08AugustPB oTY (:::::11:1::::) HINUTS RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING BOARD August 7 , 1990 • There- was a meeting of the Randolph County Planning • Board on Tuesday, August 7, 1990 , at 7 : 00 p.m. , in the Commissioners Meeting Room, in the County Office Building, 707 McDowell Road, Asheboro, North Carolina: 1 . Chairman Charles Adams called to Order the Randolph County Planning Board meeting at 7 : 00 P.M. 2 . Hal Johnson, Planning Director , called roll of the Board members : Charles Adams, Chairman, present; Vice Chairman, absent ; Bill Dorsett, present; Lynden Craven, . present; Jim Routh, present (entered meeting late) ; Doyle Stout, present; Phil Brower, present; Arlie Culp, • Alternate, present (substituting for regular member Aweil da- Little) ; and Maxton McDowell , Alternate, present (substituting for regular member Jim Routh who was not present at the beginning of the meeting) . 3. Lynden Craven made the motion, seconded by Doyle Stout, to approve the Minutes of the Randolph County Planning Board meeting of July 10 , 1990 . The motion passed . 4. REZONING REOUESTS A: DELLA FREEMAN , Liberty, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 19 acres located on Hwy 49 in behind Freeman Ford, Inc. , Liberty Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Light Industrial. Zoning Map 03735 . It is the desire of the applicant to use the property for industrial development. Delia Freeman was present at the hearing and told the Board that she made a mistake in requesting the remainder of the property to be zoned Light Industrial . Freeman stated her intentions were to have the property zoned consistently. Freeman added that currently Freeman Ford occupies approximately 5 acres . • There was no one present in opposition to this request . Arlie Culp made the motion, seconded by Bill Dorsett, to recommend to the Commissioners that the rema_ nder of the 19 acres be rezoned to Highway Commercial . The motion passed unanimously. 9: MAX WELBORN , Randleman, North Carolina, is reque: .:'nq that approximately 2 acres located on SR 1926 (Davis Country Road) , New Market To nsh _p, be rezoned from Residential Agri- cultural to Highway Commercial/Conditional . Use. Zoning Map 07747 . It is the desire of the applicant to construct/operate a restaurant . August 7 , 1990 Page 1 T?eJ.born was present a_nd exp_a ine her '.retentions of renovating an old house on the Property to be used for a Family Style Pestaurant that would operate Thursday thru Sunday. Welborn stated that the entire tract of land is approximately 59 acres but the facility and parking would only required 2 acres . Welborn added that she is aware of her responsibilities to meet State Building and Health requirements. There was no one present in opposition to this request . • ' Lynden Craven made the motion, seconded by Doyle Stout, to recommend to the Commissioners that this request be approved . Craven stated that this would be an asset to the Community. The motion passed unanimously. C: JESSIE M. ALLRED ., Franklinville, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 10 acres located on SR 2137 (Hawksview Road) , Providence Township, be rezoned from Resi- dential Agricultural to Residential Mixed/ Conditional Use. Zoning Map 47776 . It is the desire of the applicant to develop an 8 space mobile home park . Jessie Allred expressed his desire to put this vacant tract of land to use. Allred stated he would have lot sizes of over 1 acre. Allred said his well (on the property) pumps approxi- mately 200 gallons per minute. Hal Johnson asked Allred if he was aware of the topography problems on the property. Allred stated that his surveyor felt he would be . able to have this many lots on the property. James Beeson, adjoining property owner , expressed his concerns of pollution to Bull Run Creek and his concerns of what kind of effect this type of development would have on the property values in this area. Beeson expressed concerns of dog problems and his opinion that the land is not suitable for this many mobile homes. Beeson said he had spoken with Rick Hardin, City of Randleman Manager , and Hardin had expressed concerns for possible contamination of Randleman' s Water Supply. Bill Dorsett, Board member , asked Johnson if the Planning Office had received any contact from the City of Randleman. Johnson answered the Planning Office had received a letter, expressing concerns of possible pollution to Bull Run Creek because of topography of site, from the City of Randleman. Bill Dorsett stated this area is primarily a farming community and there seems to be a real chance of polluting Randleman ' s Water Supply. For these reasons Dorsett made