06JunePB z = MINUTES 0?T9 " RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING BOARD June 5 , 1990 There was a meeting of the Randolph County Planning Board on Tuesday, June 5, 1990, at 7 :00 p.m. , in the Commis- sioners Meeting Room, in the Randolph County Office Building, 707 McDowell Road, Asheboro, North Carolina : 1 . Chairman Charles Adams called to Order the Randolph County Planning Board meeting at 7 :00 p.m. 2 . Hal Johnson, Planning Director , called roll of the Board members: Charles Adams, Chairman, present; Aweilda Little, present; Lynden Craven, present; Bill Dorsett, present; Py1_e_BtLiDt1___abznt ;,lig Routhl_ab n ; 1p1_A1 rn_a �_r_b_a_ent ; and Maxton McDo mems Al_tuna±_e_x__b_sent . 3 . Lynden Craven made the motion, seconded by Bill Dorsett, to approve the Minutes of the Randolph County Planning Board meeting of May 8, 1990 . 4 . SU UNTSILIBS : (Final Plats) A: MILL CREEK SUBDIVISION, Maps 1 & 2 ; Grant Township; SR 2611 (Grayson Byrd Road) ; Zoned RR; 23 lots . Clico - Development Company. B: MT. PLEASANT ESTATES ; Tabernacle Township; SR 1408/SR 1636; Zoned RR; 12 lots. Triad Grading Company. Hal Johnson explained to the Board that both of these subdivisions are in Residential Restricted areas and meet all the County' s minimum require- ments. Johnson stated that these subdivisions were previously preliminary plat approved by the Planning Board and the Board of Commissioners . Bill Dorsett made the motion, seconded by Aweilda Little, to approve these final subdivision plats. The motion passed unanimously. 5 . SPECIAL., UySE PE_2MIT REQUEST : A: MITCHELL L. HALL , Ramseur, North Carolina, is requesting a Special Use Permit for a Rural Family Occupation to obtain a dealers license and operate a used auto sales lot at his residence on SR 2491 (Patterson Grove Road) , Columbia Township, Zoning Map #8703, Zoning District RA. Mitchell Hall was present at this meeting and explained to the Board his plans to operate a used car lot of 8 to 10 vehicles . Hall stated there would be no body work (on the autos) just retail sales . Hal Johnson stated that there is a cabinet shop on the adjoining tract of land. �-- There was no one present in opposition to this request . Page 1 June 5, 1990 Lynden Craven made the motion to approve the request as consistent with the area. Bill Dorsett stated that he would second this motion if Craven would consider placing a restriction of no automotive work on the property. Dorsett supported this request by saying this is a nice attractive community and he did not oppose the sale of vehicles but would not like to see an automotive repair operation on the property. Craven added the following restrictions to his motion: (1) no auto repair other than minor work . (2) maximum of 8 cars . (3) no junk storage of vehicles , etc . Dorsett seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously. 6 . BFIQIJJN Ems)ESTS A: H. WADE YATES , Asheboro, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 16 1/3 acres located on SR 1328 (Sawyersville Road) , Back Creek Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Residential Restricted. Zoning Map #k7731 . It is the desire of the applicant to develop a restricted site built subdivision of 14 lots . Phil Henley, Surveyor , was present r to represent Wade Yates . Henley stated that this site built subdivision would be compatible with the surrounding area and that the average lot size is 1+ acres . Hal Johnson stated that this subdivision exceeded all the County' s minimum require- ments . There was no one present in opposition to this request. Aweilda Little made the motion, seconded by Lynden Craven, to recommend to the Board of County Commissioners that this request be approved as being consistent with the Land Development Plan for this area. B: J. WILSON HUNT (Paul Bollinger , Agent) , Thomasville, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 53 1/2 acres located on SR 1404 (Fuller Mill Road) , Tabernacle Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Residential Restricted. Zoning Map #x6793 . It is the desire of the applicant to develop a restricted residential subdivision of 17 lots with an average lot size of approximately 3 acres . Hal Johnson reviewed with the Board that this subdivision had been considered by the Board of Adjustment. Johnson stated that the first proposal was for 50 lots and mixed housing. At that time the County noted the following concerns for not accepting the request: (1) Housing originally planned would not be compatible to the surrounding area, Page 2 June 5, 1990 (2) numerous lots adjoining the creek (at the back of the property) , (3) and density (number of lots and size of lots planned) . Johnson commended the applicants ' for their re-design of the subdivision that answered all the concerns of the County. Johnson noted that these changes were as follows : (1) Increased the lot sizes of the lots adjoining the creek and decreased the number of these lots from 11 to 5, (2) restricted the development from all types of housing to Class-A Double-vides on permanent foundations and/or Site Built conventional housing, (3) and increased lots sizes from approxi- mately 1 acre in average size to approxi- mately 3 acres in average size. Paul Bollinger , Attorney (for J. Wilson Hunt) , told the Board that he would not repeat what Johnson had explained but did want to add that the some concerns raised by citizens (such as increase of crime rate, property values, etc . ) were (in his opinion) invalid, and that his client has answered all concerns (from the previous meeting) with in reason. Bollinger added that the restrictive covenants would be similar to the covenants in Section 1 with the exception of addition to bring this section in compliance with County RR Zoning . Vickie Cruthis, adjoining land owner , stated that she was not in opposition to this request but that she did want the Board to know that junk (old appliances, trash, etc) had been dumped on her property by land owners in Section 1 of this subdivision. Cruthis added that this request is more compatible with the area than the original request . Lynden Craven stated that this is the type of development Zoning intended for this area and he felt this was a "top" job done by these developers . For this reason, Lynden Craven made the motion, seconded by Aweilda Little, to recommend to the Board of Commissioners this request be approved. The motion passed unanimously. C: DONALD & ALICE WOODS , Sophia, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 4 . 