Clirk/Secretary owe p0 - ' 4'.41t. ', — O 7,.:;,.p.7.� s June 5r 199 _ __--- - Page 5