08AugustPB - Special Meeting • CAQMINUTES 1710RANDOLPH COUNTY PLANNING BOARD August 14, 1990 There was a meeting of the Randolph County Planning Board on Tuesday, August 14, 1990, at 7 :00 p.m. , in the Commissioners Meeting Room, in the County Office Building, 707 McDowell Road, Asheboro, North Carolina. 1 . Chairman Charles Adams called to Order the Randolph County Planning Board meeting at 7 :00 p.m. Chairman Adams explained to the public that tonight the Planning Board was serving in its capacity as the Zoning Board of Adjustment . Final decisions for Special Use Permits rests with the Board of Adjustment and are not forwarded to the Board of Commissioners as in Rezoning requests. 2. Hal Johnson, Planning Director, called roll of the Board members: Charles Adams, Chairman, present; Aweilda Little, Vice Chairman, present; Bill Dorsett, present; Lynden Craven, present; Jim Routh, present; Doyle Stout, present; Phil Brower , present; Arlie Culp, Alternate, present; and Maxton McDowell,_Alternate, absent . 3 . Bill Dorsett made the motion, seconded by Jim Routh, to approve the Minutes of the Randolph County Planning Board meeting of August 7, 1990 . The motion passed. 4. SPECIAL. USE PERMIT REQUESTS : A: CLIFFORD YOW , Asheboro, North Carolina, is requesting a Special Use Permit to develop a 3 space mobile home park on approximately 5 acres of land located on SR 2828 (Miles Moffitt Road) approximately 600 ft. from end, Grant Township, Zoning Map #7679, Zoning District RM. Clifford Yow was present and explained to the Board that he currently has 2 existing mobile homes on the property and wishes to set-up a third mobile home. Yow added that the property is located next to a mobile home park . There was no one present at the hearing in opposition to this request. Aweilda Little made the motion, seconded by Lynden Craven, to approve this request. The motion passed unanimously. B: DAVIDSON WATER, INC. , Welcome, North Carolina, is requesting a Special Use Permit to construct/operate a water storage tank on approximately 15, 000 sq. ft. located on SR 1620 (Thompson Road) approximately 225 ft. from SR 1619/SR 1620, Trinity Township, Zoning Map #6798, Zoning District LI . Attorney Robert Hedrick was present at this meeting to assist Roger Walker , Project August 14 , 1990 Page 1 Engineer . Walker explained to the Board the proposal to install a water tank of 250 , 000 to 500, 000 gallons . Walker said this would help to control problems of low water pressure in this area of industrial/residential/commercial development and provide added fire protection. Walker stated the area would be fenced and there would be no pump station on the lot. Walker said Davidson Water has approximately 5000+ connections in Randolph County and an additional 1800+ connections in the City of Archdale. Walker described Davidson Water Company as the largest private water system in the United States with approximately 35000+ connection totals. There was no one present in opposition to this request . Lynden Craven made the motion, seconded by Aweilda Little, to approve this request . The motion passed unanimously. C: JAMES MILLER , High Point, North Carolina, is requesting a Special Use Permit to operate a used car sales business at his residence located on approximately .6 acres at the end of SR 1613 (Circle Drive) , Trinity Township, Zoning Map #7708, Zoning District RA. James Miller was present at this meeting and described his proposed business as part-time with approximately 3-5 cars on the property at any one time . Miller stated his plans to bring cars in to fix-up (minor repairs) . Miller said his property adjoins Guil-Rand Salvage Yard. Miller added he would use the existing business for an office and park the cars near this garage (not at the road) . There was no one present in opposition to this request . Lynden Craven made the motion, seconded by Jim Routh, to approve this request as consistent with the Land Development Plan for this area. The motion passed unanimously. D: BEN STRIBLIN , Randleman, North Carolina, is requesting a Special Use Permit to obtain a dealer ' s license to operate an automotive sales business and perform automotive repair work at his residence located on Adams Road (private road) off_ Bus. 220N, Level Cross Township, Zoning Map #7677, Zoning District RA. Ben Striblin was present at the meeting and discussed his plans to operate a part-time car sales lot. Striblin said there would be some car repair work on the cars he sold but not for the general public . Striblin stated he would have approximately 5-6 cars located on the property for the business. Striblin added that he also owns the adjoining 1+ acre tract. Bill Dorsett asked Striblin if he planned to construct a building on this lot for repair work . Striblin said he had no plans at this time . There was no one present in opposition to this request . Jim Routh made the motion to approve this August 14, 1990 Page 2 request with the restriction of no more than 6 vehicles located on the property for this business and no junk car/parts storage. Lynden Craven seconded the notion and the motion passed unanimously. E: JAMES DDGGINS , Denton, North Carolina, is requesting a Special Use Permit to obtain a dealer ' s license and operate an office at his residence located in Farmer West Subdivisions, lot 28, Concord Township, Zoning District RA. (No cars will be stored at the location at any time. ) James Duggins was present and asked the Board to delay his request because his attorney John Megerian was out of town and unable to attend this meeting. Duggins added that he has been approached by two businessmen here in town and is looking in to locating his business at another area. Duggins stated that there are some of his neighbors here in favor and some here against his request. Duggins said in trying to be in harmony with his neighbors he would rather be able to locate his business elsewhere . The Board agreed unanimously to delay action until the request is resubmitted, at which time it will be heard at the Board' s convenience. Chairman Adams asked if there were any citizens present that would like to address the Board concerning this request. Wallace Mitchell, Farmer West Subdivision, told the Board that this development had a list of good restrictions and if everyone (in the Subdivision) would follow the restrictions this would be a nice subdivision for many years. Mitchell added that Duggins has been operating a mobile home supply sales business in back of his home and the neighbors are not in favor of this either . There were approximately 15 people present in opposition to this request . 5. The meeting adjourned at 7 : 24 p.m. NORTH CAROLINA RANDOLPH COUNTY Planning Direc or Date Cl k/Secretary 1 a .r August 14, 1990 Page 3