the motion, seconded by Phil Brower , to recommend to the Commissioners that this request be denied . The motion passed unanimously. '): W. V. DOYLE ENTERPRISES, INC. , High Point, North Carolina, is requesting that approxi- mately 5 acres located on the corner of Bethel Drive/Belmar Street, Trinity Township, be rezoned from Highway Commercial to Light industrial. Zoning Hap 46799 . It is the August 7, 1990 Page 2 c, = the a > >._ i :int to use the property for _ight industrial -Slevelopment . Red Doyle was present and stated that this location would relieve any possible traffic, noise, etc, problems from his business. Doyle stated that all around this would be a better location for his current business . Bob Grims_l.ey, Lowes Hardware, stated this light industrial activity would be consistent with the adjoining land uses ." No one was present in opposition to this • request . Charles Adams, Chairman, said he lives half way between Doyle' s current location and this proposed location and Doyle ' s business has been no problem for this community. Adams added that Doyle has-been a good neighbor . Lynden Craven made the motion, seconded by Doyle Stout, to recommend to the Commissioners that this request be alaproved_ as consistent with the Land Use Plan for this area. The motion passed unanimously. • • THEO BOWERS , Thomasville, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 75 acres located on SR 1401 (Standing Rock Road) , Tabernacle Township, be rezoned from Re>.idential Agri- cultural to Residential Restricted. Zoning • Map 46794 . It is the desire of the applicant to develop a site built residential sub- division of 35 lots . David Blankenship from Callicutt Surveyors representative for Theo Bowers told the Board Mr . Bowers has had a stroke (3 weeks ago) and was unable to attend. Blankenship said this would be a site built subdivision with a deed restriction of approximately 1300 to 1500 sq. ft . minimum house size. Don Collins, adjoining property owner , told Board of an agreement he has with Bowers for approximately 10 acres of this property. • Collins stated that if he purchased the property he would not want to be restricted against farming the land. Hal Johnson explained to Collins that RR Zoning would not affect farming uses. Alvin Myers, adjoining property owner , stated his opposition to this request for the following reasons: *This many houses would be a drastic density change for the community, *problems possibly caused by dogs from this development, *people trespassing on his property, *motorcycle and hunting problems, *his cows possibly getting out into the development, *land in this area is normally sold in large tracts, *and problems caused by added traffic to this August 7 , 1990 Page 3 narrow road with two bridge; . Charles Jester , neighboring property owner , e::--?pressed concerns of perking problems in the area for septic tanks. Jester added his concern of the small branch being contaminated that cross' the property. Ed Leaks owns property down stream from this proposed development expressed his concerns of portions of the property being in a flood zone . ;rade Myers, adjoining property owner , feels iroposed development would be too drastic of a change for the community. Myers said this type of development would be splitting in half a nulet rural community. Darrell Summey, adjoining property owner, told the Board it took. 2 years for him to get a septic tank permit from the State. Summey added concerns of fire protection for this many houses and over crowding of schools for this many more children . Arlie Culp made the motion, seconded by Lynden Craven, to table any decision on this request until the health of Mr . Bowers improves. The motion passed unanimously. F: DIVERSIFIED FURNITURE INDUSTRY, INC. , AEheboro, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 23 acres located at the end of SR 2341 , Cedar Grove Township, be rezoned from RN/RA/LI to Light Industrial (LI) . Zoning Map 07558. It is the desire of the applicant to use the property for industrial purposes. John Megerian, Attorney at Law (representing _ Jim Maness) , described the property of being rough 23 acres, served by a State Maintained Road, with an existing light industrial • business . Megerian stated this property exists in a high density use zoning with substantial light industrial adjoining uses. Megerian stated most of the surrounding residential structures (not all) are rental properties. Megerian stated that his inter- pretation of zoning is continuing to expand industrial zoning were it exists such as in this case. Megerian stated there are no problems of access, drainage, or sewage relative to this property and his client