020121 Randolph Health Closed Session – February 1, 2021 – Randolph Health At 8:13 p.m., the Board already convened in closed session discussed a matter relating to the location or expansion of business in the area, pursuant to NCGS 143-318.11(a)(4). Chairman Darrell Frye, Vice-Chairman David Allen, Commissioner Maxton McDowell, Commissioner Kenny Kidd, and Commissioner Hope Haywood were present. Also present were County Manager Hal Johnson, Finance Officer Will Massie, County Attorney Ben Morgan, Associate Attorney Aimee Scotton, Deputy Clerk to the Board Sarah Pack, and Clerk to the Board Dana Crisco. Required social distancing was maintained throughout the meeting due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Chairman Frye said that UNC Healthcare had responded to the application for the Rural Health Stabilization Loan. It was the opinion of the committee reviewing the application that American Healthcare Systems (AHS) did not have the financial means to sustain the hospital long term. UNC Healthcare also concluded that the AHS operating plan did not represent a realistic and feasible path forward for Randolph Health and that the current AHS proposal might present a concerning level of risk to Randolph County and the State of North Carolina. They recommended that the Local Government Commission deny the application. At 8:40 p.m., on motion of Allen, seconded by McDowell, the Board voted unanimously to end closed session and return to open session. ________________________________ ________________________________ Darrell Frye, Chairman David Allen ________________________________ _________________________________ Kenny Kidd Maxton McDowell ________________________________ ________________________________ Hope Haywood Dana Crisco, Clerk to the Board 2/1/21 ***This page has been intentionally left blank.*** 2/1/21