02FebruaryPB ,}:it t i Y..r f s �i ,t_" `y13� ,~ MINUTES RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING BOARD February 6, 1990 There was a meeting of the Randolph County Planning Board on Tuesday, February 6, 1990, at 7 : 00 p.m. , in the Public Hearing Room, County Office Building, 707 McDowell Road, Asheboro, North Carolina. 1 . Chairman Charles Adams called the Randolph County Planning Board meeting to Order at 7 : 00 p.m. 2. Hal Johnson called roll of the Board members: Charles Adams, Chairman, present; Aweilda Little, Vice Chairman, present; Lynden Craven, present; Doyle Stout, present; Bill Dorsett, present; Jim Routh, present; Arlie Culp, Alternate, present; and Maxton McDelt1 ,_Altein_ate, absent . 3 . Doyle Stout made the motion, seconded by Jim Routh to approve the Minutes of the January 9, 1990 Planning Board meeting. The motion passed. Hal Johnson, Planning Director, announced the order of items scheduled on the agenda for the approximate 200+ citizens in attendance. Johnson explained that Rezoning recommendations from the Planning Board would be forwarded to the Randolph County Board of Commissioners for final decision after Public Hearing on March 5, 1990 . `., 4 . aPE.ciAT, g$E PERMIT : MARY-BELLE SIMMONS , Staley, North Carolina, requested a Special Use Permit for a Rural Family Occupation to operate a used automobile sales lot in front of her residence located on approximately 3 acres on SR 2469 (Brown' s Crossroads Road) approximately 3 miles south of Staley Post Office, Columbia Township, Zoning Map #8733, Zoning District Residential Agricultural (RA) . Mary-Belle Simmons was present at the hearing and told the Board that she planned to have approxi- mately 5-10 vehicles parked at her residence for sale. Simmons added that she would be required (by the State) to locate a 10 ' x 12 ' metal building for a sells office (this is a minimum requirement to obtain a dealers license) . Hal Johnson stated that a condition of the Special Use Permit would be that it not run with the land, and that the permit is only issued to Simmons and would not be transferable. There was no one present in opposition to this request. Jim Routh made the motion to approve this Permit with the restriction of a maximum of 5 cars located on the property for sale. Lynden Craven expressed his opinion of the restriction being too strict considering this was a Special Use Permit. Aweilda Little stated that since Simmons was asking for 5-10 cars, she felt February 6, 1990 Page 1 the Board should consider allow 10 cars on the property for sale . Routh ' s motion died for lack of a second. Lynden Craven made the motion to approve this Permit with the restriction of no more than 10 cars allowed on the property for sale at any one time. Aweilda Little seconded this motion and the motion passed with a 6/1 vote (Jim Routh voted against the motion) . 5. REZONING-R UESTS A: TPM DEVELOPMENT, INC. , Asheboro, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 90 .5 acres located on Hwy 220 approximately 2000 ft. south of Hwy 220/SR 1131 inter- section, Richland Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Heavy Industrial/ Conditional Use. Zoning Map #7666. It is the desire of the applicant to operate a business of automobile racing/drag strip. Chester Branson, Branson Properties, Property Owner . Walker Moffitt, Secretary of TPM Development, and Chester "Chet" Branson, Property Owner , was present at the meeting. Moffitt stated that this property, of 90+ acres, with its present zoning, of RA, posses a real dilemma for the property owners. From 1957 to 1969 a drag strip was operated on this property with no trouble or complaints. TPM' s proposal is to construct a 660 ft (1/8 mile) track with International Hot Rod Association (IHRA) sanctioning for pro and semi-pro racing teams. National events, grudge runs (street car racing) , and swap meets (vendors selling parts, racing, car show type activity) would be entertained at this location. This track would be the home base for approximately 20-25 pro and semi-pro racing teams. Moffitt explained how the Community would benefit from this type of development. TPM would allow the Jaycee' s and other non-profit organizations to use their facilities for fairground purposes, etc . to raise money for worthy causes. The proposed facilities would not operate before 1 : 00 p.m. on Sundays and no later than 11 : 30 p.m. any night. The majority of the time the track would only be open 2 days a week , 3 weekends a month, and 7 months out of the year. The facility would provide 2 exit lanes and 1 entrance lane for traffic . The State Road the entrance/exits would front on would more than adequately accommodate the expected 1500 vehicles (maximum) visiting the facility. Moffitt stated that Lex Kelly, District DOT Engineer, advised that this track would cause no problems to the proposed By-Pass 220 project. Moffitt expressed TPM' s cooperation to provide ample buffers and setbacks for the facility. Approximately 20 persons would be employed for the business and the tax base would be increase approximately $250,000 with more as the business expands. Moffitt pointed out that directly across the street from this location a 11 . 