desires to continue to maintain the same good character in this community. Hiram Marziano, Engineer , discussed feas- ability of the State paving the road. Marziano said the State is willing to pave the road but has run in to problems having every land owner (on this road) sign over right-of- way rights. Marziano described the develop- ment as 100 ' x 75 ' building existing with a proposal of 100 ' x 150 ' addition. Marziano added that only approximately 10 acres is suitable for development (the east and north- east sections of the, property is not suitable) . Bill Dorsett expressed his concerns of traffic added to this narrow dirt road with a sharp curve. Dorsett said he had concerns of safety for children. Dorsett said approximately 12 residences were located between the site August 7 , 1990 Page 4 (::.seated at the cLleaA end of the road) and Business Highway 220 . Chesley Thomas, adjoining property owner , stated that he has lived at his residence for 35+ years and that the State would not pave the road because his neighbors won ' t sign over the right-of-way. Thomas said that if this �.- was rezoned more mills could be built at the end of th:i.s road. Thomas and his wife told the Board of their poor health and their opposition to all the dust Problems on this road. Thomas stated that the business is not a nuisance but with the current level of traffic the dust is a severe Problem. Arlie Culp, Board member , said that the Furniture Company should put up a bond to allow the State to pave the road. Culp said if the Company put up a bond the residents could not stop the State from paving the road. Arlie Culp made the motion to recommend to the Commissioners to app=2. this rezoning but added that the road does need improvement. Maxton McDowell seconded the motion and the • motion passed unanimously. G: CLICO , Asheboro, North Carolina, is request- ing that approximately 20 acres located on SR 2611 (Grayson Byrd Road) at the intersection of SR 2611/SR 2610, Grant Township, be rezoned from Residential Agricultural to Residential Mixed. Zoning Map ##7791. It is the desire of the applicant to develop the property with an 18 lot manufactured housing subdivision. Phil Craven was present representing CLICO and told the Board that this property adjoins a 17 unit lease parking. Craven stated that this would be 18 lots sold for owner occupied mobile homes . There was no one present in opposition to this request . Lynden Craven made the motion, seconded by Bill Dorsett, to recommend to the Commissioners that this request be approved , as consistent with the land development plan. The motion passed unanimously. H: PHIL HENLEY , Asheboro, North Carolina, is requesting that approximately 21 acres located on SR 2605 (Iron Mountain Road) , Franklinville Township, - be rezoned from Residential Agri- cultural to Residential Restricted. Zoning Map ,'#7781 . It is the desire of the applicant to develop an additional 17 lots to the site built residential subdivision Woodridge Estates . Phil Henley was present at the hearing and stated that this would be an extension of Woodridge Estates with the same deed restrictions applying. There was no one present in opposition to this request . Arlie Culp made the motion, seconded by Doyle Stout, to recommend to the Commissioners that this request be approved as consistent with the Land Use Plan for this area. The motion �..r passed unanimously. August 7 , 1990 Page 5 DONALD LANIER , Asheboro, North Carolina, is reueoting that approximately 62 acres located on SR 1163 (Tot Hill Farm Road) , Cedar Grove Townhi'ip, be rezoned from Residential Agri- cultural to Residential Restricted. Zoning Nap ,x7639 . It is the desire of the applicant to develop a site built residential sub- division . Donald Lanier was present at the hearing and told the Board this clevelo:otient would be for site built housing of not less than 1100 sq. ft . per unit. Lanier stated that the back 16 acres of this tract could gain access from the Asheboro Airport (possibly) in the future and if so the access into the development would be closed off . Harold Sanders told the Board that he sold this property from his family estate to Lanier and that this request is consistent with his invision of development for this property. There was no one present in opposition to this request . Maxton McDowell made the motion, seconded by • Lynden Craven, to recommend to the Commissioners that this request be approve.d as consistent with the Land Use Plan for this area. The motion passed unanimously. 5 . The meeting adjourned at 5: 23 D.M. NORTH CAROLINA RANDOLPH COUNTY Planning Director /99'0 Uw' Date Cie r/Secretary '4 0* a im . ,v : i»% August 7 , 1990 Page 6