11NovemberPB 4." RANDOLPH COUNTY PLAT7AIING BOARD 7778 .. November 7 , 1989 There was a meeting of the Randolph Planning Board on Tuesday, November 7 , 1969, at 7 : 00 p.m. , in Courtroom B, Randolph County Courthouse, 145 Worth Street, Asheboro,' North Carolina . 1. Chairman Charles Adams called to Order the Randolph County Planning Board meeting at 7:15 p.m. (the Board convened immediately following the Zoning Board ..of Adjustment meeting) . 2. Hal Johnson, Planning Director , called roll of the Board members: Charles Adams, Chairman, present; Awe d Littaec__.� ._Cha ins1D, able ; Lynden Craven, present; Doy' e _4Stout. absent . Guy Troy, present; Bill Dorsett, present; Jim Routh,- present; Arlie Culp, Alternate, present (substituting for regular member. Aweilda Little) ; and Maxton McDowell, Alternate, present (substituting for regular member Doyle Stout) . 3 . BEM/NTNG REOUESTZ : Hal Johnson announced to those in attendance that the County Planning Board meetings would no longer be held in the County Courthouse. Johnson stated that in December the Commissioners and Planning Board will be holding their Public Hearings in the meeting room of the new County Office Building located at 707 £icDowell Road. Johnson added that citizens unfamiliar to this location (interested in attending the December Commissioners Hearing) could contact the Planning a Zoning Department for more detailed directions . Johnson further stated that the County Planning & Zoning Department would be relocating their offices in this building. • A: Carl W. Anderson, Jr . , Ramseur, NC; Beatrice T. Andersen, Ramseur , NC; Grace H. Trogdon, Panama City, FLA; and D.O. & Juanita R. Trogdon, Asheboro, NC; are requesting that proprties totalling approximately 23 acres (Tax ID4 ' s 777100583331, 777100575738, 777100584375, 777100571960, 777100580064, 777100680.162) fronting on new Hwy 64/49 and OldHwy 64/49 (sometimes known as Trogdon Hill Road) , Fran .linvil,le Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Highway Commercial . Zoning Map 47771 . It is the desire of the applicants to use the property for commercial development. Jack Ogburn, Attorney (representing the applicants) , addressed the Board by stating that his clients felt that this type of zoning would be the highest and best use for this property. Ogburn stated that his clients have lived/owned this property for over 50 years -- and at this time have no specific plans for the property. Ogburn stated that the all the development (on the property) would be done under a lease that his clients have no intention of selling the property at this time. Ogburn stated that his clients felt November 7, 1989 Page 1 this would :De in the best interest of the County citizens ead due to the new highway this type of development would not increase traffic flaw. Ogburn explained that his clients had no intentions of developing anything that would be detrimental to surrounding properties owned by their friends . and neighbors. Ogburn added that two of his clients was present and would be glad to answer any questions the Board my have. Hal Johnson asked the Trogdon ' s if they where aware that this zoning classification would not allow any type of industrial or warehouse development. The Highway Commercial District is a District that is normally designed for retail sales and services. Ogburn answered that his clients did not want any industrial development allowed on the property, but the Highway Commercial classification was more suited to their intentions. Guy Troy asked if there were any access (at present) from the new highway to this property. Ogburn stated that there were none at present . Hal Johnson explained to Troy that any accesses to the property: from Hwy 64 would have to be permitted by the State prior to development. Troy expressed his concerns of this being a limited access highway. D.O. Trogdon stated that this was not a limited access highway, but he was aware that the accesses would have to be permitted by the State DOT. There was no one present in opposition to this request . Lynden Craven made the motion to recommend to the Commissioners that this request be • approved considering the character• of the area due to the new highway. Maxton McDowell seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Hal Johnson reviewed with those present the basic reasons for recommendation approval for this rather large rezoning request. The recommendation for approval would - not be establishing a precedence but would rather be in-keeping with the County land development • plan for commercial development. Johnson said