5 acre tract was rezoned, by this Board, for a truck leasing facility, and within 800 ' of this site there is a mixture of Residential Agricultural , Residential Restricted, and Light Industrial Zoning. Moffitt stated that he was advised by Hal Johnson that Commercial and Industrial growth is most favorably compatible along major February 6, 1990 Page 2 highways. Moffitt answered the question of how this would effect property values by addressing Caraway Speedway. Moffitt said that one of the nicest subdivisions in Randolph County sold 300+ lots within 3 years for $10 ,000+ (each lot) within 1/4 mile from Caraway Speedway (Moffitt added that this statement could be confirmed in the Register of Deeds Office) . This 90 acre tract lends itself to 3 problems when trying to develop it residentially. (1) Salem Leasing Rezoning (lack of interest to purchase residential sites near this trucking terminal that test motors by running a motor wide open for a minimum of 5 hours) , (2) The By-Pass 220 project (will cut this property in such a way as to land lock some of it and the lack of desire to live near such a well traveled 4 lane by-pass) , and (3) Septic Tank Requirements (records with the Randolph County Health Department has shown this area to have primarily poor soil) . In answering concerns of noise and air pollution, Moffitt stated that the type of cars that would be used at this drag strip would only be a little louder than a regular street car and the air would not receive any more pollution than from the cars travelling on the By-Pass. Moffitt stated that this business was a part of this community for many years and to be opposed to industrial development could cause problems such as Asheboro experienced with the Cox Property on North Fayetteville Street . Moffitt stated that 4 different uses were proposed for this area and it ended up becoming a large mobile home park; if the opposers of industrial development (in that area) had their rathers now they would have preferred the original plan for development. Randolph County' s major benefits from such a project would be more tax dollars, growth, and new jobs . This type of facility would also bring people into the County for over-night stay. Moffitt presented the Board with aerial photographs of this area. The density level has not really changed significantly since the operation of the last drag strip. The nearest residences to the drag strip would be approxi- mately 2000 ft. The largest attendance expected would be 2000 spectators. The racing area would be fenced and white pines would be plant on the property (for a buffer) to assist in noise control . Chet Branson, property owner , expressed his interest in the chance to give the young people something to do. Motorsport is the largest spectator sport in America and it was his plan to build a first class track. Branson added that concerning property values, he imagined anyone present would like to own 5 acres around Charlotte Motor Speedway or Daytona Speedway. Branson presented the Board with a petition (that he got up in one day) of 277 names in favor of this request. Norman Dewhart, owner and operator of Farmington Race Track , stated that this track never has had any noise complaints and that the high school band will raise the decibel level higher than a drag strip would. Farmington also operates a cruisers night to help ease the problems of cruisers in Davey County; 400 young people with approximately 250 cars participate. Davey is a dry County February 6, 1990 Page 3 and Farmington experiences no problems with alcohol . Dewhart added that this track fronts on a 2-lane road and has no traffic problems. Chairman Adams asked persons in favor of this request to stand, approximately 125+ people stood. Chairman Adams asked for persons in opposition to speak . Pete Oldham, Attorney in Asheboro, representing adjoining property owners, stated that this Board would need to look not only at the benefits but the detriments of this type of development. Oldham stated that it was his opinion that this project would not substantially increase the tax base . Oldham explained that most of the people that live in this area are working class persons that go to work and are only at home during the evenings and on weekends and should be able to enjoy