2 acres located off SR 1524 on a private road south of SR 1524/SR 1523 intersection, Back Creek Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricul- tural to Residential Mixed/Conditional Use. Zoning Map ff7744 . It is the desire of the applicant to add a 3rd mobile home space for a mobile home park . Donald Woods was present and explained to the Board that there are 2 mobile homes and 1 site built home existing on this 4 . 326 acre tract. Woods stated that he wants 1 additional mobile home. Woods added that each home would be served with the same well and individual septic tanks . Woods also told the Board he operated a business from his home. W. T. Duncan, Goldsboro (adjoining property Page 3 June 5, 1990 owner) , stated that he was not opposed to the rezoning but that there are 9 homes and 2 business located on this private road without appropriate easement right-of-ways. Duncan stated that he owns have of this road and that there has never been an easement . Duncan added that he did not care if these people used his property for access but he felt that legally they should obtain a right-of-way. Hal Johnson told the Board that the Planning Department has had numerous phone calls with concerns that if this mobile home was allowed would this open up the community to additional (and/or larger) mobile home parks. Bill Dorsett, Board member , stated that he felt the Board should not get involved with the issue of right-of-ways that the right-of- ways should be the responsibility of the landowners and not this Board. Dorsett added that he felt allowing this mobile home would not change this property or the adjoining properties . Dorsett stated that each case (request for mobile home parks) would be judged on independent merit and this would not be mobile home (if allowed) would not set a precedent for this area. Lynclen Craven made the motion, seconded by Bill Dorsett, to recommend to the Board of Commissioners that this request be approved because it would not make a change in the character of this community. The motion passed unanimously. D: RESORTWEAR INDUSTRIES , Ramseur , North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 14 acres located on Hwy 64 (adjacent to Reed Creek Racquet & Swim Club) , Columbia Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Light Industrial . Zoning Map #8712. It is the desire of the applicant to zone the property for future expansion of the existing business . Paul Ziglar , General Manager , stated that Resortwear has owned property for 4 years and the existing structure has been there for 3 years. Ziglar stated that the parking would be south & east of the existing building and with the 100, 000 sq. ft. addition Resortwear employment total will rise from 125 to 250 . Hal Johnson asked Ziglar questions concerning the right-of-way (20 ' on Resortwear Property and 30 ' on Ed A. Mitchell ' s Property) to Reed Creek Racquet and Swim Club. Ziglar explained that Resortwear would not use this access, all employee and truck traffic would access from the east side of the property. Ziglar stated that he understood that this private road was designed for private use and he added that he would not want to harm the adjoining private club. There was no one present in opposition to this request. Bill Dorsett made the motion, seconded by Lynclen Craven, to recommend to the Board of Commissioners that this request be approved as compatible with the Land Development Plan. The motion passed unanimously. Page 4 June 5, 1990 E: MARK McNEILL , Seagrove, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 1 acre (from a 2 .3 acre tract) located on Hwy 705 approxi- mately 1/2 mile before Moore County line, Richland Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Residential Agricultural/ Conditional Use. Zoning flap ff7684 . It is the desire of the applicant to construct a 24 ' x �..- 50 ' addition to an existing building for the operation of a woodworking/cabinet business (and storage) . Mark McNeill was present at the hearing and stated that he plans for a 34 ' x 50 foot addition to the existing poultry house. McNeill_ stated that he works full time at this location and would not have any employees . McNeill said the property is owned by his father . McNeill described his business as the construction of kitchen cabinets, entertain- ment centers, book cases , etc. There was no one present in opposition to this request. Lynden Craven made the motion, seconded by Aweilda Little, to recommend to the Board of Commissioners this request be approved as compatible with the area. The motion passed unanimously. 7 . I�iIBCELLANEOUS : Hal Johnson, Planning Director , asked the Board to authorize the Planning Director to approve Final Plats for major subdivisions once the Preliminary Plan has been reviewed and approved by both the Planning Board and Board of County Commissioners and no substan- tial changes made from the Preliminary Plat . Johnson said that Final Plat approve is basically a technical review to insure that the Plat meets County requirements and conforms to that approved on the Preliminary Plat by the Planning Board and/or Board of Commissioners. Recent changes in County Zoning regulations have extended the review process for major subdivisions and the County has relatively little discretion to refuse relatively little discretion to refuse Final Plat subdivision approval if the subdivider has met the standards of the Zoning and subdivision ordinance previously approved. Lynden Craven made the motion, seconded by Bil_1 Dorsett to authorize the County Planning Director to approve Final Subdivision Plats after Preliminary Plat approval by the Planning Board and/or Board of Commissioners . This motion passed unanimously. 8. The meeting adjourned at 7 : 47 p.m. NORTH CAROLINA / RANDOLPH COUNTY . ;;4 .. ,,7.L fy Planning Dire tori � fi/iX. 7 �jLJ u r� �i�ii,�.�.' :fit. D� e C r{:/Secretary , N �� - r 6 June 5, 1990 Page 5