07JulyBOA MINUTES RANDOLPH COUNT ZONING BOARD OF ADJUSTMENT July 7, 2020 The Randolph County Zoning Board of Adjustment met at 6:30 p.m., on Tuesday, July 7, 2020, Meeting Room, Randolph County Historic Courthouse, 145- C Worth Street, Asheboro, NC. Vice-Chair Wayne Joyce called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m. Jay Dale, Planning Director, called the roll of the members: Reid Pell, Chair, absent; Wayne Joyce, Vice Chair, present; John Cable, present; Keith Slusher, present; Kemp Davis, present; Melinda Vaughan, present; Ralph Modlin, present; and Reggie Beeson, Alternate, absent. County Attorney, Ben Morgan was also present. Dale informed the Vice-Chair that there was a quorum of the members present for the meeting. Joyce called for any old business to be brought before the Board. Hearing none, Joyce asked the Board to move forward with the case on the agenda. Dale presented the case along with site plans and pictures of the site and surrounding properties as follows: VARIANCE REQUEST #2020-00001648 SAMUEL GRIFFIN, Sophia, NC, is requesting a Variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment to allow 1.00 acre lot off of the existing 5.25 acre lot located at 2620 Sawyer Rd Ext in lieu of the 5.00 acre minimum required without the required 100 ft of State road frontage. Back Creek Township, Tax ID# 7734825236. Property Owner: Robert Somero. Joyce opened the public hearing and asked if anyone was present to speak in favor of the Variance request. Hearing none, Joyce asked if there was anyone that would like to speak in opposition of the request. Hearing none, Joyce closed the public hearing for ͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑ Randolph County Board of Adjustment Minutes July 7, 2020 Page 1 of 3 discussion among the Board members and a motion. Dale said the request would allow family members to build on the property. Modlin asked if the property has road frontage. Dale described the property according to the maps available and said he does not have the required State maintained road frontage required to have less than 5 acres and does not allow him to grant the division without a variance from the Zoning Board of Adjustment. He said the Board has shown some flexibility in the past when a family member is involved and regulations cannot be met. Modlin asked if they were planning to build a home. Dale said yes. Modlin asked if they if they would be required to have legal access to the property. Dale said if the Board were to grant the variance, the division will require legal access and shown on a recorded plat which was not previously completed due to the uncertain outcome from the Board and the costs involved if not approved. Joyce reminded the Board of the seven questions involved in granting a Variance which were provided on cards before them. Cable asked Dale if signs were posted for this request and if there had been any calls of opposition for the request. Dale said the signs were posted and as he expected, he has heard from no one. Davis said because this request is for a family member, he sees no problem in approving the request. Davis made the motion to approve the variance from the Randolph County Unified Development Ordinance on the specified parcel(s) on the Variance application, based upon the sworn witness testimony that is included in the minutes, as well as the site plan(s) with any and all agreed upon revisions, that unnecessary hardship would result from the strict application of the Ordinance, that the hardship results from conditions that are peculiar to the property, or that the hardship did not result from actions taken by the applicant or the requested variance is consistent with the spirt, purpose and intent of the Ordinance such that public safety will be secured and substantial justice is achieved. Cable made a second to the motion to approve the Variance. Joyce called the question on the motion to approve the Variance request and the motion was adopted unanimously and the Variance was granted. Having no further business, Joyce called for a motion to adjourn the meeting. Modlin made the motion to adjourn with Slusher making the second to the motion. Joyce called the question on the motion to adjourn and the motion was adopted unanimously. ͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑ Randolph County Board of Adjustment Minutes July 7, 2020 Page 2 of 3 The meeting adjourned at 6:35 p.m. with 15 citizens present. RANDOLPH COUNTY NORTH CAROLINA __________________________ Planning Director __________________________ _______________________________ Clerk to the Board Date Approved by Randolph County Planning Board August 4, 2020 ͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑͑ Randolph County Board of Adjustment Minutes July 7, 2020 Page 3 of 3