this time at home . This type of development would be a radically different use and would have no direct relationship with the present or proposed uses in this Community. Oldham presented the Board with a petition of 403 names of persons from this Community and persons that come to this Community for Church activities who are opposed to this type of development in this area. Joe Farlow, Asheboro, stated that he moved to this Community in 1951 and remembers the old drag strip. Farlow stated that there was not a Planning Board or Zoning at that time to complain to about noise or anything else. There were numerous wrecks and at least one person killed at the old strip. Farlow said he believed that the cars of today are much louder than the cars raced at that time and also this will cause significant traffic problems. Farlow stated that in order to get to this proposed drag strip people will have to cross his property using an 800 ' easement. Farlow ended by saying that if property values will be enhanced as Moffitt says, he could not understand why Moffitt wouldn' t build this track in his backyard. Allen & Kay Copple, adjoining property owners, expressed their concerns of property values and the disturbances Grace Baptist Church will have to deal with. Billy Berry, Ester Hicks, and Clinton Richardson, addressed the Board and expressed there interest in this type of development. Richardson stated that this is an enjoyable clean sport. Berry said that if these young teenage boys had a place to race their cars maybe it would spare some innocent family from being a victim on these back country roads. Hicks stated that she had lived in this area all her life and that activities of interest to the young people could perhaps prevent young people from venturing into trouble. Aweilda Little, Board member, asked for a show of hands of people in favor of this request that live wit B_ _l mile_r_asiiiks of this site -there were 5 people. Little asked for a show ..., of hands of people Q.ppQsed to this request that live within a l_Lndi_e_x_a_3 of this site -there were approximately 50 people. February 6, 1990 Page 4 Jim Routh, Board member, stated that he lives within 2 miles of Caraway Speedway and that the noise problems did not bother him that bad, but that the traffice is a serious problem. Aweilda Little expressed her understanding of both side of this issue and went on to say she wanted the citizens to understand how difficult a decision this would be for both the Planning Board and Board of Commissioners . Doyle Stout stated that the job of this Board was not only to promote and bring business in to the County but to also protect the adjoining property owners and Community. Bill Dorsett said that he believed that those people present at the meeting (in favor of the request) and not living in the immediate vicinity were primarily looking for a drag strip to be located somewhere in Randolph County (and not just only at this specific site) . Dorsett said that the Board must weigh the request as it relates to the impact on this specific Community. Doyle Stout made the motion to recommend to the Commissioners that this request be denied because the noise, traffic, and general operations connected with drag racing could pose a hazard to the existing residential uses in the area. Jim Routh seconded this motion and the motion passed unanimously. B: SAFETY KLEEN CORPORATION , Kevin Schmuggerow, Project Manager, Stage Properties, Stephen Shavity, Agent, Greensboro, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 6.5 acres located to the rear of the Safety Kleen existing facility on SR 1616 (Old Mendenhall Road) , Trinity Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Light Industrial/ Conditional Use. Zoning Map #6798. This would allow re-location of above ground storage tanks and expansion of parking facilities . Kevin Schmuggerow was present at the hearing and explained that Safety Kleen Corporation is the largest recycler of solvents in the USA. There are 173 facilities of Safety Kleen throughout the continental USA. This site is a transfer facility where these solvents would be stored until enough supply is built up to move the materials to Lexington, North Carolina, where they will be recycled. Safety Kleen wishes to re-locate 2 original tanks, replace to old tanks, and add an additional 2 tanks for a total of 6 tanks. This would be a state of the art tank farm. At present time the old tanks sit on a concrete pad and the new tank farm will have tanks designed to sit on legs (off the ground) so the tanks could be inspected completely at any time. This would create a much safer tank farm than the present farm. Bill Dorsett, Board member, asked Schmuggerow if there would be any underground piping . Schmuggerow stated that all the piping would be above ground. Schmuggerow explained plans of paving a small February 6, 1990 Page 5 side road and parking area and remodeling a large older building on the property for office spaces . The total renovations planned will cost in the 100 ' s of 1000 ' s of dollars. Dorsett asked what storage capacity would the tanks have. Schmuggerow stated that there would be 2 2,000 gallon tanks and 4 20,000 gallon tanks . These tanks will be equipped with high level alarms and many safety precautions to prevent over flows, to aid in the case of a fire, etc. Safety Kleen will meet all State and Federal Regulations. There was no one present in opposition to this request . Doyle Stout made the motion, seconded by Aweilda Little, to recommend to the Commis- sioners that this request be approved as compatible with the Land Development Plan for this area . C: CHARLENE HICKMAN , Winston-Salem, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 1 1/2 acres located on SR 2408 (Brown' s Meadow Road) just south of the railroad tracks, Liberty Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Light Industrial/Conditional Use. Zoning Map #8718 . It is the desire of the applicant to renovate an existing building for a wood working shop (2,000 sq. ft. ) with six employees (Frank H. Brown - Property Owner) . Mike Mocksinger, represented Charlene Hickman, and explained to the Board that this would be a family operation. Mocksinger plans for a full-time business of building pallets. The family proposes to renovate a small old residence. James Stephens was present in opposition to this request . Stephens expressed concerns of noise, sewer & water availability to the building, and the excess wood from this type of operation. Mrs. Stephens presented pictures of the old building to the Board. Hal Johnson stated that the Planning Office had received numerous phone calls from persons who share these same complaints. Also these people felt this type of business would change the character of this rural area. The Planning Office also received two letters of opposition to this request. Hal Johnson explained the character of this area as being extremely rural and agricultural. Johnson added that there is one business in this area (established prior to Zoning) and discribed how out of character it is. Bill Dorsett, Board Member, stated that he could not see (by not approving the zoning change) any hardship to Hickman since she was not the owner of the property. Lynden Craven stated that this area is very rural and if this type of development was approved it may would open the doors for more of the same type of development. Craven stated that for these reasons he would make the motion to recommend to the Commissioners that this request be denied. Bill Dorsett seconded the motion and the motion passed February 6, 1990 Page 6 unanimously. D: JAMES L. CANOY , Ramseur, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 1 acre located on the southside of Hwy 64 approximately 1250 feet from the intersection of Hwy 64/SR 2472 (Shady Grove Church Road) , Columbia Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Highway Commercial/Conditional Use. Zoning Map #8722 . It is the desire of the applicant to construct a convenience store. James Canoy was present at the hearing and stated that surely no one would be against a grocery store, that would be like being against motherhood. Canoy stated that the project would not begin until the later part of this year , because the NCDOT is now surveying for the new project to 4-lane Hwy 64 from Ramseur to Siler City and this may would interfere with the location of the store. Canoy added that there is a automotive salvage yard across the road from this property. Rosa Butler was there is opposition to this request and stated that this road has heavy traffic and Butler stated that she did not feel this would be a good location for a business. Butler presented a petition to the Board of 14 signatures . James Canoy stated that he has a retarded son and he and his son would operate the business. Bill Dorsett stated that outside of additional traffic he could see no problems with this and that in time there would be a 4-lane highway to take care of the traffic and provide an adequate buffer from those persons opposed to the development . Lynden Craven stated that he felt this would be a good area for a business of this type. Aweilda Little made the motion, seconded by Lynden Craven, to recommend to the Commis- sioners that this request be approved. The motion passed unanimously. 6. The Planning Board Meeting adjourned at 9 : 07 p.m. NORTH CAROLINA RANDOLPH COUNTY Planning Director /9 qu -_ GLS (Jo:',-r�� Date Cl k/Secretary • f t`7`, February 6, 1990 Page 7