that one of the objectives of the Land Development Plan was to discourage strip commercial development so as to minimize traffic congestion; and to• encourage commercial areas that are compactly grouped and functionally compatible. The lay out and location of this property was in-keeping with the County' s long range development plan. 4. li UBD 1.YT S I ONS Hal. Johnson explained that the tWo final plat subdivision were looked over at the begin of the meeting and that the Board could now review these subdivisions: A: WOODFIELD ACRES, Map 4 (final plat) ; Providence Township; SR 2113 (Providence Church Road) ; 28 lots. Herman K. McDowell & W. Reid Kearns - Developers. Bn WESTOVER LANE, Sections 3 & 4 (final plat) ; Liberty Township; SR 2438 (Willard Road) ; 12 November 7 , 1989 Page 2 lots . John a. : ett - Develope . Johnson stated tat both of these developments were zoned Residential Restricted, all the roads have been approved by the State D.O.T. , and conventional site built housing was planned for both subdivisions . Jin Routh, made the motion, seconded by Arlie Culp, to approve the final -,plats of WOODFIELD ACRES, Map 4, and tESTOVER LANE, Sections 3 & 4. The motion was approved unanimously. John Kivett asked to address the Board. Kivett stated that he just wanted the Board to know that he has enjoyed working with this project and that he commended the Board on their job well done. 5 • REZLI BEO[JEST;,_ (continued) : 3: Richard & ladene Hill, Randleman, North Carolina, requesting that approximately 1 acre located on SR 1933 (Lewis Davis Road) , New Market Township, be rezoned from Resi- dential Agricultural to Residential Agricul- tural/Conditional Use. Zoning Map *7747 . It is the desire of the applicants - to obtain a dealers license to sell automobiles. Jadene Hill was present at the meeting and explained that their intentions were to buy low mileage automobiles off the block to wholesale. Hill stated that they would be purchasing 10-15 European Cass from one location and moving to commercial dealerships. Hill stated that they did not plan to have a retail lot on the premises, but that the State requires you to have any office/garage and be able to sell vehicles from the Hproperty in order to obtain a dealers license. Hill stated that they had an existing building that has been tentatively approved by the State. Johnson asked Hill if the garage would be used only in their wholesaling business or if it would be open to the public. Hill stated that it would only be used for their business . Lynden Craven asked what size was- the existing garage. Hill answered that it is a 1-bay garage. Hal Johnson asked Hill if she was aware that if granted she would not be allowed to store junk vehicles or operate any type of junkyard on the property. Hill stated that she would not allow junk vehicles on the property and would not want to create any type of eyesore .oeside of hn' residence. There was no one present in opposition to this request . Guy Troy stated that he had visited this area, and he felt this would not be in-keeping with the Land Use Plan (for this area) . Troy stated that he would have no problem with the office being locating on the property but - he did not feel any automobiles should be- allowed to be sold from this location . Troy said that we (the Board) are just proliferating the County with these type operations. For these reasons Troy made the motion to recommend to the County Commissioners that this request be denied with the exception of allowing an office. November 7 , 1989 Page 3 Hill si._a _-.:a that she has lived at this location 711. of her life and her family owns land aJ.:. round her and she did not plan to create an eyesore. Chairman Adams asked for a second to the motion. The motion died for lack of a second. �' Bill Dorsett asked Hill if the Board put a limit on the number of vehicles allowed on the property (for sale) would she be willing to have a small number of cars. Hill stated that if a limitation had to be put on the number of cars she would ask for 8 because a truck (to haul cars) could carry 8 vehicles. Dorsett told Hill that the Board could put any conditions they felt necessary and could restricted her to as few as 1 car . Arlie Culp stated that as long as he has been on this Board this type of request has been coming to the attention of the Board. Culp stated that several people in the County have 5-6 personal cars and this is not noticed or -any type of eyesore. Culp stated that Mrs. . Hill is asking for 8 cars then he felt it should he approved. Culp made the motion to recommend that this request be approved with the condition of that no more than 8 vehicles be allowed on the property for sale (at one time) . Jim Routh stated that he felt this number of vehicles being excessive. Lynden Craven seconded the notion on the floor . The motion passed with a 'vote of 4-3 . Guy Troy, Bill' Dorsett, and Jim Routh voted against the motion. C: Jerry Auman, Asheboro, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 1 acre located on SR 2607 (Buffalo Ford Road) , Goldmine Acres, Lot 16, Grant Township, be rezoned from • Residential Restricted to Residential Agricul- tural/Cond _ti.onal Use. Zoning Map ;#7790 . It is the desire of the applicant to obtain a • dealers license (with the conditions that all vehicle would remain parked behind residence - no more than 3 to 5 vehicles on property for sale at one time) . Jerry Aumca 7 was present at the hearing and explained his plans of using an existing building for this operation. Auman stated that he oily plans to operate this business 'r' part-time . Auman explained that he operates a specialty advertising business from this same 9,,cr building antd has been in business here for 8 years. Human stated that he -only plans to I wholesale the cars and his adjoining neighbor :[110:[W,' also operates a business. r `1 . There was no one present in opposition to this requests . Vii ; t Lynden Craven stated that Auman has already ' restricting himself to locating the cars in back of his residence and only having 3-5 cares I ��, 4[ on the property at any one time. Craven made the motion to recommend that this request be ) �r tI ='�� ,�`,tiiovember 7, 1989 Page 4 - .v ) - .vt i..Tks'•nm"wmo•ci�'^ar.fl A^ f r.n. i .r•Y.'6 aYR.T,.�'RYRtRa$ .-......,.... __ _ __ - .....- ._ ... ,r...:.,i..ry vim'+-..w... Y._6iroTK•+mE�.re the condition of only 5 cars located on the property at one time (for sale) . Guy Troy Ftated that it is the Board' s job to look at the Land Use Plan and he reminded the Board that this is located in a restricted area. Maxton McDowell seconded the motion on the floor . The motion passed with a vote of 5-2. Guy Troy and Jim Routh voted against the motion. D: Charles Smith, Randleman, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 2 1/2 acres located on SR 1936 (Walker Mill Road) near the intersection of SR 1936/Hwy 220 , Level Cross Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricul- tural to Highway Commercial/Conditional Use. Zoning Map 47757 . It is the desire of the applicant to construct a Convenience Store. Hal Johnson reviewed the area of • this location with the Board. Johnson stated that this particular location is in the Water Quality Critical Area of the future Randleman Lake. Johnson added that this is a very water sensitive area . • Johnson asked Smith if he was aware that in a t QCA gas, oil, etc . underground storage tanks were prohibited. Smith said he was not aware of this, that his plans were to - have these types of storage tanks. Smith stated that from Highway 311 to Greensboro there were no places to get gas, use a phone, etc. Bill Dorsett asked Smith what type of business • was located on the property adjoining him. Smith answered that it was a machine shop. Dorsett also asked about the vehicle sales lot near this site. Smith stated that he had heard that the County was involved - in a Court Case with the property owners of this sales lot. Johnson stated that the County had taken these property owners to - Superior Court with the property owners contending they had their license prior to the initiating of County zoning and the • County was contending that the business was not in operation prior to zoning. The Superior Court ruled in favor of the County, but the Case has now been forward to the North Carolina Court of Appeals. • Charles Smith stated asked where the 1/2 mile (for the WQCA) was measured from. Johnson answered by saying from the high water mark. Smith stated that this location was not within the 1/2 mile then. Maxton McDowell made the motion to delay any action until Smith could prove the property was not within this 1/2 mile. Chairman Adams stated that he had not asked for opposition to this request but that he would keep his motion on the floor . Doyle Rouse, neighboring resident, stated that he was 0000sed to the lights, noise, and traffic that would be added in the community with this type of business. Rouse stated that they have a nice residential neighborhood, • then presented the Board with a petition of 44 November 7 , 1989 Page 5 neighbo::: :) >oos._;1 to this request. Rouse stated that Jordan Lake (Chatham County) was originally desip_ned for drinking water but because of surrounding development the water cannot be used for this purposes. Rouse stated that the Board has an obligation to protect the area of the future Randleman Lake, because the County is all ready experiencing problems with Water (Rouse used the example of New Market School) . Rouse stated that 1 gallon of gasoline pollutes 1 . 4 million .gallons of water . Rouse stated that in his opinion the Board could not do enough to protect the water for this County. Mike Stack, area property owner, stated that his concerns were of the environmental impact this development would have on the area. Stack explained that this area has poor drainage and at least 7 households in this area have to have monthly treatments for water problems (he included) . Stack stated that he would like to see this issue voted on tonight and not shelled. Hal Johnson displayed maps and air photographs of the area which indicated that the proposed site was within both the Randleman Lake ' s Watershed and Tater Critical Area (1/2 mile from a point of the reservoir water line) . He indicated that careful consideration should be taken before establishing a precedence in allowing commercial development in these areas . David Holton , area resident, stated that in addition to the environmental concerns being considered, he would like to see the natural scenic beauty of the By-Pass preserved. Charles Smith stated that he spoke to all of his adjoining neighbors and they were in favor of this rezoning and plan to rezone their property in the future. - Smith added that these people here speaking in opposition to him lived up the road from him. Jackie Marsh stated that he lived 1/4 mile in front of this location and that all of Smith ' s adjoining neighbors were his family. Marsh added that all of the signatures on the petition were from everyone that lives from Old Walker Mill Road to Coltrane Mill Road. Maxton McDowell stated that he wished to withdraw his motion based on the information received from opposing residents. Bill Dorsett made the motion to recommend to the Commissioners that this request be denied because of its location in the Water Quality Critical Area . Jim Routh seconded this motion and the motion passed unanimously. B: Mike Richardson, Ramseur, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 16 acres located on SR 2453 (Kidd ' s Mill Road) , approximately 1 1/2 miles east of Hwy 22, Franklinville Township, be rezoned from Residential Agri- cultural to Residential Restricted. Zoning Map #7794 . It is the desire of the applicant "t develop a 9 lot subdivision for site built homes/double-wide manufactured homes on permanent foundations. November 7, 1989 Page 6 ti;ke R.i_ohE_r'_:.on wal=e present at the meeting anti* stated that these lots would not be rented and only sold to persons willing to buy a home/have home built by him and his partners . Richardson 2tated that Johnson had review the plat and e:cplained changes that would need to be made to 3 of the lot, . Richardson said that at present there were 2 septic tanks that were previously used for single wide homes and if this was approved the tanks would be upgraded and used for double-wide manufactured homes . Richardson presented pictures of the types of housing that would be developed and stated that the lots would be completely developed including landscaping. Richardson presented a purposely of deed restrictions. Richardson stated that there were approximately 39 mobile homes located on this road verses 18 site built homes. Dewey Flinchum, adjoining property owner , stated his concerns of added development on this road. Flinchum stated that he moved here to get out in the Country and that 2 of these type of developments area all ready on this short road. Hal Johnson explained to Flinchum that this was the most restricted highest zoning district in the County. Eugene Kidd, speaking in favor of this development, stated that Flinchum also lives in a single wide mobile home. Guy Troy made the motion to recommend that this request be approved as in-keeping with the Land Development Plan. Bill Dorsett seconded this motion and the motion passed unanimously. 6 . Chairman Adams asked for a motion to approve the minutes of the October 3, 1989 Planning Board meeting. Guy Troy made the motion, seconded by Maxton McDowell , to approve the minutes of October 3rd. The motion passed. 7 . The Planning Board meeting adjourned at 8: 26 p.m. NORTH CAROLINA. RANDOLPH COUNTY 4!;;4/- Ve-41er,, _ Planning Director 02.-z:eJ Date Cl k/Secretary .,0101 to drQ fir- . r77% November 7, 1989 Page 7